Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 15, 1904, Image 2

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    Puhllvhed Ever Thuraday
.Maeoalc PulK1ln
i One Yrr,
' Six Month.
(Three Months,.
. . 1 .00
n tin' It... . ...
Two I m l! ii
fhrftf Inflii'"
uartrr Column
stall tniiimii
iae I'oUimii. . .
1 K 1 i.m ni m' 1 yr
. i i .;' II J
1 i. .s n ; tm Ii m; tsw
.i 1 in'. i' lo im lt.iv
'."i m
I Sil Kli I.Sl '.VlV
.. ! IfilW .'A( 41MVI
u. '. f I
f. '. A V- L
U' . -A '
t i ' i I i'.;vv .v.- 'x
U" "
For President
Of New York
For Vice-President
Of Indiana
War aftrr year sitier the inaugura
tion of William McKinley am the
accession of Ills Kiieeessor, Theodore
Uoosrvrlt. ami durinn the eontinurd
operation of our present protective
tariff the farm products of the coun
try, without regard to the iiuantity
harvested, have netted the fanner
more than n billion dollars in rxctss
of the value riitived during the
operation of the Wilson-ijorniitn
tariff law under the udminiftrutioti
of i ; rover t'leveland. This hy no
means, however, measures the in
creased value to our f irtners, as
another billion dollars most Le add
ed as the increased value of farm
animals. It is not likely that the
farmers either West or Kast, .North
or South, care to change existent
conditions and go back to the low
values and to the cheap markets of
isM, lvjr, and 1V.
No truer words were ever spoken
than those of Senator Fairbanks in
Lis speech of acci piauce wherein he
said: "President itoosevelt has been
I'oufronted with lare and serious
questions. These he has met aud
solved with hig;h wisdom and tour
ae. The charges made against him
in the Peniocratii; platform Iiml an :
irrefutable answer in his .-plemlid ad
i iini-ti'nt inn. in . ei-si:i-;. 1 d in all
1 1," l.i-i.nry 01 1
i:. an party 1
ami never rn
which .-i.i'k
s to .li..r...ri ;
l'.y the tim
im-l,eehan, I-Jim .lit am 1
Uhcr old deiaocraln of New York,
and Tom TajiKart, who was elected
chairman of the National democratic
titaiaittee, Iiml out who really is
ios, the campaign will be over and
iloosevelt's biy majority will make
it apparent to these wranuliu ilemo
1 rats that it matters lil lie who is
" I belie ve in. id
I' 1 1 W'li i In 1 .i -! I ',
r." ll.-i ..;
: - ii--; 1 11 Sena : .
li'l.I'V 1 i ll;t i- -
1 :.!, .i.rlare- 1 .
.1 . of 1 1.1 1
ulnl 1
is r.
'1 i.:
1 In.
M. I.I
.. , pi-
, . 1 1 V
nun lo
nl prop
in t la-
.'--I ; 1 s
:.i '
,. .... ";t
There U 110 doiibl 1 hut Ju l-e Par.
krr ihinks it cxpeiln-iii in declare
that the old htaudard is "irrevo
tabl.x i si ablishetl," but .e Would like
to know before the campaiii is over
whether J utle Parker believes in, the
u'oM htujidaid aralnst whirh he vot
ed in 1VJ0 Uiul I'jUU.
A man in Sort h YYnldob, u-.., Mc,
while cut tiny, wood had the inlsfor -
tune to rut a deep ejish In his leu.
.. .... i,. , t.. ..! i....Mili:i- in U.
ii'. .... ... . -
take eame near In-lna- much more
scrlons t heelrcuiutnnrrs w onlil -.;.0'i. (
warrant. Ilisli ji' was corded, and i KXV NI- tAn i k I'li-m lilnu Ser
in' mis taken to WuHoliuro vlllunc, vices nt II o'clock A. M.. a ml 7:'M I'.
a distance of l or seven miles, for
surjiicnl ttvatiuent. Ppon nrrMiii:
there the Injured inati wan found t
lie at death's iloor from tlie loss
liloml. ami It wan then ilinrovetvil
that the cord lia.l Ix-en tin I aroim.l
the wrong; loir,
Special l?xcurslon to St. l.oul. I he Talr Knute
' ........ ... .
