Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 27, 1904, Image 8

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Hotel Building....
Without waste of time or words the reason why you should buy
here. The talk we give is business from start to finish. It's
no fairy tale it's real business.
You probably have some place where you buy all of your goods
you just happened to go there and have kept It up ever since.
If the price does not make any difference to you. keep on going to
that store.
If the price'does make a difference and you want to buy the best
quality goods at the least possible cost, the only thing to do is to buy
your goods at Bieber's Cash 5tore. There is not a store in this
county that comes anywhere near meeting our prices. Every store
in the county does extensive credit business, ours is STRICTLY CASH
---that's where the difference comes in.
You run no risk in buying here money back instantly if you
are not satisfied.
Think it over but better yet, talk it over with some fellow wlio
trades here. He knows.
Read Thi5,
We Solicit Busing
Based on Balanecs
op LAkEvinw
CAPITAL STOCK ,50,000.0, 1
Curl Lue came down from tin 7
ranch Monday.
Col. Light Will JllllgO Delimit! iiiinlc
n flying trip ti Pino Creek Sunday.
We learn that Hon. J. II. Homier,
the Cedurvlllc Hunker. Im acrlounly
tloo. T. Mmipiii. tin- Warner ahoep
man, him! IiU Ife were here Tnea- i
Horn. At Pulnloy. Ore.. October J.,
HHM. to tin- wlln of J. S. Elder a
(1 Align ttr.
Mm. Dan Mulov han roturn.-d from IW,,ow " f lve of ,
k i ' - - issss&Tsrss.
plcunant vlnlt. j Thin report it chained a,.,, mik,
Mm. Henry llaiiun ennic down ( "'I" i"h to keep ywrly'nj1
iroill I UIHiev AlllllllMV nun IK l imiinii
friend lii Lakeview.
"VUU Mil I key ban moved in town
from Warner ranyoii, ami ooeiiplen j
till' Jilll Sliclllllg limine, i
'I'la- Palnlcy Font report the
bridge iutomh tlii Cheoaticau river
Weather rnmlii iii.. f... i...
enoe, cut out the report along
iinr, mi, ll in HlTgp
ii'im aner i
Minuter. Tlnit rmird .m i
I " TtuiMlay to end m.b mk u,
Iw'iiin on Wednesday for the trnxt ,
, Oovernn.ejit Wtmlhur Htirwg gl
I'll! j lion t Ori-Kon, j
at IJulnlcy, ohh to tratllc.
Hotel Bunding:... BIEBER'S CASH STORE
STRONGEST LN THE WORLD" The Equitable Life Assurance
-Society of New York..
ASSETS $381,000,000 . J. L. SMITH,
Special Agent
SURPLUS $73,000000
..Lakeview Meat Market..
JOHN WEN PELL, Proprietor
m The Lakeview Mercantile Company
General Merchandise
Water Street - Lakeview, Oregon
If you art' going i!HHt h careful selection of your
route 1h I'HM'iiliul to the enjoyment of your
trip. If it Im it liiiHiiH-MH tifp time in the main
consideration; If a ilUHiire trio, nccnery and the
convenience anil coiufortn of a modern rallroail.
Why not combine all by uning Hie ILLINOIS
CENTKAL. tin- I p-To-Pute Koud. running two
traiiiM dally from ht. J'aiil ami MinucupoIiH and
from Omaha to Chicago, tnn Jleclining Chair
Cure, the funioiiH DufHt-Llbrnry-Smokiiir Cure,
all traiiiM veniibuled. Ticket reading via the
JIIIiioIh (Antral will be honored on theae train
und no extra fare charged. Our rateH are the
Mime n thonc of Inferior row) wbv not get
your uiuuey'H w orth. Write for particulare.
II. H. TKUMIiCLL, Com. Agt.M. ad Ht J'ortland Or
C. Ijndmby, T. V. & I' A. 1'. JJ. Tuomi'mon. J". & 1', A.
14 Third Ktnset, Kooin 1, t.'olenian l'.hljf,
J'ortluJid, Or. battle Wnh.
