Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 29, 1904, Image 4

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    fioh CTnuntii Bxa-.tttttrf
Pulillihd Evtrr ThurUjr
,Vifk Building
.One vr $1.00
J Six Month 1.00
(Three Month, SO
u direct personal attack upon tlov.j
ernor Odcll, n wrll n n general de-j
intnelntlon of the Republican administration.
.-KM b
IK- llll'll
ro iiit'hi'
fhroe lm hi
Jimrt, r Column.
I kit Cut ii mn .
1 w 1 in. .ni,t mi-1 I yr
ft uo Jl; hi i;ii iv fW i"
S IV ill' II H
(V III IK' It. l
l l.SOn .VM
ijnu Column ;,VmlJMU UWSOi
iA I'
7u in)
CM 00
i c i 3
5tock New.
iKImnnlh Kxriiw.)
Within tin' last week tin follow
ing hand. f live sdoek have passed
through Merrill bound for Montague
mill tiar.ello to In' shipped to tin Sun
Francisco. Oakland ami Sacramento
markets. Tin' X 1. Company had
' .".v) in charge of Janii H I'oor.
Cha. Hoi ton ami It. Kilgotv won'
at I'm uk Crnyliai'l'i Inst Tuesday,
Willi :!'.KI head consigned to t lif Onk
1 unl Meat ( o.
Del. I'.rattain pa-scd through Miu
ilall with '.'to lu-ail for t Ik same linn
N. S. Drew ninl .1. I'. I lawn hail
L!0 head for tin' same linn.
Mr. Ilmiiiiioiiil. of I I. Klamath
h id 2oii head for I'o.. I la burgh
Co.. of San I'ram !.-co. Kiel Mr!- i
haw. of tin- l oll, lial 2IM
I'o;-. Cia burgh ..V Co.
.... We Have The Goods For Sale ....
I no run iumno....
! wi: had wi: stii.i.
! Yoi K f you arc really looking for n jood bargain strive
; IN TICK KSTS t pav V()ll l() on usa, slvot. T(
,X (iotnls and ct our prices. m am.
VIEW ii, i r vnrn
Uur j;ootis were nought exnresslv for vour
when . i-rusi:
.,. wants urn can save inonev and he better
u .... " LOCAL
Iim.(.li r satisfied if von trade ,t otir store. .. . .,
not (iii i in oi:i
c.oods WANTS
New Pine Creek, Oregon
cows for j Jjj
1 58
For President
Of New Wk
Fur Vice-President
Of Indiana
Rams !! Ranis !! Rams !!
LoiiU iJi'ilh-r had 12ao mutton
' sheep in charge of Walti-r U.ickmas-
: tiT, pass through t"wn fir Moiitn-
Kni-. Tlu-dilM- will probably Ik- theiMj ,",."() Rn ml (ouillct and Ielaiiie K'aius for sale from the
't.: ... ... .... I.,, ....... I. It 1 ..w. I
r,;:. Vhnt h,,,i .;,S? Meadow Lawn Stock Farm, - -
C. 15. DUKISIN & SON, - - Address P. W. Durbin, Lakeview, Or.
NO IT.. Italic im- In panturi- at ritx'tal.l Kam li. iiiIN-h mnitli of l,akt- l- .
will Ik taken out of Klamath i-oun
tv w it li i ii the tu xt four inontliH.
The Li-w U&t la. k K"M souvenir ' Tl.e demaiul far ieepintf . iir t..;uv ii.
dollar-i are to In-oil for tw ii dollars : the IVnver and Kin UihihIi-'s H.nilar
i through tonri.-l eM'iirriuiis j the St
I.ouis Knir Iihvihi: l een co uieat, thn-e
' - . I .. I. VI I ! t ) . Illll I til I t I
; FUt II A VI I - l r- t '
oai h. or ii for ten dollars.
Hl lrit
I.iindOHi f hi I.iikeii-, Ore, nt.
l'l, (M. N niie l hi-rrliv in'-ii that
Hie li'lI'iHH k' i ioiu'il H'lili-r tiled
l.-i,,....r ,..i.w ....... ... n,i iii-si ninl hi H' linii d iti--Oi lnli.-r :t, !