August S.
II I III W....I Iu. r. I.
:ii i 7 .ii l ii inluT '. 4 anil "i me tl
in:i u 1 1 a iiii!i t i. I"'ii nlilih lieke!
I.,' ill t
e.l i.i.t til'i't l the M.
I I ..'., I .ur Tl..-.. .in.- ....!v ..M i tl,-
i,.,.Vera...l K,. .o.m.le ,..,f .M,.,,.
1'., ..;..'. 1... id. .. lit.'Ul.eM.
, ;i ,- nj.i.wi ii :: I ' i in
,1 ,. P.rti.m.l Ht.-i t. 1,....
i .'.'....!!
, i In- in no (. ii nt ittt.'H-t ii'.'in
I'm Mmiifi. Ciii.l' il itn. I litke ;i in le:
I 1 1 1 1 i!i:i i N .itiue'ii pie' me n:il:i-iv .
I I I... I,- lr,..-..l I
I 'III 111 III! ..II'HIW ll''l..l.- . I
ihe hair Mill li- very heavy. If ntt
fintctiitililte U'liiiii lite W ( '. Mrliilile,
teeerai awenl at I'nrt land lm t he I 'en ver
iiml Kin loiinile, fur paitii'ulars of thee
The Kup'tie (iuard says It if
rumored that the Southern Pari tie
will put its lauds on the market
within a couple of months. This
Hale would greatly facilitatedrvelop
ment in Southern Oregon, for not
only is the land held out from settle
ment now, but even prospecting for
minerals is almost at a standstill, no
our carina: to develop a mine on
property that cannot be purchasn'.
Sheep or Cattle Ranch.
More ram liet for Mile. This lime a
tdieep ranch of M fnrtit'H lying alniit;
I'itt Kiver, and eontmU u vast rann' on
the banks of the river and for miles
bark. 'Ibis riiinli is a cnap at
fi'.SlH). Write to the Lake Coiuitv l'x
aininer Inr partirulars.
Ia addition tn the alHive 14 I'm ties
there are 3 Inrties lying 4 of 5 tnili-M
distant, on which there are two large
fpriiiil". Tlie above price it fur Ihe tn
tire 17 lorties.
Arrest It! 50 Reward.
For anv -km disease. KCZKMA, Ol.D
SOKKS. VlLK, I'l.Mt'LKS, etc., which
ihe new KADIUV It KM F.IY KC-1N K
w ill not cure promptly. Send tixlay for
afree treatment suflirieiit to cure anv
ordinary cae. ltOYD t II KM K'AL !
CO., Hand MrNally I'ddg., Chicago.
K. X. Stanliehl. Asa Thomson and
J. I!. Saylor, of Kcho, last Saturday
disposed of 200 head of fat inff cattle
to Frye-Iiruhn company, of Seattle,
ami the I'nion Meat company ut
Portland. The price paid was f 2.77i
p -r hundrei'. The animals are ready
for shipment. lllue Mountain ICauli'.
Tlie AlanxTioth and (he Mosqulio
.vVr. i'v'-''
. . -. ii
N-y?'4 Vr5'.v U MS
J?-'!' ''Vi X.
