Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 04, 1904, Image 3

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J Proprietor
General Information
The population of Jilpnil IsMtllllCS
n tlt-tiMt iih tltnt of HioI'iiIUmI srnti.
In iimkliiff Him lct Persian m h
MI'IVT spends about "lll.VH OVI'f
each square fool of surface. .
Hut two tint luit. the Japanese and
the Hon til Hen Islnndcr. do not nw
t tie kl iv it form of expression.
A (lermmi iccoIokImI estliiintcstlint
the IH'mcI Hen will lie one iiimmw of
Hotiil suit within Vm than WXI year.
Thoinviil vessels tinder construe
tlon In tin' !?nltv! Ktatc have n
renter total toiinntre than those
TIh1 largest police station in thi'
vur!'! U that nt Hcothmd Yard.
London. It Iimm accommodations
for .'UMK) poltcclllcll.
IKk st tin? ileacripllons f the U ml
listed with The. Kaaminvr this win k for
tale, and select yeur piece before It hm
1en tiiM to some on e'a. If
We have ni vslusble land for sale
cheap. It inul be wild, and can Ixi had
I a flu urn lliat mskes it a I'xxl Invest
ment. Writ the Examiner, tf
Tin most complete Job atoi'k off of
the rntlrond Im to lm found nt TIh
Kxnmlner office. Klrat-cIiuiM work
iiltnyn, nt rensonable price, tf.
Land for m lo. Tim wt half of h'ec.
2(1, tp. 39 8., It. 20 K. The land Jolua
Frank Iuk'a plsce 6 mill ao'ith of
lakeview. This is a snap. Writ The
A rcstdcinT !r sale cheap. One
acre of ground, house, burn ami out
building; hnsclty water, iiml Ik a
desirable place to live. Kmpiliv nt
Till' Kxnmliier Office. 'M tf-
Kl. ArrlwT tdilppcl . scvcrnl linn
dreil hul of Innils Inst week to Hon
Illgjfn i'o., Han Francisco. He ex
IHvta to ship about Oort bend more
ihlM wk.-New Krn.
T1h! tramp orjpuilwt and hymn
writer, Victor fteoke, who wn burn
ed In Now York recently, won the
author of "Abide In Me," "Just for
Today" ami "IVnce, lie Still."
We are receiving numerous In
quiries for farina and business ItH-a-Uoiim,
uihI can find n buyer for any
k I oil of rkHrtj If placed: . In the
hnndsof The Examiner Heal Kwtate
t'o'e haiKla. tf
Mother Kldy, the head of tlit'Chrls
tlan Selene.' church, la SI yenra old.
S1h shoswd berHclf In a cnrrlaRP. tt
the recent visitation In Coucord,
looking IUe a woman not more than
m yearn. She rec In white.
A very rich Rold strike wan made
recent ly In Hlaklyuu county, t'nl. The
trlke waa made on Taylor creek,
wot of Ktna, by IL F. Hiuxforl.
Out of JWO pouoda of rock packtMl
out on jMek mule 400(1 wih pound
out. Modoc -county la tittrely well ndver
tlned ncaln. We have wen nccounta
of tlif J k' Mark auUipny In nearly
every papi-r that liaa-cojiii; to our
table In the pnat wi-ek. The a
countM in iimihI of them, however are
viry much exnuuvrnted. New I'rn.
We Hre now prepared Kit cull fev'eral
tractH of laixl at priceH that will ntHrile
you, eciHuliilly It you are acquainted
with the location. We have land all the
way from II 50 per aero up to f IS; nn
ImproveJ or Improved, to'fiiit the
purchaHer. Lake County Examiner, tf
A rrneer ori'.er haa la-en placed with
it firm of Sheffield, F.nulund mnnufac
turera try an Oriental potentate for
the mrpTrty f 't In'droom aultc ipade
throutrhont of aolld nllVer. The de
algiiH are of Oriental character and
moat elaborate.. TheaultecomprlHCH
a Itedatend, cabinet, dreaalnjf table,
one dor.en din I cm, three foot butha
nod three hot-water 'cana. Sclent Iflc
Heveral copie( of tlia Northwentern
S'cx k Hirectory, compliad by Hloa A
f.lulitlv, r'nlra of Alluran, havn lieen
left ai I din olllce for llirlnillo(i. It la
a valualile book lor Mock men and worth
the price, tf
California larm fir mU nt a hitf hr
vain. I 'HI ni-rea fenceil and crona fenced
Coal present owner 10,5(K) but 1.1 be
lotd for f .VMM) ; lj down and balance on
aacy payincnta, Impiire at thia of
lli e. 47 if
The Kxn miner haa for ante one of
the ta-at atiM'k riiuchea In I jikecoiinty
on very rcnaonnhle tcrtna (Hifl lu-n-a.
