Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 27, 1904, Image 4

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    gate tjj CJxa ntnrt
PwMtelMd Bn ThmrtAy
.On Vir.7. 2.00
fEKMS: 'Sl Month. 1.00
(Three Month. 50
M'A fc
.ue Incb..
To JlM-hr . . .
rtrv liii'h. . .
4uMtr i oiuiun
I'oiunin . . -Jue
Column. . .
I k I mo . t 7
tl t ui e l wo $12 flu
1 n &i T iw H uuj I w'
.; i U i tf
Si tl w UaUH
If ) Sm &.
LAklVltW.OVfOON. t'CT. J,IM.
For Ptesidcnt
Of New York
For N ice-President
Of Indiana
Two freight trnlns collided near
IU'tio on the 2)th, in the hiiow sheds.
The engine and several cam were
demolished aud caught tire. Super
intendeut K. J. Lawn of the S. P. Co.,
dropiied (lend from heart failure
during tlie excitement. Several
freight ram with their content. the
enji'ue am. 20NI feet of hiiow idled
are a total low.
A hrokeu whe- on an ciiKtlioiind
cattle train of ."4 cur caiiM-d the
train to jump 1 lie track on a tiride
aero the Trtickee river, 17 inilew
west of Keito. on tlie lth. and 17 of
the can loaded mUIi cattle were
duilied into tlie river llNI feet Itelow
the lirale. Tlie engine and calooe
aud Heveral earn remained on the
track, tliim Having tlie crew.
The prohibitionists have under
taken to make such a sneeping vic
tory out of the local option law
passed last spring that ' they have
the law in such a muddle now that
there is little liojte of even getting us
much encouragement as they did at
the June election. Radicals were
not satisfied to let the law alone
and permit it to work according to
the intentions of the framers, and
are upt to t tittle defeat for tlie whole
measure as a result of their Inter
ference. The "Mixloc llepubllcan," that
Hounds good, and it is good. Al
turas ahows a progreiMlve spirit. In
starting the third newspaer. Khar
tel k. Allen (that t Felix Allen, well
known here) have launched a new
paper on tlie sea of Journalism. We
acknowledge receipt of a copy of tlie
new paper, and it present a neat
apjteurance. The paier is a six-col.
15 em paper well dressed and ably
edited. Success to you boys, and
may you never wear patched punts,
but we hope oil vl ubleto wear
Nome kind
The Js-ople of Northern Lake coun
ty are jubilant over. the increase in
the frequency of their mall service
from the north. A aix-tlmcs-a-week
ached ule no been ordered by the de
partment Ijetwecn Prluevllle and
Hllver Lake, which was formerly a
twice--week aervlaj. Tliis achedule
give all DorfJera Luke county and
Southern Vt county a dally aer
vlcefrono Hbanlko, the termlnua of
tlie Columbia Hotittieru, to "'Lake
view. J'ahtley and towua north of
there trill now get their Portland
mall from the north la shorter time
than thy bve fonaerJj recelred it
over the western route.
Lakcvicw Public
School Notes
Norn Bryant luw 3 tilt achool and
has gone back to U'rwT,
Some of us who get out at reeetat
attended Miss Sands' lUerary woclety
Frliliiv afternoon. The Ptwi1
! were very good, but wo feel as tlu
i the pupils In there nir rather feltlsh.
We hojie by this time next week
we will have a different hihI Is-fter
looking school mom thmi vf have
at prraent.
We will have our eociety exercise
directly after tiooii h week from next
The pietni-s of lnth the demis-rat-
t 1 w.i.nt.!:.!!. ii mi it.ri.ln titu (i ir tinw.
! idetit and viee-pr. lent adorn our
j wall.
i Our cls-k certainly I" tired of u,
j ; for It in Just before time lo take
j! up win ol every morning.
We now have 22pupllslnotirriKim.
i I The well haw U-en cleaned our, which
is certainly a great iniro emciit to
tie water.
Roberts-Kunz Nuptials.
Fort .luncn, Calif.
On Velnedny. (Kt. ll'th, 1!4. a
clear ky projihettied good luck and
liai)inetK for Mi Bertha M. Kunx
and Enuuitt I. UolM-rtH. who lirht
ed vowm at 12 oclock in the pnnenre
of the tamllieti and intimate frientln
nHHemlile In the hundome home of
tlie hride'H parents. Mr. and Mrs,
F. Kunz.
A more lieaut iful waon ftr their
""ninK hme wedding could not
have Ihh'U m-ltn-ted liy
these young i
M'iple, whose clmice of
Indian summer eualiU' tin
I II I'H i-
scene of
the happy occasion to le decorated
witii the exuuisite russet colnriii'-s 1
of a iitiimu. in contrast to tlie pro
fusion of flowers that lieloiij; to full
Only in the parlor, where n can
opy of wl Ite satin rilihou had Is-en
j arranged for the liridal party, wus
there any suggestion of the white
and green combination still so ,.
ular for weddings. Smllax was pro
fusely twined and woven in the bay
window, with handsome ferns artis
tically arranged in the corner. As
a background to tlie bridal party it
was ijuite perfect.
