Jpffe mi mint VOL. XXV. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1001. NO. 42, tea- I LATEST IN STOCK NEWS Bett :r Prices are Being Paid For Fat CattleBuyers are in a a s . m main wouniy. I SHEEP TRANSFERS THIS WEEK K. M.' Green returned a few day ago from driving thu 70 la-ef to Ga zelle. Mr. Green Informs tin tlmt he Ihih about 400 ticaJ of 2-year-old steers and tut cow s to dlcpoae ot yet aud Ih on a deal with Swuiimoii for tlii'in at i" centa for the steers deliv ered at Merrill, where SwanHon will feed. Mr. (ireeD met tlte band of beef be longing to the ranchers down the vuller ou their way to Gazelle, anil they had not aold yet. Geo. M. Jones of Paisley and Jack Tart In of Hummer Lake drove about WO head of cowiAud ateera to Merrll where they Hold their mra to Swauaon at -5 cent per Itt. Mr. Pnrtln disponed of Lla eowa also. F. P. Grohs of Laugell valley aold bin steers delivered at Gaxelle to W. D. Duke for Miller & Lux, at G cents, and for eowa, all that 'would welch .VKI pounda, he received $20 a head. s. r. Dicks and Frank Bauera drove their cattle to Gaielle where I hey Hold their steers to Edisou for " ceutM. They will probably ship l lie row 8 to a coiiiiiiIhmIoii house. Akiu, SwatiHon, fierlter aud Bird hiv now buying in Klamath county. Jllrd Is buying feeders. I!. Daly receive I a telegram from P. M. Miller yesterday stating that tlie 400 7T eowa were Hold at Gaxelle or 4J( cent. It la believed that real fat ateera now will brlug an high as 7 cent, but thia class of cattle Is acarce. Mwt of the eowa will go to commission bouses. U'lllla Seammon aay he ha got up aoine borne aud tuulea, aud la waiting for a buyer. C. Finder, the Warner sheep man etuue to Jikeview Sunday after another bunch of those thorough bred bueka. Mr. Kiaber haa'lwen buying more aheep, aud Intend to breed then'i op by using thorough bred buck. Hebought 1 head from Lufollet & Colllna. 1. H. (J rove ia here from Cedar vllle. He u expectlug to make a purchase of 2000 head of atock aheep Iroiu S. B. chatidler. L. A. Moss eipects to leave soou 'ur Montague with about two thous and head oAnuttou aheep. About 1'ilf of tuein belong to Hon. S. P. M.JH. Walter aud Thoa. Sherlock weut to Bly lost Friday, to look atToiu'e nmtton aheep. Walter will take uumtof the 2000 head to Kan Fran, '"'wo, to the Don-Dlggs Co.. to lie "Uiightered: Mr. Grant Wilcox of Hed Blnff.Cal., '"if bought from Messrs. Mow ami sinlers about 2000 head of mutton uud feeders for future delivery to the s Francisco market. J' Keuuey wua at Merrill Monday '''Niitied for Montague with KOO '"Ml ton sheep some of which were ''J'u the Harvey floeka and we "'derstuuil will be consigned to II. 'vy. 'r. Aatnua Touulugacn acting In "w Interest ol 1L Levy of Hau Fum 1 at Montague aud adjacent of stock being consigned to his house. W. A. and Thoa. Sherlock returned from Hly Monday. Walter bought 1100 head of aheep from Tom, and will ship the remainder tothe,com miaalon houae of Don Biggs Co., San Francisco, lie paid $2.25 tor thoae he bought. Mr. Walter Sherlock left Wednes day morning for, Madeline accom panied by Mr. A. Franaen of Keno, who ia repreaentlng U. M. Slater aheep butcher of San Francisco. We will aay incidental to Mr. Fran aen 'a vlalt that hla peralatent at tempts to trade with sheepmen here were unaucceaaful Inaamuch aa he received little encouragement from a trader'a point of view also that there seemed a manifest reluctance to "let go" In the face of a steadily rlalug wool market and a general confidence In the future market well established or not we can not now aay on account of its present treacherous condition. We are Informed by Inspector Smith of the movement In the nearj i OFFICIAL Five Parties Secretary of State Dunbar has made up the form of the official ballot for the Presidential election next month. Opposite the names of each set of candidates for Presidential Electors the names of the candidates for President and Vice-President are given. In the caae of the People's party candidates the Initials of the candidates are not given for the reason that only the surnames were given In the nomi nating petition, aud the Secretary of State must follow the records as he finds them. The form of the ballot is as follows: ' , ' FOR ELECTORS FOR PRESIDENT AND 12 U. li. Dim Mit'K. of Clackamas county Republican 13 Jamks A.. Fkk, of Umatilla county Republican 14 J. K. Hakt, of Polk county Republican 15 A. C. HotJoii. of Josephine county Republican ltf Thomas H. Ckawfokd, of Union county Democratic 17 W. B. Dim.aki, of Columbia county Democratic 18 Wai.tkk S. Hamilton, of Douglas county. ..Democratic 19 J. A. J icrKHK y, of Marlon county Democratic 20 J. 11. A.Moa, of Multnouian county Prohibition 21 LKai.iK Butliju, of Wasco county Prohibition ,22 W. P. Ki.mohk, of Linn county Prohibition 23 T. S. McDaniki., of Multnomah 24 C. W. Bau.kk, of Wasco county.. 