ill fenced, and well watered. Thla la
n Ki' at bargain mid will not remain
Ionic uiiMold. We nlao have a down
other rnneheM and firnia to lilnpoM
of. If you have any laud or proicr
erty to m il, Mat It with the Exam
iner. Send In description nud wo
will aell It for you. UMf
ht month to energetic reprewntn
tlves In every city and town In Ore-'j
Bron, WaahlnKton and Idaho; dliil
fled, honorable, N-rmnneut and Im
tnenwly profitable einployincn, at
home or on the rond:noinctlilnn new;
tM'iul atnmp or call at ofllee for de
talla. Si un re tH'al UrokernK' Coin
puny. VM, 7th St., I'ortland. Ore
icon. 19-tf
There la erowlnic fear In IUrIln
court clrclea that the crown prince
of l'rtiHata, eldeat aon of the knlaer,
may carry out hla declared jiurpoae
to contract a inorKanntlc marriage
wlthaome American trlrl. Theyimnfc
man, heiulatrons and erratic hla
father, hiw aawrted more than once
that when he weda hla brhle w III Ik.'
a native of thla country. Onaevernl
occaalona he haa paid violent court
to American atnice iM'autlca, hla luteal
flame having aet hlin on ftrv more
fiercely than ever.
The Kxamlner haa nn 8-acrc tract
of laud for aale at n bargain; the
land Ilea In il body the Dortla-rn
part of lnkevlew, nud Im dow avt
to clover and timothy, and Jidda
20 ton of hay n year, leaving a val
uable paature. V The hay aclla nt
the top price In Iakevlew. The
tract la n dealrnble one, either to re
tain In' one piece or to cut up Into
lota for raldencea Anyone dealrlnjc
to build a home In I Jikevlew will do
well to Inveatlicnte thla fpropoal
tlon. 20 tf
Orator, Kp,t.? N. ia CluU
176 Warn?n Avenue',
Ciuono, 111., Oct. )i2, 1902.
For nearly four years 1 Buffered
from ovarian trouble. The doo
tor initiated on an operation aa the
only way to pet weft. 1, however,
trongly objected to an operation.
My husband felt disheartened aa
well as 1, for home with a aick
woman ia a disconsolate place at
leat. A friendly druggiat advised
him to pet a Lottie of Wine of
Cardui for me to try, and he did so.
I began to improve in a few davs and
inyrecovery was very rapid. With
in eighteen weeks 1 was another
, Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every
woman bow a home is saddened by
femaie weaknes and howoompietely
Wine of Curdui cures that sick
ness and brings health and hanpi
ness again. Do not go oa suffer
ing. Uo to your druggist today
and secure a 11.00 bottle of Wline
of Cardui.
Tho trouhlo with moat adver
tisers la that they expect imme
diate returns of large propor
tions. One. prominent advertiser
llluKtratcs the principle of adver
tising In thla way:
"Tfc spB4e4 for
it le mt latcreat. Th
ar vlrfaallr lh lalvrcat
the lavcataasat. t
"The san.9 spent for advertising
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account becauao the result
ing good will Is aouietblng that
baa value, which. If the adver
tising has been properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the investment.
"The rate of Intercut la deter
mined by the skill with which
the Investment la umde.
"Just as the quickest way to
Increase Invested wealth Is by
compounding the lbterst. Just so
the quickest waj ;o renllxe re
sults from advertising la io com
pound the returns." Advertising
Advertisers ret rood returns
on tha amount Invested In
our columns. .W reach the
7a ' i-
The Best Vaquero Saddle on the Harket
t S
AImo n complete line of wnjcon and bugjey hartK-aM, whips, roten
X rlataa, bits), spurs, quirts, nMett,i, In fact everything In the line of Q
carrlnfc and horse furnishing;. Impairing by competent men.
Sash, Blinds, Moulding:, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Writelfor
estimates on contract work & material
Iereford Stock Farm
Drews Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Ownei
largest herd cf registered ;
Herefords ia Oregca .
Young Cattle for Sale
fAUOOB AlAP.f0 htii of berd
. you've got
AnnouncoB a dubbing; Arrangement With
. . . . i
The hanilsome Illustrated Magazine published by the
old reliable firm of Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago,
the largest publishing house in the world. "Farm Life'
is the leading publication for the farm home. Printed in
colors and beautiful' illustrated throughout. Each is-
contains special articles relating to successful farming,
also special departments for women, boys and girls, and
the little folks.
The Inke County Exuminer, one year $2.00
Farm IMfo, one year 50 t
Itoth pnpera, one year for '. $2.0tf
The yearly price of The Kianilner.
New subscriptions or renewals.
Subscribe or renew to-day and don't forget to mention
that you want both papers for only $2.00, the price of
The Lake Count v Iixaaaiiner.
This offer is for only a limited itkme; take advantage of it iwhile
... i . t