Oiii Vcr o I of H.irtl Time. 1 1 h cry cv I ll-Mi 1 1 ii i I In nini'i'j i'i nii'ii of t In- i mii ui ry 1 1 , i - up oil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 - -I llnu -; lip' r;it'i Ity of iiiiiiii-y ItiU f;ili hIhiwm ihU li -yoinl n I r 1 11 1 I . 'I ll h uri'iii'M cvi-r.v fmir .Vi-llt, Jlll In f.il'i- M iIVn,.i IhI clcc. Iloii Wliy U It? I'ln- iii'Htlnii Ik HnIIv IIIIXVM-I'rll. Molicycil IIH'II it r nut Kuliiji lo lUli lliclr nullify out until lliry know wIih I k 1 1 1 I of mi kIiiiIiiUi ini Inn in- h-oii llic vol- Tn lire uoliitf to ulvi tliilll. J lii-.V IlltVI' IIMMIirilMl I III' H'0lll llllll If Hll'.V wouM nlvi' i linn it ri'iul illi'iin uov I nimni iln-y vvoiilil N't kh of lln lr lilHH'. ; lin y ui n uti iim 1 1 1 -ii. i.' of I III- f,n I l.y ( In fill!ni, i.( of flll'llli f I rlli'M. . fi,lT .M'.'l-, Inn luili ly piii hii ii irriii u I I'll ill I I ! III , I In V llll I- liil I I..' ill . r, ", i ill t, l , Ml- 'i Hlil:i'M Ii .H lil' lit niii! I v. ill i ln nl,, ii- ni iiiuui v I'ilrlnrcli l'1-li, ii Ni-iiiIiio!i' Indi in. i milil to In' I ln oMi'Ml living Union no,i-- ii till i'IihIiII'T. Ill' Ik I HI y-ii i-h ol J m ml 1 1 rn m u if !i"li hi i if . '2 ii 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 . Hi- w iih n iiifiiilii r of ( 'oiiiihii,v KUiinU, K of llii J u ' Hit li Ihiiiii' Mr-. Ilullli- OlhliliH mnl two iIuiikIiIi'Ih, MIhhi'k I'.v.i mnl Mi-llr, inovi'il to Alt u ri m from New I'li.c 'rit-k HiIn tvtt-lt. MUm Kvh will ti'nrli I In- I'ltii' I 'n-i-k Krliool iIiIh win-ti-r, mnl will li hi' on I to lluii I i i t I t from town. .Ww Km, I'llltl'll Mnt-M of IlllHiri- l'll'-tM Iihvc "li'vl-ii'il a icw mute i.ln' nriuy rllli- rnjwilili of ilUrliuriiitf thirty-lli- nIioIm n iiilniiir. 'uiif.,i i iik Iln' known h 1 1 1 -1 loi liy of A iih-i l--o n nii rk niiiii n. Iil, ii wi-ngiuii of Iln- li;ir.nli-r will prow i fi it iniilii !i I .. - pilpni nt , Tlii -i' .l i.ini. H ,-f fiilni-, w i Din' ilifd Ti-lin- ln-l Wi l li Hi.- ylnl t tlii-.V ini !- HI Iiiiii-'.' Why 'In tln'.v j Ifilw noil li'fi'K of tin' I'liltfil StiitiH ilolhi".' Miii. li'iiin-i- I hi-y k no w mnl t In- jjiittl turn l, jit Hi of An-tln-Hint tiiiilir ii ii i. ul. In air n 1 1 ml nl-1 ni liii h I lut ( ,f nil wiuhIh n-ii iiln- nl lion ami 'i nii-i l luti iln-y rail pro-.-; iiiomI h ci-nt nr,v loniinin any ivully r. Tin y I tiuw liy epfl ih'i- I lint ' remarkiilile plow Hi, while ,e ninli r iIi iihm i nl If rule no mail can i t-iirnlviil iim uei mill v nlioot tin. ui ow- jiroier. Tin' in, in w ho Ini money -iiniiuli to tlili' over four yt-aiH of leiii'K ratlr rule Im uulntc to lioarl up IiIh prolltH fi'i.iu n ri'ptililli'iiu ihIiiiIii iHtrntloii ami live from It until an oppott unity U olfereil for profitable Iihi'bI tiie nt n in it inori' favor.'tl.le oinlli Ioiim, ii ml the in ti n who It a Hill 1-IIOIIkIi Ik lollU to Htlffi-r until lie mt-M to It Hint a rilling'- of eotnll tlotiK arc lirotiKhl ulioul lit tlicpollN. Can the mail with money Im IiIiiiii (l for t hi'.' W'oitlil you not ilo tin Hume t hi mk'.' I'ut yotirKflf in IiIk plan. Tlii' follow Inn cllppeil from tin' S. ( 'lirolilile e;oeM to hltow that 1lmiN will lie hanl uii'l mnl Hi-nrce until lifter i i Hon: )'IIIC.iiO. Aiitcurtl Lil, I'ullitiaii w ill 1m' an lille town after Sepii-mlier IkI. Tin' Kl'cat nliopM of the I'lillmiin I'ompaiiy art' tonhtil ilowu on lltat lut, ami t h i 1 1 -i : 1 1 1 ' 1 - of iin-ii i-iii j li v - 'I In tin varloiiH ile put tiui'iil-t of tlii 'iir-liull'lln corporut Ion will lie without work. Thirty I lioiiM.