Lakeview And Vicinity
IJand datife Saturday nltflit.
New line of vIcuiiuh at AhlHtroui
Tainlfy hat a omaeher; now will
y u l good?
Havana und domuHtic clgare at
eltfar factory.
Frank Itoggere wum regititered at
the Hotel rtuuduy.
Judge L. It. WeliMter departed for
Portland Tuesday.
The Muhouh are having the roof of
the hall rejalnted.
Dance and be inerry at the Hand
dance Katurday ulght.
Haniple copie of the New York Trib
une Farmer Ht thi oflice. tf
The hoys had a game of liall Holi
day bt'tweeu picked nlnen.
C. I). llardiMty HH'nt a few Uay in
town durlug the puMt week.
It. J. DeLuuo wiw reglHtored at
Hotel Lakeview laHt Huuduy.
Wni. Burgeu and wife were regli.
tered at Hot;l Lukevlew Huturday.
Uuy your clgare at the cigar fac
tory, where you can get theclioieeiit.
iweivecoru in inch and 8 cord 4
ft. dry wood for mile. Auk at thlM
office. an
j Hay, liaru-rooui and meulM for
I Hale at Caiuan Tralrle. Mim. Mo
' lAMKI..
j John Kcott wa hero Monduy after
: a loud of grain for the I mien ranch
! at 1'alMley.
J. W, OlbbliiM wiu up from I'lnc
Cre!k Saturday v aid took In tin.
: Moore hIiow.
(let your winter underwear at
. AhlHtroui JiroH. they have a large
' UHHortment. '
tirahaiu'B liand will give another
one of their mocIuI dunceti In the hall
Saturday night.
The little mm of Mr, and Mr. A.
W. Ciowau won julte Hick the' foi-e
jart of the week.
Mont of the Juror that were ou
the liarry case departed tor their
bomcM Sunday ufteruoon. I
W. M. Harvey and wlfeand daugh
ter, MliM Jrwle ittarted yenu-rday for
Ohio ou an extended vlttlt.
W. J. MierliM'k arrived her from
Summer Luke Sunday on n bunliieKM
trip. He returned .Monday.
Fn-fl Hartley, who linn worked for
the Arthur boya 3 yearn, atarta for
hln old home Id Texan today.
J. W. Colllim him dirliled to kep
bin thoroughbred buck ou panture
War Iwikevlew until Nov. ttret.
Jeff I'urlMh came over from I'IuhIi
Sunday to nee about Home J J cattle.
Faddy Cooht accompanied him.
' Jock McDonald and wife and Mm.
John SiiniuoiiH wen vlHltlug In
Lukevlew neverul dayn lant week.
Von can get u pair of Hue riding
bootM for ."i and ."i..'iii flret.laH
quality at the Monogram, A hln trout
J. S. McLaughlin and family punn
ed through Lakeview Thurnday ou
their wuy to Salem, when they will
Hpcnd the winter.
We tllulerntaud the wedding helln
are to peal forth their glad tldlngn
next Sunday, but of cuiirne nonamen
can Im mentioned.
Mm. Lafe Steveun i.auie dowu
from l'uliftej liwit wwk. where nhe
him lie(u with her hunbuud, who won
employed ou the bridge.
Wm. Thome wo lu town Katur
day from the Hnuklim ranch. He
exiMfcta to nturt for the denert moou
with the lluulinn aheep.
We learu that Dr. M. C. Hlldo
brund, who locaU-d at New I'lue
Creek hua removed to Kid well, where
he will practice liln rufetnlou.
Xfr. and .frn. K. T. Colvlu aud Mr.
F. E. Harrln and ehlldren left for
Lincoln, Calif., Tuendny. They ex.
ect to remain there neverul inoiitha.
