Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 04, 1904, Image 7

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    Mow lo Catch On.
The lti'il lllnff "l't'i'l''H I iiumc,"
vlniMt editor Inn fit her Ihm ii nut li-ti-
llltf fitr Ki'Vl-ml lllulllllH, ur In i ll
iihim'i, wlilli nil tin' vlli'iiii'iit In
l.itko cmtiity iiviT tin1 hIiii-ji killing
wnn KnltiK mi. tin iiiil.V riTiMil l,v ll-
vovt'ivil Unit tin-re Iiim I ti iiiiiK'
I roiilili- In )ri'Hiiii.
(''llllowllIU: I HIHIH"' I if lilt' I II text
IM'WH lllMl fri'lM tllllt lllNT. ItM
'itur mittlit li Ih tifiriini Unit he
In iwvcriil niiMilltn In-IiIihI tlx thin.
"Tin' truiitilt' lii-twiiMi lln Hiiick
.ilnl hIh. i hi mi of M.xM Iiitii Divumi
Ihm'oiiii'k iin.iv (li'nifratr. Irry "ln.v
ivu-t urn rttHwil nf wIiii-ji Im-Iuk
iiImiiiii'i mill Mlti'i mi (In rutinf.
Till tl'llllllll1 HCCIIIH t Im- ICIltl'll-il In
I, uki' county. Ni'Vfral Him kx In Unit
4'iMiiily Inivi1 tiiTii iilinimt cxti'i inln
ati'il. A few il.iyx i;:i rmi'lit lull" wiw
oich thlt lni iiicii ji M-Jll'l tit
uri'niui'x uuMTiinr fur irili't Inn.
Ho ri'nniiiili'il by nrfrrliiu i n-waril
f Iimhi (or tin Miti'Ht niiih'oiivli'tloit
of tin1 purtli'H utility of ili'i'ivdiitlonx.
TIlllM fur IK) IIITffttN IlllVtf tMH'll tllllill'.
I, nut Numbiy a iiiti-tlnn of tin'
Wool Orowrr'n Ant'liitloii wiix lu-ll
nl Anti'loMi ami mi ii'lilltloiml r-
vnnl of f-VMi win autliorlwil for tin
nrnHt ami conviction of any jthou
willfully killing or pnlMittiltiK hIuti.
litiltu thl. mIhi' art' In-line fouml
Moinliiy iniotlicr iiiiftlnir wiwIicM.
U tlio tiHN'tlnn tin' uln-vp itiul Wool
'rower' AMMuclatloii win forini'ij.
ThoiiKtiiKlH of head of h1iivj and
nttlo tiru now feeding on the ntiitfea
in !ukt county- The cattle will not
nuo over law! over which riheep
luivo pnMMfil. The HtoL'kiui'ii iu a re
sult liuve 11 ilUUko for alin'ii owiiith
.1 id the only couth1 that enn put nil
' inl to thU I either the removal of
one or the other faction, or the agree
ment of a icrarlntf territory for nlieep
iml rattle.
Tor Home time ntrony; effort have
Ikvii iiiado to reach twie uwlerHfancl.
ln. In the meantime the killing of
liiM p hax eoutliiueil, until now It
would not take much to Ktart
trouble bet ween the purlieu wlinne
interentH are at Htake."
A llitrit Knock.
Itcware of Ointment J .for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury
a mercury will an rely destroy the neimu
.if etuill and com plelely derange the
wliola syetein when entering it through
the mucous turfaoes. hnch artklea
i-hould never be used cucept an tireacrip
tiuna from reputable phyaiciana, as the
Uuibhh they will do ia tenfold to the
Hood you cia poimibly derive from Ilium.
Ilall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contain
no mercury and ia taken internally, act
iiilt directly upon the blood and mucnux
urUieii of the ayatem. In buyimi
1 1 all 'a Catarrh Cure be aure youpet Hie
genuine. It in taken internally and
made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney
A Co. Teatinionials free. Sold by
I rtif w intM. 75 centa per bottle.
Ilall'a Faiuilv i'llla are the bent.
A Daughter of the Revolution.
Mm. Catherine K. Nleele.'who dieil
recently at ' I., vwlfborouKli, N. II.,
aseil nearly lt." yearn, wiw a Jcounln
of Franklin Tierce, 11th prenldent of
the United State, awl was the okl
ent Iau;hter of the Anierlean Kevo
lutlon In her etate. Her father, then
Ht arcely more t han u Iml, fought at
Jbinker hill, In Hturke'a brigade.
The lath PeaaJty.
A little thinK eometimes reaults in
death. Thua a mereecratrh, lnalnnifi.
cant cuta or puny inula have paid the
death penalty. It ia wlaeto have Buck
Inn's Arnica ralvo ever bandy, It'a
the bimt aalvo on earth and will prevent
fatality, when Ilurns, Horc.8. Ulcera and
Tilea threaten. aly 2rc, at 1-ee Heull's
irun More.
Appointed Representative.
