J HIS PARTING SHOT. Wkat the nrara TKoaikt of IIU : First Tirklak llanh. The two jounn tuoii lind Itidmvd tho dencon to tnk Ills first Turkish bath, they hud pot him iuoMrl.v nttlml, or, rather, unattlrrri. ami hd him con ducted Into tho hot room. Tho deacon didn't viijoy It. but lie was pinny llo rolled around ncnoiK If on tils t. and every time ho moved . he seemed to strike a hotter siHit. But , lift stood It like a man until tho perspb j ration mailt rivulet Innutneralili tn ! runnlns oft him. Then he lifted him elf up on his elbow and wild plain tively: "Lot's get out of this," But tho young meu ouly laughed and ' told hlin to ke i quiet; that It was Just getting comfortable. When he finally absolutely refused to stand It any longer they led him Into 1 the steam room and sat down to gossip j and enjoy his diseomflturo as he felt himself slowly boiling away. , And the deacon seemed Inclined to lose hU ten. per. It was aggravating ti be so extremely uncomfortable when, they apparently were enjoying them- j selves and would offer him no mean , of escape that would, to say the la.t bo dignified. j But there wns an end of It. lie got out, and as ho looked "more In sorrow ; than In anger" from one to the other of them one asked: j "Well, deacon, what do you think of itr The deacon replied solemnly and with all due dignity, but rather point edly: "It's a pood thing, young man: It's remarkably convenient thing for some people who need to suitably prepare themselves for the hereafter. But for my p:ut I am glad to get on. earth again." Chicago Post. "No. 'my tlilld." lie replied, with a jrroan, "I have not. I could not bei.r to destroy the fond llluslou that your father Is a great man. I am not a great man. my dear, t am an hit 'stor. I was not Imrn In ft log cabin, but In a three story brick with stone trimming!" .d le turned away In augut? !). I'hleago Triune. INSTINCT. i Tfcey ehrlstrned htm Itrstnald Percy t) s. a. L. htkinks. m. i Vers; Thry (trrsHfft Mm In ruffles and eurlt his lM' k hnlr; His mothiv declared him her own precious ilaar And fxrlisdo him tn piny with tho ho, around there. W'hlih was rnnri' than por Rrvlnnl.l 1'srcjr could tnr. ttltle and Willie. ".: ;!.. about giddy young girl? Ii't II. S tM.vV" "i.mv x . lll'er "..'l.v. t' c.v's a girl In town who 'srt! ( I - t that she was kissed by President Hunt when she was n bahy, I. Ml s! e ww dis-lares It was President IVycs w l .i Mssed her. Ill a few years s'.e will le vlalmlng that President i;H-sevolt k!sud her when she was a i mere elillil. - Keller Montmy. PKij PENSION AU K H DMITH, S l KHIIII A si IUII I'htxlt-INUIO Hll HI . I Hki vr . '. 'r'r It'K n.wli'a I ra.M Si-He. Call" rt.iii,l ii r i.iu hi IMI T V II A 1.1 l'h xli-laii si.rl suia n OKKM K-N. I'.iy liuti t.l I km - financial Note. 1 "Wl.v.l's tin. old man? I never saw yiil lock s heggaril." "The sie.'eih bank Is up; that's1 wluit's r And my deposit's gnno up with it." "Oh. I A.ul(ln't let a thing like tli.it upset Hie." "I'm not ui-et: merely lost my balance."