Bieber's Cash Store Motel Building Closing Out... Our Entire Line of this Season's Stylish ..Ladies' Shirtwaists.. AT ACTUAL COST PRICES 75c WAISTS NOW 50c l.oo WAISTS NOW 75c I.50 WAISTS NOW I.15 2.25 WAISTS NOW I.60 7 or tub wm:k I Local Happenings PKKVO vp fl mi:hb ani THI HIl 7 Jars !! Jars !! Jars !! FRUIT JARS, RUBBERS AND CAPS Our Prices are Below Others Bieber's Cash Store Hotel Building Lakeview - Soda - Works f T. H. CLOUD, Proprietor j Fine Grade Carbonated Drinks A Specialty $ COMPLETE LINE OF BICYCLE SUNDRIES Bicycles on Sale NHW OR SECOND HAND WHEELS Bikes Repaired on Short Notice. VS ------ A BUSINESS PROPOSITION If you are going cast a careful selection of j'our route Is essential to the enjoyment of your trip. If It is a business trfp time is the main couHlderation; if a pleasure trip, scenery and the convenience and comforts of a modern railroad. Whv not combine all by using the ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the Up-To-Date Road, running two trains dally from St. I'aul and Minneapolis and from Omaha to Chicago. Free Reclining Chair Cars, the famous Buffet-Librury-Smokliig Cars, all trains vestibulcd. Tickets reading via the Illinois Central will te honored on these trains and no extra fare charged. Our rates are the same as those of Inferior roads why not get your money's worth. Write for particulars. B. H. T HUM BULL, Com. Agt. 142, 3d st Portland Or J. C. LixnsKY, T. F. & I. A. I. B. Thompson. F. & P. A. 142 Third Street, Room 1, Coleman Bldg. Portland, Or. Seattle Wash. If cream at the Monogram. A. Dicks was lu town Sunday. Znck Whltworth was In town from camp Monday. J. W. Stout of Klamath Falls was here last week. (Seorge Reed was In towp from Paisley last wwk. Pete (irob was lu town Monday from the sheep camp. I 'oh l A King's saWou it the moot xp ular resort in lakeview. "S F. O. Bunting was lu from Drews valley tl rut of the week. C. C. Cannon the New Pine Creeker was lu Lakeview Sat unlay. K. S. the Pine Creek hotel iiiiin was up from there last Friday. Mrs. A. A. Iipham has cloned her lodging house on Water street. F.d Sessions and family spent a few days In Itkevlevv the past week. W. II. Ikncllcl was over from Warner last Saturday and Sunday.) Dan Hunt and W. E. Lytle spent a few days at Bend, says the Bulletin. I am offering for sale the Isvls lu my lodging house, Mrs. A. A. I-np-ham. (i 29-2 tiood fishing Is reported at ( a mas Creek, near where It runs Into Deep creek. We understand that Win Uunther has left Klamath Falls and gone to Portland. tieo. Sufklu, a St Louis drummer was registered at Hotel Lakeview last week. . Boru lu Lakeview, Sunday July 17, 1'JOj, to the wife of AI Cheney, a daughter. Mr. II . Coffee was registered at Hotel Lakeview Sunday from San Francisco. John Shcehan passed through last Saturday with the Parker sheep which are Itelug driven to the rall road. W. T. Cressler and K. Sessions, both of Surprise valley made The Kxamluer ottlco a pleasant call last Saturday. Jim 1 1 ii ml ley has purchased Mr. W. Hay ley's old house, and will move It to Ills lot back of the Reynolds & Wlnglleld store. The U'st place to stop In Lakeview Is at the Oregon Feed Yard. Your. self and your horse will be cured for M".,v! I :ls ' , , , .1 sun. M 41 at reasonable prices. 2s i - - 1 mi mi. .s.t Below we give H report el the weather as recoiileil by tlie OoMTIimeiil wcitther bureau Plstlon st The Kxsminer OHIce. Thin report In changed each seek, Slid If our renders srtli to keep yearly record of weather conditions for future refer ence, cut out the reMirl slung the hlsek lino Mini pNl It in a scrap book one week niter anther. Thhi rord will ls taken on Tuesday to end ewh week sad l'giu on Wednesday for the net I week. tioverninent Weather Bureau Ma lion at Laktvlew, Oregon, P.O. Mktkkkh, Is-al Observer. Week ending Tuesday, July lit. limn (mill, iinili iii'w 4-hr.o.r union lil el ly wed. i sT"f"Jt7"P II Oil j IHI j" pit i'li.V " thur. "4 4l o.J.'i ' ! h i " frld'yl !2 j ill" i.l M"J " IHI Miss Rakestraw, MUs Cole and Miss Chapman, nil of Bldwell were In ' Lakeview last Saturday and assist-! ed Miss Sessions In her recital. J Warner Snider has liceu busy the past week making an abstract from the records In the land olllce for J. W. Haniakcr of Klamath Falls. 