Hugo (Jorlitx ban Uen appointed
aviieral ugent nntl legal reproHentu
tlvofor all I'.iifAlisli Hpcaklny conn
tries of the Incorporated (Society of
CouipoHerx. TMchalkowHky Is the
preHldent of the iiBHOclatlou.
Arrest Itl 3 Reward.
For any akin U'Heaae, KCZKMA, OLD
SOKES, 1'ILKH. I'lMfLKK, etc., which
the new KADIUM ItEMKDY 10U-ZiN H
will not cure promptly. Bund today (or
Hfree treatment suillcient to cure any
ordinary cane. IJOYD CHEMICAL
CO., Hand McNully IMit , Chicago.
"I low nice mid aoft your iinudn ar,
Mr. Mil fTy:"
"Y; I -nh aleep with my glove on.
don't you knur.-."
"Imleiil! An I your hat a I no. 1 sup
pose ?"
MUlilr ( lirerfnl.
Miiramn Inol told her little dnUKhter
tlmt alie i-o ilil' not go out to pluy, but
the little maiden determined to make
one more plea. "I'leiiHe, mniumn; It ian't
very wet, itud I won't jjo on the rnaa."
"No, you ennnot, Iorotliy." auld
uiamuin pleiixantly. mulling a little at
la tin lighter' HrnlMteiicy.
Iiorothy ri'K'irdiil her mother ag
jrrlevedly nnd then aald. "Well, aeema
to me you're mlulitly cheerful about It"
New York Time.
For Ihv of Her.
How did you lime your arm, young
man?" nuked the IntereHted geutleaiuD
In the t-nr.
"A girl once told me to remove It,"
auNwered the young man. "Got any
cigarette paiK-raT' Indianaiiolla Sun.
Verr Swell.
"Yoa," declared Weary Willie, "I
went up ter tint ludy'a houae an' alie
gimme a reul awell dinner."
A awell dinner?"
"Hure; drleil apple an' all de water I
wauted." Iialtlmore Herald.
Aa lo THIea.
"Where did the Judge get hi tltler
"He wa once Judge of a horse race."
"Hut how about the general T Haa he
any right to that title V
"Oh, ye. Indeed! lle'a a general nul
aunce." Chicago I'oat.
"Why, that'a Ml Wellon. Un't It?
I to you mean to tell me she at ill comes
to the funhloniilile watering placea?"
"I ahould atiy ao! She bring her
young married dlntcr along as her chap
eron now." Ufe.
Loslne your hair? Coming
out by the combful? And
doing nothing? No sense in
that I Why don't you use
Ayer's Hair Vigor and
flair Vigor
promptly stop the falling?,
Your hair will begin to grow,
too, and all dandruff will dis
appear. Couid you reason
ably expect anything better?
"iMr'i Halt Vlxnr u a rt iirciM with
ma My hair was falllua uut vary badly, tint
tlta Hair YIN"' atotipail Ti and now my lialr la
all fi,Ut." w. c. LuuauuM, iaudMj, Cal.
f I oa a botila. j. e. tkr co..
Thin Hair
TOWNIX)Tfl, Improved and
u ul in proved auld on eaT In
ilallnit'iita. Land Tldei Rxamlned.
Iiana NoROtlati'd,
Tani'a UHkd After,
lo-nii, Koici, and
Acoounli Cnlluctud,
Flra limurance,
Uumral UuaiiH'aa Agcliti.
CUltK fOlt
Ely's Cream Balm
Ey and iileaannt to
liaa. Cuntalua lio lu
jurloua ilrK.
It laiiiili klv abmrtHid.
Ileal ami I'ruluou ilia Moinhrane. KtwtorM thi
Hi'iiaua of 'l iwta Mint Hmi'll. I-arn Hic, 61) centa at
UriiKifieta or ! y ninili Si.u, lOwnla hy mail.
liXV BUOTUJtltS, Wl Waxwu Stmt, Xvw Vurk.
ir m Bya. BaTh a -r -a. i "aw t aT
Tho Kind You IIuvo Alwuyn IlMitlit( ftiitl Mlilcli liaa leea
In uae for over 00 jcpra, linn borno tlio al(rnatnr of
nid ha born malo iindrr filaj pr-
MifiHlmiM?rvlalon ncr Ita Infancy.
AH CoiintfrfeltH, Imitation ami "Jnt-a-uool, are but
Kxpcrlinciitx that trlflo with nnd eiiilantrer tho health of
Infant and Chlldrc-n Kxpcrionce aalnat Ixperiment
Cuatorlu ht a harniloMrt rtuhatltuto for Cantor Oil, Pare
Krlf, IropM nnd Hootliliijf Byrup. It lit IMcartant. It
contain neither Opium. Morphine uor other Narcotic
iiihataiico. It ajf I It guarantee. It destroy Worart
nnd nliaj IVierhiliiiehi. It cure Diarrhoea and AVInd
Colic. It relieve Teetlilii(f Trouble, cure ConKtipatlon
und Flatulency. It aHhiiilate tho FomI, regulate the
Stomach and ISowcl. giving healthy and uaturai nloen
The Children's I'anacea-Tlio Mothcr'M Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Nothing lias ever equalkrl it
Nothing can ever turpasi It.
