Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 15, 1904, Image 1

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X me
NO. 37.
Ill lln' prci-eli.-o n( pel lulm '.'. 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
Invn f I In- hoard of directum of tin
-Im iii I i jf i i iim ini rri- mid other Hi-
l.elis uf Imi I'. I.. I'.vnnn lnt even- J
1 1 u t !- 1 1 t liU ii'iiiohii tun fur tli'
I'Ollnl ruil I. in of it through lull' of
railroad from ( nspar, Wyoming, I"
MunKii. I'nllf'ii'iiln. I'.rlelly staled
Mr. I i vn itV ii iiimIi li ti, t 1 1 If 1 rn in'
from tin M ixKiiiii I Trust f tin ti ny
Jlll'l I If llrst Ire prcsldi-tit of (lit'
A iiii'i'li nii Ci iit nil I iimii rnucc company
both of St. LoiiIm. Illiat llu right
lf WII.V, Ill llllllllt fH-llll ll'H, ftC, slllll
Im ilouiiii'il along (In1 line from I'lnr,
Idaho, In N ull', Oregon, tlit llrMt wr
(Inn of t In-road to Ih liiillt, iiihI h
IioIIIIh uf f.VXI.INlO shall Im-rained along
the line. TIiIm bonun In to In In tin
mIiiih of note, due In 10 iiioiuIim ami
i'oikIIi Imii'il upon (In- roiiiilrtloii of
I ln I'lne-Vale section of the road
within (lint tlini'.
Of thin amount, It wan brought out
In the discussion of (Im proposition,
It 1 rxtfti'd that I(olm will furnlnh
l'iot grounds ami alxtut 40 iutcm of
ground m ar (lie i lly for main hIioim
f tin i'omiany, which an- to lie lo
cated In n', light of way for alioiit W
inlli'M cant and 15 iiiIIi-h weit, and
$:LM),IMHI i,f he cah lioilllri.
Mr. I " ; 1 1 . after a brief lilt roilue
(Ion, presented iv letter signed liy
IMward II, linrw, sccrcliry of the
Missouri Trust company if Si . I, mil
In which In referred to N ice l'resl
dent Ldwnrd II. 'riiompHou, of the
Aiiici U .'iii ( cut rnj I iiiii-niifccoiiipaiiy
I ii I IiIh h i h i-it w ii dHlnlli'ly proin
Imi'iI Unit hi- would iinli-avor lo llu
uueo tin proposition, hlch he stat
ed In- had assurances he would he j
able to do upon tin' basis stated. ;
lit' 'Unclaimed having any arrant- j
iiii".it with (he Nort Ii wcHtcrn road,1
even n to a tralllf agreement. Itj
would 1k useless, lu insisted, for I
Kolxc lo look to (hi Northwestern, !
tu Rtirllugtoii, or any other exist
ing road to come here, an they wore
all bound by agreement not t o cuter
Short I Inc territory. Any other line
nniHt lw Inillt liy private cnpltnl of
not at all.
The iimpH of the route nhotved that
tho proposed line will follow the old
Midland right of way from UoIhc to
Middli'toii and (aid will, crowning the
Short line at that place. The Snake
1m to In- bridged n few iiiIIcm above
Nyssn and the Malheur river Joined
j iwi r Vule. The route gm-n up the
Malheur on u w ater grade, travcrnc
Jlarncy county, Ore , nndcronncn the
mountain near Goono Lake. Run
ning tlovi n the went hide of Goono
little, the line follow 1'itt river, then
ncroxH the range and down the Mad
river to Humboldt hay at Kurekn.
To the cant the roiito follow the
south fork of thollolso to 1'lnocrons
in tlie MountaliiH to 1 1 alley and
iencc ucrosn tho state to St. Anth
tniy. Traversing tho Jackson Hole
country, connection in Ilually made
with the Noil hwcstoru road at Cns
pur. Anions -the brunch lines proposed
one from tint nil Idaho down the
Salmon ami to Unite, over the line
of the old Idaho Midland, one In
central Oregon and another from
Kurekn lo San Franclneo.
In reply ton question an to why
i oiiKtriicllou work wan to commence
in the middle of thn line, Mr. F.vnnn
hrM It wan because this section wan
the key to the entire line ami that
thoy could hardly 'jo shut out by
other companies at the two extremes
while If a line were ntnrtcd from fun-
par, the short line for example,,1
would have an opportunity lo oo-1
cup.v the only avallalile pa much In
IliU portion of I lie route, I'omI.
Killed I 11m I or me r lover.
