NEW SHORT STORIHS I (iron vriilrnt Conventionalities. "ill lilKltlll I llll't 'nil till il'lit.l IToiiiy t'lny Kvuna," aulil n nitilim oiiluii JiimI rttiirnrd from n i;uri'i"iiti trip. "Mr. Dvnnx. nl' tumuli n mini t-t flrtinx i'n He dlnii'lh lly, U M(1nilliitf Mi l' ..or i iii ii ro i.r n, nriiihii ii.h,i timl mili iIIwh io (lie oilnuc about atlnpllnif Kuiiiuii -iiatoiti In Home, lie wnily n wealthy American vIhUIiik IhhI.iii una liivlii-d o Hii ii (Tii I r (f anno liniorliiiM'i nnil wna htIi'Xp1 ii to wluit lii nIioiiM wi'iir. r.vnnliiK ilrcx Win nn lilxiiiiluiKliiti to lilin. niul n f. r flu Utii'i IiiimtIh-k niul '"miukIimI pII iiin. wlilcli, lin a lfi,tWl, inlal.t I tin n'nM'r llilim, lln truviMtr awnre In woilhl imt (Inn tln'111. Ili InoUnl up llii coiiatil rriirrnl ittnl iliutil tin iimtli'r licfuro lilin, "'.My rriciKl.' hiiIiI Mr. Kvmm. 'ymi MtiMt li-iirn to nilupt yo'irm-lf lo tln ton- 11IH lf (ll( lllllir. Wllt'lV IMIwIlllll rrwa ii itiImIii klinl of ill'i'NM II I lnl liiki'ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 in 1. 1 1 tu iippi'ar In H iy tiling fin". All till oppimllliM) (n liv lint wltli 'oiiviMiilmiiil pnnirl' ly for n flt-rilKlnil l'('lilli Hit' of H J'fUllt fl'll'M" III 'I'rllll . H-i'l' v lu Wit iiImiiiI i Wtjl.t tiorcfiMit fur it Hittiirilny nljjlil parly. "Win-re nn ymi koIii'V" 1nin n1 -1 . niiillnr. "To tlin pnrfy." b rfa;Mniil,-i Wi'll. nfirt you to." nh onl tc-i, ' y n Ho rljjlit iIonvii In I In' rli k ami wii-! your fift." "iMi't want to," In rui". itl. "W Ihti'," rwliilnntl III mother. "cf you don't witoli your foot you ilmi'i go to tlial pnrly. Ihnfa nil!" HiiIIimiIt the youiilt iniin liitik townnl tin ln" t nlilutlmi. "If I'll a knowrtl tlii-rr win t'olu' to ln much fnaa over liettK romly," ln isrowlttl, '! wouldn't ln-v uni'il to t,'o tit tho iM'nky purty at II. Tb fear'a Old Ijtmp Clenaar. Vli" t'aar Nloholaa wn pmiiipinul Injf In the pnrk of Zarakoo HHo our niornlnir rttntly h wae aurprlactl nml Mouifwlint Inkftt aback ly a roUn over tiU liciul. 'Your iiiiijinly -little fntlurr' Nhlioliix liMtkl iii oikI khw n white hitlrcil tuililliT i'linnliiK a lantern. "Wlint do you want V anki'd tin nr. '"I U'ft to nk wlH'tlwr wo old koIiIIi-k hnvi to work t llm dny ut our di'iith"?-' "I foriri't tho n-Kulatloiii, voti'rnti. Axk tin' illt'i'l iiiimttT." 'TIm di'tii-c I il! !! would lmvi in ttirnNliitl fi.r my liniuidft-o." Tin' uti-w thought fill mid ik.-l Tln VftiTIIU'H Ii:iiiii. rt'clllK'Mt, pl'i' Mi B m teg Jmm 'UIIAT I0 V(0 WANT?" purl ilk' to lot tlwiii down on liU ctilT; tint, though lu Ivviio n-ppiitPtl tin ip:t'. Hon. tlio viti'iuu HiilU'iily licld lila totlKIIP. "Well. I enn't wnlt Iutp nil d;iy," prlt'd MclioliiH. "My wIlV in waiting and limy p t linpatlcnt. Yon will now tell me your nnmo without dcluy." "I'rovldi'd you proinlmi not to toll tho polltA'l iniiHtcr, llttlo fnther." "I proinlw." "CroHa your heart 7" queried tlie man on the ladder nuftplcloUHly. "Croaa my licnrt, old fellow." Only then tlio pxnr'a demand wai compiled with. "How innny yenra liavo you aerved mo nud my