flak wnlu Ox nittct Pahllslttd Ever Trdjr c. o. metzkek. Masonic BuI'dlKf TERMS: $2.00 SI Month 1.00 (Three Month. 50 i One Year, . J! SPACK Onm Inch Two Inchc Thr Inrhes JimrtT Column Half rolnmn One rolnmn II u s A (W TO II J TO J(M AW 7 IV 1 1 Ml 1SW ITOi TO 10 TO tfcUO iSVO I TO TO TO l TO I TO . l'!lTO i 40W Til TO . TO TO V TO Ml TO , 120 TO LAKLMLW.CtrCON. JILV 7. W4- Remember I89J to 1897. In ctcriuiuin how ,vmi shnil vote for President this year, tviMeinlier your condition, the state of business throughout tlu country, prevailing during the year 10:1 to 11)7. The most artful politician cannot misltul you, if .von will compare your rvstnt circumstances, ami those of your neighbors, with con litions In tlmt Hriol. You know when tin' chuue- came In proM-rity. You know of only one circumstance tlmf conhi have created hiu'Ii an Industrial ami liiist ness revolution. Tiiat wiw the iv turn of the republican parly to power. If times hail grown hanier under government ly the republi cans, us a democrat, you would have charged it against that party; nml you would have U-en justified in doing so. .Vow lie true to your self, your conscience, and the coun try. Credit the policies of the re publican party, the honesty, firm ness and wise statesmanship of Mr. Koosevclt and Mr. McKluley as more potent and influent ial than all other possible causes in bringing about your present prosperous condition. There are always different causes which tend to promote prosperity in this country. There are always different causes which operate to de stroy prosjierity. No collection of better men ever assembled to govern a. people than those who met at Washington iu March 1S1K5. But, they failed to check the forces, which brought on the universal distress of nrrd mT Chronir IHarrltora After Ten Yrr r snlTf rlu . 'I wish to say a few words in prai- of Chamberlain's Colio Cboiera and It I .. 1) ...I . " uu.. VI t u fcfuMi., . ,-tr-Tni.t-nfii.i.rTv4l5iirC."6t MarUnsVfire, Va. "1 eullere.r i . - :.. .i: I ' ... tried their best. The error must have been in this policy. Jt could not have leen elsewhere. The pol icies of the democratic party are the panic. If these policies were not the prime causes of general business stagnation and distress, they were incapable of restoring prosjierlty. rrosiR'i-ity did come with McKinley and his party, and immediately. Who can doubt that our immediate and continuous prosperity is in a large degree, if not altogetherattrib utable to that change of government by the democratic party, to govern ment by tlie republican party. About mere theories, we may reasonably differ. We carnot differ j is to our changed condition, and we do know that this change of con ditions came with the restoration of the republican party to power. Which is the better guide, known facts, or thories. Father or Our 1 ownaman. The funeral of Dr. Samuel tirsham, who died in Sisaon was held in Keddiug Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock from the Mthodht church. Hev. K. K. Wenk othciated and the luneral was lamely (5 attended by friends of the family, who knew the deceased when he lived on Stiliwatr and in this city. Five sons. John, Itentou, Zph. t'ha. and Vick, followed I lie remains of their father to tk.e lad rtsling place in the ltedding cemetery. Tlie music was luriibed iiy a special choir managed by Mrs. Ir. O.ll. Wheel er and directed by Miss tiussie Jackson. The quartet was comiosed of Miss Jack son, Maud Clieuoweth. l'.d Kern and Mark Firth. At the church and eeine-1 terv the choir sang "Over the Line."; "Come ; e Disconsolate," "Nearer My j Hod to Thee" and "Shall We Mather at the Liver." Mis. Wheeler and Miss Jack "on ang " Tte Suiiuner I-and" at the church. The pallbearer were iain Mrackins, C. C. Hush, D. X. Iloun, Dr. O. .1. Law. ry,J. T. Tiaeey and Tho. Mreem , Dr. Sunuel Mrtham wai born in Pre- i ble count v, Ohio, on May o, 1S:I. lie! came lo California in 1HS2 unit nettled in j KtiUiing. ! lie was a iirudoale of the F.lectricj Schxil f Medicine in Cincinnatli. Ohio, j audio niii.'nceil pra'ticiint in un iniirni-( a--y in Lo- sijH.rt, lndiuna, when he was 22 years oi ane. j He removed to Iowa where he ie j mained until 1SS:1. when he came lo I Shasta county. He pructictHj Ins pro-fesr-ion in Millville for oi.e year and then retired to private life. Dr. Graham leaves the follow inu chil dren to mourn Ids loss: Charley, who conducts a tailoring establishment in Lewiston, Idaho, Vick and John D., of iMsson, Kenton, Mrs. Dora Sasreen, of Houx City, Iowa, Filch Graham of Mis souri, Clarance of Ies Moine', Iowa, Arnold, of Lakeview, Oregon and Tildon who.