Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 22, 1904, Image 2

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    uitf Ountu ittmt
PuhlUhed HrT Thursday
.Mteonle Building
i One Year
TERMS: ' SU Months. . . .
(Three Months,.
. . 1 .00
stwi h
.Itl Inrll
ro Inrlie
rhrv Iiiirn
iunrtrr Column
all Column
One Column
I k 1 mo S m in' 1 yr
. . f I .l i1 ' it' $1 1 IV
1 '
1 00
oo 7ii ini law
s or JAtx iv
2ft Mix
For President
Of New York
For Vice-President
Of Indiana
The largest of the luirlal monads
built ly the aborigines li America in
tbe Cahokie, situated eight miles
west of the Mississippi river, l
t wee n tlie mouth of t he Missouri and
St. Louis, which is loo feet high, 10-)
feet lung ami 710 foot wide.
The search fur n ph.vslcal irocess
which would act directly on the
circulating Mood in cases of intox
ication in order to extract the poison
which it may contain is not a new
thing, two methods up to the pres
ent having la-en tried transfusion
of the blood and washing of the
lu a half column newspajier inter
view, William S. rowiII, ex-county
Judge, announces his intentiou to
vote for Roosevelt at the coming
November presidential election. The
Colonel however reserves his demo
cratic principles and says he Is not a
Republican convert, but admires
t'.oosevelt and his administration
and thinks that the Republican can
didate is "better than his party."
The house of representatives in
Washington was considering a bill
to prohibit the docking of horses
tails. Congressman I'crkins was
speaking in favor of the measure
when lie wax Interrupted by Mr.
Coper of Wisconsin, who asked:
'Why does nnyb dy dock a horse's
tail.'" Mr. 1'erkii.s replied: chiefly
because it looks a grcit deal better.
Why do you cut . our hair Instead
f having it down over your should
ers'.'" The humor of this reply, if
.any, lies in the fact that Mr. Cooper
Is about as bald as a turnip.
Democrats have contended all
along that New Jersey would le
found in their columns atthe.N'ovem
lcr election, but the democrats of
New Jer.-ey who have heretofore
nmde that -.late doulMf'tl, in eonvei:-
lion a l-v .l;i.v.,r;uicr.i-, to disa-l
un-e wilii tl... 1 1 1 . 1 r 1 ; 1 i. i i,( the!
tiatioiial diuorn, 1 ie ea nijiai-a, and!
pledgeil tin :r vole to 'l'I'n.-i. i:. 'at-
.-ion Jor pf.-.j .y tl... ;, Mil. ii-. (ilj
flies.' iirni'jcr.i! t!i.- 1 1 mo'-ra 1 ie I
party in Now Jer-ec is c-j.lit, wiiiehj
jaakes it sure for Roosevelt. They!
decline to iollow the lead of such
men as Sheehan, ilill and Relmont
into Wall street. They say, "thut it
was the Intention of tliu managers
of the t. fouis convention to de
ceive t ho people U proved by the
fact that in no essential particular
does the platform of the dominant
party differ.
In I matilln county where a hard
pan lies close under the surface of I he
ground and prevents the moisture
from rising or the root of alfalfa
from reaching the moisture, fanners
are experimenting with dynamite,
breaking up the hardpnn. It Is ex
pected that this will allow the moist
ure to rise to the surface, also the
root of alfalfa and trees to reach a
p renter depth.
Special Excursions to St. Louis.
Anuust S, .t and lt, SeptomU'r ft, ti
and 7 hihI tVtobcr 3, 4 mid ." are the re
tnniniiig date upon which tickets w ill
be mid at the reduced rates to the t.
I.otii l air. These rate apply over the
I'ctiver and Rio tirnmlo anil Missouii
Pacific, for the patrons of these- road
sptviid ex uimoii c:irs will he run hum Portland mid St. Louis
v itln lit i -1 :i t .ge.
S'i' 1 he tniinv point-ol ltiteiet about
the Mormon ti it:il and lake u tide
through Nntoie's u-t in vail !el I .
Pmirv' ti i' t Iomiu' tnol.ths liavel t"
the lair will be eiv he.ivv. If von
con t m elate unii'vr w i Me W . C. M -Hi ele,
geiemi iiceitt at 1 Vi t 'and h a thel'enver
and bio iiainle, (or particulars el those
Within the last luyears the grow th
of the telephone business has Im'oii
very rapid. The reports f the Hell
companies show a sixfold Increase in
the number of outstanding instru
ments since 1MKJ. There are now
over one and a half million subsorili
ers in these companies, and in the
last four years the long distance
t rattle has increased kt cent.
Sheep or Cattle Ranch.
More ranches for sale. This time a
idu-ep ranch of 14 forties lying along
Pitt River, and controls a vast range on
the banks of the river and for miles
back. Thin stock ranch is a snap at
fiiSOO. Write to the Lake County Kx
aminer for particulars.
