Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 06, 1904, Image 1

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d'h fa.
NO. 40.
t, ':
Kllrflhivl'M lire netting I lie (trade
MtllkfH tin- X f fllHl in of till'
Nevada, California At Oregon K. ill
mail, between Mmli'linc mid All ui-ii,
and i( I reported that I In' line will
hi' completed to All H ril i4 t IiIk Winter.
Thin m III bring tin ti nullum of tin
rillil t II (inlllt I'll II few Itllli-M
Mutiili of lli Ot''jX"ii liih', iiinl wit 1 1
III ll'HH lllllll tWcll'e IlilltrH' Htllglllg til
Lnkcvlcw, the luctropolln of Sotith-ffiHti-rn
Un-irmi. Twelve hoiiiV
"taking mcaim lint lit I le mure lliiin
mi hour's rlili' liy mil, ami It I folly
to prcniime that thin rum I, after
building ii through a hard country
nUMCi-ptlhlc i if supplying only a mod
erate amount of Irulllc will Mop nt
tho brink of a region rleli In freight
tralllc unit Munceptlhle of enormonn
-development. Jo Iiiim been several
years since the Nevada, California &
Oregon road In-gnii crawling north-
ward from lU-no, mid ft had inadc
coiiHlderable proreM before It lx
Kan to excite attention iih a poKMllile
highway by which the rich tralllc of
MoiithcHMcrn Oregon could be draln-j-d
lulu a new channel
WJeti the ultimate purpose of thin
line Mcemed plain, the warning wan
Moiimied, and an effort made to Im
.prcttM upon the railroad eoplc the
iieceHHlty of protit'ilng I'ortland'M
lutcrentM In the Held, 'the import
anciMif a Hue through Central Ore
tt'iii htm lieen iiiHilfcwt hIiico F..
Lytic deuioiiHtrated with the Co
lumbia Southern that a vut
amount of tralllc could be dcvcloicil
Ju what miih then aliuoHt a virgin
ileld. The Columbia Southern, while
developing a rich tralllc iih far an It
extended, failed to reach the Im'hI
jmrtof the country, ami the great
limber, livestock and agricultural re
HourccH of the empire Mouth of Shau
Iko are Ht 111 In a mciiiI dormunt Htate,
dimply becauHo they have no outlet
to market. F.xperUof the llarrlmnn
lino have v lulled the Southern and
Central Oregon country mid have
ilMt'U liiipn'MHed with ItH proHpectM.
There Ih little or no iueHtloti about
the certainty of a road lutothecoiin
try proving a dividend-payer, but it
Ih apparent that the railroad men
who mi-iii to hold our dcntlulcM (n
their hand have decided to abandon
the natural roil ten In and out of the
'Country for one that will drag the
UuhIiichh out of the Htate to Cal
ifornia. Mr. Ilarrlman linn ntatod that he
bun no lutercHt whatever In tho Ne
vada, California & Oregon road, and
yet every pound of freight that In
anuiled out of Northern California
and Southern Oregon over that
road must pay tribute to Mr. llarrl
nmn'i Southern raclllc an hooii oh It
ivacheH Keno. Am a matter of fact,
tho biiHlneHH of the new lino could
mot be mado to pay a prollt uuIchh
Mr. HniTlmnn granted It through
laten on the lumber and Block that
it will linnl out. Willie HpitiTlng for
llmo over the coiiMtructlou of tho
Coltimblo Southern Knllroad, Mr.
Hani man has Hinted that bis mind
Ih not fully made up an to tho bent
route to follow In opening up Cen
tral Oregon for tho exploitation of
tho OregoniaiiH. It him been Btateil
that there are n fow mIIcm between
the proHent terniiniiM of tho Columbia
Southern at Shaalko and tho rlchent
part of Central Oregon, which will
Xroduco little or no revenue for the
road, ami for thin reanon tho old
eaat and west route via thoCorvallis I
& IwiHtcrn Hiirvcy Ih tircfcrnbli'. Ail.
, , , , ,
dltloinl advantage In found In the
Corvallln & KiiNtcrii route for tlo
rcamm that lumlier, which will form
mi I in port ii t Item In the tralllc, will
III! lie Hhlll'i I'IIhI i tut n lllllll of HeV-
em I hundred liilliH
would be saved
by Inking It out over the cant mid
wet route hiHteid of ou r the f. -
l.iml.U .southern-, north ,,nd Mouth
Hut no move Ik made to let ft -t
I ulo Central
iire(oii iiy even me im m
.. Hecond IH-Ht route.
route or th
With the completion of the Nevada,
California & Oregon road to AltiiritM
jt will le piMHllile for the Jieoplc of
the I.akevlew region to reach San
FranciHco in a Journey of t wcnty-nlx
hour ly tail ami twelve by stage,
or considerable lenn than half tho
time required to reach Portland.