Miss Kunz made a charming, state
ly bride In her soft rich role of white
silk falling in folds upon folds to the
length of the regulation train. A
deep rounded yoke of enjulsite lace
moderated the suggestion of serenity
in the ailnple straight lines of the
costume. A shower honuet of white
carnation aud maiden-hair fern seem
ed truly Appropriate In their delicate
refinement. To the accompaniment
of the familiar wedding march, ren
dered by the groom' sister, Mrs.
Mather, the bridal partj- entered the
pailur. Tub biuie tea ui ng upon the
arm of I er father wus followed by
the groom escorted by his mother,
and Miss Lizzie Kun., sister of the
bride, an bridesmaid, and Win. bur-!
ton its liest man. liev. W. P. Mc-i
t Husky read the w ords of the sen Ice I
with beautiful and illlplenHive liieaii-1
'. l"g.
. i ., ,, i
Vfl"r ' ""'.tulations and best j
wishes ol all present, the htniliiN ( ,f ; ''Y k!iven Hist In ciaiiplimicu with ,he
- gi, ....'er-ac;,
rooms and all repaired to the dining
' room, w here an ela b..r.. f .. i
breakfiist was served, the rooms I
being ls-aut if ully decorated In pink
and white. '
In the evening the band and man
of the young tieople aereuaded the
young couple, after which Mr and
Mrs. 'Uobcrta drove out to their
home In thn vnlU.v whuM l(
Koberta f a- moat prMie'roua1 fari
aWttk . y IM tad ha bl aian faaiW
. , I Iff'-
Up to-date 5tyle and Price the Lowest
v i:
Project NN'as Not Feasible.
Lincoln Shaver, chief elifc-lneer of
the Shaver Transportation Co.. of
Portland. Oregon, has len In the
city the last few days looking over
the possibilities of placing a steam
boat upon the lake. Monday he in
company with ieo. Jaminerthal.
went to the lake and examined tlie
same, to find a suitable lauding.
Air. Shaver finds It Impossible to
get nearvr than S inllen to tlie city,
and Id view of this fact does, not
think tlie project leasable.
Hovcever, he doex think a smull
launch for excursions, would be n
paying project and he will ho report
to his company.
Xo doubt by next year, they will
have a launch running Kiid the eo
ple will have the opportunity of
U?ltllll I IHF tllatll f X it iil If I- II III II tl Mill'..'
able excursion around the lake.
There ire numerous places of In
terest, and scenery beyond descrip
tion that can lie reached this way
ou the West side that are practically
unknown now.
Reward of f2,000.
The Woolgrower Assis-lutiou of
Lake County will organize perma-
i nently next mouth, t'ntll such time,
i 1 1 k'tve a rear.l of f I'.lMH) for the
IX I I T'T I (1 1 1 II CI Ml II I Hill UI f 1 11 )flrl
or urtMM guilty of inaiiiiliiK tr kill-'
lug sheep Is-loligilig to mem Iters of
the temporary organization.
IS. IS. ClIAMll.Klt.
w.Ml Mot: lid ymm Vet ImkI
It Help All Mk Mrttrul t ntal
liave I t'twiTlie Klht W.ird' nsi i-r ay
liavc I Hlll It Cnrrwilyr rtnu ucr av
c'DMuitlng &jmu Wurii. piftiauii to Hs-u
Utbh-ntuceriramatical? E1HD oi-t av
mu uiaMHmr.,. .......
ttt ft) and
u n riuperir conatroeiMlT rtaooer ar
loumuinuf Kuiea ol Cuoairavtloa.
I'k ai
H IPanetnatMl It CorrctlyT... nKDonar
ComulllDf Ho toPanetuateCorTwrtlr...
M !' 11
H ft rtrrmt If, ?t1t?. nit av
t'ouaulllnc Rulu of Blrle and CoiuimmIUiid
fair aud
TbU Volum IimbUo Fuf ma ol Addrm. Slips
of th Tongue and run; AbvralaUon in Cum
uion t A lU tlonar;o( Quotation. aud much
other mliHwIlaneoua matter of great value.
BOI NP IN LKATlltK MA I'agca, ntallnd for
M rent In atampa by
t.t., M. OI.UIIKA fit,
lt Muurmr hi.. 4 ItM-ags. Ill
Timber loid ikotire.
Pnited Mutes Land Ollice I.ukcvieu
0reB..i, Aiiiiiihi 17, 1IHM. Nutice ii here'
lands in the Siaies of California. Ore.
