Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 08, 1904, Image 6

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T M l l. IHRKITflRY.
VNtTKn STATB". i '
ricol'li'iit Theodora lloojvvell
Set-relary of Slate
Hcrtelary of Trvamiry
Secretary Interior
HoortMary of War .
Soorvtary of Navy
Secretary of Comtti- rco .
Secretary of Agriculture. .
rw(ilt r .n.m! .. ..
Atloritoy i ihthI
tecretarv of stair ... .
Attoriu'y Honeral
Supl. I'uMk liiirni'(.u
Dairy ami Komi Com
Haw 'a Thlat
We offer one Hundred Hollars He
taaid nr any ca-e ( Catarrh that can
hot lectirvd liv Ma'l "a Catarrh 'r,
V J. CH F.N FY A Co., Toledo. O.
... John Hay We the niidernMied, have known K,
. ti'e M. sttaar J. I licitey (or tin laat IS years, and he
K. A. Iiitrnoork li'v hiin H'rftilv honorable in nil
Wm. H.Taft buaineaa tratiaa.-tlona anl llnaiifiiillv
W in. ii. Moody able to can v out any olilitiniiona mailt
on. II. fortelyou ' by their firm
,iiin w tlvui Winr A Tiir ax, Wholesale Pruniala,
. tlottry I I'ayno Toledo. O.
. P.C. Knox U ai.immi, Kiww , Makvix, Ylltil
j-alo lnttitti-ti, I". ili'ilo, ().
Ct'o. K. riiatulM-rlain Hull a iV'anli Cure la titkeii inter-
K.I I Hi n l'i r nallv. hoiiiik .Inertly upon the blood
Colonist Kate to Nevada anil Cat.
September 15lli to October l.Vh. MM.
from I(iIia lug I'Huit'rn points.
New York ami Ronton fx). Haiti
more anil Philadelphia 1111.75. Chicago
'X. St. Iiiiia, Memphis anil New
Oilcans 'M. Council Muff, Onntlia.,
Sioux City, Kansas City, I-cavc nworlh,
St. Joseph, lloiihlon ainl Miiicola. I'.1,!.
Have your relatives ninic west. I(
yon wish to send (or them tall on any
Southern Pai'itli! .Went, ili'Hifit Midi
Ii i it) the auioiuit of a colonist ticket
Irom a y above point, with name and
... . . . ,MtHro i" mi 111 1 it iii pin ini-tn i i i in vRii'in . ii . it -ii .
. a.m. Crawford Testimonial., m-ih tr.-e. 1'ii.e 7.h . inr ! ,,""r' '"r,' wm
J. II. A.k.r..,.., ,o. Sold l.v all l.runtfiM. , lickrt or tickets are (.in.UI... th.-ni al
. ... J. K. U hitncjr itll'- lniiiil Pill ar 1 1 licst. j their home ; or address . I no. M . r'ultoit,
... J. W. Hal'-jr i I l( r ivl I'afsclnrcl' Atfi'tit, Reno, New
J. II Mitchell I
I I'. W. Hilton ;
! Hi(it iifrinan A tiutist ux Snlnt (iiitiili'iiM Is Mtllli Aore School Land Tor Sale,
!". K. v olvt-rtiin Vinkll;: tin I lu lit'l'iiii' statin' tifl W- A ill foil clit'Ki am' on n'l term
KAM-'iTrl! Cliiirlt-M Stt-w ai l I'lirin-ll nt hlxNttnliii : ,,,' I"'" "' 'I'- ' s " K
mxti. .iiwiAi..i-rai.T. ... U 111U,,r Vt. TIiIh l.nii,ls..i..o 1 ANm w 1
J ml ire II. I.. HoiiHoti ! i) .;
Attormy W. J. Monro lft' tl lifiHixo v hfll UIImioi will Im
I lkKlliI NTY.
V. S. Snor. . .
All tlii Unit i- niiiiiiii'ovt'd Hi'd l ('iiii
Joint Senator . .
r, ! I II I I I iililli' 1 hill llll'kllll 11 1 . 1 .:. i i it
Joint a. I avoH k " " , hk'humi a n if. inaki'n ii very vaimtnit1
S KKI sti-inrr u'xv '''"'s Hslii't frtuu tlif nitiiiti-. Wrilf or mil t 1 1 1 i .- oilier for ianit'
i John s. Monk .. ,.f i 't 'ttmcll .ii'.to.l In IsT.V Inlnrn. tf
JuilK1' B- "iy
flork A. W. MmiriiiK " ' ' ' '"
Sheriff K. K. Klnt-liart I
Tnad'ir r
Sohool Supt
Surveyor r K.Moore'
rommll:iiii r
Wk ln.Mr.r I V I 'I ark mn .-.J, T L: I Z .' '.'J F. O. BUlUlnjgt OW O.
