Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 15, 1904, Image 4

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    fiaJ (Count u Ostrt nlnct
VvMohM hm tniir.l
C. O. .M.LI l V.U.
KlVlln I t't'tllPH
.... We Have The Goods For Sale ....
....YOU DO TMli lUIVlNd....
books, iiml from I hcse I In IVmoci ills
. Uiu- tar, Si.Oli i tliluk they can Iiml passages tluit
TERMS: . Six Motuhs I I
50 w1,1 ,H' -itit t" III" ciunpnluti.
Tin in.-iii w hit linn dune iiinl said aw
Three Montns,
it s
vi i:v
w i:
in n (1 1 rr
r.i K ds
vi: still
s i la VI.
m k 1 :
I ol'AI.
Id Mil I."
st'Ai r.
n,' lm li
TWO llH'lll'H ...
rtiroo I in hr. . .
iimri. r Oil mint
.lull Culiiiim
Jne Column. . . .
ir'il.lniai.v things as Th.mln.v
J Z ii.v, r 8,.ok. m nr.l
'..'iS'v'iMv 'mv I5 ' tlwit went nuntnst (In urala uf nn.v
. HVl:.M Vl' IxSlU'lUVW I , ... ,
' i until, Is mi bile prattler.
If you are really looking lor a jootl liarjaiu
it will pay you to call on us and sir our
(toods and it.our pikes.
Our jjoods wm' houjjht ex press! y lor your
wants Vdii ran sa ve money and Ik- lie! tcr
satisfied if you trade .t our store.
i tihiv u Miv null timt .iinim
I Parker, lias .-nil! Iluil can Ih us-d
i against , lii 1 n in I In- r)i 111 '.'i luii. fur In'
has said lint ! 1 i 1 1 U' .
1 (. v.- V,'
For campaign literature the IVnm
erat mv using excerpt from I In
wiltlnn if Tltcmlutv Ivooscvclt.
Mr. IJooM'Vtll Itux written many
I or Piesic'eiu
THlZoDOtfE Kl)D.M.Vi;iT
Of New Vork
For N ice-President
Of Indiana
k la male County Units.
( l! 1 . u 1 : 1 1 h 1 1 I
.1. V. Unpaid, tin .1 1 1 man
cam- in front I runk ii.miiv "I m-sdny.
Mr. lii.w at.i state- I !.m 1 In- w ill m -1
handle mar as 111:1 11 v irttll- tliis
tear aid pi-nlmbly will iml (' d
t In- l !.uia: h basin. II- cpi els t
1 . . 1. . 1. 1, . 1 1 1 !. I . . SI . . -i . ! a' .
will In- i.ranr Ih- inail.ct ami inn
ship 1 ll s liurl 1 l
All accident nt illl'l'. il I hi-
FLEMMING BROS. New Pine Creek, Oregon
O'l t 11- ( II I
11 SI a m I i in 1 1 1.1 n, 's I i 1.-. 1 1
As tin- stau- as l-a im; 1'nl.i'uaiiwi Si
III- liiiisis li.i-ani- (1 lulilfii-il iiii'l jifi
llps-t I III I'li.'ll li. Tin li itT, "Hull
liarri'U. w 11s t tin iwti .11 1 ami fin
tnii'il liU iirin. Nun-uf 1 ho nassi'i.
ji-rn wm injuri il. j
A. ('. l,'vlrt Meat Market wan imi- 1 JjS
ti'iftl M.iu-lini- Sal unlay nlulit ami
I in- I'onn'ins 111 1 ni' nil. ainiainiin: 1 3Z-J
hull wax ! - - --
rut in Ihi- si-ni'ii ami tin hwk un-
Norl-w lias li-rli ilisruv-
"t aihnit that tin I'ht'waiii'an
INtHt -si'.idih'iI" us last wit'k on a .,,,,,, - ,,,,.n
jnoil raurnaii arrn-ii. .Mr. rvrmi si-
cur-il il iliivi-t friuii lii'.nliiuarii'rs. f,st, ,,.,(
whi'iv a rciivse;it.itivi' if tin 1'ust riv.l.
was at tin-tiin-tli iiiiunu.itiiii: as ,, ( . i' (,f ' t-1 1 1 . I
liiv-n t.i tli- iu'hlii- iva riling I h a 1 1 mil in tl.- 1 it v I'li.lav mi -u-
raili ua I in nil '.-ti"!!. m-ss. U-fi .r- t In I '. i;i !i..i-
T(. vru !. iiia tli- 1 ' 1 . .'s ,j11U- f,,rt. S, .11 i li. in I u Hi.- ...
it ipl'.i. s lii. 111 tii- ';ui . M.iho. II,. 1, ftM f.,r San l'raliri-n..
ams !! Rams !! Rams !!