1 INI IHI eleur n1 - ujio pis 1 7 " II. INI I). (Ml TmnV M osuultocs Present Their Bill. Last week V. L. Snellliig and Harry Bailey made a trip to Warner to Investigate their salt mine to see If It would produce any salt this sea- sou. They did not ste any Indlcs- Bllly Trlsch, a prominent business ii,,,,-,,f -,.t nnd think the crop will man of Burns, was In I.nkevlew last ( ,M, ,lrtt ir xUt.y K,.t ny. Some Saturday. He Is taking a trip Into j,.nr certain beds have no salt and camorniu wttn the teen Horse. m mH.mH Ut ,H. n, off yvlvr fP t,.r Henry McCa tins' team brought a mine. They werw accompanied by load of wool down from the huub J. M. Haudley, F. M. Miller and sou & Kllpple sheep ranch last week and, Yluty and A. L. Howell. ' Mr. Miller went on business connected with the 7T cattle ranch and Mr. Howell to uuloaded ut Bailey & Miisslnglll's. Boat A King have the best line of ci gars in I-akeview. Their liipiors are ' get a horse. Jim Hundley went pure and w holesome, and their place is conducted on the niont modern plan 2S Miss A guess lcc, who has ts-eu vis iting In ljikevlew for u couple of weeks, returned to her home at Klamath Falls on Tuesday's stage. Novels by popular authors, dic tionaries, heavy literature, mag. ailnes and all kinds of reading mut ter at the book store lu the post olllce. 2-tf Otis Schlagel started for Burns last Thursday on a business trip. He was accompanied by Mrs. Anna Flint Vernon brought a load of Burns, who will make her home freight In from Madeline, arriving i there. here Monday. When bilious take Chamberlain's Stomach an.! Liver Tablets. For Sale by Lee Beail. Contest otlre. Department of the Interior, United .States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, January 15, 1904. A sufficient contest affidavit having been tilled in this office by John Roberta contestant, against the heirs of Michael Lynch, deceased, entry No. 1890, made August 4. 1894, for w4 of nw and lots 1 and 2, sec. 30 tp. 35 !?. , R. 24 E., w. m. by Michael Lynch, deceased, contestee, in which it is alleged that said en try man abandoned eaid lands about October 1, 1895, and thereafter on December 0th, 1895, died, leaving as an heir at law, bis father reti'ling in the county of Cork, Ireland. eaid parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. cn August 15, 1904, before the Register and Receiv er at the United States Land Office in Lakeview Oregon. The said contestant having, in a pro per affidavit, filed, set forth facta which show that after due diligence personal service of thia notice can not be made, it ia hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. jnly 7-31 J. n. watbon, Register. The Fair Route Via Chicago or New Orleans to St. Lewis, is the one that gives you the most for your money, and the fact that the ILLINOIS CENTRAL offers Unhuhpassed Servick via three points to the WORLDS FAIR, and In this connection to all points tsj yond, makes It to yourad vantage, In case you contemplate a trip to any point east, to write us before mak ing final arrangements. We can offer the choice of at least a dozen different routes. B. H. Tnt'MRUi-L, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland Oregon. J. C. Lindhey, T. F. & P. A., 152 Thrd Street, Portland Oregon T. B. Thompson, F. & P. A., Room 1, Col man Bldg., Seattle, Wash. No 11 ty Mhowa. "For years fate was after me continu ously" writes F. A. GuUedge, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of Piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me. Equally good for Burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at Beall'a Drug Store. Dr. T. V. Hall bought a fine team of grays last week from Mr. Frank lin of Davis Creek. J. Hughes, a Seattle whiskey drummer was doing business In Iakeview Monday. Jack McDonald went back to Pals ley last week where he will hay for W. K. McCormack. Wade Su3der came in from the sheep camp last Friday and sjent a few days iu town. 1 will sell at private sale all the E. N. Walker, formerly of Lake-) view and for several years past a resident of Saulsby vllle, Calif., writes as that he has removed to Tuolumne, California. C. H. Johnson of San Francisco has contracted with Flanlgan & Dunn, of Reno, for f73,0MJ worth of spring lambs, the delivery of which Is to Is'gln wlthlu ten days. A band of 225 head of horses and mules belonging to Ctrl I of Harney county passed through Lakeview along to make an estimate of the cost and lay plans for -the contem plated bridge across the slouch at Flag staff, north of Plush, A sub scription is being raised to put fl bridge there for the convenience of those who have occasion toenms t lie marsh, who now have to go about 10 iiill's north of Plush to cross. We understand If a reasonable sum Is raised by subscription the county will assist In putting a bridge in. Mr. Hundley nays the slough at Flag Staff now Is 12(1 feet wide and U feet deep, although a bridge ran easily Is constructed. The boys took their guns along and a good supply of ammunition, but the largest game they rnw was mosiultis's. They tell sumo pretty hard stories on the Warner mosqui toes. They declare that some very large ones would hold the ledcloth lug up while others would pay their resccts to the occupauta of the lied. VI nee says that one mosquito about the size of a yearling calf alighted on J I in Hundley's nose, and after taking lu the situation offered to balance accounts. last Saturday curoute to California beds belonging to my lodging house' where they will Ik marketed. (Jood Place to Dip Sheep. Mrs. A. A. Lapham. 29 2 I . I Mr. Fred Schallock, a merchant of! At Jmi Ambroses dipping vats mm ai me post omce oook store j Klamath Falls, and Miss Edna lrlng the spring 1S.0O0 sheep were for all kinds of literature, and die- Clark( ,luIshu.r of Jnck CIftrk n pioneer of Surprise valley, were mar ried In Lakeview Saturday evening. Judge Daly officiating. tlonaries at low prices. 20-tf W. K. McCormack canio down from Paisley Monday after machinery for haying, returning Tuesday. F. I. Light aud family returned Saturday from Paisley and Summer Lake, where they spent a week. C. H. Dalrymple has moved his law office from the Daly building to his residence near the school house. W. A. Masslnglll and Air. Floreuce of the Mercantile store went to Lit tle Chewaucan last week on a fish ing trip. Will Ileryford, while in Sail Frau- clsco, saw Chas. Trumbo and wife ' on their way from New Mexico to Washington, where they exacted to buy a ranch. i LEVISTMUM COCO'S , copper riveted overfills fed MM IB I I fx dipped and 11,000 of that nil in 1st were dipped twice. Those who dip ped there were, A. L. Howell, 2,000, Ambrose, 1,000, Ixuhman, 2,000, In quest, 3,500, Tonnlngsen, 4,000. Boyd stun, 5,500. Tho totul cost of material for dip. ping w as J279. For sulphur S3 sacks at f 5.50 per sack, 7 barrels of llmo ut $7.50 per barrel and $ flfl worth of Cooper's dip. Stock Inspector Clarkson was well pleased with the method used at that vat. Working Night and liny The Misicst ami mightiest littlo thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These nills change weakness Into strength, listlessnesa into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box. Hold by Leo Beail, "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" The Equitable life Assurance ..Society of New York.. ONE HUNDRED POLICY HOLDERS IN LAKE COUNTY ASSETS $381,000,000 J I SMITH SURPLUS $73,000000 Special Agent