Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 28, 1904, Image 8

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. a i a. a a ft J M U I tin - 1
Motel Uulldliig , ... . " 7
i I LUwii i i iuijijv;iiiiikz q
MtM. U.ILU I.. J l M,;"B THI:K,: fa
Biebcr'5 Cash Store
lv t II comes from taking
Real iiappineSS advantage of every
----- chance to save. We
provide the attractive things at a price you can well afford.
Every purchase leaves you a little for other thing:.
iUVfl Midsummer...
-v u
Embroidery Sale..
Will claim your attention at once. Every woman
knows the value of Embroidery. If you want a
bargain you will find it here. 700 yards from 3
inches to" 7 inches wide, only 10 ctsper yard.
Your Clothes will be o
Extra Good if We Make Them.
When they are finished they will fit. You get
full worth of the cash you pay for the clothes you
order here. Fall suitings are ready.
If 3'ou order now you get first choice from hun
dreds of most attractive samples. We'd like to
tell you how much we can save you on a suit if you
order it here.
Bieber's Cash Store
Hotel Building
Lakeview - Soda - Works I
T. H. CLOUD, Proprietor
Fine Grade Carbonated Drinks
A Specialty
Bicycles on Sale NKWOR5ECONDHAND-8
Bikes Repaired on Short Notice.
( you are going oast a careful selection of your
route in essential to the enjoyment of your
trip. If it is a business trfp time is the main
consideration; if a pleasure trip, scenery and the
convenience and comforts of a modern railroad.
Why not combine all by lining the ILLINOIS
CENTRAL, the Ui-To-Date Road, running two
train dally from St. Paul and Minneapolis and
from Omaha to Chicago. Free Reclining Chair
Cam, the famous iUiffet-Lihrary-Smokiiig Cars,
nil trains vestibuled. Tickets reading via the
Illinois Central will bo honored on these traiiiH
and no extra tare charged. Our rates are the
wime ilh tliow of inferior road why not get
your money's worth. W rite for particulars.
B. II. TRUMBULL, Com. Agt. 142, M Bt Portland Or
J. C. LiXDHEy, T. F. & P. A. I. IS. Thompson, F. & P. A.
14-' Third Street, Room 1, Coleman Rldg, .
Portland, Or. Seattle Wash.
Before Buying
General Merchandise
Leading Mrelmnta
Rnilev & Massincrill M
-A o yjh
Rend the new adv. of A. Rlcls-r.
Kd. Branch wan In town Sat unlay
lee cn'iun soda at AhMroni Bros.
F.. I. Combs the sheepman won In
town Saturday,
J. C. Dodson of Warner, was lien
first of the week.
The S. & W..
view last week.
Sir the ml v. of Mr. Durbln. who
bus bucks for sale.
W. T. Taylor was here from the
ZX ranch Tuesday.
Mr. S. liown was In town Satur
day from the ranch.
Duke Bennett was over from War
ner first of the week.
J. I Cannon was up from New
Pine Creek Monday.
Read the advertlsinent of lafollctt
& Collins In this Issue.
On Schlngvl returned Monday
from a trip to Burns, lie says he
hud a warm ride across the desert.
Bert llarls'r came over from Plush
last Saturday after medicine for Mr.
Moulder who Is ipitte stck at Plush.
Lnndy (Irlljlth, nil old employe of
the ZX llmi (not a very old man
man was In Luke- '"" "oni s" r
of the week.
Dr. Sir Iner spent several days tlsh
Ing In Dry valley the past week. It
would seem that the Dr. was afraid
to go near the water.
Harry Bailey. A. Y. Beach, V. L.
Knelling and I'.. X. Jaiiilsli went to
Big Valley yesterday for a wn-k's
llshiiig and bear hunt.
( lias. Little was In town last Sat
urday from the West side driving a
line team of young horses. Mr.
Little prides a good team.