.'t."(l Kainhouilkt and iVlaiuo Uaius for sak- from tlu-
Meadow Lawn Stock Farm, AN":'',!- VVASClilH
C. 15. DURIJIN & SON, - - Address P. W. Durbln, Lakevicw, Or.
NO IF.. ItauiH an- In pantim at Fit K-s-raM Kamli. ." iiiII-h huiiIIi nf Laki'vl-w.
Onnl I'ruof
I ..111.I I Hli - ai l..iki' ii' , I ri'
Stat-sin.iii. rails 1 1,- Malm. Wv.uu H-rM-.v I.anlli-y. 1 . 1. i . I. -1 . t 1 .f t h- i.iui..-1 i.. 1
: i. 1.. . ..1 .1 n 1 i-'-l.t li. 11 1- 1
in is. 1 .n i.i' . in ., in- . .ni,. 1. .1 K'.nnalll I .a l.i' I..II1I-' ill 1 1. (.1111- ii
nam- fi.r 1 1 - 1 li j-i ti .1 -?-t.iii I 1- (,-,,, p, ..,-a ma M In. II
l'i. VMH. N 1M1- i hi i-hv 1 ! tluit K
il.- l. llmi tni 1 iiiin il m-iiIi t litis III-. I
l.nlii- i'l lit In n .t- tlllill
: j i'i 1. 1 1 in m ; 1 mi 1 ni i 1 - 1 1 1 1 tii ;i '..I 1 1 in 1
villi iiimi l' ' - In III- I', t il- l.-i!i-'i r
.iinl l!" riui ..: I ..1 1. 1 1- . 1 li - , ill ".ni
1. iv -1 I i.-:..'" 1 . I'll' I 1 ' : M'li'-v I'
I ' I 1 1 1 . III. ..I i I'.r .1.1
N 1 , 1
lit. i- is tu I.- I'liiil thi'iiii-h tiiis .1 nil-- l'.-ii-n:i lia--ni-
cin:iii!-. . 1' is cviilfiit r.i ilri (nrashurt niitin.
lu-ti a 1-iia-r-st-'l in tins M'-tiiiti ( .hnii:- I. I'. Willits .-1 1 1 I i
7 s ,!;. 1; , u . II
.'. 1 j 1 ----- I-. ;i t . -
li I - '. !. I 1 1 . II I. I - , i-l 1 1 II , I' I I II 1
I ;v.i ! 11 1 I -iint I 1 1 ! : I ' I . 1 1 ,1 1 11-.
a 1.1 1 I- 1 in. k U ii -. 1 . l'i 1 i 1 ii. k . in - . .ii.l
1 1 hi! r I "i i' :i 1 1 I . ! I' . 1 " 1.
An.-. J 1 ::s .1 N ii-.. 1
I; ft
in vi. moo
I .a in I I II" -n' I u 1- . 1 - , A 'it-
Oit-i m a nil 1I1 mlit 1-ss pliias will lie "iiilay fur San I'ra lui.-ii 1. h Inn . n-t .'." pi'l N 1 1 . . 1. 1 ii.'.v 1:11-11
. , , , , ., .... ... , Hull 1I1- li.ll.-t inj v .. 1 1 I ul-r I1.1-
hurri-i tn put a mal tlirmmli lu'i-. Mrs. W illits will ii'iii- 1 n at mint i.,. ,,i i,,. mi i.m m 11 u.iik-
Ai- 1 h- Inst s,-i iMlit urially mi laryi as In r lii-a 1 1 li has Ih rn u h r fur sum- , in. a I i,,..i m -) -i !,i 1 Sum, 111. I
... , . 1: ''nit Mini l'i. ul -il'l I'- in ni- l'-(.n-
railr.iii'l tan il-pi lal iiimn siilisnly tu tinu . ! I;.., ... l;. ,..,v-r ,i .k..Vie.
init a t liruu-h a ciiiint rv. ami iKx.r. j iin. i'liii.n "l 0,1. .H-r. I'm! vir. :
.11 1...: . . ...1..... . t .i .. .... . , 1
III I'iin,! i hi 1 1 rjiuiin in hi 111 1;. h;i 1. i , 1 i.i 11 -,. i.irti.i'iiy iv.i-ii 1,.
in -1- Il'l V. :!: I..1 "- NI- '. i f
nu M. I., 111-lik-I Ii- I'l.ihu. ' uiniii; li l alls i;pr-ss is an npti
mist, fur h- sii-s iiiui li tu l- thankful 1 ,.,. :,j I .
