goi Rmutu (BxiTttlncr Published Every Tknrsday C. O. METZKT.R. Masonic Itulldlnt (One Year $2.00 TERMS: SU Months 1 .00 (Three Months SO SPACE One Inch Two Inches f hree Inchi iiiartrr Column... all Column One Coin mu 1 wk lmml m msl I yr II tsi ( ft iV fa iV 1 1 10I .Su; ICO lion IK W ( WII0W 1 w Ml TiiuO 16 I Aim ?,on;M.y .SUO 4ot.ftl)l to ' jwouo LAKEVIEW, OREOON, Al 0. 4, 1004. NATIONAL RLPLBL1CAN1ICKEF For President THEODORE ROOSEVELT Of New York For Vice-President CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS Of Indiana Judge I'arker is an expert sw immer and will try the salt water iu Novem ber. The campaign song thin fall will probably be "Shall We Gather at the River." The democrats say It will take , 1600,000 to carry Illinois for their party. Henry Gawiaway Davis had no money plank in his platform, but I'arker put a million dollar one In for him. The editor of the Albany Democrat and Judge Parker learned to swim la the same river. What does he want, a place in Parker's cabinet? -Mayor Harrison Is between the ,' devil and the deep sea." It Is up to Mm to raise $100,000 and carry Chicago for Parker, or have his political head severed from his body. Elihu Hoot is talked of strongly or governor of New York. Root will not consent to have his name used in the convention unless he is assured of the support of Governor Odell. The Portland Journal says that Eastern Oregon farmers will have $20 pieces to throw at the birds this fxll. We may expect soon to hear of Portland releasing a big covey of target birds. Fishermen on thelakeof Xeufchatel are uning automobile boats. They are driven by a benzine motor and lighted by electricity. They are flat bottomed, glide noiselessly over the water, do not frighten the fish, mid r: great success. The fact that J udge I'arker is re factant to resigning his Judgeship is significant In itself and savors strong ly of presidential defeat. The Judge fr.'M a string on his position and does ' bot like to let go of it for the chances he sees ahead for his reaching the White House. What more, einbar- LSWH him Is that if he holds on to Jiis Job he must continue to keep luutn in the, presidential campaign, mid let his Interests rest with his friend, as he did before the conven tion. What the effect of quietness will have ou the voters is what most worries him now. It is the democratic ruse to hold the free sil ver democrats to the party and the platform, and tho gold standard democrats to the party and the can didate. They bjllevo If the silver wing of the party can be induced to vote for the platform and the gold wing support Parker they have some chance of landing ut the capital. They seem to be having some trouble In finding some one to distribute Davis' million dollars. A Retraction Know July Numlvr "Udl.V Homo Journal." Ill the May number of The Ladles' Home Journal we published, In the article entitled "The Talent-Medicine' Cure," an analysis of "Doctor Tierce's Favorite Prescription," In which that preparation was repre sented hh containing, among other Ingredients, tincture of digitalis, tincture of opium, and alcohol. Im mediately upon publication of the nuinlter a suit for damages was In stltnted by The It. V. Fierce Medical Company, of ltuffalo. New York, proprietors of the preparation In question, against Thet'urtls Publlsh- ! lug Company, based upon the claim that none of the( three Ingredients was contained lu the medicine. I'non the filing of the suit, we, of course, immediately looked Into the published analysis. It npiears that this particular analysis had I teen made, if made atnll. fully twenty-live years ago. We thereupon, employ ed three leading chemists In different cities to make an analysis of the preparation from bottles bought In the ojen market. These analyses, one and all, now show to lis conclu sively that not a single one of the ingredients mentioned by us iu the analysis quoted that Is, either digitalis, opium or alcohol was con tained in tho bottles analyzed. We then the President of this Company and the writer personally visited The R. V. Pierce Medical Company, at Buffalo, and were there convinced that the officers of the Company were absolutely truthful In their claim that not one of these Injurious Ingredients was contained in "Doc tor Pierce's Favorite Prescription." Naturally, since the analysis we printed has been proved erroneous, the deductions made In connection with this preparation were unwar ranted and unfounded. Under these circumstances It Is now perfectly plain to us that this mag azine was unintentionally, but never theless absolutely misled In making the original statement, and we here by, of our own volition, make this unqualified acknowledgment of our mistake to The R. V. Pierce Medical Company and to our readers. The mistake -was honestly made, but It was a mistake. Novels by popular authors, dic tionaries, heavy literature, mag azines and all kinds of reading mat ter at the book store in the post office. 