-Philadelphia Press. to hs went out one day, curls and ruRI" and nil. And atriiyrO where the ruilmt of bo I ronKiesnte, Poon KeKlnMld's Ire, thuh his hody mnll. TncroMn.'d to proportions remnrknlilv It rent. And he lesued s rhsllense, rrrartla welclit. I OKI U K- lal) Ilull-ll.i. Now Ili iclnnld a eye has turned Mnrku i than Jet. I , Out he Isn't complalnlnsT. which sitenm" rather nuccr I Till you lonru thnt the other toy"s eve lilnrkrr ft : . And there Isn't a happh-r youth, fur nciir. Than this dirty faeett lli-glital.t Percy dj Vere. Washington Ulf lo take fibs I. Tiu-lm, Apr.. I .lmKI. in w. V in mmi i Itlt.lixl I ake .l.-V), ll'.'MH IIOI'l.l) III lM I nk. tr. r oKI'lt'K-lMly liutlWimr. 4'. It Of No Arromnt. Altni'iM .tj -Hi I. Me lkt-vli . DlHi'K Ihily HuiI.Ii.ik Aerlilentnl. tutr. Sinalgrass- a fi-ol or a fellow shot a , man In the leg this morning, and It ', wasn't reported lo the olWi. j Spitni'Iierry That so? Who was the j man shot? j Siiodgrass -. Me. ; SSprttis'berry- Who shot him? 1 Silodgr!iss--Mo. Tulislo Itlade. i i No. t V i . in, h t; . in Ii:i A . in. in :ui e. in. II I . in. II r.'. . in. U i" i. in. IJ l i in. I ! ;l- .. in . II '.4 . .. I Li l. III. ! I I" l, III J 'M I l III. l imit iii. ! 1 Jfl p in. : ; i.. iii i .'It (I. III. A M p. Ki. .'ill p. III. .HI p III. Ill a in. T in p a.. W J NtMIHK ,toriir.iil-ji . I.Mki-vleM , HKHI K ll.ill.lh.f. I. I VK UOH .kttrn -el-l.w 1 41 nil Mallrra MierlallJ on ii . I inly hiill.liiiK. I Poetor Tell your mamma ban A Watery I'arenrll. , Ail Irishman and a Preuehman were ; parting at the steamer. The Irlshiuuu, ' stam!iug on tho wharf waving his j hnnd tn his friend, shouted. "O reser- ! . . . A voir!" The Preiiehman. Milite!y salub I n rt ,.1V t lm t I was unable to ml lug. replied. "Tanks!" IWton Chris- ; taot week. t!an Hcglster. j f.itfle tiirl oh. mamma JuM s nt tm to tell you mIio Ug;in to get better Jii'l as oiii iis you stuiiissl calling, ai 1 r V tifi t unnnuru nr rnr tvnnin I.kevl.w nuuuitn ur int nuniu -amp . .Mretann tin- (l and 4 1 1 W .limntay ot i-acli m-.itili In M.niii' 1111. at p. m. K r iirx.r. I onmil l iiiiiuiamler. K. N. Utji'tsM, , llerk. t I npranlllona Stmrt. "Piji-i." !' tie ilistlnguisli(d states ma!)'i p tf."l d .t: liter, "you have nev er toM i!'c n!!' :l'!i' about the house la w!-: 1 . . vtc:-n.- Hard Work and Much of It. "Is It hard to lo a detective?" nske.1 the young womnti admiringly. i "Very." answered Old Slookshaw. "It keeps a man studying day anJ 1 night to behave like the detectives that , the story writers describe." Wash- ; lugton Star. Khc's nil right now! - New York Tim" i LAKKVIKW KNt'A MI'MKNT, No t. S ! S I.O. l. K. Ii u Hie ll and .id Thnra. S .lay cvrnlliK. nl rm h In.. ..Hi III llilil K.'l- !,S Uiwa Hall, Uke lew. H. K. inTt.n l j 'V,' '. I'., IV. 1. M.N. an. srrllw. ! 'iV r r, s.- rs. , -,-v-y y . S$ tl . V ,v ii. . . l w l" j,, s.-i.iiiiii . Ar M' . m .V . I e f f i Ki- I" I v I ra ! i . A' M" ! " v pin.lv . Ar :: p. l v l"nl' ' !' .v I La' r ! i v i ni.i. r..n m in p. hi I., H, .1 ll. h Ar I IT p. in . . r..i.liill Ar I : I1 p. Ill .v .. .. Ar 1 11 p. in l.v I l. kn A ' U "' I v Am. - ' y I. I" l.V Alle-le.. Ar li'lSll p in l.v Mel 'i rln Ar II II p. in l.v Mt.rr Ar I" V p, In kaiu. Ar III, in p. In I v lier.- I nk' . Ar i p. rii v W . -rl Ar V HI p. m . , , I. tiu. . r p. in t v Hr rk man Ar, 7 :M p. in I Ar Ma.h-lllie III 7 l a. Ill Ht'kWA VAI t I V KV a (mi.tKilii .nam, I v. I'lunia. l in pm ' am A 4.1 l.ii II .Mxi'ill Vinn.ii Ar 1.1.1 .in a(iam a 'I.tnilJ 'ilani'l v Hi t until. AtjJ.aipir 1 fAam Tjnpinlu Mani l.v.i lain ill.