& I'a. iiu- iil allnw a failinv tu raise
a siili-iily staml in tli- way uf rail
mail i-u!istriictiu:i.
Tli- luiit- lahl out fur this mail is
a fi-a-ilile un-ami un-t hat vr havt
In-Ill nut all aluii um-iim must en-t-uiii-iii'lii-lH
fur Iak-vi-w. 'I'h
ruiltf fruni Harney c-niiuty is ailireet
out to Ahert Lmce where lies the
illlllielise lieils uf putash, tli-ln-alunr
an easy line to Crookeil Cmk
ami lioose Lake valleys, ami ilown
the west siih of the lake into Modoc 1
d'r.imtv tl t Iiim hitr..-li nf ffiiiiitri I
Ih comparatively level ami no ex
tensive urailiiijr will le required.
There is not a trans-continental line !
running to the Pad lie Cuast that has 1
11 route as free from mountains as! ,
thin mute, ami again the route pass- . NOTICE.
m through a country that, when; Warn I n Ih lierel.y given to hunt-
given transportation facilities. -'them against using a row
would le a productive one, ami . I"at now iiioor-d on Hie east hhor.'
, , , , of I jnose Iake, which Is t he propel't v
uoiild 1 1 1 r a mad imun a uavinu- ' 11.
hasis fruni 1 he time tin- first train
N N ..1 , I-.1 , .11 .1 -s ' ,
1 s:.
. il 'J I I . U . .M lie
fur in ihe fact that Or, -un has 1... : - "" "-' -'""V
1 1 1 1 - 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 in 'il - 1 -1 'i n' - 11 1 inn Hint rn I
tleas, only In tilings. 1 1 - a I ynes t ha t ; 1 iva' nm "I -all I nnl . v: : ,f.. 1 111 lain .kx.
.1 -! 11 Pil.-i, W AH. .ul mid I'hill
l.l ii.l. all .f'- lli-i;..ii.
s-ali s. . 1 .1 . Vls11V :-i;isn-r
t he liedlii.g 'Works nlily nu il l.iht
shift, whilst th- Hen. Inili-
operatur. nrk il.iy and iii-lit, ir-
I'esp-t-t i e uf uiiiuiis. ' 1 1 1 -1 1 hail tu
the Oregon Im-iIIiii! Iinwu with the
Califui nia tl-a!
Hon. .lohu S. Shnuk, representa
tive elect from Klamath. lake,l'rook
.111.1 tlwtmt l.,.lllltl..U ....... .... l..t.
Cu.j .11 Hill ..F.jit.i.r., ..r ,11 ..j.rii- . ... ,- . . , m ,. 1 .
I AiU-h l.ei. lid l.nlry No. Mi2 lr j
ilayV train enroute to Portland to j rde s' j sK'4'. sp- -.".i Hint N'4 NK'j.
We're Out
To Win . . .
Yon r I'.il nin.ijcc
The Mammoth Stables
Ml k'VI:OKl A 5rII M. Pruprirtor
Alti r Au.i,rut 1st wf will i ink a vor to pl.ui' this
stahk- 011 a level wifli any and ail stalilcs in Iiasti rn
Oivon. Wc have purrhascd al! the ri-. -tn.k,
etc.. and are now ready lor our share ol tin- pulilie's
1 t 1' t
M- patronaoc mi will ie assureo oi oOUii ris. eare-
W lul drivers and oood stoiK. Spieial aeei nn;da
M tions for eoniuiereial travelers.
iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiH!iiiiii'i!ii liiiiillllllil liliilill Ufll lL lilii liiiiiC
Land Olln- nt l.ak-ii-w. Ori'tf"n. . . .
i!rS.l. EDSS HOTEL: Reeder - & - Barbarick
linal 1 1 r l in -ii.; ul his claim. Hud
thai Mini prii-.i uil1 Ih- untile Inline
li'ti-i-r and Iteiver, hi I.Hki'Vi-,
Oni;.iii. mi S-i.i.u.hiT ".11. liHU viz:
heiir Secretary Shaw speak. He wiw
Invited down also to take a hand at
u conference of Htut-sini-n over the
matter of a speaker of tli- house for
next January.