I'.ecaiiKC Mm, 1iMioie JoiieK, a
luiliilhiiiiii' widow )ciirK old, who
U I he lliol her of I wo Kinall clilldrcll,
refiiHed lo hate nothing; more lo do
with lien. W. I.auth, a Hpoit --'
yearn old, t lie lilt ter called at III r
fat her'n home III Ori'Koll City, Kept.
ith and after a healed wt-lu of
word drew a revolver and tdiot her
four tlmi'M, Tin mai then ran out
of the holme, hut wan met at the
door liy the womau'n father, Mr.
J. M. Wood, who delivered lit til to
the iiulhorltlcM. Mm. Jonen died
two dnyn later of her woundn.
It neeiiin that the yountf people
had Imcii lovern for about thne
yearn, until recently Mm. Jonen ac
cepted the nffi'Ctloim of mi eniflnifr
at KoKeburtf, which anuereil Iwiuth,
who wrote her mean let torn while
nhe wan vlnltlllK at ICont Itlirj;, III
which he threatened to kill her If nhe
did not marry I Im. On the mornliij;
uf the nhootliitf yoiin I.auth went
to the hoi: and deinainled ll $J.VI
tltrtinoiid rluu of hln which Mm.
Jonen wan wearing. Mm. Jonen
mild he could have It and ntarted to
remove the r 1 1 1 when I.aulli naid "I
want you." lo which Mm. Jonen re.
piled "you cannot have me." At
Ihli l.auili drew hin revolver and
nhot her four tltlli M.
I.autli wan n U'ltu'iler In I'oriland
until : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 wan eloped there,
win ii he went to Oregon City.
Death of Wm. McJilton.
On Sunday afternoon September
! I th. death laid claim to Win. Mc
Jilton. after an llliienn of several
weekn. (irainlpa McJilton wan born
in Maryhiml, December 7th, Is;!."! ami
vould have become M yearn of age
i ' i "ill of thin year, lie emigrated
'. o California in l4t, wan married to
Minn l.ouina. I'arinh Dee. l"th, lsiili,
whose death occurred a few yearn
nlnce. Three children jreceeded hln
ileath, the only child living Ik'Iiik
Mm. Harry Italley with whom he
han lived for the pant yearn.
(irandpa McJilton wan one of the!
eaiiient ploneern of tioone Lake val
ley having nettled at Havln Creek In
lMlll, and han been one of our inont
honorable and enteemed citlzenn.
Ills nkien of life were montly nun
hhlneand hln happy and contented
dlnponitloii made bright uenn for
thone whone pleannro It wan to
know him.
It may be tmld of him that ho tiled
an he lived, true to hln conviction.
The remain were removed to hi
old home at Havln Creek and Interred
In the Davln Creek cemetery.
We extend our nympathy to the
bereaved family.
Didn't Like His Job.
liob 1'gan, who wan arrested last
week on the charge of vagrancy, and
put. to work on t lie st reels for ten
days gave Recorder Snider consider
able trouble In keep! ug him at work.
Ou Thursday ho disappeared three
times, but wan noon found and put
to work. The next morning Snider
brought the "slToe" along and when
the heat been mo mj oppressive that
Mr. Kgau began looking for a shady
spot a 50 pound weight wan fastened
to hln foot and he wa set to work
running a boring machine. Rob got
sick pretty soon and Warner had to
take him to the Jail. '
A rcKiihir term of tin
Court wan held Ke h iiiIkt 7th and
M Ii, 1!HM, ami I he follow lute biiMlueH
! Ordered that n ne to m-II npir
. Itiiou-, lnalt and vIi.oim liipiorn in
i li'Hn ipiiitilien 1 lian , one gallon U
; hereby rallied lo ( '. I 'uri ier and
, I ieo. V. Cooley of I'alwley. Oregon
; for a period of hi x tnoti I Iim f roll! the
!M Ii day of Sept.. l'.illl I o I h" !l li dav
of March. liH).-,. ihe nald M. C Currier
nn.Hico. W. Cooley havi., complied
... ., . i i .i .ami enterta nem in t ie i tilled
w Ith all rcipiiremeiitn of law In the:
, jKtaten. H in leel are, "A ramble w It Ii
.... , . ... , , I . i Walter Scott" In n treat that iH'ople
It In hereby ordered that the ( lerk 1 K
. -M-i -o. i i ' travel a h.njr diMtnuce to hear. I5e-
caneel warrantn So n. 1 1'J.l, 1 104 and :
... a tit ii H fortunate an to hear I Jr.
7100 for 1..V) eiudi which were Inad-,
. , , .. , . I Keanh at the K. E. I. T. A., e li-
il'l irilllj in ut'irtt iiwuni ifiiafuijr itilj
Warrantn for nuhirh-n of county f-
flcern for July and Aiigimt ordered j
drawn. I
The following bllln were examined
approved, and warrantn ordered
drawn tor the name on road fund:
J K Iternard St Son, material
for road $ 21 1.7
V Conn, cali paid for haul
ing lumln-r
Cliff Smith, hauling brh'ge
C S lienellel. lumber lor the
I'altdey bridge
Mil. Tatro, work on roadn...
