tintwt VOL. XXV. LAKKVIKW, LAKK COUNTY, OlittGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 'UK 1901. NO. 39. 1 SOME PROMINENT YOUNG PEOPLE ARE WEDDED. Cards will' Hi'iil out I III" Week nil iioi.iirlug I In1 inn t riune of M I k. A. A. William' ilatii! liter, MIhh MiIvii lii'wl, tu Mr. Chester La wreiice W llln iH, (uu well kiowu iiml pop. iilnr yniiMK people i.f I'iiImIi-v. Tin inn rrlii Hi will I ii li il.ii'i- ii l ih hi ii if I r. it id I M iw. A . A. WMiihiii next Wl'lllll'rlilll.V I'VI'lllllg, September '.'HI ll, at eight tii'lock. 1!"V. Howard nf Silver I. like Will iiTfiirill I In cere. inoiiy. ,iH l-vvlrt Im llii' daughter uf.MrM. A.A. W 1 1 hit tn mill tin' late Rev. Mr. M. M. I'uIh II. S. II. I.. a graduate if tin Chicago I 1 v 1 1 1 1 r -.School Mli formerly llMor of I In Second HiitUt Church of rtirtlittitl. MImh Lrwln Iiiim resided here fur the pant Mevt'ii yearn. Mr. Withers Im u graduate of tlio Portland IIiihIiichh College Hlnl Hfuld's IUimIiii'mm College if Niiti Frani-lnco, Ih h inc idImt of tint AliiMwortli & Withers llriu ami of the Withers llriiM. Ranch ami Stink coui iany. Mr. WUIhth ami IiIh bride will leave mi tliflr wedding trip fur San Francisco about Hh'.'IiI or -t t Ii of October, or an hi mil as Mr. AliiM wortli n-tiiriiH from California to tiiki' t'liari' of tin' AIiihw oil Ii Wltllern store. I'uht. Ainsworthllenley. A wedding wliirli will iinlti two of I lit' olili-Nt falilillcn fif IScrkcly, I 'al., in that of MIhm Charlotte Henley nml I .it wivncc Sutton AliiMwort Ii. Tin ceremony will Im m rlortncil In tltt jr'Hi'iift of tln family on tin even ing of S'iti'iiiln'r L'stli, at tin' rcd- lcnce of tin bride's niotlit-r, Hoini' street. MImh Henley Im the daughter of Mrn. ami tin late Cap tain Jaini'H lirulnard Henley, who was for many yearn a prominent it'Hiilent tt in t iiifinlier of the Hoard if Fdiication ami Hoard of Trustees iih well iih City Treasurer. '1'he lirlde-elcct Ih a graduate of thellerke Jt'.V High School, clann lS'.Mi, and the I 'diversity of California, of the cIiihh ofliKM). Mr. Alnsworth Ih the only moii of Mrn. ami the latu Captain George Jennings Alnnworth. For many yearn he made Portland bin lioiue and wan eonniH'ted with the Coliimliiu River Navigation com jiiiny. The bride and groom-elect will make Ihelr future home In Pals ley, Or., where tho groom han large liiiHlnecH IntereHtH. i Ircgonluu. ReederBlair. A happy wedding took place at the Mil.thliiiuy residence lust I'll ..lay evening, Sept. L':i, 1!M1. The bride wan MiHH Do vie Itlulr, daughter of Fx nsnessor J. 11. Rlnlr who Ihih ilitH'ii a prominent citizen of Lake county for many yearn. Miss Itlulr wan a handsome and accomplished young lady who has numerous frlendH In all parts of the county who wIhIi her the greatest of huppl neHH. The groom Recder, Ih a popular rancher and stock man of Silver Luke, well liked by all who know him. Me In the sou of .Mm Heftier of New Fine Creek. Mr. nml Mrn. lteeder will remain in Jiukeview for u few da.VH. The many frlendH of I ho happy couple In wishing them u long und prosperous life nro Joined by The Fxnmlner, Ilardmess--Green. The marriage of Mr. Ira M. 1-urd-'ineHH and MIhh Xoni Ix-llu (Iri-eu wan HC'lK'duled for luat evening at TalHley. Mr. l.ardnieHH la from t'allfornlu, ami Ih Hald to Ih a nice jjent lemau. MImh (tlrifli Ih t he daiiuhter of Mrn. I.. L. lireen tif I'lilnley, mid hat mniiy fi-lemlM In that town where mIii Iiiih lived for Heveral yeitl'H, vx cept lnif a year nhe fMMit III Cllllfor- I lilit. She Im well liked by all who know In c. I b r winning way her inlinll'i'l'M wherever ulie Kim-m, The I'.XMliiliitT JoiiiM in tlie many coiim at 1 1 lat Ii iiim a to) u'uil w Ixhi'H. Alfoid I'cnJIeton. I.iimI S inlay evening at tin I'l'Ml- ileiii on SliiMliHltei t of Mr. and Mrn. Creed I'emlleton III I he pri-Mcnce of a few Invlli'il kiii'mIm. Mr. ISert Alford and MIhh llerlllil reudli'toll Were Joined lii holy matrimony. The .vouiik M-ople art well known In Kakevlew