In addition to the above 14 foities
there are II forties lying 4 or 5 miles
distant, on which there are two large
springs. The above price is lor the en
tire 17 torties.
The Misses Nettie and Ltta Viu
yard. popular teachers of Modoc
County, arrived in Anderson Sunday.
The ladies were former residents of
our town mid visited with friends
until Wednesday night, when they
left for Oakland. Anderson New s.
Arrest It! $50 Reward.
For anv skin disease. ECZKMA, OLD
SORKS, I'lLKS, 1'l.MI'LKS, etc., which
will not cure promptly. Send today for
afree treatment sufficient tn cure anv
ordinary case. HOYD OMKMICAL
CO., Rand McXally Hldg., Chicago.
Paul Morton, the new secretary of
the navy, has always leen a glutton
for work. Put a pile of important
papers on his desk and hi decision"
come almost as fast as shots from a
rapid fire gun. He dis s nut drink or
smoke, and his head is always clear.
Backed up by over a third of a
century of remarkable and uni
form cures, a record such as no
other remedy for the diseases
and weaknesses peculiar to
women ever attained, the pro
prietors and makers of Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
now feel fully warranted in of
fering to pay $500 in legal
money of the United States for
any case of Leucorrhea, Female
Weakness, Prolapsus or Falling
of Womb, which they cannot
cure. All they ask is a fair and
reasonable trial of their means
of cure. All correspondence
held sacredly confidential.
If you require medical advice
don't fail to write Doctor R. V.
Pierce who will give you tho
best advice possible. Address
Buffalo, tl. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
ore a ladies' laxative. No other
medicine equals them for gen
tleness and thoroughness.
Lvmcmi w I'rcni I .tig services at
11 o'clock A. M , and 7:'U I. M. .every
second and fourth Sunday.
Sunday School every Sunday at 10
A.M. Prayer Meeting every Thurs
day at 7::i0 P. M.
Ni:vv Pink Cut i k Preaching Ser
vices at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 ;:t i p.
M., every tlrst Sunday.
Sunday School every Sunday at 10
A.M. Prayer Minting every Thurs
day at 7:'U P. M.
Hki iiki. Preaching Services at 11
o'clock A. M., am) 7::lo p. M., every
t bird Sunday.
.1. H. Sr vuK, Pastor.
The l air Route
Via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
I .owls. Is t he one I hat ulves you the
most for Votir mouev, and the fact
that the i I.I.I ; Nols CKNTKA I. offers
I' vsl l!f vss:n St l;vi 1: hi three
points to I in VVOKI.HS I All:, oil I
in t his connect h n to all points be
yond, makes It to y oiirnih until uc. In
ease yon contemplate atrip to anv
point east. In w file lis before lu.'ik
inir linal arrangements.
We can offer t hechoice of a! least a
doen different routes
It. II. l l.l Mitt II.
Commercial Agent ,
1 1J Third St ivot, Portland Oregon.
.1. C. I.iMisirv,
T. I'. P. A..
1."L' Thrd Street. Portland Oregon
T. H. Thompson.
K. A P. A..
Room 1, Column I'.hlg., Seattle, Wash.
l kept nil fl tt K.P. Dakk's
Ailvi-rtlslnit Agi-nrr IU Sure
miiiii Stnt-i. sn Fmiii lM'o, i ml., wln-r
comrm ls (or BilviTtlmng ra Ik' 11
Sul.wrltv.Ti to Ihe Kiamlncr srlitt rniiov out- l.M slliy to niilii-r, or i-hnit'
their Miin.mi' s.lilri'M tmiilil rriii. mlH r in
itrnp tills ettk-e a rrl mi tln-ir ps r t t'i liv .
drt J 10 tbe rnilit siatult)i-u.
; mi l.tMt iiTlii:
; I ' 11 1 le.l M ill I, ami I Ml. e l.nkeview,
t Oregon, August '.', I'.KII. Nolle is
! hereby given Hint in nitli
the iio iions of the A.'t n .1 uiie :l. IS',
outiiled "Ait act lor the sale of timher
lands in the States o California, liegon,
'Nevada and Washliikiton IVt 1 itorv,"
I extended to nil the I'uhlie I.hihI Males
I by act of August 4. SUJ, the following
I roiia have tiled in this olliie their
I nu orn ststeinents. to wit:
I Frederick II. Snyder, of Lakeview,
I county of Lake, state ol begun. Sworn
statement .No. VI.".', lor the punliaso
the SK4 nfSW4 Sitf(1fSi:4 Sec. 17
and NK'i of X M Sec, L'0, Tn if7 S., .
' in K.
Annie P. Snyder, ol Lakeview , county
I of I. like, state ol Dregon, Smu ii state
ment No. "I '.'7, for the iiiin hiise of the
N .. of S',. Sec. 17, Tp :i7 S., K. Ill K.
j 'I hat tiiev will oiler proof to show
, that Ihe hind soiiithl is nioie vatuahle
I for its timher or stone than for agririil
1 11 1 a I 1 .n 1 1 ' en and to eliihlisli their
claim to said ! lid helore Kegisti r and
liei elver III l.nkeie- oil 'I lleihiv the
1'itti day ol Noxemher, l',i.l.