Ar.ner Uron., irounforCottou
wood bridge
W A Wilhhire, bridge lumber
S L l'tirter, bridge .lumber.,.,
KeynolilM Wingiiel.l. mater
ial for I'ainley bridge
A C Lowell, material for the
ji: Mi
(i.V (Ml
l.Kl .V)
.". 4. !
12 411 1
j! !
j Deep Creek bridge SSM!
arran.iorine ioiiomg or.ier-
. .. ii ... i.. i I
ed draw n on the general fund:
Wlnnlow Hayley, canvannlng
election retnrnn $
W It Snider, canvannlng elec
tion returns
A W Munring, ntampn
Mm. C A Knox, ncrvlce on
nchool board
l'earl Hall, nervicen on Ki liool
Frank Calderwood, witnenn
J tM)
3 00
1) 00
m8 24 00
Wlnnlow llayley, Juntlivfees
C O Mctzker, publishing and
printing 41 3S
W J Moore, publishing ami
W 11 Snider, making ab
Btract for assessor
Ixv Heall, exprenn charge etc
JO 15
34 30
i 2a
Ruth renland, care of county
poor 43 '2
K K Rinehart, board of pris-
oner etc
C A llrancli, Clerk of election
board .'
.George II. Lyucl), wood for
court house
10 85
75 00
Tho Irwin-HiKlnon Co., up-
pllen S S5
C W Dent, commissioner'
nalary and mileage .
10 00
It I hereby ordered that J. F.
Clarksou lie, and he In hereby ap- j through the timber,
pointed Stock Inspector for Lake It would be a very easy matter to
County, Oregon, for one year from ' connect lily ami Lakeview with tele
July 1st r.MU, w ith u salary of $500 phone ami when thin in done we
per year.
There being no other
Court adjourned without date.
All the Way Prom riassachusetts.
Tho Annual County Teachers' In -
stltuto will open at 0 o'clock on the
morning of the 20th of Sept., in tho
School 11 oune.
The dav sessions w ill be held In the
Iu tho llarry Hall.
Graham's Rand will furnish tho
music for tho evening lectures and
the Hall will In? oN'ti at 7:W V. M.
l-eluren will In'ifln at H o'rloek.
An admlxHloii of 2j eentn will he
eharued lit I he door. The admin.
H '
;nionf.e I.iin Nen ,lacel within the
reach of all and It In ho,n.. that
every one will take advantage of
thin extn inelv low fii' to at (end one
o' I lie iiioh! speakers of the
count ry.
Here In what the Co. Stipt. of
.School o Clinton Co.Jown, na)d t
him a few dayn nince.
"In lr. l'reton W. S'-arch, Wor-
ii"U r' M"""- w, ,,,,ve M",",,,
:t'"' K""-" -dm atlonal l.-eturern
tiH-iiiHieiy net aoot lo neeure niH
Hervieen for a lecturic during our i
ntitute, and nucceetled no well that
our teaehem will tiwt only leextend-
wl t,M rare opport.Uy of hearing
one of hln nianter levturen, but alno a
talk the following morning during
the (ieueral KxcrclKeiMThxl.'
With nucha reputation an thin oupjwilk.h rountUHl ,)Ut tl), pkUMint
people can not afford to let tlili . ..,..
opportunity to hear him go by.
Run Over aunt Killed.
A very nad uccldeiit occurred at
t he Salt Creek raticl. 7 milen north of
Lakeview last Thumday evening,
Some emigrant who were pausing
through the valley wanted to ntop
over night at the Salt Creek ranch.
and one of tlie men, a Mr. Akin,.
got out of hin wagon and went to
the limine to einjuire about accoia-
modatioun. At tlie name time hi
'; little .Vyear-old step daughter.
wl()He wwt Uut, jt.nsooJ
climU-d out of the wagon. Mr.
Akin found hay and camping
. .... .
1 ground, ami motioned to m wile toi
! drive the team up while lie woold
oiKn the gate. The women Mippo- i Storkmann. Mr. Roy Shirk, Master
ed her child wan safe In-hind the!vlnton aml Uoltart Miller, Master
u hl'iiii. ami titarteil the honieii.
! Almost instantly he heard the little
out; ncreani, when she BtopjHHl and
jumiH'd to the ground, but the wheel
1 na,i pnnned over the little girl' head.
! and nhe wa dead when the mother
j picked her up.
j It wan a terrible shock to the poor
I woman, and one that she could
! hardly bear. She naid she had burled
I three children and a husband, but
! thin hurt her worse than any lie-1
cause she had driven the team that
crushed tlie life out of her child.
The little girl was burled Friday
in the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Telephone Line to Bly.
