Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 22, 1904, Image 1

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NO. .",8.
Tlic Mrkniila iiiIiihI it'll troupe
pllMfl iIiI'oiikIi here a Week or
nil a K" It l r n u t HI I Ii I llilll hllillll lie
HI 1 1 1 PI f.Mll. lllV II 'I I'll II lll'l l
M I fi il'IIIM III I', lillt W lllMI till t'f'l I V 1 1
get h iii f. i in i.i ii m hiilil iln'Ir ii i--fi
ii iii.i i i r Ii ill,.! r urn! iiiiii ii.
After 111" Irejdal' pel f'lini.llire, tin'
lender ill I In- K'HiH lllinnlllii't'K tn till
uuilii'hir ilmt ii lecture will lie eivi-ii
lifter tin- hliurt vlllrlt nlil.V ui-lilli'.
nu ll lire permit li d tn hear. W licit
tln ladles have illnappfaif d ami
what of I he ...nlc nut-kern that have
Hl'ltlll It'll tllflllM'IVl'H It) III" lllM'l
lire Hfttlei! lu their Kent to hear the
"lecture," an old "nlugcr wench"
appears on the Htne In an ntiMiilute
miiije condition ami prisvcds with u
Hurl (it hurtly-nurdy, or liulii
Juila dunce, that makes every
line ir'Hent ashamed to have It
known that hi wit ih-mhi'iI the I nc!
lent. conH...,uently no .nt lo.l.- a
cnmplalnt. At l.akevlew, however,
the a'.lt holl It'H were HilMplcloilH of
Moiiirtliln of the klml ami when two
olllcerH npiearei III the crowtl tin
manaK'eiH of (hi troupe lieciime
nlarmeil, ami tin ilanee wan not
pilte mo iliHraref ill. lint wc uniler
Mtatiil that lit I'nUley the hlmw wax
iiuly itini;raci fill ami vulvar,
Institute an lnt c remind One.
The annual Teni-helV IllHtltute
commeiit'eil Monday, 1'rof. Search
of WorccNliii, Miimn., aril veil here
Sumlay ami nave lectun-x each
nlldit at the M. I'., church, which
were hlulily ajiprechiteil liy all w ho
nttemleil. I'rnf. Search Im a lenrnetl
gentleman ami nil utile Hpeakrr ami
Lake county xlmiilil feel prom! for
having Imi'ii acconletl the Hcrvlcen if
mo prominent u perHonap iih I'rof.
The IllHtltute wan one of the lient
ami inoMt Inteit'Htlne; ever liehl In the
county, ami much lieuetlt wan reap
ed from It.
(irahum'rt JSatnl furulMheil iiiuhIc
for the occnMlon which wan iiIho nn
nttracllvc feature.
The follow Iiik teivchern nttemleil
the IllHtltute: I'rof. I'reNton Search,
fJIII-ert l. I'.rown, Wllfreil Ilrown. .1.
lUoiiKh, I tern Ire Cane, Klla Callahan,
Mrn. T. II. Cloml. Mrn. L. V. Conn,
Winifred KlemliiK, K. II. Fawcctt,
Orvllla Ieiiilierner, F. N. ManiuU, K.
(i, IEoIihoii, .IchhIo SuiuIh, Myrtlo M.
Smith, Mm. Helen Snyder, .1. (i. Wll
lltH, Cora Flmlley.
Mls Urayce beach Weds.
The following from the Anhland
ThlliiBM chronlcIc8 an Important
event In the life of a former Luke
view girl, and a HUter of tho lleach
lioytj, who have been prominently
Identified with Lake county, having
eeii In the newnpuper, and other
liiiHincHH here for tho pant "0 yearn.
MImh lleach Iwih many frlendx in
Lakevlew who are among her well
wImIh'Ih. "The very many Ahhlnml friemlM f
the fair lirido will lie IntercHted to
learn of the marriage of MIkh tJrayee
lleach, daughter of Mm. S. M. lleach
of thin city, to Mr. William Murray
Laldlaw, which hnppy event wan
celebrated ycntcnlny, Sunday, Sei
teinher 11, at tho homo of MIhh
Heach'H HlHter, Mm. (1. A. Follelt,
Ceulral avenue, Hlchniond, Cal.,
where who Iihh been vlnltlng forsovcr
at niontliH pat. Tho ceremony wan
pronounced by tho Rev. U. J.Lokon,
of tho Flrut ChrUtlan church of Rich-
inond, In tho presence- of a small com- j
imiiy nf relatives iiml lnt limi te
fili'inU. Mm. Follt-t I played Lolieu
KiIii'h wcldiuu; imirrli iiml Imiiivhm
Ivciicmm wn added to tln nuptial
service by tin- nIiiuIiiu if "O, I '! unlw
Mi'." li.V MIH Mum Mill,.!-, ofOnkhiml.