-t' l,npm 7uiain (UNNH TIliN Mlill -IAI.K AT: I Ti-rino, lor I alirv I. a . I'.i.l. y and I lnli. rr. 'and Kl lllilacll. I a" ". r.lai III", Adlii A II lira, ami lllrln r, alll II.. I ,..rHia. lor hlalnll.il and Snaanll alll. . Ix.v e lor Mllli.r.i. 'am-'vl,'. atnl llunlln vlll.-.lalil. . ...... Vlnti.li, lor Inialioii. Iinw nliv HIk and (anil iM'll'a llol M-fin. i alll H.'i'kttlili.- lor i.i-iii 1 i li.r1- andiirrrii villi. lalll. rialrvllli-. - Mohan k and In y, t'alll, lleiio, ii.llli. i IIHK anli s . Par. I n. tor all pel ti I a r.aal A Wr.l; V, A T H I- tot all Js.lnia- KLAHATH LAKE ....RAILROAD.... . . . TIMIJ TAHI.l; . . . Ill r.Peol June ' , 1 1.'l Why He I.led. Wigwag-1 don't believe yon eie. ; told the troth In your lift. ImglMiw- What's the nset- N iImiIj , would iH'llrve me If I tll Phil 'd. i j tllllil l.'eeold. ! jaaMiaaiifL. .'l.'i'l'roJieglMlf ttMMTg- CASH GlVEn AWAY to" Users of LD OFF In Addition to tho Regular Free Premiums Co, (LsanCorrrx) crde ArV y rwu4 QaV 70 SO"0 "ATIOHAL WVUC, 'a OHIO. WOOLSOj vice co. How Would You. Like a Check like This ? Wa, Ua., Miaaaiaialsitl 41101111 Mi Cash to Jon CoiTe users in our Great World's Fair Contest 110 iHlYfi AttciCSa 9-UUUUiUll 213'J people get checks, 213J more will get them la the Presidential Vofo Contest The LcaJm I'.ir-cr ul ti e Patitii- Co.iit Th S;in Francisco Chronicle Fh VVivk! Chronicl . fe very b?: o'i y Nfw."p..ter .i .e J l.i iha tn Ire 'e.A $1.50 ii Yenr ( atrtr. t Mm tin Midi iit-nii- . k'm,imiA, ...tCt-KSW What will be the total popular vote cast for President (vote for all can didates combined) at the election November 8, 1904 ? Ia 10(50 election, 13,95'J,b53 people voted for President. For nearest correct esti mates received in Woolson .Spite Com pany's oflice, Toledo. U., on or before November 5, PJ04, we will give first prize fur the nearest correct estimate, Becoid prize to tho nest nearest, etc., etc., us follows: Five Lion -Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a -cent stamp entitle you (In addition to the regular free premiums) to one vote. The a-cent stamp cov ers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate is. recorded. You can send as many est. mates as desired. Grant! First Prize of $5,000,00 will be awarded to the one who Is nearest correct on both our World's Fair and Presi dential Vote Contests. We alio offer 15,000.00 Special Ca.h Prltea to Grocers' Clerks. (Particular ia each cats of Lion Codec.) 1 How Would Your Name Look on One of Thoso Chocks? Everybody uses coffee. If you will use LMON COFFEE Ion enough to (ret acquainted with It. you will be suited jind convinced tbers is no other such value for the money. Then you will take noother-and that s why we advrrtiar. And we are using our advertising money so that both Of usyon as well as we will get a benefit. Hence for your Aa WE GIVE DOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars in Every Package of 1 nrst Prize la.BOO.OO 1 second Prlre 1 ,000.00 a Prises tooo.oo eaen i.uwu.uu 6 Prises 200.00 lO Prises 1OO.0O 20 Prises 60 Prises 2SO Prises 1800 Prises - 3130"PUZE8, 60.00 20 OO iO.OO O.OO . 