-unl jieopleal I'ulliiiau ami In tin1 h n I ronmliii towiiM will lu affecteil ami ll may lm that work will not lie re Kiimeil until uflcr the rri'Hlih-ntlal 4-lt'l-tloll. When the i ' u 1 1 1 n m ii Company Ih working on full time "IKMI people are elitploycil. I Miring the' lunt few inoulliH, iwin to the lack oT new ordi'i'H, men have lieeu laid off, .'100 iiiul l"0 at a time, until now the force iloeH not a;nreKiite more than L'imio. Thew nifii have lieen enunp'il In IIiiImIiIii the -ii rn alreaily umler way, ami when lliew are ready for the in I Ih (he hhopH will lie lioM'd tinl tln-nTi'"t plant will lm i 1 1 '. ice-iiri-Miileiit lal i iindid.ite C. V, I'nliii.'iiilvH w ill hpcuk from the rear platform of his ear, In Ashland aliout i H tolicr ."!il. -r 1 V .1 v.. -V ! -4( ! ,-. -i 4m Ji iJni l'i riooJ for the 1 Jk i,i i' i !,, !. , ;.,ln,. M.K'hlni' WurM. ( , Here l New l-IJrcileci BtTTER I lnti' ii.iii Li'i'.il. and tiuncrliir In nil 1 till IV l tli) IU l''IM ; I I I I l in '-tilling; ..hi mi i iv , iniit H l lihiHiu'li asr;miiiniiuiii: Years -,2 l,i,jiti null r: ikikiIIvi- Imir iimtion frrd- cniiix'l iieii'Mt.' Irir; iii.imIi's. ht 11 dhjiihiiiik tnlli'r In niii ", v im I, Mn l iiiliiiuiii live ply Imiiiimuil wiiiuHmiO-. wii'i u Ijioulilul m l of ni-kiliil HU-.-I hum. liiiH iiih. ,,,,11 Ask vmn ii. il'i- lm Iln- liuiuovt'il lMilreclne H" imil iln ii. I I n..' u;iy ii..h lime until Ji.u liuvo M.CI1 it. National Smvlng Mnciiine Co. bULVlbLI I , ILLINOIS. iuurwith a KMed that Im more t.p leal of a wi i'd than of a Iri-e. 'I'he i rew of the l-iia, the Kiimmiii warhhlp which wiim liir-iiiiinllfd at the Mare Inland Navy Vat-''-, wan paroled, ami permitted to K1- about the ity at tln-lr will, lmt were not allowed to ti" lieyoml the city HmltM until t lit i-1 ohm of the war iM'tween KiikkI.-i and .lajiaii, iiiiIi-hk upon arii-inent 1m-iwimi l hone too na- tloim. Which Would relieve the I 'lilted Stati-M of all ri'HpoiiHllillli v. lAKE 10 Sp at -Some Arc you sufferer? Has your doctor been urtsuc ccssfcl? WculJn't you prefer to treAi yourself -AT HOME? Nearly 1 ,.V)0.000 women have bought W i 1 10 of Cardui from their 11''''' anil havo curel tlifiiiKclvcj at home, of inch irmililcii an MriiMlicul, bearing: down anil ovarian paiiiH, leucor rlnra, barri'itnesH, nervousness, diy.iuPOK, natnea and deioiid ency, causal by feiualo weakness. Hiene are not easy canog. Wine of Cardui cures when the. dodor can't. Wine of Card ii I does not irri tate the orcaim. Tln-ro is no pain in t!m treatment. It is a soothiiiff tonic of healing herliH, fnHJ from utruiijr and drastic drtij:. It ia uuivessfiil lnxau.su it cures in a natural way. Wino of Cardui can bo boujjht from your dnitfjiint at (1.00 a botllo and you can bepin this treatment today. Will you try it? In riiMin riHiiirlim i'i'il rtlrts-t Itmn. r , iitvinu nyiniiiiimii, Tim Lnillmc AH'iMiry I'l'iil-. I'lio I'liuimmxjfc MetlU-lUM ( u., Cliiilluiiixiu, 'louu. HARMS TOWN LOTS, I in proved mut u n 1 in )rc t'.l mill on enny In- KlllllllH'lltN. I. mnl Tlih'H KxHinitti'il, 1.HHIIH Nt'irotiHlflt, Thxi'm l.niiki'il AftiT, Jll'tltS, Nlltl'H, Hlltt .A . 