T'hat had come to pas In thousandd of
yeara deems hardly credible. J'rimitive
uau, a wrakling in comparison to modern
man, was able to conquer tlie huge molt
Mith of tliontands of years ajjo, nuch ad
the Mammoth, and to day thry are rfeid
forever: yet the mosquito and fly have
never been conquered. It it now time
for the acirntiat to devise methods for kill
ing the mosquito and fly, so that they will
po to join tlie mammoth and the monster
liiarrls. The mosiiuitoet and fiiea are dan
gerous enemies of man iH cause they spread I
contaginn. The mosquito often carries the
Ct rut of malaria with his bite. The hou-e. j
(ly spreads germs of disease over our fund, j
Tin -.( b.i' ffttns, 1 -ver htintin I'm i
1 tin- v. ' f.ini ;i i,!.i c in our Un.,.1, 1
I and t'..' 11 we Mi'i-'i fioai f.; 1 i p , culaiiii, ua-
i ". ; " :i in : ' i' t:i. i
' in. j . V. I':- 1 . ( It ii'f eo'f.ttlt in ; It v ' i
, .it to lil : I. iv dids' Iini- 1 .-.lid S'l'-.e.-d :
; I" iit!,'.-. at Hui'.do. V . o.s: "'1 I.. : 1
' vvo-.thi l.e no g::p -pi'iemirt. lit.' gei-u-, of '
n t: tii : ; I ion, or m.i..i! ia would lind no j
; ! 1 1 .;i t i." 1, i . 'lln 11 1 i n-intti y, if tin- l'.nd '
'. ii ;!: , if '...e li:l : . If o 1 ami '. r
l.f.'l! ' ''. 'Tl l" (1 nil K-'O'I hiood. J'ntsl.t:
i; ii-'d in t b" .di-.v d tn aeeumulate ia t'i- I
b.. i'. ; tn ill it t-i b l In Ukc it ;j ill!'
1'. t'ive :a Ir.i. t once a week." Sim h a
j vt'i'i'tabh: l.'i.'.iitive as In. l'i. l re 's I'le.i'.int
pi In is contains nothing whii li could liiiiin
I 1J" system.
I'nr putting the blood in order, and as a
tissue-buililer ami toiue for wraki ik-u
fcy coughs, colds, catarrh, grip, nothing will
build one up quicker Ihuu tJr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Iii- covi ry. This is a med
icine ii.adi ciilii' ly of root.s unci JictLs,
without the use of alcohol.
Dr. Picrce'a Medical Adviser in aei.l free
Oil receipt of Hamps lo pay expense ot
mailing only. Send 21 oue ccnt htampa
tfoi paper coserrd, or ,11 Mamps for elnlh
b.udiii.', to Ur. K. V. i'itrcc, iluUulo. N V.
j .hi-:vii:w--l'tvurhlim services nt
J 11 o'elork A. , and 7::!o 1'. M ..rxrr.v
1 set l 41 ml fonri li Sunday.
Sumlii.V Sellout every Slllulil.V lit 10
A.M. l'rnver "Mei-tlm' rvel'V 'I'll II fM-
. " 'VT.v lirsl ."sumiay
Stimlay Schitol rvrr.v Sunday at 10
A. M. Praver M.i-tliitf rvrrv ThurK- HiHtcmciit N... VI'.".'. for the pun haie
to! , i. i II he SK'4 of SH . S'..iifS'.i. See. 17 at ,M0 1'. M. . (ni) XK, i( N, h. rM T 7 S- .
"i llKTHKI. I'n'aelilliK ServleeM at ll:pi',.
j o'eloek A. M., ami 7:10 IV
M., rvrrv
: " unun.y .
.1. It. Sl'AIJk. I'llMlor.
..l'lil ....I- X.iVV III- i d In V I
Lewis. Uth ii- Klvr .v.ut I he
l f.... ...i ....., ii ii. I It... fni-l
thai the ilJ.INiMS ( ':N TKAI, otfer-
i ' v . . .. .. . . . i. v ...... . . i ,. 1 1. 1
I'nm l.l'.vsi:. Si u v f via tin
points t the W.iKI.HS I 'A I K. a ml
in thise. ...I..-- Ii...t I., inls
uinl. m.ikes u to iiui'inh .'iiitan, Iii
i-ase von rotiietapl.'He a. trip to any
point raM. to write nt lielmv ,ak
in t i 1 1 1 1 1 a flit iieini'iit t.
We ran offer Ihet Imieeof at least a
ilo.ell different routes
Ii. II. I l.'t Mill I I .
I'litmni'ivlnl Auenl.
1 1.' Third Street. I'ortlaml Ore-oii.