i mi hit I in a ii friend of t In bride, a in I a
t-1 w r 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ii viii allxt , win! U a proni
lin'iil iiii'inlii'i' of thi choir i if tirai'i
M. '.. I'hiiivh In Smi Frit nrUro. I'hc
Ihhiih-wn I lint il.v ilt'i'i mi ti'il fur I he
JoyoilM t mi'iihIi Hi, thf color Miieine
li'lnif pale urt'iMi mill white. The
bride wnri' dotted nllk mull over
while taffi-ta. a tulle veil, ami carried
a Lily nf thf Valley litiiiift. After
,H 1
ln..l. ....r. 1 . l
their future home at Martini'., Cal
I... . ...t I... . 111.. f..Hl
where tin Kfooin, who Im well up In
newMpaper clrclt'H, Im how enguifeij lit
.frN. f.alilliiw, a inoMt worthy ami
lu'compllHhetl yountf Iiuly, wan for
merly a incmlicr of the ThllnK" tyio
graphical ilepnrtmeii t. in which en-
I ltMlty hU W'u, very
mill the entire force deHlrc to J Mu In
thcMhowt-r of conmrat ulatloiiH and
Knot! w' IhIich.
Performed Brave Deed.
Mm. Itrauthicht while returning
to her home In Lakevlew from
Yreka reeeiitly had tjulte mi ex
pi'i'leiict' at I'okeama with a run
away Mtuge. team. She and her
little cl.llilrni hail climbeil into the
foiir-lmrHe NtiiKe coach ami the
tlriver wiih htamllng by the leitiler'H
heinln. The hnMcH lMcame frlifhten
eil mid Htarted to run, kiiockiug the
driver down ami running over him.
The lini'K were tied to the break and
the !
Mm. iSrautlacht wan Hitting in
rear Kent. She put the children
:uider the neat and tilmlicd over
three HeatM t reach the Hiicm while
the Iiomch were going at break-neck
hpeed down through the tlmU-r.
Slie Hiicceeileil In getting hold of the
linen and kneeling down In tho bot
tom of the conch to nteady herttclf,
ln'gan reining the frightened anl
nialM In. They ran about a mile and
a iiuurtcr, however, iH'fore who couhl
get them Htoppetl. Had It not liecn
for her children nhe would probably
have jumpetl out when they llrnt
Htartetl ami navetl hernelf from what
looked to be certain death, but to
nave them, she looked the grim mou
nter In the face am) delicti Ill-luck.
Bernard Comedy Company.
Hnrry Iternard, w ith IiIm troupe of
coinmedlann have Iki-ii giving per
formance! In the Opera limine ninco
lant Thuruclay evening to crowded
audience). Mr. Reriuird Ih advertls
lug tho Native Ilerbn, a incdcciuo it
value to health, and alno given a
good performance at a reasonable
price. They are not the kind of ieo
plo that bilk a town for a night or
two. They pay their bllln and give
a performance worth the money.
They expect to be hero tho rent of
thin week, and ponnlbly longer.
Kurglars at Paisley.
Lant Thumdny night hoiuo olio
entered tho Curlier tfc Cooley naloon
at I'alnley, through a window and
pried open tho till with an ax ami
toolt about $10, then they broke
open tho nlot machine, which wan a
"."i cent machlng, and while It In not
known how much there wan in
there, It In believed about if 10 wan
taken from tho machine. Tho work
was deliberately performed, arid
evidently tho burglar wan lu no
haste, as no clow was left behind
with which ho could bo traced.
-- l'i I 'ii li reeelveil the Had newM '
Lnt Wiilnefilay two IihIIiIiih Tiienilny morning by wire (if the Senator Chan. W. Fairbanks, Re
were Kiiinif down the road, plenum- ijenth at Central Point nf IiIm brother puliliraii candidate for vice-president
nU.v elil'onte to lilt) well, when they Thou l'.tall, who .iei Tin-winy morn- It licom Went ami speak III Ore-
yot a III t le I iey oinl I'tin- t'reik, Jut l.itc nlmiit 1" oiioik. Tom has suffer- gon, Washington ami California,
over into Calift.riihi, lin y met a e I of Rrlghtu ilixeam for several In looking over tin. program, Re-
llttleglii. we hen nl about 12 or II year.-, ami ! ft here it few months piilillian State Chairman Frank C.