I hev Inline as w ; liroie
l.viu h. V I.. S 1 1 -1 1 i 1 1 vr . W I., M'ull.-y,
.1.1. Vil,ii-i met I'.' II. Siiuh r. nil i f
I .akevieu , I ln t- .11 .
lu hi.. I nil nl -olis . I.l 1 111 in alvelM
ly I in' 11 1 10 e-.h i I I hi. I l.iml a. e retjilekl
oil to tile their e'liiuiH in this nlliee on or sui'l l ilhiayol .NoVeinber, l!HU.
Sept 1 II .1 . N, Vlso, Pegisler.
Nasal Cut U IT 1 1 quickly yield to trenU
ini'iit hy I'.ly'B Cream Jtului, whii li is nriti.
hly roiiiutir. Il i roreivcd through tlm
nostrils, olokiiseii and In nl tho wliola Mir
fiu'a oTor which it Uitfnsi ttsulf. linigKi"11'
it'll the Mo. iii.fl; Trial sin ly lunil, 10
conta. Tost it aud you are suru to coiiliuuo
the troAtuicnt.
To cconiiiiiMlnto those who lira nurtiid
to tho use of iitoini.i-r In applying lupudu
into the meuil j n-cni- for f.iturrmt truu.
OUt, Ihn propn .rs pr-tnre Cri ani llalin in
liipiid form, wlin li -ill I ktiowu n's
Liipiiil Cronlll Rnllll. 1'iiie ilirblihlig hi)
praying lube i 7'htiiU. l'rtigKisl or by
luaiL Tim tnpiid form i inhothi'S tlm inr.l.
ioiual propcrtn of thu solid pri rntiou.
I istenll
Vour Properly
With tha
It Dont Matter II It la
Not Worth
We Can 5cll It lur You.
If You Contemplate
Huylng or Selling
..A HOME..
Consult Us At Once
If Vou Want a I5ar
gniti in Lither Case.
thiii mi 1. i Mil i r
I'lliteil Males I. Mil. I (Mliie l.ilkeVliW
(lie. August :io I'.MII.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pltiiiice w il h I he provision of the Act
of June II, 1x7. entitled "An art lor
tho sale ol timber IiiihU ill the Slates: of
California, Oregon, Neva. I.l and Wash
ington Territory," extended to all the
I'uhlie band Males hv net of August 4.
I hip.', the following persons have ll'ed III
this olhi'e their sworn stiiteiiients
i to wit:
! .lames T, l liMik, of Plush, county of
I Lake, Htnte ol Oregon. Sworn stativ
I meiil No. '7U4, for the purchase of the
; N i:'4 of N W4 Sec 1I. Tp '14 M., It I'll K.
I Anna I hsik, of Plush, county ( Lake,
state of ( iregoii. Sworn stnteineiit No.
'.'70'i. for the purchase ol Ihe Sl'.' of
si:'4 Sec :m, 'i p :n s., R. -.'7 K.
That they will offer pnsd tosln that
t he land sought is nioie vnbuihle for it
timher or sl.n.e than for luiricnlturnl
pin poses and to establish their 1 hum to
said laud before Ili'glNler anil KeeelVer
at I ake iew , Oregon, on M0inl.1v the II
ihiv of November, phll.
TheV Inline lis 1 1 nei : A. W,
Main ing and W. II. shirk i l.akevi.-w,
lie, lolV l.alllsoll, W. I. v. :lllillOli
.111.I Steve oimg n I'lush, 1 In-.
Anv ami nil poisons rl inlver-si-lvlbe
nh"M' iIim.i ihe.l ;i t . re
ipiesti d to file thru i hiiu in this olhi e
oil or heloie siinl II il.iv of . i ve ill I ier ,
.lift III. .1
. 1 .'S . lo-iii-ter.
inn, riMini
band Ullice at l.aki'View, the., July
1 '.'I st pHl. Noliee is berebv given Ihul
ithe follow ing-liameil settler ha tiled
lliotieeol hi intention lo commute In
tiiippotl of Ida claim, and that said proof
will be made liofoio K-uister and Ite
coiver at Lakeview , Oregon, on the I! 1st
! day of August. 1U04 vis : Owen T. Mc
1 Kondree lld.U'M-IO lor the NK'4' ol NK'4
! Sec. 11 S'.j of SK'4' and SK1, ol H i4
Sec. 4 Tp .Tl S R II K. V. M. He
! nanioN thti following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and culti
vation o said land, sit: .1. O. Ilatn
nkrr, of HonnnKi, I re. S. A. White of
' Rovston, 1 ire. Ld .Miller, of I .ore I hi, Ore.
land W. ll.Casels'er, of lily. Ore.
1 .ly."H-4l J. N. W.vrsov, Register.