Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 18, 1904, Image 2

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    Published fcvsrv Tharsdsy
Masmk BalMIng
(On Year, $2.00
.Six Months 1.00
(Three Months, 30
n Inc h
Two Inches
rhr Inch..
jiirii-r Column
jklf Column
in Column
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1 r
1 00 00 M0 WOO1
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6MI TOM 1100
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For President
Of New York
For Vice-PresiJent
Of Indiana
The Kepuhlicnn candidates are
sunuing on a gold platform; tlie
liemocratlo ou a gold telegram.
The IH'mocrata nre looking for a
new iarty emblem, the only require
ment Wing that It le made large
enough to conceal a knife.
Every vote for Parker and Davis
I au attempt to change the hands
on. the dial and Mock the wheels that
move forward.
"Tammany extends her hands to
the Iemocrat!c candidate," nays
om rke C'ockran. Tammany always
extend her hands palms up.
No Republican convention has
ever found it necessary to revise Its
I latform to comply with a telegram
cf Instructions, from its nominee.
Turkey has completely worn out
the pntience of the United States,
and "Uncle Sam's" battleships have
leen asked to emphasize our govern
ment's demands.
The Democratic platform of 1900
said: "We are unalterably opposed
to monometallism." That declara
tion has not been changed by the
notion of the party In national con
vention. Democratic orators nre insisting
that Senator Lodge wrote the Re
publican platform. The Republican
f latform was written in the records
of eight years of glorious party
"We have made the deed square
with the word," said President
Itoosevelt in accepting the nomina
tion officially tendered him. This
hhort sentence is full of meaning, and
will lw the campaign slogan.
The U.S. District Attorneyship is)
now giving the Oregon delegation
fiome thinking to do. Oeo. C.
r-rownell has withdrawn his candi
dacy and now the plum is likely to
tall in the hat of either J. C. More
land or John H. Hall, the present
5 acuta bent. Senator Mitchell and
Congressman Williamson favor
irortlaud, while Senator Fulton and
Congressman Hermann hold out for
tlfe retention of John Hall.
livery state in the Union was call
ed upon to send representatives to
Xt. J.ouis, involving heavy, expense
to the democratic party and delega
tes, to frame a platform upon which
the democratic candidate should
stand during the campaign of l!X)f.
J'or six long day these hundreds of
delegates tussled and ' worked with
the question of a safe and sane plat
form. One short telegram from one
man in New York undone the work
which required several hundred of
the wisest; of democratic statesmen
nx days to accomplish, and in this
brief telegram framed a platform to
suit himself, which ha been accepted
by the party.
TcrrIM Train Wreck.
One hundred liven were binned out
by the wreck Sunday night Ann.
of the MiiMourl Pm-llle ll.xer, mi the
Denver & lilo (Irtiude K.illroitd. nntr
F.dn, right mllen norlh of Pueblo.
The train struck a weakened bridge
over an nrroyo, which had ln-en
Hooded by a cloudburst. The water
was (lowing over the treat If when
the train started across. The bridge
went down under the weight of the
train, and the baggage oar, smoker
and chair car were precipitated Into
the torrent. The engine got almost
across, but fell back Into I In water.
The body of Knglncer llininau was
found 200 feet down the river.
All the cars wen washed down
stream. The express safe was found
open and its contents gone. The
cars were found four mile from the
senile of the accident, half tilled with
sand, in which were buried t he bodies
of many passengers. The cars were
not located until several hours after
the time of the accident.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is tenfold to the
good vou can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury and is taken internally, act
kg directly upou the blood and mucous
purtmes of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure youget the
genuine. It is taken internally and
made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney
& Co. Testimonials free. Sold by
Druggists, 75 cents per lxttle.
Hall's Family fills are the I (cut.
The pith of President Roosevelt's
speech of acceptance Is found In the
sentence: "We know our own minds
and have kept of the same mind a
sufficient length of time to give our
policy coherence and sanity."
There is no answer to state
Mnlridr frrvratrd.
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been discover
ed will interest many. A run down
system, or despondency invariably tr-
cedes suicide and something has been
found that will prevent that tondition
which makes suicide likely. At the
first thought of self destruction take
Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic
and nervine, will strengthen the nerves
j,., 1 . .. .
ana utiiiu up me system. It s also a
great btomach. Liver and Kidney regu
laior. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaran
teed ty Ueall, Druggist.