yearn oi l. The ii wan walking ago. Ill- many ilmr friend In n Ilaker lmtlreil that no speech was
nlotm t In roml, ami turrieil a dollar were sad to we him li m e t hey m-Ih duled for Port land, mid at once
In her haml. tine nf the Indians felt t hey wouM never nee him amain. ' telegraphed (liairm-i.; Tawney re-
minle a grab at her mid threw her, Tom 1 ill win a Jolly companion, gardiug the matter, ami a speech
upon the ground, took tin money nil honoralile citizen ami a kooiI ;iml wax remlily nrraiiKeil for in I'ort-
away from her, ami proceeie. in true frieml to all wiiom ;ooil fortmio 1 tml on Octoher firnt. The Oreon-
ci Imiiially axuault the irlrl. Her It him to know him. Me ma le Ian of t he l.'ith hiivh:
I HtreaniH werr
hcanl dy a iiearliy
i farmer, w hn nixhci) to her rewue,
, i . , . . , , .
vlllliil,klint,in,.i.,,l II,,, fee ft.. Ill linn.
...... . ... r.ivv H,l.
to nave the poor n1' I rroui thu (Ian
tardly crime of a half drunken
The Indian fled, leaving IiIm horne
ami the man wim unable to capture
the brute of an Indian and he made
IiIm chcum Into a patch of tulen neur
the lake nhore. About 20 men were
hooii after hlui but could not get
him out of the tuleH until nearly
morning when he nllpped out and
made for IiIm horne, when he wan
captured. Sheriff Street of AltuniH
wan Hent for at once and met the
poHHt having In charge the Indian
at 1iivIm Creek where he wan turned
........ ... .1... ..I. ..-Of 'CI... ,.ll,..H l I
t.i in I in' rin I hi. if I ill I jii -
Milan returneii m i.akeview. l ne
Indian n name in not know n. Hut
i ,. f..ii,...- u,.i.i i.. iu. ., 1
of the lt. well Indian nchool.
fiery ford-Lewis.
J. I. Ilcryford and Kella Ixwin
wt,n' happily married lant Saturday
evening at Mm. lA'win' renidence on
Slanh Htreet. Judge Daly erfornied
the ceremony. The partlen have not
nurprlned their friendn tin completely
an they may Imagine. However,
the event wiih hailed with delight by
everyone. Mr. Heryford In to be
congratulated und all winh Mm.
Heryford all the Joys nhe ho well de
nerveH. Mr. Heryford can well afford to
take from bin jchm of accumulation
of wealth the dollars that went out
with hln glad hand to tlw tllnh-pan
orchentra that greetetl them a few
evenlngn ago.
F.veryono han something pleanant
to 8a' of thin match, and tho bride
ant groom have tho good win lies ot
many friendn. among them The
Two Sad Deaths.
Tuesday eveulug Wllllo Boyd re
ceived a telegram stating that Lil
lian Uurrus died in Reno on that
niornlug, Sept- 20, 1904.
LIlllo Rurrus was rained In Lake
view, and went to Reno about two
years ago, where she has been em
ployed as bookkeeper for tho Flan
Igan Warehouse Co. A couple of
weeks ago she wus taken sick with
brain fever, from which she suffered
until death relieved her sufferings
Tuesday morning.
Llllle Iturrus wan known by many
who were particularly fond of her
because of her cheerful disposition,
and her many friends here aro sad
dened to hear of her death so early
lu life. She was about 21 years of
Peceased leaves a father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rurrus,
one sinter Miss l'earl, threo brothers,
Charley, Tommlo and Archie, and a
grauil mother, Mrs. Rlalr, who left
hero last week to be by tho bedside
of her dying granddaughter, besides I
; ot Iiit fninl relat I ven, mid n score of
warm frlt-rnN.
' friemln everywhere he went, ami'
j many are the ouch In Lake county
; , . .. , ,
tt hn U' III liwiiirn lild ii.iTi
Tom Deal! win aged ,')! yearn and
11 moiitliH.
Goes to California.
C. C. Harnum ami wife and Hon
WHIN Harnum, who have lived In
Clover Flat for several yearn, have
traded their ranch to a Mr. Schmidt,
of Orange county, Calif., for orchard
landn. Mr. Schmidt in here and the
UarnuuiM will drive a team to .the
railroad where Mr. Schinidt'n family
will meet them and bring the team
The Harnum family are well, liked
by everybody who have the good
fortune to know them, and many
i , ,,
i are norry to nee them leave. How
, .. ... .
, . . m
the U'liHif of Mrn.
