Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 14, 1904, Image 8

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I Bleber's Cash Store
Hotel Duildliig
Closing Out...
Our Entire Line of this Season's Stylish
..Ladies' Shirt Waists..
75c WAISTS NOW 50c
l.oo WAISTS NOW 75c
2.25 WAISTS NOW I.60
Jars !! Jars J! Jars !!
Our Prices are Below Others
Bieber's Cash Store
Hotel Building
I Lakeview - Soda - Works
T. H. CLOUD, Proprietor
Fine Grade Carbonated Drinks
A Specialty
Bicycles on Sale NhWOR5tcoDHANPW--s
Bikes Repaired on Short Notice.
Jf you ft re going cant u careful selection of your
route Is f'Hwutiul to the enjoyment of your
trip. If it in a biiKiiR'K.i trfp time is tlie main
consideration; if a pleasure trip, scenery ami the
convenience ami comforts of a modern railroad.
Why not combine all by using tiie ILLINOIS
CLW'TKAL, tlie I'p-To-Date Load, running two
trains dally from St. I'aul and Minneapolis and
from Omaha to Chicago. Free Reclining Chair
Cars, the famous Riifict-Llhrnry-Smokiiig Cars,
fill trainH vestibuled. Tickets reading via tlie
Illinois Central will he honored on these trains
and no extra fare charged. Our rates are the
name ns those of Inferior roads why not get
jour money's worth. Write for particulars.
IJ. II. TRUMBULL, Com. Agt. 142, nt Portland Or
C Lindhey, T. F. & P. A. J. I!. Thompson, F. & P. A.
142 Third Street, Room 1, Coleman lildg,
Portland, Or. Seattle Wash.
7 m:v or tmr wii.k' H
2 Local Happenings ,,CM0 ,p G
V " Ml HU ani tmi:rh 7
Moiv rain, more rent.
KImUI clothing nt n. & m's.
And the next day It rained,
johu Toler i here from Alturas.
j. S. F.vKiii is hero from Alturas.
Sewing machines at Bernard & Sun's.
Lubricating oils of all kinds at n. k ms
Mason fruit Jam nt Bernard &
Son's. 2N
A hist rem Bros. !k I he plao to get 'our
fUhing tackle
Win, Harvey was here from his ranch
tirct of the week.
lo not mi the Recital Saturday eve
niim ly Miss Session. "S
m. and Mm. A. A. Farrow came down
from Paisley Tuesday.
Miss Carrie Toiinlugscu Is waitress
ill Hotel lakeview.
Post A: King's salson Is the roost pop
ular resort in I.akeview. 2S
Surveyor C. K. MHre is surveying In
Warner for W. II. Shirk.
Conn Kennedy linn gone to Sum
mer Lake to rvcuiMTiitc.
W. A. Listen, the fire insurance man
Is here this week from Salem.
Ahlstrom Bros, for hardware, tinware
ahd granite w are of all kinds.
Don't fail to ave xin Sessions Satur
day evening in her up-to-date oratory.
Win Johnsou of Silver Lake. HMut
a day or two In our city thin week.
J. 1 4. Smith Is doing a good busi
ness for the F.ipiltable Life Insurance
The Is-st fruit Jar made Is the
Mason. J. K. Rcrnurd & Son sells
them. , ' !
Mrs. S. W. Wise has leased the!
Oregon Feed Yard, aud w ill keep '
Sheep shearing was wound up fur
the season last Friday at the Love-'
less corrals.
Ask to see our cream separators, they
are the bei-t made in the world. Ahl
strom BroH.
When hilious take Chariiherluin's
Stomach an 1 Liver Tablets, For Sale i
by Lee Beall.
T. T. Tolbot and w ife and Mary and
joe Ryan of 1'rineville are registered at
Hotel Lakeview.
Fent Smith and Dan Maloy roja-d N00
3-year olJ steers lor branding in cainaa,
prairie for iapes.
An Indian horse sate took place on '
the street In front of Joe Howard'
store last Friday.
