' 4 1 it "l BIEBER'S GOOD GOODS Motel HuildiiiK.... E ARE READY TO SUPPLY YOUR SEASON'S WANTS in the grocery line. We have prepared ourselves to meet any and all competition. We want the trade of Every Farmer, Every Stockman, Every Lawyer and Everybody Else. We are here for that purpose. We will prove to you that you can save money by trading here, and we want the opportunity of proving It. BY THE WAY: You'll need some good Underwear or Shoes or Clothing or Rubber Goods, or Dry Goods of some kind. We have a good assortment in every department, and if you don't find our goods better and our prices lower than at other stores, dont trade with us. We have many customers who have traded with us for more than twenty-five years, ---they are trading with us today. We will figure with you on your season's supplies and our esti mates will cost you nothing. We are prepared to handle the largest as well as the smallest orders this season and we want your cash trade. I Hotel Building. BIEBER'S CASH STORE "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" The Equitable life Assurance . -Society of New York.. ONE HUNDRED POLICY HOLDERS IX LAKE COUNTY ASSETS $381,000,000 J- L. SMITH, SURPLUS $73,000000 Special Agent BEEF, MUTTON. PORK, SAUSAGE, E1C, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor . AT PRESENT LOCATED - BUILDING NORTH OF HOTEL LAKEVIEW ipilllllllllllll!) The Lakeview Mercantile Company jj (3) General Merchandise m Water Street - Lakeview, Oregon j fllllllM A BUSINESS PROPOSITION If you arc jjoing east a careful selection of your route is essential to the enjoyment of your trip. If it is a business trfp time Iri Hit.' main consideration; if a pleasure trip, scenery and tin; convenience ami comfortH of u modern railroad. Why not combine all ly using Hie ILLINOIS CENTKAL, ilie Ip-To-Dale llond, running two trains dally from St. I'nul and Minneapolis and from Omaha to Chicago. Free Kecliuing Cliair Cars. tli: famous I'.uffct-Llhrary -Smoking Cars, all trains vcstibulcd. Tickets reading via tho Illinois Central will In; honored on these tralnn and no extra fare charged. Our rates are the na tut' as t how of Inferior roads why not get your money's worth. Write for particulars. I!. II. TKUMJiULI,, ;om. Agt. 142, ad nt Portland Or C. T.ivnsrY. T. V. & T. A. I". 15. Tiiomi-kon, F. & I A. Third Street, Uoom 1, C oleman Eldg, Portland, Or. Seattle Wash. Lakeview And Vicinity Ia'Iiioiis at Ahlstroin ISros. Ben (ilisoii was in town last Sat urday. .loli ii O'Wil was up from l'lno Creek Saturday. L. CJ. Thouow was recruiting: In Lake-view this week. Ira Moshier was a visitor from Cottonwood Saturday. Sample, copies of the New York Trib une Farmer at this office. tf It. II. Hartzog wan up to town Tuesday from the ranch. Jan. Jionham of Summer Lake wan here last Saturday. Harry Roberts came over from Warner last Saturday. Oeo. l'lckerel left for Trinevllle last Saturday with Mr. Lafollet. Dave Edier, the sheepman wan doing business In town Monday. Owen McKendreo was here from Vlstillls last Saturday on business. Isaac Deter and wife were here from near l'lno Creek last Saturday. Miss liernice Case began teaching the Salt Creek Hthool on Oct. 3rd. Joe Bush was whistling In Lake view a few days during the past week. S. T. Cclvlii was in town Monday and made final proof on his home- ! Btead. I W. T. Tuylor of the ZX firm Hpetit a few days In our city last week on hllKlllCKH. E. Keller, the l'lno Creek miller and electric light man was In Lakc- view Monday. We understand that Oeo. T. Love i grove, was (jiiitu sick at the ZX : ra neh last week. T. .1. EaBrle and wife of Silver ; Lake start tlil.s week for the Wlllnm j ette valley on a visit. i lli.b I'.lelow, who has been work- i ! lug for TonnlngHen spent a few days In Lakeview the past week. Miss Elizabeth Moceland of Ash laud commence-. teaching at Crane Creek Monday, October 3rd. (ieo. Storkinanu returned from Alturas, where he nayB he enjoyed the fair very much. He uyn the races were fine. (ieo, llanklns Is In town this week oil business, Chas. Itranch was a visitor In our city Monday. T. II. Wakellt Id came over from Warner Tuesday. Jim McCrary of the West Side was In Lakeview Monday. I (dm ItrllcM was up from the Davis Creek country Tuesday. .1 tin Mi'Shnne came In town Tues day from the sheep camp. A hist rout Ilros. took a load of goods north to deliver yesterday. Ed. .1. Callow, of Ik'iilo, Ore., was In Lakeview this week on business. E, S. Ede, proprietor of the l'lno Creek hotel was In Lakeview Mon day. C. IC. Anderson has taken charge of the l.iukvllle Motel at Klamath Tails. S. T. Moms' team was here "Satur day (or provisions for his sheep camps. ' ). A. Hastings will start this week for Kosalla, Wash., where his family an living. L. A. Carracker ami (Sordini (tur ret t were here from the West Side Saturday. Ed. Lagiier superintendent of the Western stage line went to Klamath Talis yesterday. Walter Heed, the Illy Hotel man brought a load of passengers over from there Tuesday. Miss Nora Bryant of Warner Is stopping with the family of Harry Bailey, going to school. J. Frank!, the San Francisco wpio buyer is here for two or three week looking after business. Mrs. S. O. Cressler Is spending a few weeks visiting with friends and r. datives at Cedarvllle. nert naruor of tne r ranch was In from Warner lirt of the week after supplies for the ranch. 