1 .000.00 1 ,000.00 1,000.00 1 ,000.00 .....2,600.00 6,000.00 TOTAL. I20.000.00 L0N OlfViFEE WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEPT.) TOLEDO, OHIO. It ii dtii bec.iu.ne. br.:l"! pn i! n si. lie n wa o' it w. iM e c . o 4 ii an n rrs'j'.f a J u I i ' u:.?r I'tnj ni a ii y i r , I i s ate.i depar: m n a ue oird to CRiCLLTUKE iu.T-y l;v .stjck K iING 1. : KaTU'E Fi.nlON.c. lik: 5 0,-TS T't-k are pr'3!ei rv-r ty (! 'cr: nnv;np a l''o"'ij ''i miw : j: 'n ir sp - . ' : . TV .. " . i- vo"3-; I . A. r j lure. f.j ic t r . He a. y n.. l.re . i.c x vi: i I r it d a id I r:. w in niji'tfr o he . r!;itesl :.ii'rjit o At. S'lagiil in Ihse in 'U3'nn , every i.ne being wr.tt n oy those who are In closs lucn w;!1- conditions prevailing on ir.U Coast. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. It will be sent free. Do you wart the Chrvilc!e Reversible Map? Showing the United Slates, Do m n tii of Canada and Northern M'ix.co cn one side. MAP OF T.-iv MO LD. pr-a-ntlng lo view in in. con Inuo'ib map wi'h all i 0i in nut proportion, the fn I, e !.';r'k':(! of the Earth on the clhf.r side. S'nd $? ani pet the Map an ! "'Ve k!y Chronicle" for one yrar, ra.iai:e prepaid on Map snd Paper. 'I ho Daily and Map Mr mall, ponuga paid Only $3.75 a Year Addrers M. H. de YOUNG. I'n p'iatnr "rau FraiHiiM'o Chronicle," San Francisco, Cat. CIRCULATION DKPAHTMKNT ir So. I S", fa- (Ill- li r A ft ; ai 1 v vi ' y i i I'. I 1 lll;l7 ; In:?-' hi.; in ii II : lnKt'.AM 1 11 in'. I. nt .'11 miilii II I (,,.. r ..n 1. . t l.n.r " M'.l -1 . r m 1. -r,iil I r.-. k " i..l I't. i.. I ll;i. 4 Nil ).. 111 . in. fi:?. II -.l ri ii - .'. ;i . !i U 1 " , n !:: " ; ri. ! I I I I !' LAKUVII-W --ALTURAS STAGE LINE II. f, IUhki h. I'rin r Office In liiehcr's -tore luily, ei-Arrives laeviuw at urriva) MllKi- IniVi'H litkCVI ii'lt Mimliiy 11' ' St .l'IIIH HI .'I j'iii' Aliiir.ir I r ii . .'i ll 11 U 11 , in r nt nf tin Hliik' l ". i Vli'i ii'iinn. An rivi-s in I.Mlii'Viv in ..'hi huh sf tiT leu viita Alt'ii .i. I relglit .Matter - (liven strict - Attention first - Class - Auomodatlons. Western . Stage . Line J L. VADIN, r-ri frwt. t. Office In LlnkvlUe fclel Klamath Fal't. Iiuily fiiiin l'nxMk'e, ; aid KulK I inns , ;; ... I.Hki'vii'u. I I m i I y fruiii U -v . n 1 Jliiiry, Kliiiiiiitli ci, . ki-ui'iiiH Kruiii K liiiiut'" t ii " 1 Mriuiii'i mill li 1' 1 K 1 ' IIVIT I III' MHIHI'I K A IV V. "'I'), K IMIll .1, u 111 Illy tn Hi . Moiiunr.il , Keiin. to l'i- ). ;'riHI l)V ' In 1'iikl'Kt'tllA ! Si;ijh l.iiif. Good Stock LAKi;vn-w lisy Coaches PLUSH Nolle. ' 'Vo whom It ina.v oonci-rn, Notlw Ih lit'i'eby ulvt'ii, tlmt 1 will not Ik; rt hh iiiHibl for any ilolit or ik'lits con tracted by liny imthoii othrr tlmn niywlf, fxci'pt 011 my written orili'r, fir:o. Wink ki.m s, I nit wl, MI.V VMl. J-2:i STAGE LINE S. I,. Mi N i ..1 11 f., I'ti ., Office at Mercantile Store Huttx Ifii vps Liiki-v.fiy Kuii'tliys, Wed tmsduya iiinl Kri.lvi, at lu. ni., arrives at Plush nt W p. t.i. J.r.iM'M ri uli Tues days, TlmrHdayo .'.in! KunTduys, at H a. ni., Hrrivi'i at ItHt-vn'w ut 9 p. tn. I'UHHi'iiyi'r fnrr- viii- way or 5 Iff round tiii. Fif.it-t isti-M fruzn May 1st to Nov. 1st t.Tj jer luiiidreil ; from Nov. let in Uy t ll.im .tr l.-'tiulred V 1