Dr. King'!
Jdv; Discovery
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure i I-Aing Troubles.
Motiay back t It faila. TrlaJ Bottlaa fra.
Land 'Notice,
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
1J10 Connetkut Avenue
Waahlnjfton, D. C.
All prr.ona who hav heretofore made FINAL
PROOP In any kind of Land. Mineral or Tina
bar Enirlea, which baa been cccftrd by tba
Raglatcr or lelrer of any L'. 5. l and Office,
can have the nr of their f. S. Patent for
aald Landa promptly Attended to by .ending
me their Duplicate Vecelata, or Certificate of
Entrv, and an agreeatent to pay ma $10 when
ever aald patenta aha II bane.
Oregon. California
and Nevada
State Agent
tM4,-.. BO YEARS
, t atwonav omerr. net voaa orrv.
The Smart Set
A Magazine of Cleverness
Magnliiea olioulil haven well-tlefined purpoae.
(tonulne entertalnineiit, (iiiiiiHeiiient nuil mentul rvereatlou are the
motive of Tiik 8makt Skt, the
Ita novels (a complete om in each iinnilnT) are by the niont brilliaut
nuthora of both heiiilHphereM.
Its short stories are niatchltMM clean aul full of human lu teres t.
It poetry covering the entire flelJ of verw patho. love, humor,
tenderneatt 1 by the moat popular poets, men and women, of 4 he day.
It Jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc.. arc admittedly the moat mlrtb
No pages are wasted on cheap Illustrations, editorial vaporlngs or
wearying eaaays and Idle dlucutMioiiH.
Every page will interest, charm and refresh you.
Subacrlbo now $2.30 per year. Iletnlt lu cheque, P. O. or Express
order, or registered letter to THE SflART SET, 452 Fifth Avenue, New
f Msg
Aa. . DcatGNS
'fflffl ' COfVRMHTS AC.
Anvnne aanillng a ckatrn and doortttlm nay
onlcair aacsrtaln oar oplntoa froo vbotbar on
liiTenimn l. prnhably MtmuMa ronnnanle.
tKHtaMrtctlTOrMiodentbil. Ila
cent f r. OMott aeaney for aorkrmc paunu.
I'.t.nta taJwn tbrooeh Mann A Co. recetre .
tfrruU HoOca, vnhoatcbareo. InUto
Scientific Jlmericatt
A bandaome-ly fltnetrated wockly. Imat tr-
filiation of any arMnuae tnornal. Terma. (a
mi : fnor monttaa, SI. Sum brail newedoalem.
Branca OOloa. 8U Waabtactcw. U. t
Nature's Art .Gallery of the Rockies in
aJWV addition to the attractions of St Louis.
This can only be done by going or returning
Write for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado'a Femoue Slghta and Rcaorta
W. C. HcBRIDE, General Agent
124 Third Street
The Harney County
1.1 ve mock Aaocia
tion. of which I am
a member, para 9750
reward lor evident
leading to the eon
vR'tioo of partiea
ateailna mock
longing to :ta mem
bera. In addition
.ifler vm reward.
Horae brand borae
ehoe bar on either
or both Jawa. Re
corded in 8 counties
Range, HariK-r. Lake aud Crook Counties.
Horere rented wbeu aold Horaetaold to paaa
through thia aection will be reported in this
paper. If not ao reported, jileaw write or tele
phone Tbe Times Herald. Main S2a, Burns, Ore- .
gon W W Bbowh, fife, Or.
ri ii'iiv a
" . I
t'iae Hheea Itanrh ! Mndwe CaMtatjr
Tbe Examiner has for aala one of tba Hrfest
beep ranches in Modoc county, which ci
trols tbe beat range in Caliiornia It oonaiaia
of 660 acres aU under fence. It Ilea along Pitt
river for 2 miles. Besides other buildings
there are two bousea Vi miles apart. It ia an
Ideal sheep raocb.. U takn quick It will be
aold for ftiUM.
lamoC Rarrv Brnds with 8walIow Fork lo
JdiTiCd OallJ right ear lor ewes; reverse
for wethera. Borne ewea oqusre Crop and Bllt
In right ear. Tar Brand Ul. Range, Crane
Lake, Poatnmoe address. Lakeriew, Oregon
7 WhUtsinrrri Branda wuh Crop off left
cau uiiiinuiiii
ear. Half Dudercrop off
right for ewea; reverse for wethcra Tar Brand 4
W. Range, Fish UreeK.
Lakeriew, Oregon
Poatoffloe address
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. "
Leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m.
every day but Sunday.
Returning, leaves Paisley
at 6 :30 a. m every day but .
Passengers' are $j. Round trip
OFFICE- Reynolds & Wlngfleld'a. Lakevlaw