"Our policy is continuous," said
President Roosevelt In his speech of
acceptance. The Democrats follow
the plan of the vaudeville managers
and present a new policy at each
One of the greatest American millionaires
once said to ins physician, "A million dol
lars, Doctor, for a new stomach," and then
the fciclc man groaned and turned awar.
One of a man't greatest pleasures is that
born of a keen appetite, vigorous digestion
and a good dinner, and this belongs to
many a good fellow wbo in living on small
rages, but the rich man without a stomach
aa to forego the good things of the table
because bis stomach rebels. Without a
healthy stomach and a good digestion, our
blood is tbiu, watery and poor, oar btsrt
action Is weak, our liver doe not do its
duty, and man is miserable and unhappy.
In this condition man is prey to the gerans
of influenza, consumption, malaria and all
the ills that be is beir to. Consumption
can be treated by natoral methods which
are as eloe to nature a possible.
Dr. K. V. Pierce, chief consulting physi
cian of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, at Buffalo. N. Y., years ago un
derstood this disease, and after a long pe
riod of experiment discovered certain roots
and herbs which were nature's remedies,
snd succeeded in putting them up in a
form that would be easily procured and
ready to use. This he called Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Iiscovery. It gives no
false stimulation because it contains no
alcohol and no narcotic. It helps diges
tion and the assimilation of such elements
in the food as are required for the blood.
Instead of a cod liver oil, against which
the already sensitive stomach will drrlaie
open rebellion, this tonic has a pacifying
action upon tlie sensitive stomach and
gives to the blood the food elements the
tissues require. It maintains the patient's
nutrition by enabling him to eat, retain,
digest and assimilate nutritious food. It
overcomes gastric irritability and symp
toms of indigestion, and in this way fever,
night .sweats, headaches, etc., arc done
away with. It fortifies the body against
the germs of consumption, grip and ma
laria, and it builds tip the tissues and puts
on healthy flesh.
When the druggist says he has some
thing that is "just as good" as Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, be says so be.
cause he hopes to make a better profit,
but his own mixtures have not stood the
tait of long experience nor had the success
that Dr. Pierce's medicines have bad.
A Chance for 5ptculator.
SCHOOL LAND. 2X0 acre of level
unimproved agricultural land for sale
cheap. Inscription : SW,', S,'a' ul
NK'4'an.1 NW4' of Sl'.4, Nation 10,
Tp HO S It. 1!) V.. W. M. This is a
deiralle piece of land, located in (loose
l-ake valley and will make some man a
good ranch.
I'nited Slates tand OlhYe I.nkeview,
Oregon May 17, 1004.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ot the Act of
June J, 1S7H, entitled "An act for the
sale o limber lands in the Mates of Cab I
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton," as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, IHU2, the fol
lowing " ersons have filed in this
olliee their sworn sttiteieents, to-wit:
Timothy 1'. Peers,
of Tenino, county of Thurston, state of
Washington, sworn statement No. '.'li.V,
lor the purchase of the SW '4 Sec 'M,
Tp .!: S, It 1) K.
Krat.cis I'isson
of Sr-uth Prairie, county of Pierce, state
of Washington, sworn statement No.
2:"'.l for the iiurcha" of the Sl'.'4 See :!4
Tpr.S, U I.) K.
Kleanor J. Hisson,
of South Prairie, county of Pierce, state
of Washington, sworn statement No.
1!:UH (or the purchase ot the M'4 See
34. Tp M S, li 15 K.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuaMu (or its
timber or stone than for agricultural
piirMises and to establish their claim to
said land In-fore the Register and Re
ceiver at Ijikcview Oregon on Thursday
the 11th day of August, 11)04. They
name as witnesses: Kleanor J. Hisson,
and Francis Hisson, of South Prairie,
Washington, and Timothy P. lleers of
Tenino, Washington. Any and all per
son claiming adversely the above des
cribed lands are requested to tile their
claims in this office on or before said
11th day of August 1W4.
Jun 10 33 J. N. Watson, Register.
1 I istenll k
6 (I
((h Vour Property M
m) I With ths., VJj
(E) AGENCY... fa
It Dont Matter II It I Mr
fll No1 Worth AL
t m mm? i
lrj J w c,n " Vou. O
(.)) I I II Vou ContempUts (fU
NK I I Buying or Selling W
f(h I "A HOME.. (M
1 6)
dU Consult Us At Once di,
Y If You Want a Bar- W
(ft) srain in Blther Case.