S-c .T.'. Tp -in S . It. 40 K., V. M. Hi)
iiHin-.s the follow inn wilti-M-eH to
hi- coiiliniliiUH r-mlen "e upon Hint Clll-
ivrttiiia of nuid laud, viz: TIiouihh
Scolt Hinl AiiL'UHtiii" MuAnini'h, of
Mi-lie rmitt, NevHilu.
Sept 1.1 .1. X. Watho.v, lieninter. ;
t liia! rroof. I
Land Ollice hi Lakeview, Oregon,,
AuiiUHt 24, lldtl. Notice in herehy ifiven
that the fnllow tl miiueil n-t tier Iihm I
lilid ni.tir- of his inteiilloii to imike (
linal pioiif in support of liin claim, 11 nil 1
that Maid proof will he mud'- In-fore j
First Class
I'.iiildiiiK Una 1'ii'i'n Filiated
To Accoinoilale a Lnrne Tra in
Dining Service
I u'lieriil I'a-U--inn 1 1 i rig
WiiU'ni Wnik
l;-i;i-ler aril l.'eceiver at l.akeview , Ore-
of the I'nit-d Slates (i-oluulcal Snr- 1 i.'ioi. on s-,i. ii,l,-r I'.mii. viz: , XLW I'lNl. CKI.I.K.
I linllill" M-iill. II '. No .ili-i l ir III- '., ,
. .... . . vi'V. a ml now in cha rye of .1 . P. I ink-. , 1. t 1.1
was run through. I huii-amls ami ' l.',.si.
U '
t hoii.-a mis nf a -r-s nf ri-ii a - ri-11 1 1 11 r
al lands, now lieing used fur pasture
only, would furnish 1 rul'ii- for a
l-ll ill-uai 1 III- first Vi'il I' 1
10 mini lll-l .
Tins Hcherm; may expect to Iiml ; s (, jJ.;xxKTTi i;nj;mH.r
opposition ill Western Oregon, as
the project off era no encouragement
for gaining the trade of Eastern Ore-' Dissolution of Partnership
gon for WeMtern Oregon portH. j Ntife 1m hereby given that the
Portland ha lieen Mtrivlng to ' partnerahlp btiHlneMH hitherto con-
and XKL
ami used iiv him in inakiu-' cvnnoru- ' X K'Y. l'I.Ti lis. It ::'.) I. , . .M
; He 1. an
t iuii records. j ,,,,,v,. 1
There is a fine of Sl'.",l for molest. ' culiiv.itinii 1. 1 ' Mild land, viz: Alh-rl
. ... .1 j..,- . law 1- nnl Aiilmimii- .VcAiiiui-h of M
ing public prnpi rt v ami a Sl'.. reward
" 1 1 ' JlermiH, Nevana
S-pt I '.ll .). X U'.iTHov, Ki'Kister.
Reward of 12,000.
'i 1. ami Minn:.
it'- .. I'.w 11 i ni!u 10 I i.ili i Slat-- Land ( Hli , Lib n w ,
ih ii ii 'io-n--ii-iii-e iiiwiii anil ,( lu'-i.n. AiiL'U-t -I Ii. !'-
I New SIkm'D, 2.0(
! All Work (iiiaranti'i'il
I t0f Our price" are alwayM 1 he miiiii
! the v-ar round.
xr.W I 'INF 1 'I; I IK ni:i;i,oN
'I I in In-r I. mil X I .. a-.