l avliiK Imi ii raltH'tl here. lii-rt Alford Ih tin hou of TIioh. Al ford tif thin place. Tin Fxainlner wIhIh'm tin hnppy youm; couple 11 loii life of liuppl- lll'HH. Itichn Emmlt. Sunday, at :'M p. m., at the home of tier pareiitM, MIhm Churiulou I'.in mltt, the youneHt tlaiiKhter of the Hon. HolM-rt A. Fmmltt and wife, wiiH united In the holy bomln of mat rimony to Mr. Frederick I'.lelui, a yoiiuti and prouiliieut IhimIucmm man of Klamath FiiIIm. Fxprenn. Reserves to be Throw n Open. The Secretary of the Interior han ordered t he rent oration to entry of larnc t ractn of public IuihIm In Cal ifornia that were temporarily with drawn with ii view to cnlurKliitf the flll'CMt tvitcrvcM. ThfKO l.iudH were found uiiHUlted for foreHt renerve purpoKt'H. Some are Ki'lfiilturul In character, home are f. rn7.lnj lamlH and a connlderable area Ih valuable HiiiImt land. The leanou IIiiiIht IiiiuIh are to lie turned back to the public domain U Irtucko i hey are iMolatetl tractn located .. uiotitf lamlH now hi private ou uer Milp. It w ould not be practicable to rcM'i ve them without renervlni; nd joluliiK private lundx, and thU policy Ih not favored. In rcbtorliiK thene landn to entry the Interior Hepartment Ih adopting a new policy. Thene and all other lamln hereafter rentoivd to entry will not become mibject to Hettlemeut Immediately, but will lie ndvertincd for ninety tlayH before they become Miibject to entry. This In to plve every ono an equal chance to look up the newly opened lamln and to prevent any one nvttlnjr unfair ad vantage. The exact tleHcrlptlon of the laud Ih withheld from the public for the time being, but will probably be given tint In a few dnjH. A large tract In W'uHhlngtou wiih similarly thrown open. Contest Was Warm One. The liernard Company' perforin unceH were brought to a close last Saturday evening and a dance wan given In the hall. after the hhuw. The content for the numt jiopular lady wan won by Mins Fannie Ton nlngKcn, who wan awarded abeautl ful clock. Minn ho vie I flair wan Kcctuid In t he race. The beautiful nolld gold ring award oil to the most popular und pretty baby wan won by Mr. and Mrs. Man W'horton'n baby, the baby of Mr. ami Mrn. Al Cheney wan the clonent contentaut. The voting toward the last wan Kplrlted and marked with much Interest by the friends of the contestants. CHIEF JOSEPH DIES AT COLVIILE RESERVATION Chief .loHi'iili. the famoiiH Ncm ; I I'erci'H warrior, Ih tle.id. lit had j I been In poor health for Home time. j ahd died Hinldeiily at hit t'umpllre on 'the -lt of HiIm lliolilh on the Col-' ! i ! villi' IIi'M'l vatloii. Chief J OHCph lead : a bainl of warrloi'M In Wallowa val- , ley liiiiMMin red and drA . t out t he j hlte celtli-IH In 171. I ( ' Ii Ii f .limi'iili III the onliiloli of! I up M Iiml I... mit.i.rli p In t1k ; ' . . jiiiiijiim in in iiiiii nil i in1, nir iiiiiii-i .it., ii.... . .ii. i.. . ... iiutcy, HtrateKy, j u it.-K ami riiiMivc marclii'M and calm courage. In the old da.VH la roamed from the Cal ifornia line to the Canadian bound ary, ami from the ISlue MoiiutaliiH to tht Ktinimlt of the ItocldcH.. IuvuhIoii of that Hectlon by whiten brought about the need of a new Indian treaty. Jtxtepli and IiIh bund refuMftl tt Im moved from tlwlr vul leyn. In 177 an attempt watt made tti put him on a ren-rvatlon. He went on the warpath with White I'.lrd and looking tJlant. The war IiiHtet for three montliH, with 5ener ul Howard In purniilt, and for ten weekn JoHeph fought a running bat tle, In which, w ith :UH) buckn, encuin UtciI with famlllt'H ami tttock, he NiieecHHfulIy tlefletl 40 compank'H of J rcgulurn, Im'hIiIch large force tf i voluuteerH and Indian kcouIh. fter hard fighting in Central , imM:hj,ie j Moulder's saloon goinjj, and ..I. . I 1 -.1... T..I... ll'. . Idaho, he encuped over the Lolo trail to .Montana, eluded forces ntationed at the mouth of thceuuyon and ntarted for the Canadian border. He wan finally captured by (iencral Milen, after the ehane of Joseph