,rHi, it. ii mi
, .,-,.,.
they move, ami I
i their friendn hope the
. ,
change of
tllaU aMU U U-neadal to her
j in IiojhmI that they will pronjier In
j their new home, and Mr. Schmidt
; and hln family will be welcomed to
Iike county.
The School Bell Rings.
The Lakevlew school liegiim next
Monday with Ave teachers. I'rof.
J. Rlough, as principal, Miss Jessie
Sands, 7th and Mil grades, Miss
Winifred Fleming, ith and 0th
grades, Mrs. Thos. 11. Cloud 5M and
4th grades ami Miss Ella Callahan
the primary department.
The Board are to be congratulated
upon their Judgement lu selecting
Instructors for the coming term of
Made Quick Work of HI Family.
O. K. Monroe, a laborer of Ashland
whose wife had applied foradivorce,
entered the house last Friday and
shot his wife, his mother-lu- law,
sister-in-law and his little daughter,
then turned the smoking pistol to
his own head and blew out his
brains. The child died the same
evening aud the sister-in-law may
die, the other women are not ser
iously Injured.
Prefers the Stage.
Mrs. L. Snlder-Jhnson, tho well
known mezzo-soprano, wboso beau
tiful voice has so often beeu raised in
tho cause of charity and who has
been a valued member of tho choir of
tho First Congregational Church for
over three years, has decided to em
bark upon a professional career and
will make her debut at the Orpheum
next Saturday afternoon. San Fran
cisco Chronicle.
Counterfeit 50-Cent Pieces.
Evidently someone ispasslugeouu
terfelt 50-ceut pleses somew here near
here, as ono turns up occasionally.
They are a very poor counterfeit as
their looks, as well as tho ring when
dropped on a counter gives them
away at once. People should bo
careful In receiving money to not
got hold of any of theso 50-cent
Citizen of I'ortlantl will have an
opportunity of Kazinir upon, hearing
. .... .1 ...ll.t.. a.. At.. ..i it.
tlllH IIIIKIII U lilt? J il'P II I II H' il U C&D
ditlate for Vice-President of tbe
United States on the night of Octo
ber 1. At the same time they will
hear arguments which will enable
them to Judge for themselves what
they should do w hen they go to the
polls Novemlier 8.
Senator Fairbanks, of Indiana,
the running-mate of Theodore Roose
velt, will speak lu Portland Satur
day night, OctolKT 1, and from the
same platform will resound the voice
of that famous man from Iowa,
,Senator J. P. Dolliver.
, State Chairman Frank C. Raker is
responnible for these speeches. As
soon as Mr, Raker learned that Sen-
I uli.h V.i li-l.ii ,iL is lntuiiilu.l rr. t-i.itf tilt.
I c. I w i mi iiiiiinn iiilu'ii. iv iim, , .
I I'fW-ltfj CMitkit til till 11111 lit tl ttt-
1 grapnetj l nairmun lawney, asking
. '
whether the v ice-I'residentlal candi
date would speak In Portland, and
received the following reply:
Republican National Com.
Chicago, Sept. 14, 1JW4.
Hon. Frank C. Raker,
Chairman Republican State Com.
Portland, Or.
Yes, Sir; Senators Fairbanks and
Dolliver will be at Portland Satur
day evening, October 1.
Will L'ke Make an Exhibit?
Judge Daly is in receipt of a letter
from Edmond C. Giltner, Secretary
of the Lewis & Clark Fair Commis
sion, requesting the Judge to advise
the commission how much floor
space Lake county will require for
its exhibit at the fair next year.
Now this is a matter that will re
quire much time and space to dis
cuss, and in order to give the citi
zens an opportunity to express their
views, we will take the matter up
next week and continue it until a
definite conclusion Is reached. Ow
ing to conditions here, no railroad,
or convenient means of getting ex
hibits on the grounds, It is thought
that a thorough stock exhibit will be
more successful than to undertake a
general exhibit of all our product.
We will be glad to hear from any
one on this subject, and their views
will lie liberally dealt with.
Sheep Poisoned.
We are Informed that about 200
mutton sheep were poisoned recent
ly near Madeliue. Tho sheep belong
ed to C. A. Estes aud B. F. Lyuip
and were driven to Madeliue for
shipment to market. Aualysis
made of tho stomach of the sheep
shows that tho poison used was
saltpeter aud strychnine. What
makes tho outrage more dastardly
was tho fact that tlio sheep were
poisoned at a spring on tho main
road, and only about two miles
from Madeliue. It will stand tho
railroad company In hand to forrlt
out the perpetratera ot the deed,
otherwise owners will bo afraid to
drive to Madeline. Flalndealer.