I'nited Stati-H (ieological Survey, tf
gain the trade of Eastern Oregon,
that rightfully IxdongH to them, but
ducted under the firm name of
Whortou & Smith Iuim lKeiidiMHoved
every effort BeeniB to lie headed off ; 0' mutual rotment; Ouo. IL Whof-ton
by Hun FranciHCO IntereHtH, and it In will continue In the business ami
onJrHJe?ture to predict that Port-1 Wil nHnunie all bill and collect all
land will eventually get Itn outHtandli)ff iiccountH. All in-raonH
, The people of thlH part of the Htate ! knwln? themMcIre to l Indebted
have been Jollied mo long about rail- to tLe firm ar requeHteil to call and
roadu that they are not likely to re- make nettleinent at their enrlleHt
Ject even a line giving them an out-' convenience.
let to San Francisco, for the prom-' Uko. 15. Whoktox
4Ken of a home market. : F. S. Smith.
Xoli-e I- I ni'cil Mates l,,u .1 I liln- I .a k- i-w ,
heiehv ei veil that in com I'l iaine with ( Ireuuli A UKUsI 1 , 1 III 1 1 Niln- i-hcri-
I he provinoil" of the acl nl 4'nnri-hs of hy lilVen llisl in - in pi ialice wild the
.liine .1, IH7M enlill-d "An nd lor the , provi-i'iiif ol the Ai l of .Inn- II, 1M7H,
iale of Umber land" in the ftati'H of Pal-I ei. tilled "An acl i.'i Mie miIh of limber
iloniia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wanding- j IiiimIh in I he Stale" ol ('aliioriiin, Ore
tun Territory. aH exiemled lo all I he ifon, Nevada mid Hni.iiiirton 'I en iloi y ,"
The WooI mowi'I'm AHMoclatlon of ! i'nhlic Laud Matea hy act ol AuhiihI , an exienueii m an ine runiic i.aml
I uri-mile ii-rmiL. ' I TIioiiibm J. Murphy, of Portland, Stale" by acl of Augusi I IWiL', ( 'liucnce
Lake lount.x will o ganle pi rn in-, w(m . ( Mlllllll)lllU,,t MltU. tl( (,rn,s That, her, ..f J!,.,k.n. i.le, conntv of
iiently n-xt month. Lntil such time, , ,mH t)li() (jay M ,,j ..m,.,, HWOrii Wilkui, Male ol Mmn., Iihh tiled in Hum
ollice Ii im swoi u si hi eiiM-nl An l.ilM, for
the purcliMMe of Ihe K nf of Sec
tion No. 2V in Tp .'17 S., Kaiie Kl F,
W. M., ami will olTif proof to fln.w that
the land xoiiKhl i" iimiu valuable fur Mm
I will give a reward of f 2.000 for the j etatement No. I III! for the purchaHH of
arreMt and convict Ion of any party j 'he N r.,'4 of Section Xo ,u
or partlcM guilty of maiming or kill
ing sheep la-lotigllig to meinltem of
the tetuporary organlxatbin.
. S. H. ( 'hanki. Kit.
Per Inat and Children.
The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
( Bears the
431s&atar of
in TowiiNhiii
Xo.:iH S, Haiie No. 10 K, and w ill offer
proof to show thai ihe land noiiKlit ii
more valuable, for ilk 'limber or stone
than for nitriciiliural iiiirtiijn and to tiuiber or Klone lhn lor auriciiltural
i oHtahliah hia claim lo said laud before purponeH, and lo tu IdinL hin claim to
itJeo, T. Haldwin, conntv .Indue at faid land lfore no. J'. Haldwiu, Po.
I... . . ' M.I I I I I - . I.!- ..I'. I'l .1 II
Klamath rain, Oregon on 1 iiurmiay. 1 .1 none ai iiip mine at iiainaiu I'ailH,
the 20th day ol October, 1004. lie I Oreiton, the dav of November. 1004.
liameH a witm-MHCH : Klmcr Walter, J 'He namea aa wiin-HH-H! O. T. Mc
O. Ilamakcr, L l. Burke, of llonanz i, 1 Kendree, of Ohtle, Ore., Kliner Walter,
Oregon, and Karl While of Hnyaton, I H. F. PriHoll and .1. O. Ilamakcr of
Oregon. Any and all perMona claiming Monan.n, Ore 011. Any and all persona the above deacrilied landa are I claiming adverselv the iihove-diiHcribed
! requeatiHl to file their claims in thin of-1 landa art mueHii in hie their claim
flee on or lulore nam zuui nay 01 ocu ; in una omce on or nemru nam :iru nay 01
ber, 1904. November. IWM. .
AnjjIMI ' .1. N. Wathov, Uez'i'er I Aug.2T)4!l .1 . X.Wathom, P.egiMer.