Try the K. Z. washing tahlets, and
make washing easy, J. K. Bernard
& son keep tlivm. US
Stop nt the Oregon Feed Yard.
Kay or horsi-B, ineals and lieds fur
nished for -.j cents each. -'s
C. M. Sain, president of the Oregon
Potash Co.. Iui8 gone to Boise City,
Idaho for u month's stay.
J. W. Hobbs, Internal revenue col
lector, of Kugeno waa In Lukevlew
first of the week on official business.
Win. Metzker and wife returned to
Cedarvillo last week, after spending
a couple of weeks here and at
Mrs. I'. J. iirattalu came down
from Paisley Saturday to have her
ears treated. She will remain sev
eral days.
I wisli to announce that I have
taken charge, of the Oregon Feed
Yard in Lakeview, and will conduct
the same to the satisfaction of all
customer. I will also furnish meals
for 25 cents and lieds for 2." cents.
Mns. (iko. W, Wish. 2S
Attend the Recital Sutnrday evening
at the hall. ?H
Morg Brown has returned trout
Idaho where he has ls.en for two or
three years.
"Auntie" Foster waa down from
Summer Lake last week and Mrs. L.
I'. KllpH'l returned home with her.
Call at the post olltce hook store
for all kinds of literature, and dic
tionaries at low prices. -Mt-tt
A genuine, old fashioned camp
meeting Is being held at Bend. The
Misses Sweet on ami (irltllii are assist -Inn;
Its progress.
F. I'. I.iillit, wife and sou spent sever
al days at Baiiley, where Frank went to
IriHtall the new olhcern in the I. O. O. F.
hsle at that pi nee.
The little sun of lr. Steluer Is sick
with measles. There has Imhmi no
exposures and the measles will not
Ret out of the house.
We understand that the wife of M.
C. Currier of Paisley, whom Ir.
Kaly was called to rnv last week, lit
yet In a critical condition.
The K. . Washing tablets save
one-half the labor In washing.
These labor savors are for sale nt J.
K. Bernard & Soii'h atore.
It Is said that the N-C-O Co., have
plactnl nn rder with an F.nstern
firm for 40 ml lea of rails with which
to extend the road to Alturas.
Isaac Deter ami family were up
from their ranch near Pine Cn-ek last
Friday. Mr. Ivter says he Is haying
ami will harvest a good crop.
Ira McCall writes us from Cornell,
.Modi to county to semi The Kxnnilnc r
to him at that place, as he wants to
read the news of Lake county.
A hitch class Recital will be jiiven
Mins SewioiiH nsiHleil by Im'hI talent lit
the Opera house Saturday evening. Ad
minion. 3-" and 20 cents. .N
The Is-st place to stop In Lakeview
Is nt the Oregon Fi-cd Yard. Your
self and your horse will be cured for
at reasonable prices. :
The fire department Is called out
for practice quite frequently now
days. The boys do not Intend to ls
caught unprepared In case of fire.
Miss Sessions is a graduate of the best
school of i.ratory in the world. Avail
yourself of the opportunity of hearing
tier at the hall Saturday evening, 24
.Novels by popular authors, dic
tionaries, heavy literature, mag
a.lnesanil till kinds of reading mat
ter at the book store In the post
ofllce. W-tf
Post A King hnve the best line of ri
trars in Lakeview. Their liquors nre
pure and wholesome, and their place is
conducted on the most modern plan L'H
Tom Beall has resigned his posi
tion In the Beall drug store on ac
count of poor health, and Tuesday
departed for his old home at Central
vi:i:m. wkatmek ki:port.
Below we tclve a report of the weather
tin jecoided by tlie ioverninelit wealher
biirenu "lull ii ' The Mxatniiier t Mlice.
This report U chaired each week, ami If
our readers ivih to keeps )eHrly r rd
of Heather conditions f..r future refer
ence, cut out the retort along the htm k
line and paste It In a scrap book one
week after another. This reord will 1st
taken on Tuesday to end each week and
hettiii on Wednesday for the next week.
! (Jovernineiit Weather Bureau Sta
tion at LakrVleW , Oregon,
CO. NirmtKKH, Iocai Observer.