7(K) acres of line fall ami wluer pas ture to let. Will lake horses to winter or stock on shares. lO-.'It W. li. Snider Is acting as deputy sheriff, ami Is assisting sheriff Klnc- hart in posting up the tax books. Howard (lUllllams returned from Alturas Monday evening. He re ports the fair ami races a success. A large stalk of castor beans Is on exhibit hi lleall's drug store, from the II. Ix-ehnian ranch at I 'I ne Creek. (ieo. Bogue wan here from Talsley last week on business. He will soon go to Junction, where his family Is living. The Western stage started upon the winter schedule the first. It Is due here at 10 a. in., but arrives earlier. Dob BlgeE w and Miss Carrie Ton nlngsen went to Alturas last Sun day to visit Jean Tonnlngsen and co the fulr. D. Doom' aiul wife jMsseil through town first of tlld week going to Klamath Falls, having taken 111 the fair In Modoc. Sam Lambert has gone to Klau at It I'alls, where ho will work for C. It. Anderson In the hotel. Sam Is at home In a hotel. Mrs. W. It. Steele expects to start for Portland soon on a visit with her relatives. She will be absent several months. John Fliim, who went to San Francisco with the Sherlock sheep, returned last Saturday, and went on to Summer Eake. Miss Kitten Fine (a Warner left Monday morning fur Perkins, Calif., where she goes to upend the winter with relatives and friends. Ahlslroiu Dros. are taking meas ures for ladles cloaks, Jackets waists and Khlrts etc. They have a first class house, lit guaranteed. Wo acknowledge receipt of a ticket and Invitation to attend tho Sixth lil-eunlal Fruit Fair to be held at Hood IUver on October 13, 11 aud 13. IS YOUR HANK ACCT GROWING? More evidence H hold. inn up e.icli day to chow tlmt (hero is u liic for n mnti.n money. Tin small Having that you deposit will nmoiint to n profit leii I when (lin time (oines for iuvextme nt. Ieonit your Havings with l?IRST NATIONAL IJANK Of I.AM.VII W CAPITAL STOCK 5(),U00.00 WEI Kl.V WEATHER Ml I'OKT. Ilelow We uive n report i.f tin' weitllier mh recorded by tlie ( inveriimeiit wcitthrr Imhciiu Mint 1 1 ii nt The KxHii.iiu r I Illicit, This report it cliitutfed nu ll ci k, und if niir reader wixli In keep It yeiirly record f ucntlicr i-oiiilii ions fur future refcr I'lice, cut nut Ihe reNii t id'iiiu (lie black line inn! pHhle it in a m-iap bunk one week lifter mint her. This iford will ls taken fin Tumilay to end enrh Heck and ht'iiiu on Wednenilay fur tlio next week. (ioVeriiiiieiit Wtather Itiiit'MU Sta tion nt Lakeview, Oregon, C. O. MrrKKH. Iaal Olmerver. Wek fiiitlug Tuesday, Oct. 4, liKU. !y utki jmlii. in--li jan'w rhrlrr lutiiiil lull ul day wed. j 7t i 4J mm ih clear " t iiiir.l 7J J 47 j"o.'(m' m " frid'yj ": " O.iMI I HQ ""' sat'.v f N f;M j o.'imi txf " siin. j 7s 3J(() I IX) " " iiion. Tii-1 4 j it.oti 'fiWrj tuesT 'xi :tJ j ojh) pSi In Memoriam. II. M l. or olilv I'M. nt tp't cii it. :. h, Agnlu tin white winged messenger has entered our Chapter and taken a link from our golden chain to be added to that Immortal chain in the drain! Chapter above, where Heath I'evi r enters and tin' links are never broken. WiiKKKts: Our Heavenly Father has called from us our beloved sister El I lie Jturrus. EiHoi.vi n: That as members of Oriental we regard her death with sorrow and feel that by her removal to a brighter Home, our Chapter has lost a worthy meiutcr. ItKsoi.vni: That we tender our sincere, heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family, and with them mingle our tears of sorrow In the sad event, which has deprived tliein, of a loving laughter aud Hlster, and us, a friend and member. Tim hope, that when tho sorrows of this life are over, Hint they with us, may Is; permitted to greet her, who has only gone before to that land where iH'Utli never enters. No one lii'am thu iluor that ojn'iii Win n ihi y lii'yimtl our call Kofi aa loiMi'iU'il leaven of ri'i Ono by ono our loved onoi fall. Ki;hoi.vi;) That tho foregoing lie spread on tho records of our Chapter, a copy be sent to tho al'eliln of our departed ulster and that It le pub lished In tho local newspapers. Fraternally submitted, MakSm!)i:h Uhv V. WiuoiiuK Conilulttee. CffAH. UmiiaciiJ , F. Uatnnm Wah In town last week and left M this olllco a nam plo of his potatoes. They ire of the "Northern Scout" variety, and are very largo and smooth, weighing two to four pounds each. levi mmss copper rJrcfed overalls Sor 771&I1 vrho J-oJl vvrt'wmvnm in iiiiiih Mm ( "24