Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 14, 1904, Image 3

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General Information
iy Proprietor
Kittle ki-iiIiin of powder, little. Tin Kxnmlner ha for mile one nf
ilroN of point, miike the wotuati'N thOMt Mink ram-heMlii Iwikeeotiiity
freckled look a If they ulnt. on very rt-riMoiiahle terniM WM) iwwn,
For Mekln' l.B lake CI.mi.iIhtImIii'i. lI1 '"l. ! well watere.l. ThU I
Kioinm h mi'l I.I' it Tabh.ta ami a nulck I a ffreat hanraln mid will not remain
cure l certain, l or mils by mh Iteull.
On July 4th, th AmIiImikI Thllng
iMHIK'd It Hoi. I pHR Mllppleiuellt,
tilled w llli IU'WM of tlio Cliuututupia.
IHk Hi ll) lem:riptlnia of the lurid
linleil wild The Kxainilier thin week lor
unit, ami delect your piece before it Iih
I x-t-ri n.ild to some one else, tf
We have miiim) valuable IhikI fur sale
clicup. 1 1 mtiNl Ih Mold, n nl cu ik he had
nt nyiire lint makes it n good invent
meiit. NVrlle DxHinliier. if
Till1 IlioHt cnliiplete job Htoek off of
tin ntllroiKl In to l found at The
Kxiuiiliier ollhi. I'liht 4 Iiimm work
nlauya, at rrnxoiinlile prleeM. tf.
At AmIiIiiikI tli Fourth lr. llern
iIoii'm float took the prize. It wiim
IiIh lioHpltal, all titled out with
Mnater John Jleriuloii reprewiitliig
the lr. ami Ml I'.llle Coiwird the
A rtNlilfiHi for wile cheap. tine
acre of grooml, Imiiiho, darn ami out
lailhlliiKM; hiiMtlty water, and U a
oVmI ruble phice to live. Kuiilre at
T1m Kxnmlner otlUe. '.tl tf
There wa Moine talk lat week of
a libel Mill, to ! liiHtltuteil by .loo
ISiihIi atsalimt m alitor of the Sliver
I, like Onejionlnti. but the matter wan
lropei after a coliMtiltatlon with
eminent attoriii-.VM.
We are recelvliitf iiiimeroiiM ln-
jiiirlcM for limn and lniMiiiiH lorn
tloiiM, and iiiii IIikI a buyer for any
kind of properly If placed In the
hand of The Kxamliicr Iteal Km t ate
'o'm hamlM. tf
Marlon Kwetii, a native of Indi
ana, h horm trainer by profeHHlon,
wan recently ailniltted to the luxane
intyliiui at Salem from Crook coun
ty. The unfortunate man wan 73
year of ajje.
We are now preiaretl to sell several
tracts of laui at prices that will startle
you, imperially if you are acquainted
with the location. We have land all the
way from f 1.50 er acre up tu 15; un
improve! or Improved, to ami the
purcham-r. Ijke Coiinly Examiner.
LoHt, from my ranch,
long miMold. We hImo have a down
other ranchcM and farm to depone
of. If you have any lain! or proer
Tly to wll. lint It with the Kxain.
Iner. Send In ilexeilptlon and we
will nell It for you.
ICiiKliieetH lliimphreyM and Chap
man, arrived In Aim ran from Klam
ath county I'lMt ThurHilay, and on
t lie Hiime day Mr. I JpN-ncot t, head
Kovernment engine r arrived here
j from below and wan accompanied
from Madeline by Mr. Lviiih. Thene
gentlemen art' all In the government
employ and looking Into the matt era
of artlflelal Irrigation. MennrM I f iiiii
phreyM and Chapman will probably
maim! the water of tioone Ijtke,
after which they will reiuni to K lam
nth county where they will In em
ployer', all Hcaaon. Mr. Llpcncolt
returned to the Southern part of the
Hiate, ami Mr. Kviiiim will remain In
thin county. New lira.
Timber Lends to b Taxed Higher.
HeportH from SlwiHta and SlMklyrai
countleM In California, mii.vh the
Klamath Kepubllcan, are to the
effect that an Increawd valuation I
will In plaei-d on tlmlHr lamlx by
tlie axMCMMor In the-M' countlcH. The
IiiikI will be valued lit from f'l to
$s..Vl per acii-. iicoirdluu to Km prox
imity to the railroad.
The Itepubllcau further nayo;
"All IIiiiImt land In Klamath coun
ty Ik now iiHMVKHcd at an acre, lr
respective of location or valuation.
Thin U really all timber land in thlx
founty will aland at prcHent, iih a
cuo hljth tax will dlHcouratrv Invent
om. We can never excct the !
velopmeut of our tlmU-r renourccH
iiulcrtH wernnlntereHt capital. There
Inat preaeiit prActlcally no market
for our million of feet of tlmtcr an
It In unproductive, ho lt value In a
ttiliijc of the future. Therefore our
county Hhould U -careful not to
I place a rcHtrlctlve tax on the timlier
one full land until a market develop, when
blood Jierefonl calf, awe about four, the valuation Hhould be made ac
inoutliH. linn a metal ta In left ear. j cording to the location, quality and
A Kill table rewu-d will 1h paid for Km iiiuntity of tlmlH-r on the land."
reco very or knowledge of ItH where
al.'outa by notifying me, or 1 O,
nuiitluK. J. C. OI.IVKH. W-2
When (it orRv Wrljf lit, Henry Son
neiuann, Iee SteimT am Jay Itower
man gvl back tu Salem next wlnU-r
an incnilMTM of thu lx'ghtlAturt1, like
chlckeiiH coming home to roont, they
will naturally la? inclined to crow
over their return to the old-time
(IiiiikIiIII. And we'll all Ik ulad to
hear 'em. Salem StateHinan.
