Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 15, 1904, Image 6

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    sy Beef Ruyer Discriminate-.
The nppiuvnt tlisorltnlnntlnn tnttilo
hy lnvf Ini.ver In tlic northern nnm
tlctt Im'I ion Crook nml other ouiin-
tie n ciHIe for IV kU-k oil the putt t'f
Crook roimty Ktookineii. From S
cent in oho oont kt pnnnd nintv In
paid in cmintloH north of t'rook tluiii
Is pit ill tln-tv for lieof. In mhiio In
wtiinie I ho (ii.illt,v of boot limy cm
noiih' II:: u re. lnt Crook county cat
tlemen lo Imvo watched the prices
Ooiitcm! that it U not much tlio
ColonNt kate. to Nevada and Cnl.
September lih ! tli I' !' l-.'4.
f.'I'lll f ! I v li V - '' i. i i "
N, w V k .. i i .1 . I'iIm.
iihuc mm I1!' i i ' i 1 ' '' " 1 I ' '"
f;:l. M I. ni, Vi, n ,. miI No
Olll-Ull" f '. V .. it I'M, IN, 1 1 1 : t . H ,
Simix Cn. Kmi- I'm, l.i'.iirh '.nth,
SI. JoM-ph, llmi-inti tt I t Msiniil f '-''.
Il.tvo t-tir to iiliw i-' ' i e- l(
yon wi-li t.i ! .1 I ! Iifin - nil "ii hiiv
Soul i-i-i n I'uii- j-iii. ili-iin wi'lt
liim tin- ,1' ml of ii - ! liiki-t
I iroin n v -M- pmn , iiii 11111110 inl
Hililrot- ! riii . mill o will -n- llnil
ticket i.r 1 1. Koi too l-iiil-liil (lulu lit
their h.oi - : i-r h-'lm M. I - nl-mi.
lll tll MI. lllllt'ltUHY,
i sm n tAT,
ur.-n!" of oattlo m it Is tlio wo t ion of
oom.m iiotn which .ii.vci aiv tak-1 - ' ' "' A-" ,;,n"- N,x
111-cut tie. Ill tin- l.ol thorn eolllitloHj Morc Sc,, , ,,nJ or
whore ln-of hn l-oon whipped . .. .n l ,.. ,., , ,, .., i
w In ti i i iot-s diil not unit tho miser
Hot in t ' f.i their In of than tho mis
ers of ( rook wIiom' looality makes it
I ho woi-l Ii ill I ir. . t.. J,i .- K IV I'..
Al-i tho Il ill --I -IO. I :;S, .
k in i:
All tlii- i it in in i" ovoil :i'"l l-i-iiii!
inconvenient for transportation to ; ,,n.rtt,.,, 4. ,,lkl., i v.-ry m.I.i iI-I -.
tho F.n-ti 1 n innr'ct. This M-oins to j ril- -r mil tim i-llioo (' pane
tln-111 41 ilisorimination wholly nn-: nlan.
w.-n-r.iiite.l. and one they lieliove ti ,
bo nnjii-t . '
IUhN This 1
Wo i-ft'or urn- llumlrod llollars" lio
nl f"i liny ox-o f CalHrrh tluit onu
nut lo onroi'i hv ll.i'l" Catiirrh ''100,
K .1 CUKNKY t Co., Tolo.'o, t.
Wo ll.o ii!iilorii;iuHl. Imvo kiniwn K.
J. 1 lu-i oy fur tho last l- yoars, hih! Ih
liovo him iHTl'iH-tly hi-lurahlo in all
hiiMiio- traiisa.-tioiio and tinanoiallv
ahlo to oarry out any otlit:ithnt) mailo
lv llioir timi
K.xr it Tkiax, Wholo-alo Pnnijiift,
Toiol". O.
WAt.niMi. Kinnan A Marvin, Whole
salo Printkiistii, Toloilo, II.
Hall'si Cptarrh I'nre is taken inter
nally. aotinu dirooily uixni the IiIimhI
and" niuoous surfaooa of the ysiem
Testimonial pent free. Trioe 7.V. l-r
boltle. Sold hy all Druuuisis.
