Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 04, 1904, Image 8

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Bieber's Cash Store
Hotel Building
Real Happiness SE"
comes from taking
chance to save. We
provide the attractive things at a price you can well afford.
Every purchase leaves you a little for other things.
tmmmmmmmmmm mhmmmmhmm aataaMaaaBBaaaaMMMaMM saBaammaaBBaBsaaaaammBaaaaBBaBaaaaaBsMmBaa:
Local Happenings wcKt iv
hi:hh and tmhrh
Embroidery Sale..
Will claim your attention at once. Every woman
knows the value of Embroidery. If you .want a
bargain 3-011 will find it here. 700 yards from 3
inches to 7 inches wide, only 10 cts.per yard.
Your Clothes will be z
Extra Good if We Make Them.
.When they are finished they will fit. You get.
full worth of the cash you pay for the clothes you
order here. Fall suitings are ready.
If you order now you get first choice from hun
dreds of most attractive samples. We'd like to
tell you how much we can save you on a suit if you
order it here.
was over from Plush , A Spokane syndicate linn purchas
ed for f XiO.WMI the Dekum building In
Begin To-day,
You've no idea how u lit
tle money saved now and
then counts up. Little
savings yon hardly mis,
soon mount up to com
fortable sums.
Kd Hon. 1
Dr. Solium and Prof. Hoffman are Portland. (A Q A
at CVdarvlllo. j Ylco-presldcnilnl iionilnoo Henry (1. VllaS iCCOUflt
tioo. Lynch wan In from the wood , IvIh. NO years old, denies that lu I
camp Monday. , noon to Ik? marrlod.
A waterspout near Reno Inundated ' (? M- Oliver, tho farmer and sUs-k-
two small tOWUS.
' raiser from just across tho line In
Tho Monogram carries n good IR. M'dic e.mnty, wan here hint week. 1
.1. D. Venator returned last wek
from California aceompanted l.v his ;
Bieber's Cash Store
Hotel Building
Lakeview - Soda - Works 1
T. fl. CLOUD, Proprietor
Fine Grade Carbonated Drinks
A Specialty
Bicycles on Sale
Bikes Repaired on Short Notice.
If you are going east a careful selection of your
route Is essential to the enjoyment of your
trip. If it is a business trfp time is the mala
consideration; if a pleasure trip, scenery and the
convenience and comforts of a modern railroad.
Whv not combine all by using the ILLINOIS
CENTRAL, the Up-To-Date Road, running two
trains dally from St. I'aul and Minneapolis and
from Omaha to Chicago. Free Reclining ('hair
Cars, the famous BuHet-Library-Smoking Cars,
all trains vestibuled. Tickets reading via the
I Hinois Central will be honored on these trains
and no extra (are charged. Our rates are the
same as those of inferior roads why not get
your money's worth. Write for particulars.
B. H. TRUMBULL, Com. Agt. 142, 3d st Portland Or
J. C. Lindhey, T. F. & P. A. P. B. Thompson, F. & P. A.
142 Third Street, Room 1, Coleman Bldg,
Portland. Or. Seattle Wash.
mother, who spmt the winter at jjj mtom o(
' w? v. Rood of R.y H,K.t .-vera. ! IhCV.CW, QtCQOW.
davs In Pnlslcv the oast week. The Vfr4.'lwU SJViWVi CO
Miller has lsen unite ( , , , ., , . , , i
' , travel from Paisley to IU.v now goes
j over the new road. WfcKM.V WRATItLK KLI'OKT.
lUy i I 2r..i. .if.. .....I I.'..... ' ','l',w He give a report el t. weather
as rccorcicii tiy the (iuvcruint'ut wesilifr
of working gloves.
H. (iruman was In town Saturday
from Crooked Creek.
(ieorgv Nelson was la town Sun
day from the West Side.
Mrs. F. M
sick for a couple of weeks,
C. W. Kmbody was herefrom
Monday on land business.
Drummers have Isvn numerous In
Iakevlcw the past week.
lieo. Parker was InfromthoCrook
ed Crook sawmill Tuesday.
. Mrs. S. T. Col via ts visiting her
daughter Mrs F. K. Harris.
The Paisley Post has heard from
C. M. Sain, at Boise, Idaho.
Mrs. Win, Harvey came down last
Thursday from Summer Lake.
Ceo. Hank I as was down from
Summer Iike first of the week.
J. K. Bernard & Son have a new
adv. in The Examiner this week.
John Wet!ake was In from the
Sagehen mines first of the week.
do to the Monogram and look at
the new Cherry Blossom Knnmel
W. F. Schneider of Salem, was
registered at Hotel Iikevlew Mon
Chas. and John Stindt of Michigan
registered at Hotel Lnkevlew Mon
C. M. Vanderpool of Corvallis was
registered at Hotel Lakeview Mon
day, i
have Wen the Imsia of
many n man's success in
life. To have the money
when the splendid oppor
tunity conies often means
ft fortune. We take tie
posits from a dollar up.