. 4 mi,) t)i. e;uh il I ti-- la M'tire i.f lil ir.ii-i li..i Ii lliuil
loss of tiniU-r I iy tire the past month ,,lrjt vM-iir-ions iw.l In- tun ir..m P..ri- I priml in "M i i I i- elaim. a-id that
ill ColllinlMa .o' aloe. at a ! I-"I W' vl.aie ears ,.M-r I lie -aul prmii ill ti i i I Ceui-ter
' SVeliie I . i in- til I in- W i.i la I :.. r ami I.'-iilvi-i : ie . I . ill lot
lion fit r. l ,.r.- will a's ' 1-fin a j-p-tiil I'iiIIiiimii M iv ii ii. i. '.i, I'toj vi.: , 1".
i-Xiiir -"i hi. Th-'seears miiI make .-ini- ' ( '..Iv i . Ill Vi .':'! :t I-t 'In- !'',
em. .i.i,-at Salt l.ike Citv and Denver.; N ., I- .. ..I U '., .in.) S '4 .1 SI.','..r.hi. Kv.-r.r-n .inwi ;in r.-.i. .rliini; V i.f .-ee. 1.'! I , 1...IM-. , . l . Hi-
for t!.e portage I'oad lip the Coliun- ' viowii if llie uhmk p..ii.t H ititereft name- I n w' ' to l-iove
ali.'Ul lh..fe eiU"-. I he il.ulw'iit rule I I- i - I.I ll il -i:- Ii -.-I. I i e li i. a Oi l i u:-
iIhumIi tl.e heart .f tin- lloekiet . -t ai l d. v;: 1 -.. II. oil-.
are Iiow on l lie j;ioinid. Const nio ( art al 'i-i v nl nai un 's (he yran ; I- raik Wii-.n. WiIi.oh Knu-i-y aid
ili-t Hi-rii- I lie Anno n- ill eon 1 1 lie lit . An linr Ii I i- an . I 1.1 kivn- . i o. foil.
Write U. C. M.-Diide, PJl Third street i Anc. -' :! .1 N W 'atsov, P.-.-i-i.-r
as eoatiaets ean he let. I'.irtlanil, dr.. at nn-e lor parin nlnif j
-.. I 1. ......... j'c .. ...IV illnh 111..-
i I. .1... . !.,.. I. i,.L..r.l I ati-l O I-'.- al Or--. A n if
The State IN.ard of liarU-r have w ,! In-M.Id' at ri'l.n-.-l rat.s -ravel will;"-1 -'' N "'" ," ,1'""'''V, T"
, . i. i .... , ! ttia' th- foil'!-." in.' v lined -filler ha-i
deeidid to enforce the law r.-.piirin- l'f p-r. i-il..rl l.,-..v. , .,., ,.,.,, , !lUl.
barbers to proenre a license, and ! t;n..l pi ...(' ,; -i In- . lain. I
. . - ....... . .Ml .1.1. . .
Notice tO laxpajcrs -n:n pn-in wri i- in.. ot- i i
i;e-ii"r lo o ii.i cui" .n ...ikn.rn,
We're Out
To Win . . .
The ilieslioii of I he rilit of way
r t!.e portage t'oad lip the t'uliija-
lia liei-n settled and surveyors
are iiow mi t In- j;ioiunl. Construe-,
tion w ork w ill l.ein at once as soon
Vour I'atrunjic-
I 1;.'.- ;ii l.ak. vi- .
also to diplay their license. 'i'he
Hoard has yiven out that after Oct.
v.. i I. ......I.. ..l.'..n tt..1..i.t
m 1 1.-., .ii. tit I. ..i i '.. In-1 . Hk,4 vi :
, half of the tax.s on the loll of III'.:! ; ,. . , i..i,.. (,., v j.,.
id, all liarlierx in tl.e state who have ' f,,r h.ike county, Ore-on w ill lie de-' Dai, els II I N- :".'n:' f..r the N K1 . f
not renewed the'r license will lie ! linc-in-nt after the first Monday in N W' , N "... ..f Nl ".' , and l nil N l-jj4
prosecLted totl.e fnllextentof the, KmiI. , if not paid on or, VtV Mn. in itiie-fH to prove
' lielole lliai uaie, a penau oi n ! i , j. ,., j,,,,,,,,. r,..,.lfic e ii.i.n ninl enl
cent, and interest at the rate of 1-! livaiimi of fan! I md, vi : .John linmkii,
per cent, dating from the first Moll-I-I'hh Dd.r, Win Altonl Hint Plull
We have already found one or two (1)1V , A,ri,t p.M)4. w ill he added. j '-j;'; '!.;;' if"''''..