Hall's Kamilv Tills are the liest.
w mm - - larHinn n.'-b v., k
I'ji-iil'li'iil Tlirii'lurK Himm-vi-ll
Vli-i-l'r l-l. lit
vi-roiary of sime John lUy
Si ii-lnry il Trmnnry I i-nl'i' M slm
"i-t r. tiiry Inlrrlor .. K. A. Itln luurk
Si-cr.-iHiy nt r ... Wm, II. lull
s i -n lory ( N y Wm. II. Mi-mly
Si-rri-mry nl Coiiinu-rri' . . lii-o, II . I'orli hnu
s. 1 ii'Ihiv ii( Aurli iillun- Iitinin W llmm
-iiNtniHii r liriu-ml . . ... . . Hi iiry I I nyno
Ut.iriiry ii-in rnl I'.t'. Kimn
liitxt-rimr 1. on. K. t'hunih'-rlKin
i r mrv of sito K. I I'uiii.iir
Tn-H'iiP-r I". H. MiHiro
Aliorn- y i.i in-ml V. M. I'tn (nnl
Sn pi . I'iiIiIIi- I iisiriu'ilon . . J. II , Ai kiTiiimi
Print. -r . . ...J. It. W Iniii.-y
I'Hirv mnl lil ruin I. W. Iinl'-y
1 . s s, tiMi..r. ) . W. ( 11I1. .11 1
I K.iiii.-r lli-riimti j
' J.I S.WIH.mi,.,.,,
II ', V. X ol . !T(..H;i- . It . II. n
K. A. M.-.r.-
i ru jrim iai i-i-o hh t.
.1 a.tu - II. I.. i. ii..n
Altorm-y W. .1. M.ii.r.-
I h I Mil M V.
lulm i,.,t,.r J.ihn A. I nyr.n k
... Si! II.
t;1.r.--i-H-..v.- j ,,, s 11L j
.link-.- II. "l
I'li rk . W. M.iurniii I
Shi-rllT t . V.. linn hurl
TriiirT K. o. WiNtr.un I
. . . tt . I. W i--t j
s. h.H.1 sn. .1 g lilli
Sitrvi-yi.r I' K. Mimre
, . W A I'nrrli r '
I otiltlllM.hiitrr!l ( K-iit l
Slin k lii:.t- . J.V. nrk.n
r p LiinrDDmun m
in. u, niiuiuiinnu, in, u.
I'MVICIN and .t Ktll ON
CmIU tiiiwon il f in -ll , tin y or
niklht. I'm-ii ij.i ii.i run filly
omti Hmiiili-il mmhmb
Ol I ICI1 AMI VI .ni'l NCIf
in mi: nA hi i n not i:
New Pine Creek, Oregon-'UU.iHilill.rKS
I'n take omu l. Tiii-nlnv, A pr
No. I
M. K. I . tl ixni. M h.
ii i tu rn , m t
n ll ll A N i l I I It
I'lM li-liinH ami "in toon"
l.iikct !, lr.
I'I'Mi'K li'tiTu lrii ston I mimnr u
irinitly iln .-I i.itfi.i.
llll T II M l,
't hll-lllll llltll -IIIILIIIII
Ol t U K N. w I'kI) linihlinit.
ii ic i v in ti on i x i
Hi-Hi i-i
I llkr . i t , l I't-am
I ill III iiil l'
I . '. i
II im M In.
v i; in.
Ii'.i n. in.
It): hi . til.
III. n in.
II ... n , In.
U iu . l.i.
I.' I- l. In.
' I .' .'i ., in.
Ill', f. in.
I I in .. til.
I '.' -. I ii.
: I im i . in
' i . in
: 4-11 i til.
!:'t , tit.
iv ::n in.
. . I H . Ill
i 7 ' in n .
lii-i. ii . .
Nl'llllllll ,.
I ! r .
Mmii'U . .
l-i.r.l . . .
I Nlllt'tt.ll .
Ii. .1 I:.-. k
I ..liNittlii In
hot I.
I I. kiiii
Am. .In .
A tiif.l.-i' ,
Hi. I k t r l ii it h
M 'I I I n I
II. i m- I k.'
M no til
'I . i mi.
Itn r I. inn im A r .
M. I. Mil.- I
I .11HIA
N. V
f. "i . in
4 :' p. In
4 . lit
I In i. lit
I. .in i. HI
1,1 .. Ill
Ii .. m
I" p. nt
I i; p. in
I r. .'. in
I II . in
I .' t a. in
I ' Ini i.m
I I ii j.-ni
II I I .. in
In 4; ., til
In .11 . Ill
in '. Ill
M:nt ., 111
k ,. Ill
7 . 1 . 111
7 hi . in
1 ft ii ,in In ;- miiii.I . riiiin n A .1 i-n .in V .m mn
' I tin, 1 1 -Hi m I v V A I I !.' 1,111 H 411 nltl
il,ll.' 'mn'l 1 ll-ikniih Ai:' -n 7.-.Vnn
7 Jn i-piiiI.' V, nin I v 1 Ulri ill.- r I '! ' 7 no nut
tlll.l . J I II M
I. nkr view. tlr' BOi
Ihil lltni.ltliK'.
rrosidont Koosevolt has Ihhmi and
will continue to lie the President of
the whole people without regard to
invtioti. race, color or callini;.