A telephone line from Klamath
Fall to RIy ha Ix-en completed
within the past tew weeks, bringing
! tlie town aud ranches along the
line in communication. Tho Hue
-runs past Bonanza. Copper wire
j wa used only where the line passes
i would be in communication with all i
I of Klamath county. A lino run
from Klamath Falls to Keno and to
1 Rokegama, and from there toThrall
on the S. R. Railroad. A telephone
, "Hthing that once l.i use the
people will not do without.
Tjio ,hl0 .om La!ctvlew to SIIv4.r
r,aKo has been a paying Investment,
j and there Is no reason why one from
I hero to that would connect w ith
to thl aUm
- 1 - 1.1 ...... ...... .-l... ..M.A....X.V.L.
lOllll WUlllll liuv IIH..V IliU UUllimtrio,
, ,11 ,,,,, ,,' .... .... 1
Somebody take this matter up and
give u communication with Klam-
j nth couuty.
j Lant Thumday evening the Mlnnen
r-(.faU. ,, u,nrit Kl.i(,tf IIHMu,wi
,(J, (rl).f)()(4 11VI. H m.a) to n h.w
Invited filemb' at the home of Mr.
and Mm. V. I,. .Snelllnir. It In un-leMn
lo iintitioii that tliexe talented
youiiK ladli-n remlenil tlieir inuicale
and eloci.fory wlectioli In a mont
plea hi;; manner. Their many
frieiidn werenurpriHed at theadvance
nient made duri'itf hit year. The
.von ladie depart In a few day
f(,r Mol,m,l(ht fr the wter wU(,re
they will pumuetlH'irnttiilien. What
will Ik Inkevh'W'n Hocial lonn for the
neanon, however, will In-Monmouth's
I'rof. UralmiD wait at kin lieat lo a
cornet nolx Slum KUa Htelner ttnng
a t harming: little norig. Uuy Bow
man rendered a violin nolo which
well denervetl bin applaune. Mrs.
Jonnn NoriiuMtiiK In excellent voice.
MlM, ampy payHi ft
piano HelectUm In rare form.'- '
After the recital refreshments.
gaiuen and tlaucing wan iu order,
The followiu
guenta were prenent:
Mr. and Mr. Hawkinn, Mr. and
Aim. C. Sherlock, ilr. and Mm. Andcr-
Mr. and Mrn. Shirk. Mr. and
j -Mr'4- iraiiam, Mr. and Mm. liowuian.
Mp- u,,l MrH- l'll"v,lt't'- Mr- HUJ Mri-
Urattain, Mr. and Mm. Steele, Mr.
and Aim. Norin, Mr. and Mm. Harvey,
Mr. and Mr. Manningill, Mr. ami
Mm. Light, Dr. uud" Mr. Stciner,
Mm. Wilshire. Mm. Hazel ton. Mm.
Kuox, Mr. F. A. Miller, Mr. and
Mr. V. L. Kuelliug, Mia Ethel Mc
Kee, Mins Lulu (iarrett, MLs Joie
Harvey. Mis Rita Steiner, M lanes
j laura and Genie Knelling, Mr. Wat-
I lr Ctji rv !. Kntilur li 1 1 r
I Colvln, Dr. B. Daly, Mr. George
I A rrlil 11 rYi n ti t n tuv ittrtia T .Irrhft
Interestiag Neva from Harney.
I Harney News.
Mr. E. H. I'eery, the gentlemanly
Law Clerk of the United State
Reclamation Service, is iu IJurns
looking up entries to land embrac
ed In the Malheur irrigation project,
iMr. Peery 1 a resident of Oregon
j and naturally wishes the state to se
cure the benefits of the National irri-
; gatlon act. He think that the Mal
heur project will be carried through
but that the Harney Valley project
will have to await the results of
work being done under tho Carey
Cbas. D. Rakestraw and hi ac
complished daughter, Miss Rita,
both teacher Iu the Indian school
at Fort Bid well, left Rurn this after
uoon, having In charge eleven Indian
children, nine boys and two girls,
who will attend school thl coming
term at Fort Ridwell.
K. R. Llnuen, special Land- Olllce
Inspector, of Washington, D. C. ar
rived in Rurns on Wednesday even-
He in spending a couple of
days here, looking into matters con-
j 111111,1 ",,u lm ,wt"' l""lu
Card of Thanks.
i , ,, . ,
; Mr. and Mm. J. M. Akin, of boise,
Idaho, who had tho misfortune to
lose their little daughter and step-
daughter, Ruth Jensen, w ish to re-
....i ...i.i. .i... f......t t .....i,.
spei-tfully thank Mr. and Mr. Chas.
1 Loveless for their kindness, also tho
OJJ Fellow Lodge for tho courtesy
shown during their bereavemout.