-e present w hereabouts are iiukuow u although he was at Milwaukee a month avso. Dr. Graham ow lied b0 acre oi land on Stillwater and some tuwn proiierty iu Copper City. warrant that is quite a curiosity. It w as issued in 1S-50 lo a soldier (Dr. Graham's father-in-law) who served in the war ll 1S12. Tlie A arrant w as trancferred to Dr. (iraham and has never been used. From the Keddinje Free IVess June2S. THE LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER I J KINTINCi KS AN ART IN which Tin: ISxaminkk cx cclls. Wc have nil the late M styles i type find keep in stock a larjrc assortment of hih ifitle stationery so that there is no tlelay in executing a hire onler. Our prices will he found to compare favorahly with other prices. LATEST LAND AM) STOCK NKWS LIUHI rA0H5 l.(CAL ANIJ COUNTY NRWS TWO DOLLAR A A YKAR. KSTABLIM1I I) IN 1880. No. 724 TllKAsI liY DKIMIIT.MK.NT, OKKICK ('liMI-'ltul.l.l:ll OK 1 UK Cl IUIKNCY. WII KIIEAS: by satlsfact deuce prewiittsl to the undersigned it has Ih-cii made to iipiK-nr that "The First .National Dank of Iwike vlew," located In the city of Lake view, iu tlie County of Lake, and State of Oregon, has complied with i all the provisions of the Statutes of (the I'lilted Slates, required to ltc lie also poiesed a hind j complied with before un asHm lallon Before Buying INSIM'CT OI H MAHMOtH riCK OP General Merchandise Baile3' & Massineill Iroui chronic diarrhoea for ten veargand during that lime tried various medicines without obtaining any permanent (elief. Last summer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus, and I pro cured a bottle of this remedy. Only twodoes were requiretl to n've her en tire relief. I then decided to Irv tlie medicine mvself, and did not uts all of j ncss mv hand and Sen I of one fmitle before I was woll and I have ; . . . , ,. . . never since been troubled with lhl4t MMh day of May. P.N.4. complaint. One cannot say too much si:,i. T. I Kank in favor of that womlertul ;nelr ine. This remedy is for sale by Iee Deall. 1-MitlliK llrrrh-inla shall lie .ml lioried to commence the biistuep-n of n.iliklnu: NOW, ili:iti:i'OKi:. I, Thomas IromT.Vtiirrurnl.r'io h,'r."by ! certify that "The First National Uank of I jikevlew," lis-aled iu the. City tf Lakt'view, in the County iLa Lake, and State of I Iregoii, is auth-j orlziil to coiiiiuence i he business of Hanking as provided In Section Fifty-one ilundied and Sixty-nine 1 Of the revised Statutes of the I'lilted ) Slates. j IN TESTIMONY WIll.ItKOF wit-j Mice this I f I Deputy and Acting j I he Cnrelicy. Comptroller of in-Ill J-1'J Greshani Gazette, that's the name of a new paper Just started in Ores ham, Multnomah county, this state. W. W. Watson is its editor and pro prietor. The No. 1 Vol. 1 of the Gazette appeared among our ex hang.'s this week and a bright and newsy 4 page. 6-col., pap.'r it is. its e litor seems to lie endowed with the ability to keep things going In Greshain. The State Land Board will fore close a mortgage on the State F'air : rounds at Salem, says the Oregou J. ii. if $20,000 is not raised to pay ':1 the indebtedness. The money iviuj borrowed from tho school fund. The election of district attorney f'c Jackson and Josephine counties tv is so close that It required an liclal count to determlno the result. .k. B. Ueames, democrat was elected I ... a small majority, Content olrr ileiiarlment of the Interior, I'nited Slalei- Ioid Ofhce, Lakeview, llregon. January 15. 1904. A sulHcient contest al!ilav't having lieen tiiled in this otlice by John Holierts contestant, BKainst li e li.irs of Michael Lynch, de-eased, entry No. lSlhi, made August 4. 