1 i ; 1 1 . ii 8, v. Rehart will start to St. Louie il(liiy to ttio World's Fiilr. Kent Smith rrturnwl Tuesday from ;,tgli'vlll'. He la packing IiIh lio- mglnH to return then-. jilrH. Aiiol tn Rhorkk-k wns down ruin I'nlslcy first of the wwk, jic oinpinilt'd ty her daughter llessle. Iicy returned Iioiims Monday. Wo understand Attorney Dal- rynipltt cxpwrta to remove to tlic iogue Ulver valley In the near fu iin where he will practlit' law. 0. Hi'lilaK"! started- for the rall- tmul yesterday w ith VV.I. Harvey tinl family who are trolni; East, and f. rritii k I who Ih golnt to San Fran- rim1". 'Mrs. Itosa McDanlel'sas in town fuomiay from Camas l'ralrle, where Lite Iiiih recently erected a feed ltarn inn litr homestead and Is now jre mr'il to keep the travel. I C. K. Campbell and wifecaniedown rfim I'alMley Monday and spent, n roiipl' of days visiting Irlend In Ukevlew. Charley expects to take hi sheep on the desert this winter. I J. N. Watson haa his new resi lience nearly completed. Hou't L..ih . t'lw.wk la nnv 4rtirw irt fLIMA fi t. inched to this fact, further than he tn relieved of the strenuous duty of iiverwH'liiK the construction work. Mrs. and Miss Hchmldt of Clover Hut were Id town yesterduy. Miss Schmidt tins accepted a position as vnltress at Hotel Lakevlew. Miss Doiinell will stay with her sister. Mrs. Loren L'.ayley. lli)j,rh WlUell arrived here Katur Iny from Tonopah, where he went in look for a location. Ills wile Is ut th" home of her parents, Jack Huiiiptou at Hunimer Lake. They will return to Touopah soon. Juilj;e Ilensou and court reporter S. M. Calkins departed for Klamat h KuIIh Tuesday. Mr. Calklus will re turn to his home ut Ashland. 'Clr riilt court convenes at Klamath KuIIh lu about three weeks. Wm. Harvey aud family arrived here from their Hummer Lake farm Stinihiy. They will remain lu Lake rlHv until about the first of next month, when they will go to San Krmii:lw:o for a few mouths. It Is announced that the famous 40 Itttul fraud casus against H. o. Mc Kluley et al, would Is? tried, one in the circuit court JVor. 21, aud two others in the district court Nov. 2t, and Dec. 6, at Portland. .Mt . 1 oivon MiiuOn oxes sow wa bow r I s S00 RAMBOUILLET AND DELAINE From Will be in Lakeview till about October 20. . With 21 years of constant and thorough breeding from the best, Flocks In the United States. v We fan say we haVe f he model sheep of the day for Wool and Mutton. These Rams are range bred, good lie, biocky body, good bone, well covered with density and oil suffl clent to give It weight and life. LAFOLLETT & COLLINS. Now In the Reld Pasture In Lakevlew ,.. , J. A. Anthony starts in the first of next month to furnish lights on the new contract City election comes of next Tues day. Four councllmen and a Town Kecordcr and Treasurer will lie elect ed. No slate has lieen made up yet, but some of the old board will prol ably be urged lo run. The Klamath papers report a fatal accident at the Klamath Canal Co's. tunnel No. .1, on last Saturday a week ago. J. II. W hi taker, a miner, fell to the bottom of the tunnela distance of ft) feet and died of tils In juries a few minutes later. It. C. Foster left for his Summer Lake stock ranch Sunday, after be ing excused Trom further Jury, duty on Saturday. Ralph said he had to hurry home as he had left his son in charge of ranch affairs and lu: was pretty young yet to assume such arduous responsibility. ' Horn, In Ijikejiew, Ore., Sunday, Oct. 2:1, 11)04, to the w ife , of 12. C. Ahlstrom, a daughter. The mother and child are getting along nicely, and Elinor wears a smile so broad that lie has to go through the front gate sideways to keep from hanging on the gate posts. K. Itobnett's team took a little spin through town ast Saturday i without a driver. He left them in j front cl the Hernard store and ihey Ix-came frightened and started run-1 nlug and kicking down the street I toward Headman. No serious dam- age was done. j 1 Willie Boyd, whom we meutioned I last week as having accepted a posl- tlon lu a wholesale drug bouse lu I Kan Francisco, left here Tuesday j morning for that place.. Will is aj very bright young man and quite j popular In Lakeview.' It is to be( hoped he will climb to the top of the ladder, as lie lias made a good star . : To Author of Famous Hymn. j A brans tablet has been placed in the chancel of Farriliam Parish church to ; the memory of Rev. Augustus Mon- ! tnjiu Tonlady. author of the hj n:n. "Rock j uf Agfa." who ei a native of the town, j The Inwr.ptlcn Fiann that Vv. Au- gtiBtua M. l oplaily was bom Novtn her j 4, 1740, il;d In Loudon August 11, 1778. 