AtJUNTK WAXTKI) f 1.70 and up
iermoiith to eui'rK'tlc npivHenta
tlven In every city ami town lu Ore
gon, WaHlilugton and Idaho; dlKiil
tled, honorable, iN-rninnent ami lm
meiiHely prolltablc employment, nt
home or on the i-oad:wmct hlnvr new;
Head Htamp or call at oillcc for ile
talln. Sipiare Ileal Iii'okernp Com
pany. lLli, 7th St., rortlaml. Ore
yon, lii-tf
The Kxn miner Un an H-acre tract
of laud for Hale at a bargain; the
land HcM In a body lu the northern
part of IjHkevicw, and In now net
to clover and timothy, ami yields
'M toiiH of hay a yeur, leaving a val
uable pant g re. The hay net 1m at
the top juice In Lakevlew. The
tract U.u duHlrablu one, either to re
tain In one piece or to tut up Into
lots for rtmldemvii. Anyone dcMlrlnj;
to build a home In Lakevlew will do
well to InvcHtlunte tbU propor
tion. Ji tf
I wat fVoublad with atoM
Mh trouble. Tbadford i Blaok
Ursuiht did m anor rood
la od ink thaa all tba do
or't aMdlcina I took la a
r M R S . SARAH B.
MHlRflKLD, ElUttavllla, lad.
Tlirvifonl'a Black DrauKht
quickly invigorates the ac
tion of the atomach and
cure even chronic caaei of
indigeation. Jf yon will
take a nmoll doae of Thed
ford'K II luck Draupht ooca
aionally you will keep yoar
touiaJi and liver in per
feet oondition. '
M or aickneaa U caused by
constipation than by any
other disease. Thedf ord '
Dlack-Draught Mt only re
lieTea ooimtipation butcurea
t diarrhuea and dyaentery and
keeps the bowels regular.
All dructUta sell
Sft-eant jMUikacaa.
'Th-dford'i Black
Draught ia the beet modi
cine to regulate the bowels
I have ever used." MRS.
A. M. 0 BANT,' 6neads
Ferry, N. C. .
The trouble with moot fldver
tlitera In t lin t they cxp'-t liume
dlnte returtiM of hirtre proior
tloiiH. One proinliieiil ndvertlMer
IIIiiHtrnteK the principle of adver
tising In thlN way:
Tb raoner espvadrd for
4vrlUlaar la be .me
If glared latere!. The
Brata from th dertlla
rt trlaiallr ialereal am
lb latritmtal. ,
"The aun.s apent for ad vertltdng
nre properly chargeable to cap
ital account becauftc the reunit
ing good will 1m something that
ha a value, which. If the udvi-r-tlNlng
hua I Men properly done,
ran iimi-illy le Hold for th fn-e
vulue of the Inveatiueiit.
The rote of Intcrot In deb-r-mined
by tho nklll with which
the Invettliiieiit la ui.'iile.
"Ju:t ii" the tUicl,i)t Viiv to
Inereime invented weidih 1 by
comiMiuiiiliiiK the Ibtereft. J."-t
the ipilckctit wnj o renli- re
nulla from ndvcrtlMliii; Im io coin
pound the returns'." Advcrtlhius
Adverllscra ret good returns
on the amount Invmu-J In
our columns. ua rrucn t)i
w .sk
MAl;KiTI HKKH V 1 jj
The Best Vaquero Saddle on the Harket
t C
SSSJAIho a complete line of waRon ami bugy harnifw, whip, robeM 43
jV rlalaM, bit, Hpuri, rjulrtM, ronetb. In fact everything In the line of j
t 1 t . 1 . 1. 1
0. eiirrinne Jiii'i noriw- iiiriiKiiniin"-
Itepalrln ly competent men.
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Writelfor
estimates on contract work & material
handley & clendenen
Hereford Stock Farm
Drews Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
; .
J - 1' - m r m '1 tt - JPi i 1.
largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
Young Cattle for - Sale
'A 100 a A1M.0 head of bert
W. ......
YOU'VE got
AiinomuvH a (luhhiug Arrangement With
The handsome Illustrated Magazine published by the
old reliable firm of Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago,
the largest publishing house in the world. "Farm Life"
is the leading publication for the fami home. Printed in
colors and beautifully illustrated throughout. Each is
contains special articles relating to successful farming;
also special departments for women, boys and girls, and
the little folks.
The Lake County Examiner, one year $2.M
' Farm Life, one yoar .r"
Poth patter, one year for f2.W
The yearly yrice of The Examiner.
New subscriptions or renewals.
Subscribe or renew to-day and cloii't forget to mention
that you want both papers for only $2.00, the price of
The Lake Counts Examiner.
This offer is for only a limited time; take advantage f it while