2C-tf Post & King's ealson is the most pop ular resort in Lakeview. 28 Orcifi Worlds. Our sole knowledge of the peo ple on other worlds and how far the people there differ from our inhabitants, can only be guessed by comparison with animal nature on this man sphere of ours. More important to lis is a knowledge of ourselves. "KmoW Thysbip" was an old Greek thought. How to take care of one's own body is not so simple aa some think; the human mechanism is a wonderful thing and requires watching. One man who has done more to teaeS the American people how to care for their bodies than almost any other, is Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the Author of the "Common Sense Medical Adviser." He says : It ia not the quantity of the food eaten wbicb produces strength and health (for aome people can keep strong- on a very meagre diet), but it is how much food is absorbed and assimilated by the blood and carried to nourish every organ of the body. It is, therefore, vitally necessary for the body that the stomach be in a healthy state. If disease of the stomach, or what is called "stomach trouble," prevents prop'-r nutrition then the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys do not get proper food they are not fed on rich red blood, and in cons:. Suence, begin to show signs of distress, lutwardly these signs may be pimples and eruptions on skin, pale face, Steeplers Biprhts, tired, languid feelings, or, by reason of the nerve not being fed on pure bloovl, they become starved, and we receive a warning in the pain we call neuralgia. Rheumatism, too, is a blood disease. After years of practice and study Dr. Pierce found that an Alterative Hxlract, which he named "Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery," made from the extracts of several plants, invariably produced a tonic effe-t upon the system. It helped the process of absorption of the healthy elementa in tt food and increased the red corpuscles c.f the blood, as well as eliminated the poisons from the system. Business is business. No time for bead aches. Constipation causes them. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant pellets cure them by cur. tag tbe cause. Laxative and mild. A Chancs lor 5pecultor. SCHOOL LAND. 2M sores of level unimproved agricultural land for side cticat. Inscription: SW4, S.'J ol Ni:4 Hnd SW)4' of Si:4', Section 10, Tp.,3 S., II. li K. W. M. This Is a desirable piece of litnd, located in (loose l.ako valley and will make some man a good ranch. Tl MHKK ... NOTI4K. 1'nitcd Sintes I -mid Olnce Lakeview, Oregon May 17, 1!HM. Notice Is hereby givmi Unit In com pliiu.ee with the provisions ot the Act of June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Cab ifnrnin, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton," a extended to all the Public Lund Slates by set of August 4, 1S'.2, the fol lowing persons have tiled in this otlicc their sworn statement, tit-wit: Timothy P. Heers, of Teniae, county of Thurston, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 2!to7, lor the purchase of the SW '4 Sec XI, Tp3oS, K 1 K. l'rai.i is Lbmiu of South Prairie, county of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 2:W for the purchase of the SK'4 Sec 114 TpSSS, IS lo K. Kleanor J. Itissou, of South Prairie, county of Pierce, slat of Washington, sworn statement No. . 23.V for the purchase of the NK.' Sec j 84, Tp 3o S, K 15 K. That they w ill offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish their claim to said land lie lore the liegUler nnd 1 Re ceiver at Lakeview Oregon on Thursday tho 11th day of August, 1904. They 11 a ran as witnesses: Eleanor J. Itisson, and Francis liisson, of South Prairie, Washington, and Timothy 1'. lleera of Tenino, Washington. Any and all per son claiming adversely the at Hive des cribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 11th day of August 1004. Jun 16 33 J. N-Watson, Kegiater. 