1 and wan burled In Tottenham Court chapel. London. August 17, 1778. Top lady, who was a strong dclei cir of Cal vinism, a prtat controversleliBt ard au thor of many poems on sacrrd subjects, was atone time vicar of Broad Hemuury, in Devonshire, and in 1775 preached In a chapel near Leicester Fields, London. London Express. . , Railways In' High Latitudes. The moat northern railway In the world is the line from Navlk, In Nor way, across Lapland, connecting the Baltic with the Atlantic and giving ac cess to valuable ore deposits. , It reaches latitude t8 degrees 27 minutes, and thus lies within the A rctic circle. The White Ps.es railroad In Alaska reaches a latitude of 60 degrees. To Cure a Cold in One Day live Bromo Quinine TaMets. t.. -xTii tiomnrnrfl. r the Allen & lfollet Breeding Farm Prineville, Oregon. A HATTER OF HEALTH Oil W j Absolutely Pure IIAS HO SUBSTITUTE Will Deliver Nov. First Mkkkohd, OifK., Oct. 20, 1904. 11. D. Maplesden, agent for the Ore gon Nursery Co., of Salem, Oregon, wishes to announce to the citizens of Lake county and vicinity that he will make his annual delivery of nur sery stock at Lakevlew 011 Tuesday, November first. All who have or dered nursery stock of Mr. Maplesden are requested to meet him promptly 011 that day, as he lias other points of delivery. All who are interested iu trees or plants are invited to visit our delivery grounds near the shoe store. I will be theie ralu or shine; don't forget the date. A valuable premium will by gtven to all who are on hand the day of delivery. All stock left on the delivery ground af ter the first day of delivery Is at the risk of the party who gave the order. Respectfully Yours, 4:J-tf It. IX Maim.khokn. Kotlre mt Appointment, f Administrator. To Whom It May Coxckrk: Notice it! hereby given, that, by an order of the Hon. county court of Oregon, for thi county of Luke, duly made and entered therein on the firut day of October, 1904, the-undersigned wan duly appointed as aduiiniatrator ol the eetate of Timothy Breen, deceased.' All personp having claimaapaincl the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present them du ly verified, with the proper vouchers, w ithin six months from the date of this notice, to the undersigned administrator, at the Law Office of L. F. Conn, in the town of Lakeview, LakeCounty, Oregon. Puted this 13lh day of October, 1904. Philip Lynch, Administrator of the Estate of Timothy Breen, Deceased. 45 Poat &. King have the beat line of 'ci gar in Lakeview. Their liquors ar pure and wholueome, and their place is conducted on the most modern plan 28 Bcanth Slfutsis 1M ivina Toy mw Always twugm A on every tfnrtrt vox c RAMS 7A ri.s rm Spring jls Come and strict attention to business, and square dealing to merit a continuance of your patronage. Respectfully, . 4 mi r ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOMODATIONS SAHPLEROOn For COnriERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT EL LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors TT7 ATT fO TVTiT tr C"TiTT7 aS3i LEE BEALL. Proprietor "5 We have constantly on hand a Fine and Complete Stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Toilet .Articles, Fancy Notions, Cigars, Etc., Etc. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded hrti TftWt F.E.HARRIS. HARRIS Full and complete stock of Everything in the line of FURNITURE 9 it is?np nciLiE?n nnnn c ad. D I vSin A I I THRTI MP ...LAKfiVIEW, OREGON... CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES ! Before Buying General Merchandise J-i!L Bailey S: Massingill II - - . - - he Palace Kestaurant Now Under Nfw Manaijcment..,.. nnnn itnti c Having purchased. the T'alaoe Kestaurant. I intend t I to guarantee the best of satisfaction. fo Gone g and we arc under renewed obligations to ah our many sriends for their liberal patron- age. Ve have in stock and expect to keep i constantly on hand, a complete stock of Hardware, Wagons, Buggies and Farm 7 Implements of all kinds, and hope by 2 J. E. Bernard & Son, j 7 IAlETIiW t , LAKEVIEW, OREQON. E.N.JAQU1SH 3 & JAQUISH ! J n.!lJ; kit. a.. Oa i iRiCSf ClSiiEl.lg DO ll&lZl 31. a inspector mawo stock op . , , , , , , . M it ai'i vnAilnc u i 1 i 683 fl 1 g If I m & , AOJoiNiNiKKi.... . . , . HS.i HAIIVK1AL feAKS SWF AD Ann PASTSV fl