';HE:Mereford Stock S'arn
t V l ....... I
t w a t'lirrit-r f ' --rjPK- Drevws Va,,Vt Oregon.
j. k. nkH,n ! 2!f?tr?f..... r If.; .'.Al F. O. Bunting, Ow
e Ranch. : LUW'A largest herd of registered
.More ram-lte lor ,ale. 1 l.m I !. a . K-.; I'jVixfcrA?-?,!
.eep ranch of 14 forti.a lyln flontf ! 4- Vf J
itt River, and a vaal range on i.WHtli
t'MV CI.. N anil t kill ON
Call nnfii'i n. i,iv or
llillltl. I'll' rl iil lulii. im fi y
con 1 1 M II I II 1 1 ! waw
LIN TMIi 1 HA WILD Hill 51! tj
New Pine Creek, Oregon.
K. I., TKIN;H, 4 ll. K. M. MHITII .M l'
hii ii a rrnm
I'h It'lanx mill hurarvna.
l.nkrtlrH, Or,
!'' Iff. II. lriii si,,r.. (all, uim( o
iMlnill nr lujlil.
IMI T V II 1.1
l'h nlrlaii aiil Muni um
(KH K-Nrw I'aly Hit) hi I nu.
Illl t ttt Ull'
I alt lirriiti
OKI U K- Pal) Hull, l, iK.
lo lake cffci t,
No. I
tli.l l.i y al I nn
I hfci . llr'KUl
OKKH'K-Italy iKiil.lum
I, it i i. itt n i'i k
AlHrMi j -Kl.Uw
l-altrvlrw . 4r.
I nlHi'K. 11, Kuil, im
Sheep or Cattle Ranch.
Herefords in Oregon
Bv,r ..k ..I it .1 P r. .-. 1 r A. '.V. TJ f"i' V T
the bai.ka of tl.e river and (or milea j V TOUng -WaiCie IOr aie
back. This atck ranch nt a fuap at J'-J'-XfryZf
KkSOO. Write to Lake County Ex-j kJLiVZZ flll)0R ALAMO Ol hfd
aminer for particular. ' '
.lloritr ) I jiw .
akrvleM , Or
OKKIt K-lxly llullillnir.
I -
.tttorir) ...aM
Ijtnd Maltrra NM-rlalt
j OKHt K- Daly Hullillii.
Kt a. in,
V 47 a. in.
I" i'.'. a, In.
I" a, in.
II It a. in.
II M a. in,
IJ im .. III.
IJ l n. in.
I.' :!" . in.
I.' :,''i i. in.
I II n. in
I -ll i. Ml
V;H I !.
H m i in.
1 Ml.
.!:.'; . in
4 .11 i. in,
i, in,
fi '-l i. Ml.
:'Ji , iii.
J :l a. in. I
T 40 . it., i
l,v .
l.v .
I v.
Tni'ixlay, Apr., . 1 1 : I
No. i
Hi'lin Al A: "i i, in
4" tn tit 1 1 Ar I.M'ji, in
l i" ar , Ar 4 ;'i . lit
I- lini'li ... At 4 In , In
l'nr,t . . . a r a :io j., m
l'liiin A r J: Ift , hi
Ii m t . .Ar JIM p. m
min'ii'ii . At J:l" i. to.
I .1 iiih li ..Ar I i; i. iii
i.nvniil in . Ar I : . m
I'm l .Ar I Ii .. in
I l nun . . . A r )'' :'ii a. in
A in nli r Ar I.' Ill( i.tll
A i In- A r II tni i'iit
Mni f r I i.i ,. A r 1 1 U p. in
Murr . Ar lu-47 j., in
Kurlii , . Ar in .n ., in
Ih.r.i- I nk, ..Ar it to i, in
W at i ity . Ar 1:'it i. Mi
I . i mo r art , n
Mm rh inaiikAr. 7 '.'ift i. in
Maili'llni- I t 7 a. In
A ti I to . n mi, I t . I'liiiiin t ' ,1 in .in W .m ain
A 4. ni II .iiinl.v . . VI n mn Ai I n ,iii i in um
.i.l.! itain l.v.ll.-i ka Mil tr 7 AAaiif
1 tmilU Via mi I.v.i lalrvlllfAr I 4i'iii 7 li am-
('lull y ami I limit, Or...
ill villi-. Ail)n
Irrinii, Inr I v.i . , I'ululi ) a
nil Kt IIIiImi'II, laki- Illy, l.i
Alittran anil III. l.i r, alll.
Ilil .i . r I i h . fnr htainllli ami hnaanv lllr
toylr fur Mllfnr.l. 'aiifvlllt' ali'l Hnllllll
vlll.-. Calif.
Vinton, for I j.v a 1 1. .it . Ixm nii-vllli' ami ( artt.l.
tM'll'a lint riirlti, I allf
Hi'i-kalth, fnr iirtrav, 1 vlnrvllli-ami timrif
Villi-. (allf.