The old saying "as cheap as dirt"
Post & King's salson is the luwt pop-j Is as obsolete as the oh government
Below h like n report of the weather
rts recorded by the ( Invpriiincnl wenlhrr
btircHii cliitl in ii Ths FxHiiiiner Olllee.
This report chnnued em h week, nod If
our renders wind to keep A enrly record
of cntlur conditions for futm-M refer
ence, cut out the report sloim the bUck
line Mioi pKKle It in a srrsp Isiok one
week fler Another. This rord lll !
taken on Tuesdny to end curb week and
bektin on Wedneodsy for the next week.
(loverniiient WeHtlier BurcHU SlA
lion At view, Oregon,
C. O. Mktxkkh, Is-aI Observer.
ulsr resort in fkeview. 2H
Fresh candy Just on at the Mouo.
gram. Ahlstroni Brim.
Louie Rluxles, the old freighter
wan in town Saturday,
If you want to buy land read The
Fxanilner'H propositions.
Bert llarls-'r, tlio 7T teamster wiia
over from Warner ngalu last wc4k.
A. M. Smith and J. I Vincent, of
Pine Creek, wen In Ijikevlew Mon
day. I am offering for sale tho Is'ds In
my lodging house, Mrs. A. A. Iap
littin. W. A. Sherlmk and wife exisct to
leave in a few days for San Fran
cisco. W. A. Sherlock and wife expect to
start for San Francisco In a few
Win. Alford was In town a few
day the past week from the gheep
II. A. Brattaln of Paisley sikmU
Sunday and Monday In Lakevlewon
"Happy Hooligan", II. II. 1 1 111
Btrom, tent several days In town
last week.
C. F. Shepherd, the piano man Is
here from Ashland accompanied by
his family.
When bilious take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Sale
by Lee Beall.
We understand that Mrs. Nellou Is
in San Francisco buying a fall Htock
of millinery.
C. F. Shepherd, the old reliable
piano man will sell you a piano of
donation claim system practised In
the early settlement of On-gon.
The range trouble In Crook county
Is said to have Isrn settled by an
nmacnhlc division of the range l
tween sheepmen ami cattlemen.
Post A King have the ls.-st line of ci
gars in Ijtkeview. Their lienors are
pure and wholesome, and their place Is
conducted on the most modern plan "H
Novels by popular authors, dic
tionaries, heavy literatim", mag
azlucs and all kinds of muling mat
ter at tr.e book ston' In the post
ofllce. IW-tf
Kx-Slicrlff II. P.. Diinhip returned
Saturday from a trip up In ('rook
county, when he went to look after
some cattle that had strayed from
his bunch.
Colorado Is Indeed a great potato
producer; It has on exhibition at the
St. Louis fair several potatoes that
weigh a ton Hve hundred, at 4
pounds each.
Jim Barry, the always genial fel
low, wJo llnds a few moments occu
slonally to devote to the pleasure of
his friends, was in town Saturday
from the sheep ranch.
It Is rumored that Win. I cry ford
Jr. and Fent Smith have leased the
Barry livery stable for three years
with the privilege of .1. They take
possession August 1st.
W. Z. Moss came in from Alkali
last Saturday, where ho has Is-cn for
some time. Ho reports the pros
jsfts good for hay. Oliver Charlton
Is running the ranch for him.
.1. P. Duke was In town Saturday
I looking for hay hand, Me says his
4 lu.ut tiliiL'i. I
I hay crop Is good tills year, (loose
I will sell at private sale all thfl jlke va,.y ,MVI fortllImto tll,H
beds belonging to my lodging house i , H)t vhu.,, ,,y
destructive frosts as some of our
Mrs. A. A. La pham. 29-2
V. W. Mux well starts today for
neighboring valleys have been. Wry
from frosts.
A telegram received yesterday
from Chicago, stated that there was
, a riot there on account of the strike.
Adin, Calif., whore he has accepted a ! mti If any, damage bos resulted
position in a store.