I' ruler such circuiiiHtanceH It In not
difficult to determine where Cm trade
will go. While Mr. Harrliu.ui has
been endeavoring to make up IiIh
mind which Is the U'nt rou to to fol-
i ow K0i,ltf uto Antral Orctfon
from tlm north tho Nevada, Califor
nia & Oregon hint Ixi-li building a
radroad Into that country from the
Houth. Mr. Ilarrlman Iiiih dlHtrlbut
cd a ihiiiiImt of very pretty cxciikcm i
iih to why he Iiiih failed to open up
the country from the north. Ill
Nevada. California St Oregon feeder,
In lieu of exciiHi'H, Iiiih dlHtrlbuted
lien, raiiM and grade Htaken for a
road In from th Houth. If Mr. Ilar
rlman will only rev erne thin nyHteiu
iM giv tiie (..ailiitrniaiiM a lew ex-
ciimch end the On-goulaiiH Home, rail
road material and cnglm-crn, we may
yet nave Home of the Central Oregon
irade that Ih how drifting away
Troiii iih.
Bad Characters on the Road.
A man and woman, wIioho name
we did not learn, are traveling
through the country, apparently on
llulr nerve. When they panned
::irougli Silver Iake they eitole a
i hotgtiu from a Mr. ICoblnnon, who
phoned to Lake view to the nherlff to
Hearcli them and get the gun. They
ntiiyed over night at the Harris
ranch in Summer Lake. leaving
there iM'fore daj'llglit they drove to
the Chan. I mien ranch, where they
ntole a Jug of w hlnkey. They loaded
the jug on ami then unloaded the
Jug and then they were loaded.
Sheriff Kinehart and Dupety Jim
recti met tho outllt nt Salt Creek,
where the fun commenced.
They handcuffed the man and
Kinehart held him whlleJliiinearched
the wagon for tho gun. Jim Maid to
tho woman that ho wan looking for
tho gun. Sho replied "Oh, If you are
looking for a gun, hero It In you
," aud thriiHt a Blx-ehootor In
JIiu'h face that ho nays had a hole In
It an big ah a Btovo pipe.
While the olllcerM were putting the
liundcuffH on tho man tho woman
threw the gun over a fence, where
they found It later, when tho people
had been Hen relied they Htnrted on.
They will probably visit AltuniH.
C. V. Spencir Dies Suddenly.
A nicHHiigo wan received In Lake
lcw Hinting Judge L. V. Spencer of
SiiHiinville, Calif., died hint Saturday,
October 1, after an Illness of but one
day'n duration. No particulars
w ere learned. Tho Judge wan well
known throughout Northern Cal
ifornia uud Southern Oregon an one
of tho abk'Ht attorneys In thla coun
try. Ho wiih iiHHoclated with W. J.
Moore of thlM. place In a number of
canea. .Ill death will be deeply de-
unit rLUifiiiiLn wuiiiiiiiiij
A Mild affair took place nt the
j riumiiier home In-low Pine Creek
,nMt Su,i,,"' evening. Cleve I'lnni-
,",'r' ,l """ iW'l about 20
; ',,trM "wallowed strychnine with
j "''ldal '""''t from the f -
j feet of i he polMon a fe" bourn later.!
I We are Informed that during tin1
! .Ii.e ismwlnvi .. ..f tl...
wt-w .mt bncuy rldln, and
th ma., wim driver. I,, 1 1.
crowd wiiHayounIady with whom
ii H i. u i,,f,. i n ...... .ii,...
he wan Infatuated. He wan dcMlroun
of having her nit with him on the
front Mat, and ulie would not com
ply with hi wtnheH, prcfcrlng the
company of another young man In
tho crowd. Mr. I'ltimmer wum great
ly affected by the glrl'n nctlonn anil
her attentions towurd another man
wan to much for hint to ttoar. After
leaving the crowd lie Htnrted for
bin home. On the vuy he wtopped
at a friend's house where he pro
cured Home Htrychnlne, and after
leaving bin friend's house, swallowed
the poison. He went on home and
went to bed In-fore the polnon took
effect but died niiortly afterward.
