goto Count u uttntnct Pabllshea Every Tkrir C. O. METZKER. MtMdk Bulldlsf (One Year i SU Month (Three Montn,.. .$2.00 ..1.00 ....50 TERMS: 8PACB rtn Inch Two lnche Thn Inches Juarter Column. aH Column On Column. ... "Tlwk'lmo m m I yt . n W; is w ." f n i nil & lav T li 1 1 IV IK W 'iMD WW i I0DO.16W iiJ nn iMki 'itim . w vs'isoo w to no !so w';iw.A0 w;ijo LAKEVIEW, OREQON, Jl'LV 4. IM4. NATIONAL REPIBIICAN TICKET For President THEODORE ROOSEVELT Of New York For Vice-President CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS Of Indiana Again Cleveland proclnmed binv self "out of politics" before the coiv vention assembled. The essential trouble with Russia's military plans Is that the Japanese refuse to live up to them. It is said that the Russians are hurrying balloons to Port Arthur. That seems to be their only means of escvioe. " Pilgrim's Progress" is to be dramatized and the playwrignt Is said to be studying where to work la the ballet. It may be observed that the man with whiskers 11 feet long who will be on exhibit at the St Louis fair isn't acted for anything eW The immigrant w ho lands in New York Is Burprised to find how hard it is to get advice and assistance on any subject except that of how to vote. Senator John H. Mitchell Is expect ed to return to Oregon ome time this month. The indorsement of Mitchell's policy by Oregon republi cans insures the senator a warm re ception. Bryan was declared "out of poli tics" by many reat democratic politicians before t lie convention con vened, but he seemed to have quite a following. The Gresbam Gazette says that cord wood sells there for $2.50 per cord, and vegetables are proportion ately cheap, as co:npared with Port land prices. Tilers is nothing that more coiiclu fcively demonstrates theenterprme of a town than a display of advertising in the home paper by the local merchants. Kentucky will not respond grace fully when it comes to attending the St. Louis Fair. When $3 is charged for four drink of whiskey Kentucky will btay at Lome. Portland's poultry market Is clam oring for chickens, more chickens. This valley ought to supply them. There is money in chickens. We ought to raise thousands, where we iiownUHcdo;:ens. Oresham Gazette. A PcnnKvlvuiiia minister states i that nrter a search of a year he lias at last found "iiu Ideal woman." Of courso he is going to marry her. The fact that every lover marries his ideal woman Is what keeps the game going. Probably the most speedy murder trial ever held in the state was that of Frank Guglielmo, of Portland, who killed his sweetheart three weeks ago and was on Thursday convicted of murder In the first degree. Frost Did Much Damage. In some parts of F.iutcrn Oregon the recent fronts did considerable damage, more In the northern coun ties than In Lake. In the Columbia Hlver counties the frost was not so damaging ns the hot winds and grasshoppers. Lake county has been very fortunate In escaping the fnwt and iest that have shortened the farm products of many Kastern Oregon counties, Below Is the re port of the weather and crop bulle tin Issued on the 5th of July for a few counties where the most damage was done by frost: Josrnli, Wallow H roMiif.r. The freezes of 22d and -'Ml did but very little damage; It has Uen quite arm for the past few days and very hot to-day; a good rain would le very lieuenclnl: cheat lay Is being cut: clover and allalfa will lie ready In a few days; gardens are growing rapidly. (imnilo. Union cotiut.v. Weather very warm the fore part of the week, ending with a shower and cooler weather; a good many farm ers cutting froten wheat for liny; the freeze of last week damaged some fruit and nearly all potatoes are killed to the ground; timothy hay not so good as it promised. Coir, Union county. Shower Fri day night was of much benefit to late grain; more rain needed; frost of last week did much damage to advanced wheat, though some fields appear tobaveescaped; considerable will be cut for hay next week. Erwln, Baker vount.v.Vore part of week very warm, with north winds; Thursday and Friday cloudy, with light showers on the foothills; the freeze last week did more damage than was at first supposed; it killed all the blossom on the alfalfu, also on the wheat nud rye; the gardens were all cut down to the ground; plums and prunes were frozen so hard that they have nearly all drop ped off. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Climate and Crop Bulletin of the Weather Bureau, Oregon Section, for the week ending Monday, July 5. EnwAitn A. Bkai.h. Section Director, Portland, Oreg. "Put it in ver j'ouch an' .-r-nat-tiiiiu;. I'ut litre we are. So? a grip o' my iron; 1 maun lift thi un Ticht on to the green." And lie did. ,"My putter noo. liah, owre hurd! jAye, that's four, ye see, an' it wis my best drive too! Tut that doon; third hole in four. Noo, it's even ,owre to the Tay an' across the burn. (There's Bome ane comiu' alang the walk on ane o' thae bicycles. Lat'i get awa' quick." "Whack J "Com mum? ONE OF DR. CUPID'S PRESCRIPTIONS. That Love sometimes cures disease is a (act that has -ecently been called to tha attention of tue public by a prominent physician and' college professor. In some nervous diseases of women, such as hys teria, this physician gives instances where women were put in a pleasant frame of mind, were made happy by falling in love, and in consequence were cured of their nervous troubles the weak, nervous sys tem toned and stimulated by little Dr. Cupid became strong and vigorous, r.l niost without their knowledge. Many a woman is nervous and irritable, feels drag ged down and worn out, for no reason that she can think of. She may be ever bo much in love, but Dr. Cupid fails to cure her. In ninety -nine per cent, of these cases it is the womanly organism which requires attention; the weak back, dir::y spells and black circles about the eyes, arc only symptoms. Co to the source of the trouble and correct the irregularities, the drains on the womanly system and the other symptoms disappear. So sirfe of it is the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that they offer a $500 reward for women who cannot be cured of leucor rhea, female weakness, prolapsus, or fall ing of the womb. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the complexion and sweeten the breath, they cleause and regulate tba stomach, liver and bowels and produce permanent benefit and do not re-act on the system. On is a gentle laxative. "The Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free, paper-bound, for si one-cent atanips to pay expense of mailing only. &end 31 stamps for cloth-bound cony. Address, World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N.Y. VaOaWtfUMI A Chance tor 5pcuUtor. SCHOOL LAND. 2S0 acred of level unimproved agricultural land fur aale chean. Piscriptlon I SW.U. V, ol NF. and NW.'i of SKtf, Section 10, Tp., 0 8., K. 10 K. W. M. This in a desirable piece of lifcrtd, located in Ooose take valley and w ill make some man a good ranch. TIMBKR LIKIl MOTH'R. Tinted Mates Land Office Lakeview. Oregon May 17. 1W4. Notice is lierct'y given tnni in com pliance w ith the provisions ot the Act of June U, 17, entitled "An act for the sale of timlHT lauds in the States ol Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada ami Washing ton," as extended to all the Public baud States by net of August 4, 1SIU.', the fol lowing persons have hied in this office their sworn statements, to-wit: Timothy P. Beers, of Tenino, county of Thurston, state of Washington, tvorn statement No. '.'X7, lor the purchase of the SV '4 Sec IU, T :tr S, It U F.. Krrti.i ii Bisson of South Prairie, county of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 2:I5W for the purchas" of the SK'4 Sec 114 Tp:8, K U K. F.lenuor J. Bisaon, of South Prairie, county of Pierce, atate of Washington, sworn statement No. (or the purchase of the NK. Sec 34, Tp 35 S, K 15 K. That they will offer prool to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than (or agricultural purposes and to establish their claim to said land U-fore the Register and Re reiver at Lakeview Oregon on Thursday the 11th day of August, 1W4. They nam as witnesses: hleanor J. Bisson, and Francis Bisson, ol South Prairie, Wasiiington, and Timothy P. Beera o( Tenino, Washington. Any and all per son claiming adversely the above des cribed lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 11th dav of Angust 1504. Jun 1633 J. N.