fata Caunto at ttttlncf Published Rvsrv Thursday C. O. MCTZKER. Masonic BulliMug One Year Six Months .$2.00 ..1.00 ....30 TERMS: (Three Months,. . SPAt'K ins Inrh Two Inch? three Inrhrii iuartrr Column. t'oliimn ino Column. ... J tk'lmo m m 1 It l VO.tA 00 IA on uo;U w louj &oo too nw in on .... H ....I SH ...JSOOOl 00 ' 10 00 16 001 ttOO SAW 70 00 1J000 00 14 Oil JO 00 I Mm oo oo 2f.OO4.S0O Wt! LAKE VIEW, OREUON. AtO. ll.ieOa. NATIONAL REPLBUCAN TICKET For President THEODORE ROOSEVELT Of New York For Vice-President CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS Of Indiana The grenteKt advantnge of protec tion is to lie seen in the condition of l.bor. The lemocrat8 who allowed Judge Parker to write their money plank should le fair nud allow Millionaire Havis to revise their trust plank to suit his pleasure and his interests. "What makes you think we won't elect the Democratic ticket?" shouts Col. Watterson. We'll answer that. Colonel, when you tell us first what tuakee you ttduk you will, if you really think that way. One thing must be said in Judge f 'arker's favor. He thinks so well of the Republican gold standard policy that he has recommended it to a jrty he knows does not believe in it and is not honest in claiming to do so. During the last two years rule cnder Mr. Cleveland's administra tion values in livestock in the United states decreased $(564,000,375. The shrinkage in the value of our sheep .lone during the same two years wa.a $59,223,497, nearly one-half their value under republican government. Couldn't Sleep Without It. A story is told on Judge Parker, democratic candidate for president, that accounts for his swimming qualities. When a very young man, he went to see his girl, and stayed quite late. While there a small stream between his home and the tioine of his sweetheart, had risen from the heavy rain, and his sweet heart feared that he would be drowned if he attempted to go home that night. She asked the young man to remain over night, to which he consented. The girl went up nt.ilrs to fix a bed for him, and while .he was doing this Alton hurried lionie and boou returned with hi. night gown. ' .DetiWcrots Favor Trusts. j after all lue denunciations of Mryan and the democratic party as x mass against trusts, the platform upon which Judge Parker will run contains a plank most favorable to trusts. It reads: "Corporations chartered by the state must be sul ject to Just regulation by the stale in the Interest of the people." There can lie no mistaking the meaning of that declaration, which was approved by Judge Parker, tugust Pelmont and David li. Hill nearly two months before the St. Louis convention, at a conference in Hew York prior to the state con vention. It simply abolishes Nation al control of trusts, and would, if Judge Parker should be elected, coin pel the repeal of the statute under which the Northern Securities. .cate vv.as brought before President Roose velt and won by him. Crop Bulletin WmIIowh nwnty Weather dry mid hot; alfalfa, clover and timothy nearly nil secured: grain hay will Ih ready to cut in a few days: pa.dnr Hge good; potatoes in Mooin; the potato crop will U short thl-t year; raopU-rrles ami hucklclterrlca rle. linker eoHwO Notwithstanding the lack of rain and the cool nights, crops, such as alfalfa, wheat, oats, potatoes and hay, have Is-en thriv ing, and more than nn average crop Is assured; cherries and currants plentiful. Mnllivnr vomit. v Weather line; second crop of alfalfa looking well; grnjH's injured by late frosts; will j have about one-third crop; all other fruit above average; more water for irrigation than ever U-fore, owing to heavy rains in hill; potatoes, corn and all garden vegetables tine. Kl.tm.ith ctmnty Weather cool and windy, wit It light frost: no dam age: the wilil hay crop Is good, let ter than last year, but late: the mowers were only started this week; range good; lecf cattle fat; snow holding on the mountains later than tor years past. Vntok vouiity Fine growing weather; rye and fall wheat about roady to harvest, with prospects favorable for good yields; the late rains have improved spring sown grain; clover crop lighter thau for years: only one cutting anticipated; gardens generally slort; range fairly good; stock in good condition. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Climate and Crop Bulletin of the Weather Bureau, Oregon Section, for the week ending Monday. Aug. 2, 1904. Edward A. Bkaij, Section Director, Portland, Oreg. An English journalist in Berlin de clares that the Gefman crown prince Is not his father's favorite son, and that no one who has seen the kaiser with bis boys can doubc that he pre fers Eitel to his oldest brothers. The crown prince is kept very much in the background on most occasions. Another innovation In the Russian department of commerce and navi gation is the determination to open the department to the employment of women as bookkeepers, corre spondents and typewriters, inde pendent of the proportion of men employed. Novels by popular authors, dic tionaries, heavy literature, mag azines and all kinds of reading mat ter at tte book store In the post office. 20-tf VHA r OAtAt Of A LETTERs My Dear Aunt Kale : J must tell you tbe rood new, fcight after reiving your letter, tbe day be lor New Year' J started in with new resolu tion on the first pf the year. I wrote to Vr. R. V. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. V., as you requested me to do. 1 gave hint all my symptom, which were that I wu tired o tired ail the time and did not care to go anywhere, depressed and sad, and all ambition gone, backache and a dragfed out fueling, could not sleep, limbs feeling sore and aching. I followed the doctor's advice, which he went to considerable pains to make plain to me to rest every day a nap after lunch complete relaxation cultivate repose of mind, try not to worry, get as much outdoor air as possible, and prac tice lontf, deep breathing, expanding the lungs. Then for a uterine tonic, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, coupled with a wab he told me of. I must say that after follow ing his advice for four months I feel per fectly cured and like a new woman. Yours affectionally, JKWF.L. Letters like tbe above are not unusual. Mrs, Koomaa, of S(2 Grant Ave., Schenectady, N. V., says : "I contiuutd with the medicine until I had tuken five bottles, also two vials of the 'Pleasant frllel,' and I wu cured. I al ways recouiMeod Or. Pierce's medicine to my t friends when they arc not well." My daughter U in quite rood health, thank to Lir. Pierce's medicine. My wishes arc that all who are afflicted will try them and sec what good can t done for the sick," writer Mr. Ztlixabetb McConell, of Rochester, lad. Bend 31 one-cent stamps to Dr. K. V. Pierce, buffalo, N. Y., for bis Cotnmos) Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages. , A Chance for Speculators. SCHOOL LAND. S) seres of level unimproved iigricttltutal land fur sale cheap. Inscription: SW4', 8." a ol NK4 und NW4 U Si:.i4', Section 10. Tp.WS., K. 1! K. W. M. Thin is h dcstrahlc piece of land, located in (loose l-ake valley and will make some man a good ranch. TIMHr'K XOTK'K. I'nited States I-nnd Olllce f.akeviow, Oregon May 17. 104. Notice ia hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions ot the Act of June 3. 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton," a extended to all the Public Laud Slates by set of August 4, lS'i-J, the fol lowing 'persons have tiled in this otlice their sworn statements, to-wit: Timothy P. Beers, of Tetiino, county of Thurston, state of Washington, kworn etatement No, '.':t7, lor the purchase of the SW ,i See :U, Tp Iv") S, It 15 K. Frawis Bison of Smith l'inirie, county of Pierce, slate of Waxliiiigton, sworn statement No. 2:i5'J for the purchu- of the SK4 Sec .'14 Tp 35 S, U lo K. Kleauor J. Hinson, of South I'ralr'u, county of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 2;15S for the purchase of the N K1 Sec 34, Tp 83 S, U 15 K. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuahle for its timber or stone than for agricultural purHses and to establish their claim to said land In-fore the ltcgUtur and Re ceiver at Lakeview Oregon on Thursday tli llth day of August, 11)04. They namt) as w itnesses : Kleanor .1. Hisson, and Krancis Jtisson, of South Prairie, Washington, and Timothy P. Beers of Tenino, Washington. Any and all icr son claiming adversely the above des cribed lands are requested to file their claims in this ollice on or leforo said llth day of Angust 1004. Jun 1U33 J. N. Watson, Kegister. 5 $ $ LjstenH (k i ... I 1 lst j ((h i Veur Property W) With the Yfl! JavT m - )4 n. II. CHURCH DIKHCrORY. I.akkyikw Preaching m-r vices at It o'clock A. M., nud 7;:iu P. M every second and fouiili Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday nt 111 A.M. Prayer Meeting every Thurs. day at 7;:ti) P. M. Nkw Pink Ci.-ii k -Preaching Ser vices at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7::kl P. M., every llrst Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 A.M. Prayer Mind lug every Thurs day at 7::io P. M. Hktmki. Preaching Services at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7:-'U P. M., every third S11 mlay. .1. II. Sr.utK. Pastor. Reward of $2,000. The Woolrowers AMsiH-latloii of Lake County will organize perma nently next mouth. I ntll such time, I will kIvc a reward of li.'.OOO.for the arrest and ctuivlctlou of any party I or parties utility of maiming or kill- Inn sheep bt'loiiuing to members of the temporary organization. S. II. ClIAMH.KII. Nasal CvUtarrh quickly yields to treat, tneut by Kly's Cream Halm, which is bhi ably arouintio. It ia reooived through tli noatrils, cleanses and heals tba whole sur face over which it diffuses iUelf. Druggists sell the COc. size; Trial size by mail, 10 ceuU. Test it and you are sure to coutiuue tbo treatntctit. Announcrinrnt, To aocoinnirslnto thoo who are narlisi to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into Uie nasid passages for &tttirrhil trvu. btrt, the propria rs prepare Croain Halm iu liipiid form, which "ill lo kuown as Klv's Liquid C'reum Ilnlui. Price Includiiig tho aprnying tulx ia 75 cents. JhtiggisU or by luaiL The liquid form t'inbodioe the med icinal proportios of tho solid pri paration, f LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER REAL. ESTATE AGENCY... It Doat Matter If It I Nat Worth W Can Sell It for You. If Yea Contemplate Buying or Selling .A HOME. Consult Us At Once If You Want a Bar gain in Cither Case. The Pair Route Via Chicago or New Orleans to St. I'wls, Is the one that gives you the most for your money, and the fact that the ILLINOIS (TINTKAL tiff era r.NsiurAssi.n Skiiviik via three polnlstothe WOIU.DM P.MIt. and (it this connection to all points be yond, makes It to youratl vantage, In case yon contemplate a trh to any point east, to write nn Isdore mak ing final arrangements. We can offer thecholceof at lont h dozen different routes It. II. 1'IIIMIH i t , Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland Oregon. , J. C. 1.IMIHKV, T. I & P, 15 2 Thnl Street. . A.. Portland Oregon T. H. Tiiompmon, V. P. A., Itootii l.Colmau Ithlg., Seattle, Vah. kiwi. I'l'.nof IjiihI Olllce at lakeview, the., July 21st HHI4. Notice is herein' given that the follow ing-uauied settler luis lllcl noliireof his intention to commute in summi t of his claim, and that siiid proof w ill In insile U lore Kxgisier mid lie celver nt Lakeview, Oregon, on lh illst lay id August, 11104 vl : 0en T. Me Ken.lre. Ibl. 2340 for the N I'.1; of N I'.'V Sec. 11 S' tif SKl4' and SM.' of SW '4 Sec. 4 Tp ISO S., It 14 K. V. M. lie 1111 lues tjio foliwiiig witneses In prove his contiutimis residence unii and culti vation of said laud, viz: .1. o. Main akrr, of Moiiaiizt, Ore, S. A. While l Koysh.n, Ore. Kd Miller, of lirella, Ore. and W. ll.Citselicer, of Ulv. Ore. Jy.2.H-40 J.N. Watson, llegister. THIS PAPER la kept on niff at K.C lUKt't Ail.Tllliia Asi'iK V l.'l San- Kinin htrHiil hall Sf.lli'laMl fall. tf It . rt contract for sdrertlalKg can be mad lor It Subarrllier to 1 bn Kmln'r whn n-mnv limn on" locality to anollirr. or rliatifa theft Matiiltlco addreaa slinuhl ri'tttftnlicr lit trni this urtli'e a card t tli"lr pn r 'i l ad drraM'd In Hie right mi1iiHIco. Post A King's salson is the most pop ular resort in lakeview. 2H I