Call at the post ofllce book store
for all kinds of literature, and dic
tionaries at low prices. 2l-tf
The "cherry blossom" agate ware
at Ahlstroni Bros. Is the finest and
prettiest ware In town.
Buy a good piano. C. F. Shepherd
Is agent for the Kimball, Crown,
and numerous other superior makes.
fiorden (larret t. returned the first
of tin; week from Madeline with a
load of freight for the Mercantile Co.
I al ' w-Mk. "7
n i.vv-'Ml
Combiic with 60U kimi.
We n-celved a letter llrst of the
week from L. B. Lnfollett, who was
In our town a tew weeks ngo Inves
tigating the buck market. As will
U wt-en by the advert IxcmHiit In this
Issue of Iwifollctt V Collins, (best1
gentlemen will 1st hen soon with tCHi
head of their flue rams. They have
the Is-st hnnl of slieeji known to
I dike county sheepmen, and have
'built up a good trade ben. They
'left Prlncvllleon the 20lh with the
bucks. Sheepmen may learn of their
! arrival bent ly watchliiK Tlie F.x
I amluer.
Died on the West Side.
"tiranditia" Fisher (lied at the
Fisher ranch on the West Side Mon
day. Mrs. Fisher was aired about M
years, and hud been h reslt'ent of
lioi(H Lake valley many jcars. We
coulil not get full partleulars about
her or how many n-latlvcs she
leaves, but thmsous, Andrew, J. B,
and Marshall Fisher are nil well
known In this county, and the fun,
an' highly nspected by all.
The remains we it Interred In the
Im-ws Cn-ck cemetery yesterday.
Rev. Summervllle conducted the
funeral services.
j Lnjoya a Trip to Willow Ranch.
i A. Y. Beach ami family went to
i Willow Ranch last week to visit
Isaac Robuett ami family. While'
down there Mr. Beach hail an op
portunity to try his hand at buccu
rooiug. He helped Mr. Robuett
move his cattle from Lossen creek to
the ranch. He was kIvcii a horse to
ride and shown how to handle the
Is-ast and how ro sit upon It, with
one foot on cither side, In fact wns
given full Instructions, except as t
the use made of the saddle horn.
However, Al hooij found urj'rut usp
for this part of the saddle, and tint t
he put It Into actual service iMCvideti
ceil by the callouses on his hands.
Mr. Beach did not fail to take
notice of t lie abundant hay crops of
that part of the valley, and he also
states that there will be lots of fruit
of all kinds. Some orchards are a
little short on apples, but generally
the yield 111 be good. (Jralu crops
are a trifle nhort, although barley
will yield fairly well. (JralnharviBt
Ing will soon commence In that sec
tion, barley being almost ready now.
Several new buildings are going
up at Pine Creek, and the future of
(hat little oniH very bright Indeed.
YVoiMiiu .Mil III nit it Day
The iMlnieFl llnd lllilllicrit litllo Cling
lint ever was made in Dr. Kind's Now
Life Pills. ThcNe piilrt oLauo weakness
into HtruiiKlh, liHlleHHiieHs into emuy,
bruin-fa into 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 a I power. They're
wonderful in liuildiog ii the health.
Only 2oa per box. Sold by Lee lleall.
STRONGEST IN THE WORLD The Equitable Life Assurance
..Society of New York..
ASSETS $381,000,000 J. L. SMITH,
SURPLUS $73,000000 y- Special Agent
: 1
Week emllnn Tuesday, July '.'II, 1WL )
ttujr mm 'inlnj i.ri'l m' elor'-ler
(isiiimi isll id liny
wed. ' ! 4.'t j' II HO j Oil clear
thur. j 1MI j ,.; j " (MHI I (HI I
frid'.vj INI I'M " 0.(K" j (Ml j "
sa'fv I IL' ": 0.M ' (HI "
siiii.' IUjft(l "o.(H j (XI j
nion'TlM I, -' l j"w T'HL'r "
tucsTpH) I 4s I uJhi i'ihi J "