-Watbox, F.cgiater. truer! Ijt Final I'raof I'nited States Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, July tl, PHI4. Notice la' hereby given that James llamblev, of Sli'ik, Harney county Ore. has tiled notice of intention to make prool on his desert land claim No, o'-'fi, (or the wia aw '4 see, 12, 114 nw' see. 13. nc'i see. 14, tp. 3H S., It. 27 K, w m, Inifore Keglster and lleeelver at Lake view, Oregon, on Friday, the P.'th day of August, 11)04. He names the follow ing witnessed to prove tl complete Irrl gation and reclamation td anld land i Olive O. Shirk, Joseph L. Shirk, llooxe Wise, Minus Caldwell, all of Shirk, Oregon. July 7 31 J.N. Watson, Itegister. Ica"rt and l'rof. i'nited States I.hiuI Olllce, Lakeview, Oregon, July ti, BKI4. Notice is hereby given that Olive O. Shirk, of S Ii irk , Harney county, Oregon, hai tiled notice of intention to make Jiroof on Ids desert hind claim No. 4li, or the lot "J, sw'4 ne, im'' se'4, ne'4' H', s'4 sw4 ace. 2, ne' lie'' sec. 10, liw'4 liw'4 see. II, tp. III! S.. It. 'it V.. w in, Wfore Register and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, 011 Friday, tint U'lli day ol August, IIN14. He names tin fob low ing witnesses, to prove the complete irrigation and reclmnniiuii of km id hind: James llamblev, Jonepli L. Shirk, Booze Wise, Minus t'aldwell, all of Slink Oregon. jnUi 31 J. .". watson, Register. moor. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, June 10, BM4. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in supnrl of his claim, and that said proof will be madn U-fore tieo. T. Baldwin, t'oiintv Judge of Klamath County, Or., at Klamath Falls, Or. on Wednesday, Auuust B), BUM. via: Henry Klopko lid No. of HI v. Or., for the W of W.i,' Sec 30, Tp aii S, K 1U F., W. M. He names the following witnessea to prove his contin uous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vis : John McBonald, (leorgo Kricksen, Ed. Casecr end K. D. Way, all of Blv, Oregon. Jun 10 23 J. X. Watsos, Register. I istenll Veur Property With th LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER REAL ESTATE AGENCY. .. It Dont Matter If It I Not Worth We Can 511 It for You. II Voa Contemplate buying or Selling ..A HOME.. Consult Us At Once If Vou Want a Har gain In Either Cae. " v Ot "i fc - V-'1, 11. I?. CHURCH DIRECTORY. LAkKViKW Preaching wrvlces at II o'clock A. M., and "M P. M.. every aecoml 11 ml foui tli Numbly. Humbly Nchoul every Sunibiy at 10 A.M. Prayer Minding every Tliura. day ut7::M P. M. Nkw Pink Ciiki:k Preai lilng Her- vices ut 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7::WI P. M., every II rat Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 A.M. Prayer Minting every Thurs day nt"::m P. M. Bktiim. Pii-iii hlng Servlcea at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7::M P. M., every third Siimbiy. .1. H. S r a UK. Piodnr. Kolire or ApiMiiulnient ! Karrwter. TO ALL WHOM 1TMAYI IM LIN: Notice is hereby given, that the under signed was, by an order of the County t onrt of Lake County, Oregon, dnlv made nnd entered therein on the '.'itli day ol .Mav, IWI, apMinted I'.xeentor of the Lant Will and Testament of JOHN Mt F.LII1NNF.Y, late of Luke County, (iregou, now leceaed. All persons having claims against the F.state of smd liecea.ved are hereby reipilred to present the same, with the'procr vouchers and duly verified, within si months from the date of this notice, to the under signed Lxerutor, at the Law Office of L. F. Conn, in the Town ( Ijikeview, Ijtke Count v. Orcunn. and all inrsoiiM lowing said Fstate are hereby reiiostel to call ami pay to sanl f.xwutor tnw amount ot their indebtedness. Hated at lakeview, lake County, Oregon, thist'th day of June. lta4. JOHN B. BI.Alit, Kxeetitor of the Last Will and Testa ment ol JOHN Mi Elhinney, loccaacJ. THIS PAPER la kept mt ftli al K.C. lull's A'lv.TIIlli A grin l.'l Hi. kuiiiMM'i, 11 Prauelwo, till., wlirrti aouirx ia fur vlvvrtUlng can b inaitc fur II H Irmn olio l4M-slliy to nnnilu-r, or ehne tlmlr hIiHIim nlilri'M lKHild ri'in-utlMr In drop tlila oUiv a irl hi ilu-ir paper ca't t") al-dreaat-d lo Ihc rlllit Htufllce.