I'lalrvlllp.- Mnhaak ami ( Inry. ( allf.
Hniio,-miinri-tini v ith h. . I r. i n. for all
xinl Kant A f.l: V..V T K. 11 fnr all l-lttt-Hntllh.
The ltt'iailillcaii (tarty of Oregon. In hkhciuIiIciI. ciniraliilatfn I he htalc and Nallnii
iipttn the ftinti'iueil asL-t'iu'f ncy of Republican principlcr and pttliclt-M In our Natluiial (invi'i'iiiiifiit and
the unprvcede ntctl pmspfrity that han fullnAt'd the inaiiitt-iiaucf of thn' prlnclili'M and I he end tree
lllt'llt (if tlltlHf plllicifK.
The liitiMir ttf the Narimi han Ihmi ft-iirlt'Ksly and h:ilcii IiiisI v inalntainod nt huiiic nud altruad.
whether in the nifnirenient of law auaiust ileliiint corporatioiirt. in viuriiiit prulcNt aualiiHt iiiitranen
on Ainerictins in Syria, .Jewinh .MHsrtncrert in Kiism.-i ami uiif.-i voralile inachiii.-it h him of i:iirupt'aii pow
ern in Asia.
I'resident KiMttevflt lias retleemetl Win pletle to carry out the polii-ii-n of the parly as (ii mul,iti .
Ity that jrcat stateMiuiiti and revered martyretl I'reHident. William McK inley.
He haNKhowii himself the fi.' of cm riiptiou in public life, the ardent cliiiuipinii and wtc friend of
the Army and Navy, and the Hrm believer in e'liial riy;htM Itefore lite law In employer ami employe.
rich or poor. Mack or white.
Under his energetic leadership the Isthmian 'anal, frtif I rated for a lime by a lciuocratlc Pres
ident, is soon to lie realized and to distinguish Ills Administration by one of the randet eiiuineerlny
triumphs known to man.
We recoiiize tlie profound obligation under hich Oregon rests to I'rewident Roosevelt for hi
fictive and determined effort tin behalf of the (-wis and 'lark ( 'eiitennial. and we pleilge ourselves to
testify the sincerity of this appreciation by a rousinir majority for I he Republican ticket in .lime and
again In X:jvemla-r.
In this connection we escially indorse flie tireless labors of Senators Mitchell and I'ulloii ami
Representatives Hermann and Williamson.
We instruct the delegates for this convention to the Republican National I on veul inn at 4 hicago
to vote first and last for Theodore Roosevelt for President, and to use all honorable means for bring
ing his nomination to pass.
For the first time in years the State of Oregon is represented in both houses of Congress by a
Htrong. harmonious, united ami effective delegation, inferior to none from the West.
Their efforts in In-half of the Nation, their party and their state have been crowned witli signal suc
cess, ami we hereby cxpres to them aw confidence and esteem and pledge them our supHrt In Iheir
further efforttMo advance the Interests of Oregon and the Pacific Coast.
Thanks to the courage ami wisdom of two Republican Administrations and four Republican
Congresses, thc'iuoiiey of the Nation has Iteen securely established upon the gold standard, the stand
ard of the enlightened nations of the world.
The er capita circulation is the largent In our history, ami every dollar of paper and coin Is as
goisl as gold.
We commend the measures now pending in Congress, at t he Instance of Republican members,
further amending the currency ami banking laws in the direction of safety and elasticity.
We n tiew our allegiance to the principle of protection to American industries.
The merits of the Oingley law are attesied by the unprecedented prosperity of the Nation since its
passage in 1V7.
Schedules must be c!i;i iif.eil from lime to time, as new conditions arise, but when the tariff is re
vised it must lie by I lie f rieiii Is, and not by the foes, of Ann rican industry.
We lieaitily commend tin-fearless and determined course pursued by President Roosevelt and
Attorney-fieiieral Kiinx toward tin- trusts, and we point with pride to the hostility aroused against
the Administration among the speculators of Wall street and corporations that defy the law.
Oltedience to I he la w amiiust monopoly inflicts no hardship on any honest industry, ami the
fiction of the President lu the Northern Securities merger atid other cases has only served to cheek
dangerous speculation and encourage every legitimate enterprise.
We indorse the policy enunciated by President .Me Kin ley and followed by Secretary Tuft, of "th
Philippines for the Filipinos," and we especially commend the earnest and persistent efforts made by
Senator Mitchell for lower tariffs between the Philippines ami the United States.
We hold that the Philippines must Is' retained by the United States fur their own goixl as well as
for a base of American Influence in the Far Knst, but that Justice requires the least possible burdens
upon their commerce with the United States, that, they may be cemented to us by ties of self interest
and affection.