Vi.....,!,. ...1 U ... r . . ..
----"--- " " Jrrnory,-
an exieiiiiuo io all the miilio Laud
rilata iiyact of Auuunt 4, lHUi. claromw
n. iiiHiciier, of lireckenndKe, ctiuntf of
Wilkui, Male ol Minn., ha lihul in
office hia tworu uteineut No. l.rxi4 l,r !
the ptirchaatt of the E of E of Ktwv
ooii wo. a m j p. a Kautie 16 E ,
W. M., and will offer proof to aliow that
the land aooght ia mora valuable for iia
timber or atona titan for eurioultural
purpoaea, and io aaiauliah hia claim to
aid land below Geo. T. Baldwin, Co.
Jndxa at hi offioa'at Klamath allt,
(reaon, the W dar of Noveaiber. 1W04.
Ha name witneatea: O. T. Me
Kandree, of Olete, Ore., Elmer Walter,
U. Jr. ln.coll and J. 0. liamakar ol
bonaoia, Ore on. Anf and all feraona
claiming adeeraely the abova-deacribad
lanutar raqoeated lo Bla tnlr claitct
in tii(a ttffioa on or before taid 8rd day of
November, lum.
Aug.2ft-43 J, N.Wat-ok, Keglater.
I " '
V now have a lare stock of Fall nd Winter
Vry Goods Come to our store and jjet the latest
styles and make your selections before the floods
have been ieked over. The Vail and Winter styles
arc something new and of elegant pattern.
We're Out
To Win
Your Patronage
The Mammoth Stables
Wm, R. HtKYFORD, Proprietor
After August 1st we
stable on a level with an
Oregon. We have purchased all the rijjs, stock, 1
etc., and are now ready
patronage. You will be
ful drivers and pood
tions for commercial travelers.
For 5ale.
One net of l." volumes of the Ainer
IcanliK'd encyclojM'dla Hrlttanica, as
good as new some of the volumes
having never U"en oiened fiir sale1
for one-half the first cost. Inquire
at this ofllce. tf
A Chance lor 5peculator.
S IIOOL LAM. 2S0 acre of level
unimproved aicriiMiltuial IhikI fur ale
rliean. 1'iwriptuni : SW,', Sg
NK.'aad NW'4' ol SK4', tvtrtiiai 10,
Tp..:il S.. K. 19 E. W. M. Thin l n
desiralile piece i.f land, lucated in(itMe
Lake valley and bl tnaku aonis man a
KihkI ranch.
tlaal rrMif
ijmj utlice at lakevi, Oruiioii,
, SepiemlsT 1, liHM. Notice ia iierebv
, "'" n""',:e "f f'ia intenlion lo make
I final pruof in aupsrt of .hia claim, and
that aaid prisif ill he niade Is-fuie tlie
,,.,.ul,ru" "ir the
")i 01 Bn'j and H ' of 8 W i Nec iiii,
Tp 40 K K 22 K, W h(. He i.aiuea the
lollowinir witneaaea to prtive hia cunUn-
poua reaiuetice upon and cultivation of
aid land, viz: Edward Monroe, Edward
McXNmnauRliy, L. K. Billupa, and hoy T.
Knelliim, all of ki. iiidaull, ( lffra.
t-petf J. ft. Watmox. lUjjjinier1
lakeview Cigar Factory .
A. Ktohkman, prop.
Maker of
Havana and
Domestic Ciirars
cot'MKV caiii iiH hi.i.ii lien
iive uh a trial. Slot,.
ill tlie brick
lui(i ., .. .", .:', "
' i l l V
I aeview, Oregon.
' npw uiKin r-1 r-.
j -
Drug store
faadlti. Nate, Ogara,
IVagfMa AaadrUa,
"walr, PaHitaaja, . ,
atatkMary, NatMsaa, Etc.
Haw Fiaa Cnk, Or(aa.
Pine Creek, Oregon
will endeavor to place this 11
v and all stables in Eastern U
for our share of the public's 11
assured of pood rips, care-
stock. Sjiccial aceomoda fi
Reeder - & - Barbarick
(ietirral i:W'kiuitliiiiK
Nr hhr, f2.00
All Wirk Guaranteed .
Our priuet ate alwayt tlieatnte
the year round.
First Class
....... : '"
Building liaa lieen Enlargml
T Accoiuudate a Large TrtuV
Dininp Service
rowrsT rizsi:RVp: scrp
Mold uts, Additional crip;
Military Warrant
and oi In r klii'la ol
Land Scrip For Sale
Jf you want Government tiiultfj
lundH, get a t'ttle by Jocuting
Herip. Write for price,
5printfil., ... MlMOU"-
Tor lafft&U aid Ckildrea.
fiaarc ti