Jim JohuHon, formerly of Alkali,
panned through he e on hln way to
Klamath county hint week, where
nr ttjij maue uuuw ia liiH iuttire.
Kev. J. II. Stark, former pantor of
tin M. E. Church at thin pluce, la
now in Mlchlgau, and not lu Oak
land, Calif., an reported by the
Herald lant week.
j .u.uitauu hit miner are
vUltlng at Mt. Veruou, Wunh. They
will remain there all winter, aud
writ to buve The Examiner neut to
them at that place.
We underntaud Jimmy 1'artm had
...... Am... .1.1.. 1..
"U"' noume ia tanning while out
I oat riding Sunday, but yt,u nhould
not ank a certain fair young lady of
Lakeview what it wan.
M Inn Ada Currier camu drmu froin
Summer Lake Tuenday, and yenter
day atarted for Jlauford, Calif.,
where he will Jolu her futVr W. A.'
Currier, at their California homo.
Mm. W, T. Taylor aud children
aud MImh Sadie liarrlgnu arrived
here Mouday evening from the lUid
Hoiw, oa the ZX ranch, enroute to
Sun Franclnco, where they will
ajHind the winter. J. j. I5,,iin 4f,f,i,
Wwk ending Tuenday, (Ht. Ti, 1st,'
iNijr mai miu. iirmi,, , thu.'
ilaiiou UU XTl
tiiur." jrrjTM jH)l)0" Mj
fripfTSin " r(Mri i
wat'y "ta ;to j O.lHi no s
nun. 4i' oTih) 1ST " . ,
mon. ito a "1)0
tw-n. "7o au j nm "lii
1 i
Meat for Their Labor.
Lnren Kalley and Al Chewy n J
iiiriNHi Facurciay from their vtd'i'
dwr hunt In the Dog lake eoantij
They Indulged in a good ruuedd
boantlng over IW'ull, V.L. 8wti
lug and Harry Jtullcy, who m
hunting in the name locality fur i
wivk without auct!enn. The boti
brought in three flue deer. IV; aj
der are quite plentiful nut tbm !
i they having aeeu one baud of kIhm;
'M, ami neveral nmaller Inuiplai
Tlielr trip win not without aa
lug lucldeut. Ou the llmt (W tb?
returned to ramp after dark to 6w
It occupied by an uuwclc-uine vUttut.
which hud feanted upon tlielr butter
to hucIi au extent that their euppt
wu about exliivunted. The lutnulc
returued a abort time uftor tt i
went to lied, and even nuked ku j
liead into the tent. A aliut frum
of their litle hift flat hern uuough j
the ground to warrant tliehclieltist ,
a w lhh ttt bad Iteeu there. j
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
Abput May 5, 1004. from Moowj'
upjer ranch, iu Tehama toting
Calif., 1 black, borne uiule, T JW
old, 10 hauda high, weight about
UDO poundn, branded H on I
atlfle;' hue Ihhid worked aud lww,i
harnenn marka. 20 reward for W1
return, and if atolen f 100 for odK
tlon of the thU'f. Adilren:
ll. Moonky, owner, TubamM.Cal
43 or Wm. Hauvby, Lakeview, Ore.
Mnt. lt.'N. Fhelpa of I'aUley t j
com pan led her liunbund to i
auM ,aalr M f flNHW
auinmoned here on the JuT, ,
after tuo Jury woa excuaeil Wr. Vs1 ;
Mm. I'helpa Tllte! frlouda bow i j
til Monday, whun they deported W j
tljelr botne. j
Dick Sherlock came over from W j
Saturday, whore ho luut lu cbtf j
the T. 11. Sherlock aheep eurcut j
the railroad. Dick went bock toBD
yeatwrday, uud will aturt the
for Madeline aoou. ;
in ever?' ciV
An i
i cop p cr" rivTcrd I
overalls 1
""' " """curj-
them to the rullroad lu a M lvaforlg.