(0 I. - 11 $
I (I
n. n.CMl'RCM DIRHCroiW.
I,.m:vii:w Preaching services at
11 o'clock A. M and 7::ui P. M.,eer,v
second nud fourth Sunday.
Sunday School every Sunday at 10
, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thnrs.
;da.v at 7::i0 P. M.
, Xkw Pik CiiKiik Preaching Scr
' vices at II o'clock A. M , ami P,
' M., every first Sunday.
I Sunday School every Sunday at 10
I A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thurs
day at 7:30 p. M.
II':tiii:i. Preaching Services at II
o'clock A. M., and 7:30 p. M every
third Sunday.
J. D. St . 11 k. Pastor.
steward of f2,(H0.
The Woolurowers Association of
Lake County will organize perma
nently lievt month. I'ntll such time,
I will give a reward of S.'.Ihhi for the
arrest and coin -let Ion of any party
or part les guilty of maiming or kill
lug sheep belonging tu inemlM'lM of
the temporary Ion.
i Irj lug preparations simply dereU
op dry catarrh ; they dry up tba secretions,
which adhere to the. nieinbrana and decom
pons, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of caUrrh. Avoid all dry.
iug inhalants, fuinna, smokes aud snutU
and uso that which clnansoa, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Halm ia audi a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will ba
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell ths
50o. site. Ely brothers, CO Warren St., N.V.
Tbs liahn cures without pain, does not
irritate or causa snsexing. It spreads itself
ovsr an irritated and angry anrfaea, reliov. 1
ing immediately ths paiuful inflammation.
With Kly'a Cream Halm yon are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Day i srer.
The Pair Route
V ia Chicago or New Orleans to St.
Iewl. Is the one that gives you the
most for votir money, and the fact
that the ILLINOIS CKNTItAL offers
pNsritiwssMi SKitviru v lii three
liolnts to the WOULD FA I It. and
in t his connect Ion to all points be
yond, makes It to your ad vantage, In
case you contemplate a trlii to any
point east, to write us Iteforo mak
ing tlnnl arrangements.
We can offer thet holeeof af least a
doxcit different, routes
It. II. I'm Mot 1. 1..
Commercial Agent,
1 1 J Third Street, Portland Oivgon.
J. C. LiMiscv.
T. P. & P. A..
1.12 Thrd Street, Portland Oregon
T. II. Thompson.
F. P. A..
Itooin 1, Column Hhlg., Scat tic, Wash.
t'l Vl. I'IMMM
Laud Olllce at Lakevleu . Oie., July
?ltPM4. Notice Is hrel given that
the follow Ing-linined colli, r has tiled
tioiieeof Ins intention to ii uminle In
supi'ott of his claim, and ll, it suid prisif
will be nnele Ixdne U-gii i. r met Re
ceiver at l.akevlew, Oregon, oil llm 31st
dav of August, I'.sit vis: (.. u T. Me
Kendr.i. lid. 2310 (or the Nl 'ol M'.i,
Sic. t s.. of s I.'a anil or .nw'j
Sec. 4 T11 30 S.. It 14 K. W. M.
liiilnea llm follow ing w itne i s to prove
his continuous resilience i' ii and eulli
vation of said laud, vis: J. O. Ham.
akcr, of I toiiHiiat, Ore. S. A. While el
Royston, Ore. Kd Miller, of Lorella, Ore.
and W. ll.Casets-er, of Illy, Ore.
.ly.2H.-IO J. N. Watsi.s, Register.
i kpi mi nil- i K.r. r'
AilviTtUlns Atrnr I,' San-
piiiilf- n ri'i, - nun riwui im'.', wiiriv
contracts lor slierlllns can Im insds Inr II
Sitbw-rltMTi In llm Kisnittirr wha remove
friim mi' liM-alliy to snoOirr. ur i hn
llu-lr iMBinm-a ailitriM honlil ri im iiiln r 10
ilrop Oils oltlie a rant m llu-lr pi i 01 Imi ad
drvsM'd lo llm rlglit iHtstnltlce.
Post A King's salson is the most sp
ular resort in Ijikevicw. 2H