J Bleber's Cash Store Motel Building g Seasonable Necessities c tlhcre arc so many things you ni-ol in Summer time if you want to be com fortable. We have so many things to help in your comfort and to buy here means a saving of dimes and dol lars every time. XXic are always anxious to get your orders, and we are just as anxious to Jill them to your satisfaction. Tbere are the I Jest Goods that money can bu' and every cent you spend here means that you get full value for that expenditure. "CCle know that our goods are all right and we are so sure of it that we guar antee them. ct us hear from you on your next order. Bieber's Cash Store Hotel Building j ni:ws or tmi: wi.i'K Local Happenings w lp Mr:H AND i mi:kr Win. Dnlalflitli In herefrom Warner. 1'Uhlntr tackle at AliNtrom Mrtm'. Vi.w II t I,..,.. .,. H.ImI....... IOll-l WnrkM. lil-tm'. l'ete Kollet wnmipfroin rim Oiik Siiturtliiy. Mor; I Mown vih ii from Creek Monday. Wood he taken In exelmiiue for a new bicycle. Kn.pilre lit tlu :i.l 2 ! Walter Pollard of Klamath conn ; ty, nephew of MIhh Nn.vlor, x licit' . for a few week. Pine! ,v '"'v '' fr lunl when j you can buy It at the butcher tdiop I fl IP f II I ' Jim Turpln wm In town from the; M I 1. O.tl t . . . I Cnllip VCHttTllllV. .1MIH fM. IIIMUl'l WCIIl li rnixiey (Monday for a. week' vUtt with her aunt. Mr. Julia Scott. JamcM llanililcy of Shirk, Ore, V.. Burke reports the telegraph lint j In lal condition. II. Offcnhaclicr of Illy It registered at Hotel Lakeview. I. ami JuIch CaiiHHanl of Kcno arrive! here Monday. Stop nt tho Oregon I'tvd Yard; .ov." Wlw proprltor. Wm. Bernard wax In from the Went Side yesterday. Wallace Taylor nnd wife were In town llrnt of the week. II. 1. Kinpilst, the tdiccpuiaa, wan i day. In town tirnt of tho wwk, F. W. Stei)heii8, the Shilling I lent Town Itecorder Snhlcr and lire mail Wiw lierv Monday, t Chief Stcliwr nr.. ixin.rlm..iiilmr nit I, ! W.J. McKoo wan up towil Tiicm- : tlie Indicator for the water tank fliU day, having tlilnhed haying. i week. Lorvn liny Icy moved into the new Dr. Jno. Pnttcrxoii of Salem ar- i liny ley residence a few dnyn ago. rived hero llrnt of the wiik ami went An exU'iiKion of the Klamath conn-1 " PnUley. lie I- looking for a VOU Mill OliTMNO KICtl. Not suddenly, but vou fire putting yourself in position to make a quick and profit. jnblc investment by having some ready money on hand when an opportunity for a good iti vest men t comes up. These opportunities do not occur every day but you will (iud them just as soon nsyou have accumulated enough money to take advantage of them. Here is where your account is wanted, find is safe. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP LAKI:VHiV Capital 5tock, $50,000.00 Lakevicw - - - - Oregon WLLM.Y Vr.Allll-K kr.PORT. IW'low kim" it report of the weather hk recorded by I In- ( ic. mi n mi lit uciithrr bureau iti(in n'. Tim Kxuiiiiiur I Mllre, In town thin cck, lint will put him Thin report in chinmed ctuh neck, mid If down for a vUlt any way. ",,r ''"'f keep it yearly record . t if citthcr t-oii.l 1 1 i n fur future refer' r cut sm th drove a part v of cami'- . . .1 .1 , 1 1 ; eiii-c, cut out the rcHii t nlon the hliick crn to lep t'nt-k Tuenday for iuije hikI pale it In n wrnp lk mu oiitlnj;. I'ent n-tiirned the oatiie , week ufier Hiinthei . TI.U retird Mill m taken on TucMlay to en. I eneh Min k mid U-K in on Ycliifduy for the ncM Meek. t .overmuch! WcMilor l!iiictia Sta tim nt 1 .11 kt view, Ofejioii, i'. O. Mmki ii, l.xid (Imcrver. wan here hint week making llual proof on hM dcMert claim. J. ! Morrow andion-ln-law, Wm. Cooper wore over from Warner lnt wti'k on a IhimIiicmh trip. We did not notice J. A. AndcrHon Week ending; Tiii'mlay, Ailtf. I, 1WH. sz crsis -CULTS!.' Lakeview Soda Works T. H. CLOUD, Proprietor Fine Grade Carbonated Drinks A Specialty COMPLETE LINE OF BICYCLE SUNDRIES Bicycles on Sale ty withdrawal wax made on theSth. Hornet! to hay -'." centrt, (train reafoual)le, nt the Orison l'etd Yard. John KolierU in here from Warner thin week maklnproof on Mm hume ri tend. Don't forget that AhMrom llron'. keep tho Cherry IHohxoiii Knainel Ware. liH-atlon. One evening lant week lleta Stelncr while playing, wan knocked down ly lier dof, n'nd received a wvere cat on the arm. Mr. Manrlni;, liro th. r of Clerk Manrin, wlioarrlveil here hint week Iiiih moved hU family Into tho Kothe rcMldencc. MIhm Cene TonnliiKMcn npent Sim- 1C )n III I IT. , ! ! I tti'il, i ! j .M I thnr. I I :a ) frid'yi IC I .VI j wit'v i il 1 J j Mini. I !l I I miiiirfVl f ' ! tin-H. I in 1 r.sV r-!'lf jnn'w i i lmrai'lnr I n'lon 111 i ljr II INI II. INI II.DU 'tl.WI tl.INI 0.00" ".(HI ' i hi I pi ( l ily I mi 1 clear ; (hi 1 ! ini f.-f.7ir I IHI I " " '"(HI I " Tl,"i pt i'd"y 1 j lakeview Cigar Factory . W. II. Shirk l-exMH:UMl i.ack from ,,a' at Nc'xv l'lm ('m,k -i"il."l Reno, whero lie went to vl-it IiIh I'vlo Hlalr. TI.ey returned Sun- family. liert HnrlH?r wan over firnt of the MiW OR SECOND HAND WHEELS t 1 week from the 7T ranch in Warner $j Valley. vjjj Frank Il;lit wan In from leep Bikes Repaired on Short Notice 1 I V I day evenlnc . T . I 11 -V.Storkmann, of the darfactory MW'U" mn "iut !-.. ... .1... .......I. I l.t..t... I... I ....... 1 .... . . 1... . ... initio in mi? niTH. ii." iiniinn lie1 una t lit . diii ii, 1111- uuni t.i inn i . building ' wl" tltl(i' 11 ,ri'' MO"" mit '"M "" route ! ! Will I'.oyd returned from hU vlwit ; to Portland Saturday. II" report h ; having had a Hplendid time while In A. Stokkm n, Crop. 1 Maker of Havana and Domestic Cigars 1 1 r nth v iii:i.iih mt iciti h tiive ink trial. Ntore in tho hrick Imililiiitf iickl dour to I'oi-t X Kin;; mi loon, I.iikcvicw, Orciui. ' 4 I M II.. Creek Tuemlay, wliere the family are camping. j Jim InueH ami Keiinetli Sherlock, Mea.le & llarvey'rt 1U Dramatic , H' ' Mr"- 1 h. were In I.iikcvicw EDES HOTEL if till HeUHOII, Before Buying INSPECT 01 R MA1MOTH STOCK OF Monday from Chewaiicau. turned TucMday. They re- Company, the bent luxriiu Vll'rHwf "11 I .J. I'rankl and ieo. Jammert hal l. 1'. Conn and wife returiied from were out. 011 the maridi Tuemlay j their camping trip hint week. I.nfif j reportH having nearly killed a hear. j.cs ! nicamiriiiH; hay tin. General Merchandise m for , jBjtlor l.i uilinu Hit. h 'i ntt Baile- & Massino-ill ! frc jl : If.. l(ll.t.l .lllllkj .lll..