.I.C. Limihi'v.
r. r. v i'. a..
LM Thrd Street. I'ortlaml Oregon
T. M. TlloMI'sov, j
Y. iV P. A.
Kooml.t'oltnan r.Idu . Seattle, Wash.
-- - - j
TUIC QIDCD l-i.".toi, fl..t K.r. liAnn1
I nl5 I Al ttl A.lvi rtl.uiK Ani n- r Ut sn- ,
Hunt' strcfi. sua Krmu, !'(., wlu-rf ,
I'outmcL for Hilifrtl.itu .u Ih made for u
- to Tin- K,n.l... r r. mor. ,
from oni. iiM!iiy to innnii.T, or rtmniee
Ihi'lr HwtoRlfo ilitn t iln.nlil ri ini'inlM r in
urop I n It onire t urn . in.-ir pK t i'i ne an-
drfiM'd lo I bo riulit (".!(. Ilu'
Tl II II Fit l.ll Mi l M r'.
t 'i. it. d Mates I. uitl initio l.ukeviell ,
UlCkMUi, Ailguat '.', IIM.II.. Null i
heichv given Hull in i I'liiplttinco with
I In- it iiviiiiin ill I lie A .1 of .1 nnc il, I "iVH,
fill I' leil " A II in I fnl'llie Mile n( limber
I ii i n It in ,e Si m i n I 'nl i f.n niil. I begun,
Nevmlii iiml YVtirhingiiui I'ei i iini v," ii
I c in li'i I In nil I he I'nlilie I. iiml Mule
lV m I uf Allim-I I. IH'.I.', Hie folliiMiug
pi-imp have llleil in lhi i line their
HWnrn xliitclin-iil". In w it :
Frederick II. Snyder, uf Lakcic,
ruiiiity nt Lake. Male nl Hicgnu. Sworn
Annie I. Snvilrr, n l.iikeview , eeiinl v
of I.Hkr, ulule nl (Ih'kuii. Smuiii KtHle
nielit Nn. "l'.'i . Iir t lie iilirlme nl Ihe
N'.i - s'tt see. 17, Tii :7 s., u. in i:.
j I Iini III! I ni iiin-i in rin'.i
, llinl the hiinl miiiu'IiI it mine vnluiilile
i lr ii tmiher r nimie tlmn Inr HiMienl-
I, ....I , ... I I.. Li. -I. ll....r
'II I .... , ..ill . .I..H I I.. 1
'ii ...ill"-. ...i . "
! ' !""" "", ''' '"' 1 ", '"i"'
i Iii'i elVi'r III IllKilll'M nil I 111".
IV I lit'
1''V,' ,l:,v '' . p.mi.
' I In' V mi mi' ii" 1 1 in" -i
i . ..i.".- i .
! i"""'i'i s ; 1 " I i
I. J U.I mi. i I. II. s.o.l.i....l m
l.".'W. ( . .n.
, " ' ; " ''-"
lv H' -I.-.. I l.onlt ,.,. .,...!.
I'll In hi.' II.
t li!t .lin e mi nr
Iirt. ii -m l .' Ii
S. pi I I I .1.
111 "I
N,..'l,.l.ri, PM
"V . IIi'.'l-ll'F'.
Drylne; preparations dimply devnt.
npilry cntnrrb; tlioy ilry up tlio Nfi rclmiiii,
ulik'li aillirre to tlio iiifmhrnue ami iliifnin.
H, rnunin(i n fur mure tlinn
llio onluiiiry form nf cntarrh. Avoid all dry.
! iubalnt, fuim-ii, ninok Hint niiltn
nml uio that whlfli I'Iihiik', iuioiiii'M anil
hen!. Kly' C'remii Uttlm ia Hurli a rcmnly
' will o"r cutrrh or cold in tl.o lifn.l
uiwily autl iilemwitly. A trial io will he
mailed for 10 renin. All driiKRiHln ell tlio
50c. ,i0. Fly Urothom, MJ Warri'U Ht. , N. Y.