1894. for w'.j of nw '4 and lots 1 and 2, ses. 30tp..'15 S . li. 24 K., wr. m. by Michael Lynch, deceased, conlestee, iii which it is alleged that raid entry man abandoned said lands about OctoU-r 1, 18!)o, and thereafter on December 0th, 1H95. died, leaving as an heir at law, his father residing in the county of Cork, Ireland. said parties a re hereby not i tied to appear, respond ar.d otter evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. cn August lo, 1904, before the Register and Receiv er at the United Slates Land Otlice in Lakeview Oregon. The raid contestant having, in a rro per aflidavit, filed, set forth facta which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that siii'ii notice, be uiven by due and proper publication. jnly 7-.'51 J. v. watsov, Register. Lakeyiew MBIfcC AJXT JXtE COMPANY I Til 11 xn miiMT liUHitlot of K4 I100I latxl for hj(U' t lii'jip. 7t General Merchandise. liiii iiimiiimiiiK: t i it t'i:oit IjithI f'llii'e si l.nlpv;i, on tnii, June 14, 19 ii. Nnlirv in ll. ri l.) W'.MI llir (illiuwillK ' imiiicil -fiili i lm tliM'l uutlcu of Iiih iiiti'ntlon j to nittkf thiHt eri.ui hi mipirfirl of his cluhn. ami tlisl ustil priNil m III !.- nimle lL-(ore Kilwin J.l t- I lou , l. . s. Oiiiiinisslmii r a I his omen at iii-iiid, on-tc"ii, on Julv -. lam, vlr: saniuci tiau, Hl Kniry Nii.21.rl. tor the ll 2, Ht-v.,4, T H KV. E, W. M.,ml NK i HW U, ami w ' HK'i Her m, T : rt.. It. " K. W. M. Ha naiiivs tho following wiiiii-KM-t lo prove his coiitlnuoUN reilrtiiiii? iiHin an cultivation of ll lanl viz: M.M. f)on, Houi-ri Doaii, Pan Pifi'iibaugli and K. Van Pen n, all of Denlo, Orison. Juuel'i M J. N. Watson ,flHi-iflitcr. JJilIMOtj!....... . .i.ii.fn.i. i .,, i.' i tMammtmkmtmmAiti'piAJi.' Oenprl Ijtml Final I'roof. I'nited Slate Ijtnd Ollice, Lakeview, Oregon. July li, 1004. Notice is heieliy uiven tlwit James llaiublev, of SliMk. Harney county Ore. lias filed notice of intenlion to make proof on his desert laud claim No. 625, fur the w?e hw sec. 12, nw1 sec. 13. ne'4 sec. 14, tp. !iS S., R. 27 K, w ro. before Register and Receiver at Lake vie a, Oregon, on Friday, ihe l-lli day of August, 1004. Me names the follow ing witnesses to prove lbs complete irri gation and reclamation of said land: Olive d. Shirk, Joseph L. Shirk, liooze Wise, Minus Caldwell, all of Hhirk, Oregon. July 7 31 : J,NrTQV, Register. J. W. Howard, the cattleman, left this morning to look after his cattle interests in Lake and Crook Coun ties. I Ie went by way of Fort Klam ath and Silver Lake Klamath Republican. FAKMS TOW X I.OTS, Improved nml ii i In prmed million 'Hy hi kthillm lllk. I.HIIll Tilll'K KXKIIllllfll. lmu- S'i'troilHli'il. Till'. I.e. oki if AlllT, Id liU, Non a, tuin Ai'roui4 ( olliTli il. Kin 1 iimii th ii'e, HKM. K-T A T K hii'1 (i.-IHTuI Hi. alio A(i Mm. HAVf-EY MAXWf:LI-. FOR ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR! WILL YOU BE THERE? See BUSINESS EMLkPRISLS Nature's Art (Jallery of the Rockies in addition to the attractions of 5t Louis. This can only be done by K'njf or returning via the SCENIC LIMi OP THE WORLD." Irj Ing iirrparntlous simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up tlo secretions, which adhere to the membrano and decom pose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of .catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhulauts, f nines, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals, Ely's Creamalm i such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the bead easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the COo. size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Ht. , K. Y. The lialra curei without pain, does Dot irritate or cause sneezing. It spread itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Kly'e Cream Jialm you are armed against Nasul Catarrh and liny Fever. UNRIVALED SCENIC ATTRACTIONS NEQUALL ED DINING CAR SERVICE NSURPASSED IN EFFORTS TO PLEASE Writ Ijf MufttraUtJ Booklet of Colorado Tamuuft 5firhCi mt4 Rtaortt W. C. ricBRIDE, (Icneral AKent 124 Third Street PORTLAND, OKEUONt