25 William Bkahii, of Clackamas county., Socialist 20 J. C. Hkuiunoton. of Multnomah county Socialist 27 S. H. Holt, of Jackson Socialist 28 J. L. Hill, of Linn county Peoples 20 L. 11. McMaiiaw, of Marion county Peoples SO pTlC. Phki.I's, of Malheur county Peoples 31 G. F. Hthmitlkin, of Jackson county Peoples A New Kind of Fence. John R. Hammond, a former res ident of Lake county, and who yet owns property at Paisley, arrived In lakevlew last Friday evening froui Reno, where he has resided the past to years. Mr. Hammond is ex- tcnalvely interested iu mines in Cal ifornia. He Is associated with his brother uud other prominent mining men, and It U said they own a val uable mine. Mr.' Hammond" Is nlso interested in the Pacific U. S. Fence Co., a corporation i eeciHly organised at Reno. The company mauufac- tures a wire fence that is proving to be sujterlor to any yet put up. The wires ure smooth. s to barbs, but re kinked, ur wavy, made so In order to give the fence Vlastlclty, the wire belug spring steel. Tho fouce w hen completed Is almost unbreak- able, either by aulmals coining In violent vontact with It or by ex future of n. numlxr of cattle drives from the Wbod Klver country which will neceHslte Ills la-lug in the vacln Ity of Klamath Falls next week. Mr. Geo. Phillips of Red Bluff, Cat., croased his sheep Into Modoc county last week. They go Into feed lots at J lied Dluff preparatory to condition- . Ing for the Friseb market about February. ' j Zac Whltworth Is on his way to I the deaert with his sheep. Zac left the sheep at the Loveless corrals Tuesday and came to town. Mr. Shampagne and Mr. McCulley left for Silver Iake where they ex pect to buy some mutton. Frank Bloomingcamp and Jim Reddldg of Wy, left town after try ing In vain to get hold of a bunch of mutton sheep. J. H. Colllna gave us a list of sheep men who bought bucks this week and the number each one purchased. C. Fisher of Warner valley, 10; Geo. Hankins of Summer Lake, 10; E. Casebeer, of Uly, 11; Owen Mc- Kendree. of Bly, 14 Pete Grob of j PRESIDENTIAL Will be Voted For in Oregon This VICE-PRESIDENT OP TUB UNITED STATES: county. .Prohibition Socialist For President: EUGENE V. DEBBS. For Vice-President; .. BEN HAN FORD. For President: WATSON. F'or Vice-President: T1BBLES. pansion and contraction caused by heat and cold. The kinked steel wire remedies a- defect In thestralght wire fences which causes it to con tract with cold and break aud be come expanded by heat and get slack, allowing the stays to full out. The fence will turu the most vicious unlinal, as when It lunges against a well made fence of this make the animal Is suddenly thrown back ward by the spring in the fence. The stays can be placed either close together or far opart, to suit tlie needs or taste of the builder. As many wires can le uaed us is desired, making a hog, or even rabbit tight fence, aud posts can le placed a long t,r abort distance apart. When the wire stays are put In place an Iron clamp which fastens the wire stay to the fence wire makes a solid lucsh that cannot be spread by hogs or oalve poking their bends through as Lakevlew, 20; Geo. Fitzgerald of Warner, 10; J. S. Eleld of Lake view, 4. In Litigation. Through Its attorneys, Colvlg and Durham, ways the Klamath Express, the Klamath Falls Irrigation Co. (the Henly Ankeny Ditch Co.) filed a complaint Monday In the Circuit Court hera asking for a ierpettial in junction and $5000 damages against the Klamath Canal Co. because the latter corporation has trespaased upon the right of way pf the former corporation, and has placed enor mous quantities of earth and rock, covering a distance