Oilii-ors of tho (iorinan arlllli-iy
have eoniplotoi tlionM-oiiMtniotlon of
the anclolit instruiiioiitrt which the
KotnaiH and iro-ka used when Ih.
hIokIiim: 11 walled city. Moat of them'
won' In the form 'f catapnlta. Tho
little minora whloli was tried at
Met hurled It atone projectile Into
it wall !HH foot aw ay w ith audi power
Before You Purchase Any Other Write
Many Sewlntf Machine are made to Mil recard
ls ol cualny. but the Srw Iloiue " is maile
to wear. Cur guaranty nerer runs out
We make Sewing Michinw to suit alt condition fjm ( made a My; hole. It Wasalsi
of the trade. The " w Home stands attha
head of ail llli;li.tralr fami'y sewing machines
Mold by atuthorlKKl denlrr ouly.
Homo Sewing Machine Co.
The New
found that theao niniple oiikIiioh
i worowoiiili-rfully ju-ouriito, aa well
'as Im-Iiih; o.t raofdlnarily powerful.
c 11 i 1. i i'i.i:
.sl(nriii-) -. I.k
lnkrtlrn , Or.
ill I'll K litl liiiil.lii.K
S J MOO hi-:
Atlornr) at-l.a.M .
I.akr vIi-m , Or
HKHCK l'l lliiiMing.
Allor'ir) -at-ltw
ami Mallrra Mirrlalt
UKUi K- (inly lliitl.lliiK.
I' M-.i I ION H 1 1 II M A(.K AT:
1 runt. Inr I Vi !., I'nl.l. nml -htli. Oru.
ami M, Ml.l. II. I nki- 1 III I 1 ilntvllli-, A l I it
A llurna ami III. I.. 1. i nlll
llnl i,rlliK. lor MinMli ami mihiivIIIp
1 "will.
Ii.ivV Inr Mill.. ft. Inn. -Mil.- nn-l liinilln
I rill.-, t'nlif.
Vint. hi, In mil. .11. iii 1, 1, villi- ami 1 tn,
11111 n tint npritiKH. 1 am.
Ii,'i kiiii. Inr iii-tn-i-i, 1 s Inn llli- ami lin-i-n-Mil.
I l.lrvlll.-. Mnliaw k ami IJ Inry. I nlll.
Kriin. cniiiii ciliin m llli s , I'm-, i n. fur all
imIiii Kail ,V Wm : V. A T U.K. for all miIiii
V Ufl
ivnnniiru nr rut wnnin i
nuuufflin ui t nt. iiuiilu nnii No. Din
M.-. I. mi tin- M nli.t llli W .-.In. iy nf (
cacli liiililli In Mb.., 11I1 1 1 m 1 1 m n ,. m. 1
K I- 1 iiii Y. i miaul I ..11, innm I r. (
N, I t mil, 1 Ii rk
k.-u.- i
. . . TIMI! TABU; . . .
In rifled .III no '.'Mil, I'.HCl.
M.irr I tally ut
No. I S.i. :i l'M' iii(i-r .V ti- luhl N'i. I No ''
I' in ,. in.
v f-.ji I
'; v
I UHIHI I - i A '! I v 1 1 , s , . ,,
I.O.O. ' 1,,, 1 I. II,,. , 1,1,, I :;,
v .l.iy i v. riliu-- ..I .11. Ii 1,,.., -.Ii In O.l I I I
.llllll ll.itl M'lill.v"
h ,, 111 111 il
I r '. li !' 1. --i '.t
I . -. . r
II.. I -. ,!. ;.. I,
I 11 ; I . r.- h t. r
M..I '
I Ml. I' 1
1. .11
t, ii.
- I ,
A 1 1
1 . I-
tit; -;T'
Vijw If
In Addition to fha Regular Frcs Preiriiums
w..' y .m - - -' v tit k'il
, "rr.j
.a .nam. (V s V .
ear, ii-w- l.,--Jl r4fl flnfl OA Cash to Lion Ccffee usrrs In our Great World's Fir Contest
Kit n3YC AWI1Q6B UUUUiUU 21JJ ilo get clicks, ZIM more will get them la the
Presidential Vets Contest
Five Lion -Heads cut from Lion
Coffee Packages and a a -cent
stamp entitle you (in addition to
the regular free premiums) to
one vote. The a-cent stamp cov
ers our acknowledgment to you
that your estimate is recorded.
You can send as many esti
mates as desired.
Grand first Prize of $5,000.00
will be swarded to the one who Is nearest
correct on both our World's Fair and Presi
dential Vote Contests.