Mr. I'ltimmer was said to be a nice
young man aud wan well liked by nil
who knew him.
I'artlcH came to Iwikeview Mon
day for the colli u and he wan burled
In-low Fine Creek
A Good Indian.
The young Indian who wus taken
to Alturun a couple of weeks ago
from Fine Creek to aiiHwer to
a c l arge of robbery ami attempt to
rniM was hint week convicted upon
the flmt count and Hcutenced to the
M-ultcntlary for a term of yearn
and 9 months. The Indian at first
plead not guilty, but when the evi
dence was all In, which was ho
strong that conviction was certain,
plea 1 guilty.
He was placed In the Alturas Jail
to await being sent away, and wa
left alone. When the sheriff return
ed to the jail he found Mr. Indian
swinging lifeless to a beam lu the
Jail. He had climbed upon a box,
tied a handkerchief around his neck
aud to a beam and kicked the box
from under him, thus U-atlng the
State of California out of 26 year
and 0 mouthn wages.
Cattle Not Quarantined.
Klamath Falls, Sept. IN, 1004.
Iakevlew, Ore.
Dear Sir:
With except loan of two bands of
sheep, have been kept un the jump
Inspecting tho cattle on tho way to
Montague, as Klamath Falls aud
Foe Valley are directly Iu the path
of tho many bauds to come off the
Reservation and from lako and
Klamath Counties. There being so
many small bands and coming from
different localities 1 am unable to
reach all tne cattle going through,
especially too as many of tho trail
ers aro an yet uuaciiiialuted with the
new regulation reiiulrlng Inspection.
Tho report circulated to tho effect
that tho Inspector at Montague had
held up and quarantined cattle at
that point Is a mistake aud though
it resulted lu temporarily stopping
tho movement of a few bands (own
ers being afraid to trust their stock
within any quarantined district)
tho movement has boon again re
sumed and stock Is going from bill
ing point to destination, If free of
disease, without molestation. Tho
'rmnnr uiiteh ,r,,ui,.u.., i,t- ,ti..
i - .
un1ertnnillpur reunited from tnoontJ
break of fi diwane among the rattle
j In some of the northern cotmtM n f
j California which clonely resembled
jtlie drendi'd Hoof mid Mouth disease (
jhut which In reality proved le
j Mycotic; Stotiiatltlcna dlncrlptlow
of w hich 1 will write up for piililM-n-
; ,ioM nt ,lly ,.nrlit op,.rt.inl.y
I y .11 Ho denlre.
' nir.r.r to hk lari'Kl).
! .A" -,M-I'
Kim or
i nm irom 1 H
u'"'" l"r t , to be fm of Heahlen,
tnuxt Ihj dlpiM'd onee In mtnttr of theiW
d I pi mm onee in moiim? of the'witn2"'' wnd of 1ht for (zelie,
dlpn priHcribfnl by the Department
of Agriculture under personal huxt -
vlnlon of Feleral Iwpeetor nuch
sheep Ix'ing eirnlderei an coming
from an exposed territory.
Ai-kki J. Mrm,
U. S. Stock RxaiwlMT.
Don't ilonkey with th Wires.
Since the Anthony St Keller light
plant at New Fine Creek luu ben
hooked onto the Lukevlew Hghtlag
s.VMtem, it might not be had policy
to call the attention c4 our reader,
or those In reach of the wires, io
keep their hand off the wires, at
they arechurgrd with- six thtKisami
volts of electricity, sufJkient to kills
anyoiw InntantVy if even tmched
with one hand. The reatesS care-
should lie lined iu hndllng; till
wire, ami fuiinjr cuiters, such as
' poking a live wire with an umbrella
or turning the hm on one slMiuld
not le Itidulued iu. You say, where
is the danger In turning the hose-on
a live win'! Try it if yoare so- lu
uUltive ami when the streaoi of
water Ktiikes tlte ground' on the
other sWkrof the wire front, you. see
how quirk yon find out. Theny It
would be-well to-not nioakey with
the wire.
Telegram' Specisl ELiUion.
The special edition of the-Portland
K veiling. Telegrau, devoted, to- Ore
gon's resources audi dedicated to- the
Lewis & Chirk Fair interest i a
valuable aid to tuxneeeekers a well
a 1 elu& of inestimable worth to
Oregon' mtereste. The 52. page are
well written, profusely Illustrated
and treats upon tho most important
points that has to d with the
luture ot our great state. The pub
lisher of the Telegram are to be con
gratulated upon, their energy In giv
ing to Oregon Jut what It needs
advertising. This ollke received a
couple of cop it and after looking
over them we sent them to friends in
the East.