The Italin cure without pain, Aw not
JrriUte or cue .ueeinK. It npnU iU. lf
orer a Irntnted nd nry mirfneo, rollfTt
Da iiumeiliiitf 1 1 the pdinf ul in ttmnitiiit ion.
i vith y, -.., Iftm you ra annod
..- ...! t. i. I It.... L'-.
I isten!!
Vour Properly
With lha
It llonl Matter If It I
Not Worth
We Can Sell It fur Vou.
II Vou Contemplate
Huylng or Selling
Consult Us At Once
If You Want n IJar
Knin in l.ittier Case.
i 1 v- :
..a novin..
aV"T :m m. m vjMjJk.
I Ml II I It I.AI Mil It I:
I'liiteil Stiilea l.iind Ollirr l.nkeVH'W
lire. AiiuiihI HO pHH.
Nnlifiilt heieliv ifivi'll thnl in i'"ln
pllniire Ith the pMiviinnt n( the Art
i. f June II, s7S, entilleil "Vn m l l"r
the H.ile nl HiiiUt IiiiiiU ill the Muled nf
t'alifnt niii, iieijiin, Ni'Vii'hi mnl WiinIo
inifttiu Tetlllol V." a rxlenili d In all Ihe
TnliUe Lund Stated by m l 'l Auyutl 4,
lS'.l'.', the follow perdnlid have tiled ill
libit i, line iheir dtti'l'ii dlatenieiitd
! to wit :
i .Imnet T. H'Hik. of ritidh. i iiiintv nf
Luke, iitale nf Hrrttoiu Swnin dlale
I ineiit No. 2701. for Ihe pun hate til the
; N K-4 of N W"4 See 21. 'I p M - K
' Anna I' look, of I'ltlnh, eotinty nf l ake,
dtnle nf t Iri'ipui. Snru Htateiitent No,
270."i, for Ihe purehiie of Ihe SK.'V nf
!t:'4 See :UI, I p :u S It. 27 i:.
'I hat Ihi'V tll offer proof lotlm' Hint
I Ihe laud' fur Id
j limber or Hlnini than Inr iiim leulliiial
ititpnted and In ettablitli their rhtllil to
I until land In-fore Itotiidter ami In reiver
' at .ake ie , Oiiynii, on M I iv the II
i d.iv of Nov I.i-r, I 'hi I.
I'heV Inline at 1 1 itei-e : . W .
M mil i Hi; aiel W. II. ."-lurk I ak.-i .
Ihe , UilV i:llllnii, W. I . -. itii'imll
and Mee nun:: "I t ' 1 1 1 -1 1 , I 'n-
A t. v and ell ii-1 i ii i t .i ; in i ti . ndier--fly
tin' alii.vr .1. -rilie I l n' l m.'
In file lln It . l.tltii- in lln- nil. re
ii or before t.inl II d.iv ( N-n eiul'i-r,
1 II. .1. V Wirt.iN, t.r.
l l. I'l'.OIIK
I. mid Ullit-e at l akevlew, Hie., .Inly
2ltl PMI). ,N i line it beiebv iv-u that
Ihe follow ili-monrd net tier bat tiled
liiilireof bid inlenlioll In roinuinte Hi
hiiiipint of hid claim, ami that laid prnnf
will be liiado It-fnie K.'ulHter ami Ke
eeiver Ht l.iikeview, llretmn. on lln Illtt
dav of Annual. 100 1 vid: Oni'ii T. Mr
Kemlrei. lid. 2:tl0 for the Nl.'; ol Nh '4
See. 0 S'.. of SK nod M. ol s '4
See. 4 Tp' :!'. S K I I Y.. W. M. He
named the follow in! w itm-tted to prove
hid coiitiuuooH reimleiire upon and culti
vation of said land, VI.: .1. Ham-
ktr, ollloiiaiiZ'i, t ire. S. A. While of
Kovdton, lire. I'M Miller, of Lirclla.Ore.
nml W. 1 1. twiner, of III v. Ore.
Jy.2H.40 J. N. W.Mtns, Ketcidler.