We alto offer f 5,000.00 Special Catb Prizes to Groceri'
Clerks. (I'artitulars in each case oi Lion Coffee.)
,'Ji s, -jrak
What will be the total popular vote cast
for Freslucnt (votes for all can
didates combined j at the election
November 8,joo?
la lOt'.eaiou. 13,'JS:j,fJ5.l v v.. ted
t';r l'.-erj, i.'.:r;t. 1'i.r no.tiel l iiic''ti
rtcoived in Wonlson Spn is Curn-Ij'.-.i.'a
olii. t, 'J i'.O", o'i . r lc!ro
h A-fr.'tr 5, we will ;,.'.' f'-rst
yr'vi... lr r the coaroit corrt-i t - -:::i;i'e,
xici'l prize to the uet nta:e.-,t, etc.,
. , as follows:
1 Tirst Prtzo
1 Secocd rrlie . . .
2 Prises 60(J.00
5 ITUes- 200.00
lO Prises -20
BO Prlzes
250 Prlz!S
1BOO Prises-
2130 PSIZES.
20 OO
, , .tajoo.oo
. . .
1 ,000.00
1 ,000.00
1 ,000.00
. . . 0,000.00
TOTAL, 120.000.00
How Would Your Namo Look on One of These Chocks?
Everybody uts coffee. If you will use LIO.V COFriCtC lony enough to et acquainted with it. you will be suited and
corniced thorn is no otlier t.utb value tor the money. Then you will take no othrr and that's why we advertise. And
wear; using our advertising money so that both of us you as well as we will get a benefit. Hence tor your Lln HemMt
Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Package of
V af
II . I . H i in i ii, I'lni.'r.
Office In IJicbcr'. 5ture
TUo trouble with most adver
1 1 sera Is that thoy txxct luinie
dlate returns of large jiropor
Uodh. One prominent advertiser
IllUHtratoH the principle of adver
tlttlnfc' In thin way:
"The inonrr espended for
ad verllalnv la th tviun aa
if plarrd at Intrreat. The
protlta from (lie ail vrrllalnv
are virtually the Inlereat on
the Inteatnient
"TlifHiin.nHpeiit for ml vortlslng
uro properly oli;irk'onl,lL to i'!ip
Itul Ht-cnitit Iiooiiuho I ho roHiiIt
lut; K'xxl will U KoinetliltiK that
LnH vuliio, which, If the ndvor
tlHlng linn boon properly done,
onn tiHinilly ho Hold fur tho fueo
vuliio of the Investment.
"Tho ruto of InteroHt U detor
triliied by tho hU ill with which
tho lnvoHtinoiit la mado.
"Just as tho (julckoKt wuy to
Inereane Invested wealth Is by
com pon ti (II us tho IntercHt, Jimt so
tho quickest way to realize re
sults from advertising Is to com
pound the returns." Advertising
Advertisers set good returns
on the amount invested In
our columns. Wa reach the
Mime Ii-hvi-h l.ittti-viou il.iily, ox-
i opt Mm. I. iv ut ti ii. iii. Arnvos
ut A It n rH" Ht ; p. in.
Ijuvi-h AltmiiN (. r l.'ikoviow at
ii n'rl.M'k it. in or mi the arrival
( the Mii'i' (r,,in Mn. li-line, Ar-rivi-a
in l.ukeview in I'.'liniirs af
ter teaviim A It ii rax.
Treight - Mnttcra - (liven
Strict - Attention
first - C'ss - Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. VADIN, Proprietor.
Office in Llnkvllle Ifotel
Klamath Falls.
1 aily from I'okeitemii by Kotin, Kiutu
atlt I'hIIh, Ilniry,, anil Illy ti.
Hiiilv (ruin I.Hkcvii-w by lily, llonanzn
Hairy, Kliiiiiatli I hIIn, Keim, to I'o
ki'Ui'ina. Ill-Ill Klainalli I'.ilN In Kino by
hti-iiiiii-r iiml In, in Ki t o l.i I'tiki-i-iiiii
over t lie SiiiipoI l our Iliine Stimn Line.
Good Stock
lasy Coaches
S. L. M( N Al'I.HTOM, I Top..
Office at Mercantile Store
Htage leaves I.akeviow Mondays, Weil
nusdays and Friduys ut (I s. m., arrives
at Plush at 9 p. in. Leaves l'lnnh Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6
a. m., arrives at I.akeviow at U p. m.
rassoriger fare .'l one way or 5 for
round trip. Freight rates from May
lot to Nov. 1st .75 jHir hundred ; from
Nov. 1st to May lut 11.00 per hund red .