w ho are not in favor of Lake count v K. K. Kim:iia ict. Sheriff. :
. . , ., " ; k i v i. ruooK
inaK iiij; even a inesiocK cmiiiiii ai
The Mammoth Stables 1
IU.RI ORD A 5.ll'MI. Droprietor
Alter August 1st we will imle.ivor to pl.tie this
stahle on a level with auvamlail Mahles in I'.istitn
Oregon. We have purchased' all the riis. stock,
etc., and are now ready for our share ol tin- pttlilie's
" jiatronaire. on will In- asstueil oi x x I ris. care
ful drivers .and irood stock. Si ccial aecoiuoda
J tions for commercial travelers.
i!llllllli.llillillllillili!)l!ll!llllliiillllilUIIIH!llll lililiill 1111 llllll!ll!l'lllll!llll!ll!llll
the Lew in -( lark fair next year. .. r . , . . .
.-( HO L LAN L. 2y) acred i.f level
There may he mole hut whether unimproved aurieullil al land for t-ale
they will lake enough interest in tlie ,I,'!,r.i,,tio' V i '4, ,!!'
:Ni:l4 aMil NW;4 of SK'i, section 10,
welfare of their county to even ex- To.. :! S.. K. l'J E. W. 51. This in a
pros their viewH through the press, i de-irahie piece of land, located in Jooe
we do not know.
The Lakeview correnpondent to
the Portland Telegram in a late
issue of that paier claims to have
interviewed many Lake County
sheep men on the subject of Hon. J. j -
n. wiiiiausoi.-H propm'.i method j lakeview Cicar Factory .
u I
ifuxxl ranch.
Hunters will take n ti-ethat I allow
p ifiiively no s hisitlng on my land. All
trefipHHBerd will lie prosecuted.
tin t',1 Wx, r.L Kni N.
of nettliiio; the rnugti trotihle In tlie
public land Htates, with tlie result
that sheepmen are not in favor of h-!
t-atino; lartrc tracts of rane, say !.M;iker nf
from loot i to i'i ii)0 acres, as provided
in ( iiiie.-smaii Willia nison's .ro
posed measure. Clailnili": tliat it
will be lictter to let tin- rannc alone
A., I'roii.
H.avana and
Domestic Ciirni's
Land Ollice i.t Lakevie. Ore , , .
Angus' 'Jl. IWtU. Nome is heiely , O T l
tar." EDE:SH0TEL Reeder - & - Barbarick
final proof in siiiiort nl his claim, and
thai said pro. .1 will lie made hi due :
K-nicter Hhd Kcceiver, l Lakeview.'
Oregon, on Seieinher 111. 11NI4 viz: ,
Ailn-rt I-e-i". lid. Entry No. 'MT2 for
theSijsE1;. See 2ii and Ni N r.'i, ,
S-c ti:2, Tp 4 S . It. 40 K., W. M. llej
iiaine.v the following witnesnea to provo i
his continuous residen'.-e upon and cul
tivation of Baid land, vis: Thornas I
Scott and AuKURtus McAnineh, of I
McDwrmitt, Nevada. i
8ept 1-20 J. X. Wathon, Ketsister. j
I'irst Class
Ihiilding Has Been Knlarged
To Accomodate a Lare Trade
( i en era I It'ack mil hinif
' Wuifon Work
Dining Service
New Shoes, $2.00
All Work (juaranteed
UQT Our priced are always the Miune
tlie vear round.
... . ,;ive una trial. Store in the brick
After a long and hot bfittle be- ,i,,ol. t), j.oht & Kinij ea-
t ween the c-ontendliiK forces In the , l""n, Lakeview, O.-ejjon
Democratic party, a Holution of the
most vital point wan readied in New
York un the 21st, that of a candidate
for governor. TIiIh important qiien
tlon Hoemeil destined to split the
democrarlc party In 'twain in the
JErapIre etate. At a'love leant" In
Albany, David IS. Hill and bin life
long enenij-, JtiHtlce D. Cady Her
rlck "kissed and made up again, "
and Herrick wan made the compro
mise candidate or governor of New
York. Then all factions of the par-
Drug Store
CkiwllM, N.t. Clf.rt,
Druggist. Saadrlc,
Jcw.lrjr, P.rlMMM,
Stationery, Notion., Etc.
ty gathered In loving embrace and MRS. M. D. OIBBINS, - PROPER,
adopted a pJatfot ii) which IncludeH New Pirn Crk, Or.goa.
rinal Pir.
