Safe Count C5 .. nine PaMltht.1 Every Tharsday C. O. MOTZKER. MaMnle Building (One Year, ) Six Month (Three Months,. .$2.00 ..1.00 ....50 TERMS: HPACK ot Inch.. Two Inches tbree lucbes. Jusrtcr Column., gall Column:..... im I'olumn ilwk tmo;Sis ins I Jt 1 nil ital ft Ikl t Itl 114 UO r' " :c; I0! 100, TOO 11 W IS 00 1W SKI e on to oo is w WOO son uuw joou SMW . 1 SO K mi'oA (fcl in till 711 00 SOOOi'JtOO 00 6.MUDt LA It EVIEW, OREGON, JILV 2i. IM4. NATIONAL REPICUCAN TICKET For President THEODORE ROOSEVELT Of New York For Vice-President CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS Of Indiana TO DEVELOP OUR STATE. An important move is on foot in the state, one of the most important for the development of Oregon that has ever been inaugurated. The move was Btarted by the live, enter prising meu of Tortland to concen trate the efforts of the people of e?very section of the state, to place our interests before the world in a telling manner. The Baker City Iemocrat published an interview with Col. Bucher who said: "Yes, I attended the banquet in the Commercial Club Rooms in Tort land a few days ago and listened with considerable interest to what Mr. Richardson had to say on this subject of the formation of this Ore gon Development league. If every body would work along the lines that he proposes and all work and pull together Oregon would be the best known state in the Union in a short time. That is what we waut. We want to be alive, up to ilute and progressive In every respect. If each one of us and all our cousins, uncles and aunts, for Instance, would make a habit of writing intelligent letters and sending pamphlets and data newspapers and reliable reports to Jill our cousins, uncles and aunts liv ing in the east, how long would it take for a largo portion of the United states to know that Oregon was on the map? The O. R. & N. Co. under the recent efficient management of President A. H. Mohler, his associates General Passenger Agent A. L. Crate, and under the present management of Mr. Calvin and the same tra'fic de partment, has ' done and i doing much to make Oregon and the north west generally known throughout the country and the world. But these efforts must have the cc-oper-ation of the people of the state and that co-operation must be hearty, spontaneous, continuous and directed in right channels. This, as 1 understand it, Is the object of Jthe pfoponed developmept league to ,u4te the live people of all sections of the state in one common plun cf pro moting the industries of every part of Oregon. "There is no doubt but what the railroads will do their part. They have already done their part. But the people at large have been kIow aud inactive; have been hlow and ir responsive even when the train loads of visitors came here seeking infor mation. J can see how a league of this kind properly conducted and its A'lembers pledged to work can 1m made to be of inestimable value to the cuUro statu every county of which is larger than hoiiio of the eastern states. J,Let ua go to Portland to this convention, pledge ourselves to work for Oregon, and then do the work In harmony with each other and with a common purpose. No doubt there will 1h npien,l In ninny quartern for .ludjro Parker, mi the jrroitnd that In U'tter ami Mat er than hi party. Put the party, not the man, I the real power. To put ft iliinjri'roiii party la power In the hope that It olllelal head will he able to control It In a haxanioiiM ex periment. State or Ohio. City-or Toi.kih, I.CCASColKTY ) ' Frank J. Chkskv makes oath that he in senior partner of the (lint-of F. J. Ciiknkv & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, Count? and State afore said, and thai said firm will py the Hum o( ONK HUNDKKP DOLLAKS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored tiv the uo of H ai l's Catarrh Cvkb. FRANK J. C1IF.NKY. Sworn to liefore me ami suheribed in my presence, this ttth dav of IVecmUir, A. P.. 1SW. .. W.tiLE.VSON . j sisal J Notary Pubh ? Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonial, free.. F. J. CHF.NLY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Pruugists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the let. Since in the opinion of Judge Par ker, maintenance of the money standard Is the most important of all things before the country, wouldn't it be wise to leave it In the hands of the party that established it and will mnlutaiu It, rather than turn it over to the party that has tried for years to upset It, and would again, it it could? Oae Ladjr'a RrftsiairidktUa Hold rinjr ltaxea af t'Baaaberlala'a Mtaarh aaa liver Tablet. I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Talk lets on the recommendation of one lady here, who bought a box of them about a year ago. She never tires of telling her neighbors and friends about the good Qualities of these tablets. -P. M. Shore, Druggist, Rochester, Ind. The pleasant purgative effect of the tablets makes them o favorite with ladies every where. For Sale by Lee lienll. Wm. Smock was in town last wi-ek and made this otHce a pleasant call. l'arker says he voted for Bryan both times lie was a candidate for president. Bryan probably received at least one vote In Mr. Parker's precinct. So there you are; the Australlian ballot, you know. ChamuerlaiB'M elir. Cholera JHarrhaea Kenedy. This remedy is certain to te needed in almost every home before the summer ia over. . It can always be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is especially val uable for summer disorders in children. It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt relief. Why not buy it now? It may save life. For sale by Lee Beall. It is observed that Parker receiv ed several congratulatory telegrams but none of them happened to be from 'Bryan or Hearst. TYPHOID GERMS. The microscope shows that in the blood cf every person suffering- from typhoid the little germs can be found as shown above. Tbey are supposed to get into the water or milk w drink. The germs multiply so that one germ is capable of producing about one hundred trillion germs in twenty-four hours. That is why if they ever get into the water supply of a towa they multiply so fast that nesrly everybody drinking the water comes dowa with the disease. There are exceptions, however, and tbiy are the persons whose health is perfect, whose blood is pure, and livr active When the germs get into a healthy body they are thrown off with the other poisons. Kecent Chicago statistics show that one -eighth of all the deaths in the past twj years in that city have resulted from pneumonia. The best a'lvice we can give is to put the body into a perfectly sound, healthy condi tion. B assured that you have rich, red blood an l an active liver. Many years ao Dr. K. V. Pierce, who is consulting surgeon to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y., found certain herbs and roots which, when made intrj an alterative extract (without the use of al-ohol), seemed to be the very best means of putting the stomach, blood tnil vital organ into proper condition. Thin seemed to him as close to nature's way of treating disease as it was possible to go. J'or over a third of a century Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has bad a wonderful sale and the cures resulting from its use are numbered by thousands. It is a tissue-builder, better than cod liver nil because it does not sicken the stomach, cr offen-1 the taste. It strengthens or renews the assimilative or digestive pro cesses in the stomach and puts on healthy ilesh when the weight of the invalid is xeduced below the normal. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." Nothing else is "just as rood." Pr. Pierce's FcUcls curt biliousness A Chance for 5peculator. SCHOOL LAND. 20 acres of level unimproved agricultural land (or sale cheat. Inscription': SW', S,1; ol NK nnd NV4' of Si:'', Section 10. Tp.,:W S., It. ll l! W, M. This is a desirable piece v( land, located In (loose Lake valley and pill make some man a Kood ranch. TIN Hit It I.AXH KOTM'K. I'nited States Ijind OHlee Lakeview, Oregon May 17, PD4. Notice is hereby given that ia com pliance with the provisions ol the Act of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada ami Washing ton," as extended to all the Public Land Mutes by act of August 4, W2, the fol lowing Hrsons have filed ia this otlice their sworn stateceents, to-wif. Timothy P. Peers, of Teniae, county of Thurston, state ( Washington, sworn statement No. -.MA", for th purchase of the SW '4 Sec :t:t, Tp MS, K 15 K. llissoa of South Prairie, county of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 2;l.V. for the pur-chat" of the SK' Sec III TP I!.') S, K 15 K. F.Icanor .1. P.isson, of South Prairie, county of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 2:t."W for the purchase of the N K'4 Sec 34, Tp 3a S, 11 15 E. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish their chtini to said land liefore the ItcgUter and Re ceiver at Lakeview Oregon on Thursday the 11th day of August. llXM. They name as witnesses : Kleauor J. lllsson, and Francis ltisson, ol South Prairie, Washington, and Timothy P. Heera of Tenino, Washington. Any and all per son claiming adversely the above des cribed lands are requested to file their claims in this ollice on or before said 11th day of August I'XM. Junlti33 J. N.-WiTsv.v, Register. I llfveri Ijmi'I r'lnal l'ror I I'nitcd Stales Land Olllec, lakeview, ' ,..... ... I.iK ll 1'MII t ' ' I .1 ..i...... It. .it fulllMM ivuiee is ncie"v m-n !" Ilamblev, ol Sh'ik,' llati ey coimlV lre. bus lit. -.I notice ol intention i make iirsl on his desert land claim No. M .r lhewa s4 sec. 12. nU "'4 13. ne4 sec. 14, tp 3 S R. K. Udore Register and Reci tver at lake view, Oregon, on Friday, the P.'th day .. A ....... 1 lisli I l.i name the follow ,"H'... ..' - lug witnesse to prove lh complete Irrl gaiion and reclamation id said land) i Olive O. Shirk, Josetdt L. Shirk, !n(M. Wise. Minns Caldwell, all of Shirk, Oiegon. July 7 31 J.N. Watsoi, Register. Ieall tal I'raof. I'niteil States I and Olltce, Lakeview , On-Knit. July , HMI4. Ntiee is hereby given that Ulive li. Shirk, of Shirk, llarnev county. Oregon, . .... . t . . A ... I. . has lili'. I iiom.'c 01 intention 10 maae tinsil on his desert laud c'aitn No. 4M. nr tlie lot 4 HC4, IIW '4 se-4, lie'4 s 1 . S. sw t s-e .2. ne'i lic'j sx I". E. n'. nw'.see II. tn !W S.. H. 'J! w in, liel.iic Keti'ler anil Keceiver at lske let . I Iregon, on Friibiy, ths l'Jlli day ot Aimn-t. IW4. He names the (ol ow ing 11 neses to prove the c miplete irrigation snd reclamation of said hind t Jnuirs Hiunlilev, .loi'ph L. Shirk, i;.H.e ise. Minus fnl.Ucll, all of Slink ( Iregon. July 7 31 j. K. WAtsos, Hegister. Irj liijf prcpttrrttlona simply dsvsU op dry catarrh s they dry up th secretions, which adhers to the memtraue and dscom poM, causing a far mora serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. lng inhalants, fumes, smokes and snufls and use that which cleanses, soothes and beala. FJy's Cream Palm is aueh a remedy aud will curs catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial alxa will b mailed for 10 cents. All druggists ssll the 6O0. size. .ij llrotuers. 6tl Warrsa St., N.V. The Palm cures without paia, duea pot Irritate or causa sussiing. It spreads tUelf over an irritated and angry sarfaeo, rsllev. ing ImnisdlaUiy the painful inflammation. With fcly'a Cream Jlalm yoo are arcusd agaiust Nasal Catarrh and lUf Fsver. LIU Vour Property Wltb ths LAKE COUNTY LXAMINER REAL ESTATE AOENCY... It Oont Matter If It I Not Worth ws!avCy? We Can Sell II for You If Vou Contemplate Buying or Selling .A HOME. Consult Us At Once If You Want a Bar gain in Zither Case. istenll VI III- - . ' n. 12. CHURCH DIHIiCroKY. LAhKMi w-l'reacliIng wt;vlcea at II o'cl.Kk A. M. mid 7:!l P.M. .every second and foiirlh Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday t 10 A.M. Prayer Meeting every Tliuno day at 7:30 P. M. Nk.w Pink Ciikkk Preaclilnu; Her vices nt 11 o'cliK-k A. M, and 7::0 P. M., every first Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday nt 10 A.M. Prayer Meet lag every Thura day nt 7:M0 P. M. IIkthki. Pn'achlng Servlcca nt 11 o'cl.K k A. M, and 7:.' P. M., every thlnl Sunday. .1. II. STANk. Pastor. Retire of A iaialnral al Ktrralar. TO ALL WHOM IT.MAYt'oSt'KUN: Notice is hereby given, that the under signed was. by an order of the County I'oiirt of lake County, Oregon, duly made and entered therein u the "Utii day of May, WO I. appointed Fxecntor of the Iist Will an.ri'eslameM of JOHN McLLHlNNKY, late f lke County, Oregon, now dpeeased. Ml persons having claim against the F.'tate id said liccca.sed are hereby required to ptesent the same, with the proin-r Vouchers and iluly verillil, within six month from the date of this notice, to the under signed F.xot-ulor, at the Law Olltce of L. F. Conn, in the Toaii of laikevltiw, lake County, Oregon, and all persons owing said Lstate are hereby requested to call and pay to said F.awntor the amount oi their indebtedness. listed at 1-akcvlnw, Ike County, Oregon, thlsKth day of .lime. I0O4. JOHN H. HI.AIU, Kxei'iibir of the jst Will and Testa ment of JOII McKlhinuey, Ihiceased. TUIC D1DCD ukrpion fllfst K.r. Osss's Inl5 rArtn a.i.mi.iuu au- - s.n- rll.luu Agriii rsnrlaro. (i soino sireri. san rrsnriaro, si., wuvrw eouircl lor S'lvrrlUlpf eea b m1 fur II SiihsrrllMTttu lit Kismlnrr whn 011101 from nnn local It y to sumlier. or rln thslr Mstnine a.lilrrM sbouU rsmrmlivr M ilri.p tills ottive a ran) s Ihrir psfr in tM a4 dreaard lo the rlgtil rswlointxi. J i