In the Interest of Pacific leveloyment, we demand for the Philippines the same liberal and ltenefl
cent treatment that lias lcen accorded to Hawaii and Porto Rico.
Proud of the history and achievements of our party, and especially of the present Administra
tion and the lteneflcent results that our nation Is receiving therefrom, and particularly our old Oregon
Country, we confidently submit our cause to the patriotic citizens of our stat .for- .Indorsement and
earnestly apjwal to them to show their gralitude and appreciation to President Roosevelt and ' our
Republican leaders in Congress for honoring our history and aiding In the development of our match
less resources.
0o ,, MM IO0000IMIOtlOOOOl
I )
' wnnnirii m nit wnom
iiuuuoiin ui nil iiunilti
amp Nn, 6'itl
Mi-rtimi iln ! ami 41 h va rilnrwlay of
rarh m-uiili In Maiuiiili- Hall, al a p. nt.
K Kt HKS.r. t'tiiiatil I uniiiiamli-r.
-.. . IA141 ini, 1 li-rk.
No 1.
S I. O. o. K. Hutu lli Ul ami :ii TlinrM Q
May rvfitliiKu nf t-ai h innnlli In Oil.l Kt'l-
Invor Hall, jii-t !. s. t . AtllTkiiM,
. . . TIME TAHLH . . .
In r.fiit 1 .lu ne L'Mh, 1 ::!.
t.T Pally
Nn. I No. i iiKi-r A Kr.-iiiltl N.
t No
a 111. p. 111
W ill
I" 1 1
In i;
Hi-I I
II: -a
Jtlllt-tlnll M.lltiif
S11 in til It
I 'PI" r 'rii h'l-k Siur
hiuir "
II. 11 si.rim.'. iln! inn
Kali 1 n-.-l. spur
soi l l' I
I A 1 1( 1 1
. 111 p. III.
' tl:'.'n
:tt .
.'. .1.
i " ' II
! -:t ' f.:ii
! :l"i ! 4 4-.
I I 1 I 4'Un
----- ---- i 1
The troublo with moat adver
tisers Is that they expect Imme
diate return of lnrue propor
tions. One prominent udvertlser
Illustrates tho principle of adver
tising lu this wiiy:
"Ikr iitoiirt rirnleil for
ail t r rl Ikl nu la lltr i, uii" na
If placed lit Inlrrml, The
rot1la from the a il r rl lul lite
re tlrluallr the Inlrrral on
the lot raiment,
"The nun. spent for ml vertlsltii
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account because lite result
ing i."od will is something ilmt
hurt Milne, which. If I lie ndver
tlslliff has liccn properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the Investment.
'The rate of Interest Is deter
mined by the skill with which
the Investment Is made.
"Just as the (pulckest wuy lo
Increase Invested wealth Is by
compounding the Interest, just ho
the quickest way to realize re
sult from advertising la to coin
pound the returua." Advertising
Advrrtlaera get (rood rtturna
on th amount Invested In
our colurhna. Wa reach tha
II. K. IIaiiki.h, Pr..p'r.
Office in Iticber'A 5tore
I Mailt' leaves l.iikevieM daily, ex-
' ivpt Stiriihiv hi (in. 111. Airives
at Ali 11 1 n hi ii p in.
Ieaven Aliiiriin Inr l.nkevicw Hi
(i o'clock h. 111 or on the arrival
of the alnue fr.m Madeline. Ar
rives in l.iikcvien in 2 hoiira af
ter leavinu A 1 1 n r : 1 -.
Preischt - Matter - (liven
5trict Attention
first - Class Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
i. L. VADIN, Proprietor.
Office In LInkvllle Hotel
Klamath Falla.
j llittlv from I'liKct'eliin l.v Keno, Klam
' itili I hIIh. I 'ui 1 y I'oiiitiiti, Hinl IHy to
I Lakev ieM .
I Hitilt- from I.itkcview l.v Illy, lliuianii
i I'Hirv, K la nut t Ii IhIIh, Keno. to 'o
j kec'ciii.t
; I'tom Khiniiilli lull- in Keno hv
s 1 i n 11 i 1 11 ii 1 Iii 111 Kit o 10 l'i,kt'i.'ciiiii
ovci the Siuikfi I 011 r lloe Slii'e Line.
Good Stock tasy Coaches
L. Mi NAt'ianoN, I'rup.
Office atplercantile Store
Mage leaves Lskeview MomliiyH, Wed
tierduyH and FridayH at tl a. 111., arrive
at Plush hi l p. in. Leaves flush Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at ft
a. in., arrive at Lskeview ttt D p. 111.
PftcMeiijier fare f'l 1 way or 5 for
round trip. Freight rules from May
1st to Nov. 1st f .7.r);per huiidreil ; from
Nov. lat In May M tl 10 et 1, 11 ml ml