- f Call at the pout olllcu book Htore 1 all kind of literature, and die-: Dave Killer win In from the nhcep j marlert at low prlcen. L'G-tf camp hint Saturday. He now ha 1 Nearly new IUmbK-r taudom for lu ,ht' ,J,.V ,',"',r.v HJlll. fill 111 f'MMll ulllllli V III Ul it hay they are iioliijr line. Kiclieai. Inmilreatthl-ollice. ! - - - . j .1 inn imvii tiMn pmu L ui u i.nnin- Look out for the Meade & Harvey j vlll,J u ,vw ,nS which 4 men troop. They will be h.-re Monday, i 'Hri,l"Ml- Two wv,v ,"ltured at once. There were nix piiMoiierri In I'irst Class Accomodations Iluililinu Huh I'-icn I'.iiliirnl To Accoiiioilutc x l.nr!e 'I'nuie Dining Service Unexcelled... j tl:e jail, but two rcfilHcil to o. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION Anoint -!Uh and play hIx nllit. J. 1 4. Shirk and daughter. OJivi wan in l.jiki'View lant week inaklti i rw-'r y vr-rr.-n-- I r ... mi, wm 1 . 1. 1 linal proof on hoiiii. desert laud. m:w I'ink ckkkk, oUl.tiON If you are olii- east a careful M li ction of your route is chi-ntiul to the enjoyment of your trip. If It !.- a bUfdnert trfp tiioo in the main eoiiKlderation; if a pleaKiire trip, ncenery and the coiivi-iiieiiec and comfortn of a modern railroad. Why not combine all by lininx the ILLINOIS CK.NTIiAL, the Cp-To-Date lioad, running two trains dally from St. l'aul and MinneaiioliM and from Oinatia to Chicago, t ree Kecllnin 'halr Carn. tiiefamoiM IJtiffet-Lilii'ai'y-Smokln CarH, all traiim vewtiljuled. Ticket reading via tin; Illinol.i Central will be lajnored fin thene traluH and 110 extra fare charged. Our rateH are the Maine ax thone of inferior roadn why not &et your money'H worth. Writo for particulars. iiitf reduction in the price of lard at .1. Wenilell'H. I'laim-r price 20 centH per pound. I now hell at 1" cei'ts. Stockmen should read the article from Alfred .1. Smith, V, S. stock Lxaminer, on tlie flint paru of thin Ihsuc. Having been appointed a delegate by tlie county Judge totheAmerican Mining OongrcHrt to bo held In Cort land Aug. 22 to 27, we expect tontart in a few ilaj'H. i COCO'S , U copper nvereo. j ..1:'!, Reeder - & - Barbarick (ieniTiil iDiick Kin i ih inf ...uml... Wilson Woi k iioi:i: snor.iNd A.... si'i-CIAIlY New M.oeH, $2.00 All Work (iiiuraiiteed jOm Our prices tire itlsvnyti tint hiiiiio the vear round. NEW I'INK CKKKK, OKKtitLN B. II. TKUMKULL, Com. Agt. 142, Sd nt Portland Or J. U. Lindkey, T. F. & P. A. 1. 15. Tjiomi-ho.v, F. & P. A. 142 Third Street, Koom 1, Coleman 15ldg, Portland, Or. Scuttle Wash. "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" The Equitable Ljfe Assurance ONE HUNDRED POLICY HOLDERS IN LAKE COUNTY ASSETS $381,000,000 J. L. SMITH, SURPLUS $73,000000 Special Agent