Land Office at lakeview, tlreiion,
AinfUHt 24, 1004. Notice is hereby uiven
that the following named settler has
li 1 1 il notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and
that Haiil proof will be mad" U-fnre
Keidritt-r and Keeeiver at Lakeview . Oie-
vn. on Septeiiiber 2!. 11(04. vi.: .MOW I'lNi: CKEEK,
I I, .on ii- Scott, II '. No. :II7.' for the S'.,
SE4'. SE!4' Stt'l4'. Se -. ami N E'4
SIO:. Sec .24. Tn 41 S . K .ill E.. W. M ,
II- nan the !o l"W li'C wileesn-H to I mtt-il States l.ainl l lllice, 1iKivicw ,
prove I is colli iiinoiiH residence upon and Oretfoii, August I ' It, H'Ot. Notice i- I ' n i 1 -! Slates laid ( Mice Lakeview,
cultivation i f said land, vi: Albert hereby triveii that in coiupli ince wilh Ori-kfon AilifU-i l.llt'H Nmice i here-
l.ewis rnd Aiiiisiiis .McAnineh of Mc- the provicioiiM of tlie rt ! Coniress of : by itiven thm in c inpliance with ihe
jleruiill. Nevada. .luuuH, 1H"H entitled "An a.'t -for tin- i pn-vi-ion- of I In- Act of .bine .'I, IK7H.
Sept 1 -21 .1 . N. Watsd.v, Ki-Lister. sale of timber lands in tlie s tales o t al- , ei.l il led "An net f.,i he sale of limber
OKEOON NLW I'lNi: CKEKK oKKOo.V l,.XI MITK H, ,, . , .
' ili.i nin. I ireuou. Nevada, and WiiHhiiii
Reward of $2,000. to Territory, bh extended to all the
The WooIrowerH AHSoclatlon of j i'ublic Laud Slates by act of Auiift 4,
Lake County will organize penna- T;"J"" ' ''D'y. of I'orthind,
. ., 1.11 'county of Miiltiiomah. slute of Oregon,
nently next month. Lntll Htich time, i haH ,Uy tih,tl ln , bin ollice his sworn
1 will give a reward of f 2.000 for thn statement No. 14111 for the pun-hane ol
arreHt and conviction of any party
or partleH guilty of maiming or kill
ing nlieep lelonglng to ineiutcrH of
the temporary organisation.
. . H. H. CllA.MU.Klt.
For Infants' and Children.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears th.
Blgnator of
the NE4 of Section No. 2 in Township
No. S, Kange Jo. in Y., ana win oner
proof to ehow that the land sought in
more valuable for itk timber or tnoue
than for agricultural purpopen and to
eslahlisri his claim to said laud before
Jeo. T. iialdwin, county .Indtte at
Klamath Fa I a, Oregon on Thursday,
the 20th day of October, 1004. He
names as witneasea : Elmer Walter, .1
O. Hainakcr, L D. Burke, of Honanza.
Oregon, and Karl White of Kovston,
Oregon. Any and all persons claiming
adversely the above described lands are
requested to nle their claimi in tid of
fice on or hefor. said 20th dan of Octo
ber, 1904.
An 11-41 J. N. Wathox, Kejdater ,
lands in the Sia'es n Ciihfornia, Ore-
no.i, Nevada and as lanlmi Territory,"
a -i exieiiiled to ad the I'ulilic Lund
Slate by act of Anttusl 4. H02, ( 'lau-nce
S Tlilltilier, of I'.n i'kcliriilue, Cnlllitv ff
Wilkui, State of Minn , has filed in this
office hia sworn Htalement No 1504, (or
the purchase ol (he L' of E,'' of Sec
tion No. 22 in Tp Ii7 S.. Kama) lti E,
W. M., and will offer proof to chow that
the land souicht is more valuable for its
timber or .tone than lor agricultural
pnrtxweg, and to establish his claim to
said land liefori-tiui. T. Iialdwin, Co.
Judge at his otlice at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, the 'Jt dav of November, 1004.
lie. name iih witneHHes:, 0. T. Mc
Kendree, of Ok-te, Ore., Elmer Walter,
D. '. Driseoll and J. O. llauiaker oi
llonanau, Ore on. Any and all person,
chiiminii adversely the a Neve-described
lands an rueiMed to li). their claim,
in this office on or ln-tore id.3rd day of
Noremlier. 1MI.
Ani.SMtt J. X.Wachoi, rUltef.