0 LjstenH L I I lst 6 t Your Properly $ I With the Ifljj y COUNTY . (! X EXAMINER t) REAL - e ESTATE Y 0 AGENCY... tT It Dont Matter If H Is rfk ' Net Worth Ah w c,n 54,1 ior v' . $jj fjl) II You Contemplate (n Buying or Selling XtyJ ft ..A HOME.. fj 1 ff?t ' 'I 1 - ' ' -5 (fh Consult Us At One A Y If You Want a Bar- C gain in Either Case. A 0 I Iirrt I .an it Mita! I'ronf I'niied Mules Land Olll.-e, Lakeview-, Oregon, July II, l'4. Nol're is lieiiiliv given that James llamlilev, of Sli'ik, I liiriiey county Ore, has hleil iioiii-ti of iiHeuiioii 10 make prool on his desert hind claim No. r-J. for lliew'a sw t4 w. 12, nw'4 see, LI, nel4 see. 14, tp !IH S., , 2" K, w m, lnfore Keghier ami Ifeeiiver at I . like view, Oiegon. on Kridiiy, die 12th day of August, IKI4. Il name the follow ing witiiee to prove lli- eoniplete lirl gation ami rei-latnation of ol land: Olive tt. Shirk, .lo-epli L, Sliiik. IliMixe Wise, Minus Caldwell, all of Shirk, Oiegou. July 7 31 J.N. Wato, buister. Iea-I nit I'taof. I'nited Slates l and Olllee, Lakeview, Oiegoii. July , 1!H4. Notice ia hereby given that Olive tl. shirk, of Shirk, Ibirney county, Oregon, has tiled iioli.-e of intention to make prisif on his deserl land claim No. 41". lor the lot 2. sw'4 ne, nwl4 se'4, ne'4 aw '4, sw '4 see. 2, ne' ne'4 see. Ill, nw4 nw 't' see II, tp :i S.. K. 27 K. w in, U-lore Ivegisler and Receiver at Lakeview , Oregon, on I ridny, tlis 12th day ol Atigu-I. I'H'4. Ms name the fol lowing witnesses to prove the oniplele irrigation and rei-lninaiiou of said html : James llamlilev. Joseph L. Shirk, H.Mi.e Wise, Minus t'uld well, all of Shu k t regon. July 7 31 j, v. W atson, Register. Drying preparation simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up tho secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing a fur more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and suuffs aud use that which cleanse, soothe aud heal. Ely's Cream Palm ia auoh a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggist sell the Wo. aize. Ely Brothers, CO Warren St., N.Y. Tho Vahn cures without pain, doea not Irritate or cause suoezing. It spreads itself j over an Irritated and angry surface, roller ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Kly's Cream Holm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Entire of A ixiint nirnt l Krrntor. TO ALL WHOM 1TM AYCO.NCF.UN: Notice is hereby given, that the under, signed ws, by "an otder of the County Court ol Lake County, Oregon, dolv made and entered therein on the 2Mh dav of Mav. 1W4. appointed Fxecitt rof the Last Will ami Testament ot JOHN Mi LLII1NNF.Y, hits of I-ak" County, Oregon, now deceased. All persona having claims against the F.state of said Decea.ved are hereby required to present 1 lit same, with tlie proimr vouchers and dulv vcritled, within six mouth from the date of this notice, to tho under sinned K.xe-utor, at the Law Oltice. ol L. F. Conn, in the Town of Likevlew, Ijikn Ciiiinlv'. Oregon, and all person owing said Kstate are hereby reiUested to call and pay b said Ka-cntor th amount ol their indebtedness. Paled at Ijrkeview, Ijike County, Oregon, thisUth lav of June. UK) I, 'JOHN 11. III. Alii, Kxei-ntor of the Ist Will and Testa ment of JOHN McKlhinney, h eased. Land tMllce at Lakeview, Ore., July 2lstllNI4. Notice Is herel v given that tin follow Ing nauied settler has Hied notice of his intention to eomiuule In support of his claim, ami Hut said poiol will Im made U'fire llegisler and Ito ceiver at lakeview, Oregon. 011 tlo 31st day of August. 1W4 vis; Owen T, M KendriH 11.1.2340 for tho NL'4' of Ni:'. See. l S4' id Sl-:t4 and SL. of SW'4 Sec. 4Tp 30 K., K II K. V. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uiou and culti vation of said land, via: J. O. Ham aker, of Itonanri, Or. S. A. Whits- ol Itoystou, Ore. Kd Millr, of 1iruiln, Ore. and W. ll.Caselieer, ol Ply. t)re. Jy.2H.40 J.N. Wathom, Itegister. THIS PAPER Is kept on nl at K.P. On ft Ailvi-rtlattig Agency 1.'4 Han Willis street, ssn rrsut lwo, Cal., wusra eoniracia for ailvertlslug can bo made fur It SubscrllM-rs 10 11m Kiamlm-r who remove from 0110 liK-slliy u aimllicr, ur cliansn their iMwiorllco address sliuulil romiimlH-r 10 drop Oils utile a rsrl so (heir papnr can l sd dressed to the rlgUt immIuUIimi, ,