had Imvii a running battle for 1.'0U miles. The Fnlted States lost 10." officers and men killed and 120 wounded. Fifty settlers were massacred. Since then Joseph had lieen peaceful, but had refused to return to the reserva tion, and had made freiiuent trips to Washington, I). C, where he was lionized. He and Miles were great friends. Are there Any Stock for Fair? Last week The Fxamiuer left the matter of an exhibit to the 1aw1s & Clark Fair ojx'n for discussion. The people of every county In the state should, if possible make some kind of a showing at the fair next year. In order to properly put before the visitors to the fair the resources of any section, adl(j,uuru transporta tion facilities should be available, which we have no assurance of se curing In time to be of use to us here In Ijiko county7. Such exhibits us fruit and vegetables are perishable and unless they can lo renewed oc casionally they would, in a lew weeks, lose their attractivvuess. (rain and grass exhibits ure not subject to decay, but unless a com plete farm exhibit could bo made a partial one would hardly meet with the desired result. A timber and mineral exhibit would be an expen sive one, as our mineral resources are undeveloped, and while our tim ber supply Is Immense, to place a sample tif our trees at l'ortland by team, our only means tif transporta tion, would Involve u greater ex pense than the people are willing to Hucrillcc. What is left then Is a stock exhibit. Lake county can show boiuo good stock. No place In tho state can better cattle, sheep or horses bo found than In Lako county. For the county to let tho fair puss without an exhibit of any kind would bo j overlooking one of the lient oppor- I tunitleH that will fver Ih? prenented i I to ad vertlne the county. And now that a ttttM'k f xhlbit HttMiiM to lie the only feanlble one to make, It Ih time for our cople to lieiu making ar- raiiKementH for a (IrHt-claHH uttM'k hIiow. A Utrlliy tf whiteface or Ileri'ford, Hay a bull, a cow ami j yeiirliiiK ami a calf; a Hiring of Jer-1 hi'.vh ami one of Itin Iiiiiiih; a fiiiiilej tif our line nheep ami our wool, j w It It'll caniiot In rill j.rrr, j iiiiii- 1 u.lifn In tin ti'iiflil i-,.ulil tii'ike I very attrai tlve hIiow. Then airaln I Hoint tif our iH-ht Iioikch would add to the HightH of the big fair. A Htock exhibit, of courne, could not lit placed till nprlng, but now Ih the time to begin putting our Htttck In nhupe to tteud. Have them fat uml In a condition to bent whow their Hlze and qtiaUty by the time tUe fair opeiin, make tUe neeeHHary Appropriation ttt meet the exp.iHe nail nelect the person to-take charge t( the exhibit, no that erery detail w'Jl Ik worked out by spring. Plush Items.. Pi.rsiT, Sept. 2fi, 1904. This eectiou of the country was vieiletl by terrific thunder and rain norm one night last week, which lasted teveral hours. A man who slept in Mr. Scanution'e bunk limine that night, got '.lailly scared, and tiMk refuse under the bedi for safety, and one heavy crai-li started the blot it played for half an hour, paying rcg ular every five minutes. HayiitK i still going on, in fact ODe oi the Tule ranches are just starting in, and Christmas will be near before the last buck load is hauled in. W. P. Moulder, who has been quite sick for some time, is able to be about again and attend to business. Mrs. James Givans of Dee-p creek, paid a short visit to friends and rela tives, residing at Plush. Tim Sullivan, Mr. Scammon's caterer and general roustabout, met with a painful accident the other day, a horse stepped on his foot and badly lacerating the same, but if blood poison don't set in, ans go to his head, he will soon be able to be around again. hick Hesse returned from the Salt marsh a few days ago, he reports the salt crop rather short this season. Messrs Massingill and Smith of Lake view came over the other day, and they also visited the Salt marsh, where Mr. Massingill looked after the interest of the Co., w hich is operating the