1 II I M ClllllTll'll, l ir.. I iiMii THIiee-, KKAl. KSTA'I'K mnl ll'IHTIll llllsilll'MI AUI'llIK, BAVLI'V & MAX W l l I.. I!H.mm:s.s I'M i;i. pkm. w HIVfnrJ . wi Trim ri.r.ANsi AM) li:.I.INU Willi Kill CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm l'u..y nml j.lraniiiit to iihii. Ciintuiiiii iii In jiirlmn ilriiu. ll In quickly nlisorlieil. lavi'D Uvliuf lit omii. l 0ii ii km) t'lumiiioa tlio Mamu j uhmiu'i . AM .ua 1 ..ll.Ml.llllll lull. lluola n4 1'ruliTl llio lcinlirime. Itinliiroii the bi u J 1'a-.tu mnl bini'll. I.tire Hi.i-, Ml cent t UriiB 'I - p nr liy in tit I ; 'I'rlul HI,, 10 cent" I'V mull, lity i.ili.OiiHi.lW.Oa WttiTcu bli'ULl, New orlu A A 1 COLD (N HEAD r vi r 1 1 i f . t Ki IHVViV Tlio ICInd You Ilavu .Always Ilouglit, and which hnn hecn In uno for ovrr .'JO .vi-jth, Iisih homo tho xlnaliiro of luitt horn iiiiwln miller hl.H rx;r yj&Tf?Zt Minal HiipervlHion hIiico I tit Infancy. , Sctc44K Allowtioonotolccclvojoiilntlilx. All Counterfeits, Iniltallorm and JuNt-iiM-Kooil" nro hut I'xcrlincnti that trifle with and endanger tho health of InlanU und C'hlldrc-n I'xiktJciico against Experiment. What is C ASTORIA CaKtoria In a harmless hiihstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare K'rle, DrojiH and Soothing' Syrnpn. It is Pleasant. It contains ik'UIm r Opium, JMorphino nor otlicr Narcotic fiiilihtant c. lis iiK" Is Us guarantee. It destroy rorni imil allays I Yvci rslnies.n. It cures Dlarrliu a and WIikI Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation mid Flatulency. It ussiinilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomach and ISowels. Ivinj; healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacca-Tho Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of Kotb'uifj lias cvrr equalled it. I liothing can ever surpass it i rrt uu uing s to Discovery tv orr p-rio.Y IVi I Ol ltll ad Ol.lllt Trtrt $c A II.M A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : I-'ing Troubles. Money bmck if it fails. Trial Bottl fre. S9 Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. i3io Coniiflicut Avenue Washington, D. C. ! W. pcron hi. havt l-crf t'for ir;i1e FIN AL , VU(i t: In kind ol l and, Minernl or Tim hrr I nlrlc. v hkh ha licrn cci lrd by the , Kcnlnltr or ktfiiitr ol any V. I -a nil i(U., J can have the l.ouancc .( ihtlr I . S. Paiint for ; salij Lardf promptly atter.rird to by enf!r.g ! me their Duplicate kecei't t. or Certificates at j Hntrv, and an agreement to pay m: $10 hen ! ever (aid Patent fthall lue. i JOHN Ml'LLAN, ! Oregon, California I and Nevatla State Agent BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. I mm i Tmc eiirraua eoiiMWf, T9 atuaaav aracrr. mw voaa em. The Smart Set A Magazine of Clsvcrness Majuiin-H nlioiilil luivi' a vvell-ilt-tiiu-'l purpiiM'. ifiniliii" t'liti-rialtiiiK-nt, a mtisciiii'iil mnl un-nt i nvrcatiuii arc the uiutivcH of Tin-: Smaiit Skt, tin MOST SUCCESSFUL OF MAGAZINES Iln novels (a ciniiplete- mil' In earli nuiiilM-r) are ly the moHt hrilliant authorx f Imth lifin ls iln-ri-s. Its short stories are matt-Menu rlcan ami full of liiiuiaa iau-rent. Its poetry eoverln the entiri- lii M nf verm' patli'iH, love, humor, tenderness Is liy the most popular poets.jivii and women, of the day. Its Jokes, witticisms, sketches, t-te.. are admittedly the iimst inirth provokliiK. 