Week ending Tuesday, July 12. lWM.
!sy nut a 'inlii.
Iirwlp nii'w
i.lion (all
ui ir
thur. 77 41 I n.tKi ihi "
frid'yl 7'. 4."i j o tni imi
saf vi 7s -I I ii.imi" no "" " ' "
sun.' j .s.i 4-"i I ,, ,M,J ,N' l
inonrr 7."i'T 40 V ik 1T oo 1
t nes; 7!i :W ! "ii.iki" on j "'" t
Jir. Selnirii, of Sail Francisco Is lo
cated nt the Lakeview Hotel where
he Is prepared to practice dentistry
In all Its branches. Ir. Schorn hiut
practiced dentistry In California for
the past twenty-eight years and has
the reputation of Is-lng one of the
Is'st dentists In the state. In 1H.S4,
the Red Muff Ih-niiH-rat had this to
say of the doctor: "lr. .schorn who
Is one of our foremost dcutlsts, hna
hewn his way to the front of the den
tal profession by diligent application
to business nud first chis work. The
disrtor will In a short time take a
trip to the mountain towns. We
recommend him to all an a first class
conscientious work man."
The Pair Koute
Yla Chicago or New Orleans to St.
Ix'wis, is the one that gives you the
most for your money, ami the fact
that the ILLINOIS CF.NTRAL offers
I'.nsi iii-Assj ii Sriivn r. via thrive
points to the WORLDS FAIR, and
In this connection to all points t
yoitd, makes It to your ad vantage, lit
case you contemplate a trip to any
point east, to write us before mak
ing final arrangements.
We can offer thecholceof at least a
dozen different routes.
B. II. rut miii
Commercial Agent,
.11.' Third Street. Portland Oregon.
J. C. LiMsi:v,
T. F. V P. A.,
K.2 Thrd Street, Portland Oregon
T. B. TlloMI'HoN,
F. & P. A.,
Room 1, Column Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
levi mms
copper riveted
I 1 - ' ' "
('meal fctlre.
Iieearliiient of the interior, Uuitwl
States ijtnd Ollice, Lakeview, Oregon.
January 15, P.KI4.
A siillicieut contest aftldavit having
U-en filled in this office by John Rolsrta
contestant, Mgaiiist the bnirs of Michael
Lynch, deceased, entry No. 1K1M1, made
August 4, I S9 1 . for w of nw4 and lots
1 and 2, ser. IHi tt. U'i S., R. 31 K., w. in.
by Michael l.yncli, duceused, contvstee,
iii whicli it is Hlleged tliat-csid ontrymnti
abamloiied said lands ulsuit October 1,
IS'.i.'i, and thereafter on llecemls-r t'th,
isi.", died, leaving as an heir at law, his
father residing in the county of Cork,
I re land.
suid pnrtiesare hereby noli lied toapts-ar,
respond and oiler evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'chsrk a. ni. en August
15, 1904, Is-fore the Register and Receiv
er at the United States Land Office in
Lakeview Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a pro
per alliilavit, filed, set forth facta which
show that after due diligence porsonal
service of this notice can not he made,
it is hereby ordered and directed that
such notice bo given by duo and proper
jnly 7-lil 3. n. W atson, Register.
.o Pity Mho A N.
"For yeurs fate was after mo continu
ously" w rites F. A. GuModgo, Vertiena,
Ala. "I hail a terrible caso of Piles
causing 24 tumors. When all failed
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me.
Finally good for Burns and nil aches
and puins. Only i!5c at lloall's Brug
Murkliigc .Malil anil Ouy
Tlie l.iiHii Ht and tnighticHt little tiling
that ever was made is ir. King's New
Life 1'illa. 'I'Iicho pills chiinge weaknesi
into fctrength, liHtlussnebS into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
W'ondcrlu! in building up the health.
Only 25c per box. Sold by ce Beall.
"STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" The Equitable Life Assurance
- ..Society of New York..
ASSETS $381,000,000 J.L.SMITH,
SURPLUS $73,000000
Special Agent