Smith and little sou 1. title, started
I m rem i ntHtiou si The Kxamiiur Olllre.
last Sunday for little Chewaucau for T,j r,.Hirl u ,.iiw.irod each week, and if
a month's camping. our ronlr wlxli to keep a ) early record
of weather condition fur future refer
ence, cut out the report aluntf the black
line and pants It In a acrap Issik one
Miss tiertle Schlngcl has closed the
Ice cream stand la the Post olllev
building, having run out of lee and week after another. Thin rw.rd will be
Itclng unable to get more.
lr. T. V. Hall was called to the
Dick Vernon ranch Monday to set a
a broken arm for Miss Nora Vernon
who was thrown from a horse.
Patents for Umber lands are com
ing In to the Lakeview laud otllce
now very rapidly. Over 1(H) has
Imoii received the last few days.
Paisley school district has secured
a teacher for the winter school at
that place. Mr. Wilfred Brown of
ICoseburg has engaged to teach.
Jack McDonald came down from
Paisley last week and took ids wife
hack with him. Mrs. McDonald had
leeii sick hen for several weeks.
Horseralsers should read the ad
vertisement in this Issue of lieo. L.
Colliding & Co., Livestock commis
sion merchants at Denver, Colo.
Arthur Florence and wife started
for San Francisco last Sunday for a
visit. Mr. Florence will buy goods
taken on Tueaday to end each week and
begin on Wednesday for the next week.
Oovernment VVather Mnreau Sta
tion at Lakeview, Oregon,
CO. MrrzKKH, luteal Observer.
Week ending Tuesday, Aug. 1!KU.
I y max inln. ir'l m'w chr-li'r
J llalitin lll ! dmf
vt. j ni j 4.' j o no imi j i-iour
thiir. "." :il j '" o.on " "ih '
frid 'y " 4S " 0 .tMi" tn) j
sTilyrtu :a o.w I (HI j
sun. M M j d.UO " M "
monj uTTm"! STkI
t H'fs. i fV4j t)"JxT "ki j
The Cigar Factory will Is otwjn to for the Men-ant lie Co. while Here
Before Buying
General Merchandise
leading Mrrhsnti
Baile' & Massingill M
the public by Sunday. A. Stork-
J. J. Monroe, the Adel merchant,
was In Lakevltw on business first of
the week.
Fruit jars,' stone jars, Jelly glasses,
ar rulilH-rs and Jar caps at the
The town council are having some
work done on tlie big well at the
light plant this week.
Call at the post office book store
for all kinds of literature, and dic
tionaries at low prices. --tf
W. C. Laird was over from Plush
last week and made final proof on
his desert claim in Warner.
Quite a number of freight teams!
brought in goods from Madeline for
our merchants tho past week.
August Storkniann, the cigar mak
er, will be ready by Sunday to sup
ply any demand for fine cigars.
Supt. N. M. McKtnsey, of the C. &
O. Telegraph Company was here first
of the week inspecting the telegraph
Iter. Hummervllle returned front
Paisley Monday evening, and de
parted for his home at tJ rants Pass
Frank Musgrave, who clerked In
the Mercantile Co' a couple of
months was relieved last Saturday
as lie was not needed there any long
er and is looking for another situation.
District attorney W. J. Moore went
to Susanvllle last week on business
connected with some suits lu which
he and J udge Spencer are associated.
Post A King have the best line of ci
gars in lakeview. Their liquors are
pure and w hohrsome, and their place is
conducted on the most modern plan -H
Born In lakeview, Saturday,
July SI), limi to the wife of L. D.
Roblusou, a daughter. The child
only lived two days, and was burled
Jas. it. Hagglu, owner of the ZX
ranch and cattle In Iako county,
and Pheba A. Hearst have lost a big
mining suit In which $1,000,000 was
The fishermen returned from Deep
creek last Friday and reported the
fishing very good, but not easy, as
( koosavclt Accepts.
President Roosevelt's ssitIi of
acceptance was a mnxforfull one.
Brief as It was, he Incorporated In it
all the vital Issues of the coming
campaign and pictured plainly the
achievements of the republican
party In the past seven years of Its
rule. He emphasUeil the coulldence
which the administration had se
cured through Its long ami tcalous
struggle to accomplish the victorious
end to which It strove. He pointed
out that the democratic party were
asking to Isj trusted with the cares
of government without as much as
proof of their sincerity. He reltar
ated the well known fact that under
republican rule the (government had
prospered, and while the democrats
did no more than to make promises,
the republicans had "made the deed
sipmre with the word."
Tick Carry Diseaae.
Dr. Ralph Matsou. bacteriologist
of the State Board of Health, lias
proved that the germs of thespotted
fever are animal protoza. Ticks
which live upon the bodies of ground
squirrels or gophers curry the disease
creek where they went.
I I..,. .1... t 1 ... A .. .
the country is very rough along the 8V,",B "w m,,,mu
tueir bites, and 00 ior rent of cases
will prove fatal to the victim.
Dr. Matsou Is now searching for
some anti toxin which will nullify
the bite of the tick. But so long as
there are millions of gophers there
will lo more millions of ticks to
carry the spotted fever germs to tho
human body.
9 '-Mtai -
coppcr riveted
Shows Prom high Point.
In referring to tho newly erected
gauge on tho city reservoir, In last
week's Issue, wo neglected to state
that It can bo seen to Its best advan
tage from the tower of tho new city
hall which tho City Dads started to
build several months ago.
"STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" The Equitable-Life Assurance
ASSETS $381,000,000 . J. L. SMITH.
SURPLUS $73,000000
Special Agent