160 PAQE5 DELIGHTFUL READING No pities are wasted on cheap Illustrations, editorial vaporiiifcs or wearying esHiiys and Idle discussions. Every page will interest, charm and refresh you. Subserilte now $2.50 er year. Kemit in cheque, P. O. or Express order, or registered letter to THE SHART SET, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. B SAHPLli COPIES 5ENT I REE ON APPLICATION. O Ocsigns Copyrights &c Anvimfl amillna a iketrh and dwrrliSlon mr qiilrKIr wertain onr opinim frea whether an lii.etiiiim i. probably petentaMe. Comnianlra tlniMatrictlyeonlldentfai. Handbook cm f-atata sent treat OldMC vmh for McaniiKPatent FaUmia taken tbrrxwh Munn A Co. receive IftnoLmaUc, a I' hoot charge, lntba Scientific Jlmcrican. A handsomely llloatrafad weekly. Tareeat etr. dilation of any lenuBo (nnniil Temn. $3 .nr: tour montba, tL SuidbTall newwleaiwii. MUNN & Co.36,BI'- New York Eraaua Office. 62S F Pt Waafainittuu. Ii. C The Harn' 5:j. Live Sia). e-.ri- ! FOB ST. LOUIS 110 AND THE WORLD'S FAIR! WILL YOU BE THERE? 7 Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies in DtC addition to the attractions of ft Louis. This can only be done by going or returning via the SCENIC LINE OP THE WORLD." UNRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALLED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPAS5ED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE ' ' ''rk tion, of w uiSim ' ' ' a inemtier. )-J7St ' i't - V reward for eriilenca iV"' liailinir to the coo- VII llllli fll (WIlll'l sii-HiiiiK btm-k be lanzlnv to :ts ni i m f.rw In .rliiifiitn tlnK'-t tMt reward. Hnr brand hore uliuc bar on either or both inws. Ke corded in counties Ranice, Unmet, Lakir and Crook Counties, liorw s vi-iiled when sold Horm-i. wild to asa throuKh tlii Meciion will be reiorted in thia jiaper. If not no ri-ioried. please write or t'de (ihonu The Tinu-n Herald. Main .'4. Boms, Ore god W W Bbowk. i-ife, Ore. FOR S Viae Nbrrp Rjuirh in Mo dor Couaty Tbe Examiner ban for sale one oi the Sneat hheep ranebes in Modoc county, which ru trols the beat range to. CaJifornia il consisla of 60 acres all under leac-e. ll Itea alonir liver for 2 4 miles. Fk-sid'-s older buildings there ara two housva loilea ai-ajt. It la an Ideal aheep rauwV 11 lakeu iucli it will b sold lor lampc Rarrw Brnrt wU !w"" pk in JailiCd Dall right ear for ewe; reyerte for wethers. Boine ewes buare Crop and Slit In right ear. Tu Brand 111. Rauge, Crana Lake. Posiafflce address, Lakeview, Oregon 7no Whitwwnrth Ruj w'h -'ropoa left Lalj tlilllTlUlUl ear, Half Undercrop off right for ewm; reverse for wethers Tar Brantt W.Rauxu, Kish Creek. I'aiioBw addres Lakeview, Oregon Northern Stage Line. Writ tor Illustrated Booklet of Colorado's Famous Sights and Resorts JV. C. flcBRIDE, General Agent 12-t Third Strett PORTLAND, 0RLQ0N. LAKEVIEW -PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m. every day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :30 a. m every day but Sunday. Passengers' are Sj. Round trip $j OFFICE- Keyuolds 4 Wiugfleld's. I.nltevlaw Hutili lit i mTIIIiiii ll I fi I i