of more than 500 yards, along he right of way of the Irrigating Co. This, the complaint alleges, has made it difficult, and In many places Impossible for plaintiff and Its employees to go along the line ot its said ditch and use teams thereon neceaaary In repairing the same or in widening aud increasing Its capacity. On Tuesday Sheriff Obeiichain served a temporary Injuuctlon order Issued by Judge Benson n the Klam ath Canal Co ' BALLOT. Election. Vot For Four. For President: THEODORE ROOSEVELT. For Vice-President: CHARLES VT. FAIRBANKS. For President: . . ALTON B. PARKER. For Vice-President: ' HENRY G. DAVIS. For President; SILAS C. SWALLOW. ' For VIee-President: GEORGE W. CARROLL. la the case with other smooth wire fences, and when one wire Is broken It does not slacken on either side of the stays and can be easily repaired. The necessary tools for building and repairing the fence go with the ma terlal. This fence also relieves tlte anxiety of tho farmer who ts always having a horse cut up or ruined on a barb wire fence, or his favorite cow ruined. The barb wire Is a danger ous fence and bus resulted in con siderable loss to stock men. Mr. Hammond put up a sample of this fence Monday ou the south side of Hotel Lakevlew, and its merit can bo Investigated by any ouu. To Start Perfume Factory. E. 1). Lut of Silver Lake has lauucbed a new ludustr. He has a large number ot pet skuuks, aud it ts presumed that his iuteutlous are to J atart a perfume factory, DISPOSED OF FEW CASES Ben Warner Escheat Case Settled at Last Warner Valley Case.. Still Being Argued BARRY CASE REOPENED TODAY Court convened Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The case of John Brautlacht was called and defend ant was turned over to the county court. KJs case has not yet been de cided, .but the county Judge will probably commit him to the reform school this week. His bebavler there will decide the length of his term. The list of jurors was called and , the first day was mostly spent la empaneling a jury for the Barry case. Seven jurors were secured out of the regular drawn list, and a new list was drawn Monday evening and a deputy sent out to summons them. The case will be resumed this' morn- ' Ing at 10 oclock. , . During Intervals the case of the State of Oregon ve. the Warner Valley Stock Co., was heard, which case Is being presented upon demurrer to complaint. Attorney General Crawford and JuUge Watson of Portland represent the plalntiffH, Judge Watson being special counsel for the State, while C. A, Cogswell represents the War ner Valley Stock company. Warner Valley Stock Co., vs. Ton nlnguen," demurrer withdrawn by defendant aud leave given to answer. Warner Valley Stock Co., vs. Tay lor, demurrer withdrawn by defend ant and leave to answer given. Tuesday morning the case ot the State vs. John Hall, (colored)' Jor larceny was called. Dalrymple was appointed by the Court as! for defendant. Defendant plead guilty at 10 o'clock and was senten ced to one year In the penitentiary. In the matter of the estate of BenJ. Warner deeeased, t al;j. the State of Oregon: The case was tried Sat urday without a Jury. The heirs re cover 7000 from the State of Oregon. J. C. Telrsol of Monroe City, Mo., J. D. Venator and W. A. Wllahlre represented the plaintiffs and V. Jx Moore District Attorney represented the State. State of Oregon vs. A. L. Howell, passed for term. Fifteen new Jurymen arrived here last evening from the northern part of the county. The first venire, ex cept those regularly empaneled, were discharged for the term Tues day by J uidge Benson. 'It. O, Foster, T. B. Wakefield, W, It, Bernard, J. S. Brauch, Leo Emer son, Eldon Woodcock, S, J. Studley, are the Jury empaneled lu the Barry case. Now at College. The following list ot students from Luke county now at tho Agricultural College at Corvallla was scut us by Prof. J. It. Horner, who states that they are progressing nicely, and ho urges that more ot the Vltd be scut. He saya the quality Is satisfactory, and he desires more ol the kind: Ruby Foster.... .......... .Summer Lako Mae Harris ...;,..,. " Robert O. Honllug Silver Lake Irvlu E. small " " Joseph C. Wright " " Lulu Marie Wright " ' " Olive Isabel Wright " " .. ;' 1 1 1'olnU superintending tlte shipping