marsh. The school at this place should have opened today (Monday) but for some unaccountable reason failed to connect. TCLK. Jury List For Fall Term. Following is a list of voters drawn to serve as Jurors at the October term of circuit court to convene on tho 17th day of Octolier, 1904: Sii.vkk Lakk. It. Van Porn. Si MMKit Lakh. U. C. Foster, Z. (1. Harris. Paisi.kv. 11. K. Reed, R. Random. CifooM'.u Ciu:i:k. .1. S. Itranch. Thomas CuKKK.tJ. K. Field, C. S. Loveless. Sol tu W.ut.NKU. T. 11. Wakefield. Coiiiitsw t.i.i. Cukkk. L. C. Emer son, Ed. llnrtzog, S. J. Studley, G. 11. Aldrtdge. Goosic Lark. Wm. Reruard, C. S. Morris, L. A. Carrlcker, G. W. Gar rett. Lakkvikw. W. R. llcryford, Jas. Harry, W. R. Steele, A. F. Tounlng Bon, C. C). Metuker, Fred Spangeu burg, J. D. Heryford, F. M. Miller, Win. Farrell, (J. W. Duncan, E. E. Woodcock, Johu Kelley, F. 1'. Light, Y. V. Heryford. DEFECT IN PRIMARY LAW NOT A SERIOUS ONE. Th tpiestbtii arising from a small defect in the new primary nom inating law that ha- Int-ii made n subject for dlHciiHhlon the past few tlayH in the dally papers. In a matter that little eonceriiH Iikectumty, and in fact, the stale, as but few cities In the state will hold elections licfort next h iilng, and no county elections will Im held until the law In In full force with all provlnl tin equitably brought into- working order through nutu ul channels. Tne dire t primary law provided that no iHTnon shall rote at primary elections unless lie is registered as a member of tin?- party with which he proposes to vote. Voters who R'gist . red last Spring were not requlwd to anni unce their party affillatlo,. and are, therefore, not registered &e members of any party. These otera are not allow d to register ovr again, for the reg istration books are only open now for those who clfcl not register last Spring. It is alleged that this will prevent 95 per cent of the voters In Oregon voting at the next primary elec tions. Little does It matter whether the voter is allowed to register this fall, on the registration books will be open again before another election, and people will be required to regis ter again just the sume as U no new law were in force, and at that time voters will be wqulred to register with the party of their choice, which will give them a-vote in the primar ies, as provided lu the new law. On ly a few large cities in the state will experience any inconvenience, and they will work. out their own salva tion, and if any defect is found in the law, the legislature will be asked to remedy the matter at this winter's session. Good Evidence oi Road. The best evidence of the Western Pacific's intention to build a rail road between Suit Lake and San Francisco is- that the eompauy has placed an order with the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company for (53,000 tons of steel rails for future delivery. These rails are all to lie of the A. S. E. standard, eighty pounds, and as the rail runs 125.71 tons to the mile, the order will mean enough for over 500 miles. The order for rails following the announcement that the road was in the market for construction equip ment and that contracts for grading would be let at once, proves conclu sively that work Is to be rushed, so It would not be surprising to hear of a commencement at this end at any time. S. F. Chronicle. Must Return Certificates. The ministers of Oregon who have neglected to make returns of certifi eutes of marriages performed by them will find themselves iu serious trouble unless they make a prompt report to the County Clerk. Tho law which was passed at tho last session of the Legislature, requires tho miuisters to return tho certifi cates within CO days of tho Issuance of tho license, If the ceremouy is per formed in the samo county. If per formed In another countyadubllcato of tho certificate must bo returned to tho clerk of tho county iu which tho license was issued. For failure to comply with tho law a penalty of $ 50 Is Imposed. 0