Moving Picture Show.
The Edward iuuleal and moving:
picture show played to a fairly good,
house In the hall last Friday night.
They bad a good picture machine.
Mr. Fox sang till be was hoarso aud
could not respond to the enchore
imy longer, which fairly raised the
celling at tho end of each song.
Cobb Henkle was there and appre
ciated the singing very much. The
people hero are becoming tired of
shows. They are a drain m the
purae, and one has nothing of value
for bin money when tho show has
gone. Why can't we have a rest for
a while.
Now Lighted from Pine Creek.
Electrlclau J. A. Anthony has been
working In town for nearly a week
with a crew of men, connecting the
wires with the Fine Creek light plant
and now Lukeview Is lighted from a
plant "0 miles uwny. Tho town elec
trie light plant will bo discontinued
aud tho engine will ouly bo run to
pump water Into tho big tauk on
tho hill,
Hani DIckM bikI Frank l5auenntart
H .'500 iHt-t for felle yinterday.
The 70 jK-ople aixl thr7Tfirm drove
nlxiut '.Mi cowh rw:li t Jaxelle.
Jini Dodiion exjuvti in Htart hlrt
If limn U of cattle for t jn JV' t(vmor
! row.
I Maji Fine arrive here Tnenday
with aJoiit TiO head of Iioiwm from'
(eo. FVigtie will ntart thl week
i w'ere he expect to m-Vi.
! W.. I). West, not anwenMor W.
Wrut, but a. cousin of Mh I
frexn'Oakland to buy homes:
IVtter prWe for woo in the for
elg market 1 eneou raged' by the
reeeiMJ rise In- Ihe price In London.
SeTBPal of tie ranchers' down the
valley bunched their beef together
and (rtarted th band for Cwselle yes
terday. We anderstaivj that G. W. Mape
bouglt a few email bunchm- of' fine
steers In Wararr, paying; 4 cent
per poend.
H. Iw Dunlap ba returned from
Crook unty vtAere h ha been rill
ing after cattle.-. Mr. Duniap ha
yet some beef tosell.
j The 73 firm soul 300 3 anf year-
old steew to W. D. Duke, at? what
price w a-did not: learn, but lb wa to
the nelaborhoudi at 6 cents.
F. I'-Groha, etocfcnian of Langeil
valley wa bene- tent week.. Mr.
Urohs, fta not soldi hi cattle yet,
but thinks he will sell shortly as
Uerber aad Swraiso are both- buy
ing in hi Hecticm of country-
Fred McKendree, Bert Lapbam
and C. 1 Becraft, of Vistillt-were- In
LakevSrw last week on business.
They Brport raving made some good
cattle sales to L. Uerber. Mr. Ger
ber boaght 25ft head in the VlstUlis
country,.to be- ilelivered lai Langeil
valley paying 4 ex, for ciw aad' 5
jet, for steer.
A iJeal wa made las4 Saturday
between Mrs. J. K. Snyder and B.
"W. Ilartmaa, whereby Mr. Hart-inao-secure
tlie entire band of slteep,.
numbering L100- of ewe and lambs
belonging to Mrs. J. K. Snyder, at
?2 J2 for ewe and f 1 -12 for lambs.
Wgq. Thorne has had ehaxge of the
sheep since last April.
Theo. Eder, general manager for E.
Clemens & llorst, hop. growers, of
Verklns Calif., bus keen in Lake
county the past few weeks buying
horse for bis firm to- be used In tho
bop fields. He bought 7u head from
N. Fine aud W. Z. Moss. Elsie Lln
vllle will go with the horses and
break them this w Inter.
Dan Maloy last Saturday closed a
deal with Fred Durbln for tho 350
thoroughbred bucks. Mr. Maloy
will use a part of them in his own
band and bus already arranged
with other sheepmen to take the
rest. Mr. Durbln started for his
home at Antelopo Tuesday. Ho
went by way of Portland.
The 7T Cattle Co. have sold 050
2, 3 and 4 year-old steers to G. W.
Mapes, who received them las Sat
urday at tho J J ranch lu Waruer.
We did not learn, directly, tho price
paid, but from two different sources
we gleaned some Information; from
ono wo learned tho price was $23 for
2-year-olds, $2$ for 3-year-olds and
$32 for 4-year-olds. From another
wo heard tho price was about G
cents per pound.