fathera?" continued Nlcho Ina. "Thlrty-aevfii, llttlo futher. Never endured puiilHhiuent nor even a repri mand, na tho record ahow." "In that eitKe I will lj;n your honor nblo tllHchnrhO tixlay niter mixing you 1o the rnnli of aewaut. That will k'vo you quite a niiub pension for tli" rent f your life. And hero i my portrait In jjold," hiinillin,' him n ten ruble piece. "The court jeweler will put u rlu' tliroiiKh It ho you can wear It ii round your neck. Mind, I forbid you to upend tlio money for drink." IL XV. luniemon'B Lrclurp !. UcorK j'ranela Train tells thin xtorji of Mr. Ktiiersou'a tecttrttrjr. It nhoit by couipurlnK "5 nud four quarts of oats" with $500 how inueli tho publle wna willing to pay for tho let turer'a fame: Tho le turo ultUt wua nlwiiyN n great event In Wultlmui. Ono day u man enmo to mo and aald, "Here In a rt Tiatkiblo letter." He read it to ui and it wan hh follows: ! To tho l.lli'nrv Ciiinmlll ' ,,iim; I will nirn.i tu Ixrturn fm- t.t for insnclf but ink yuu fur four qunrta f ontn f tiiy li'imo KAIJ'II WAI.IHI KM Kit HON Tln Ipfinn Hint Mr. Kmpraoii di llv rroif or hoya of Hip Wintry rouiuilt tpp in Wiiltlinm wna pntltlinl "Niiturp." i W, nld lilio 5 and four ipinrt o j oh(4 for' IU Hp dcllvpn-d It ninny tliiica aftprwnrd. wIipu IiIk ruinip wim on cvpry Hp In tlin rlvlll,pl world, nt.V i rpcnlvvtt (rain fl'O to I.VKJ for Pin t Vllvprr. Jfew York MkII and K It It Mtlteil Hint the 1'renby terlitl lionnl of foreign niUlin la hamN'r im In Hm pbniN for In coming yenr luon by luck of nu n tlmii of money. It hit appointed i7 iiilxMloiuirleH iiml Iihm ii h yet work nud nenua for H4 more. In Aut rillu. under n new biw, no coni met fun In iiui'li- for the curry lug of iimlU b.v tiny Hteiuixhlp line which iilbiwM it coloied liliitl to work on any of the HilM. The mull plfilliier bltherfo Imve Irtfll birgely lilillllieil by ibirk xkllilliil II rl t lull HiibJectM front Imlli The Vli'linil Allu'iuelne Zeltung Hiy: "Jfipiiu Iihm two extniorilln ixry n 1 1 leu; UumxIu'm III luck la one, HummIi'm teloveiillui'HM U the other. It la deeply rooted In tho whole ltiiMHbiti ayatcin. It cnuwed Huaala tti lie uiiprepnri'il when the war began, tuid It la ri Hponxllile for the wearing it way of thn HumhIhh fleet." "There tire," aald Thnmii Tftg gart, the democratic leader la Indl Ana, "three rutea of deportment which nhould lie the guiding ntara of all polltkiaua: Flrwt, never take a drink, for fear of promoting Intent IM'rance; hih-oiiiI. never refuse a drink, for fear of making had friend; third, never worry about what hupjxnM unlcMM It happetiM to you." That ThrobbiMK II. n.larhe Would quickly le.tve tmi, if yotl lined Pr. KIiik'h New Lite I'lil-. Tlioin-ande ol hiiII'Tith Imve nove. llifir tunicblva merit for Sick ai:d Nervuiin plaehea. They tnnke pure IiIihnI hihI build up Vmr benllh. Onl l!5 cent, money hack if In. I cured. Sunt by Ixtt Iteuli, IJruvaial , . -ajHnv ---Hftiu Sheep l or Sale. 1 have i'iN bend of mixed Cotnwohl tliree and four year old ewea and lainbHthat I will ppII. For partlc- ulnra liiiiiire of MIhh Helen Krymi tif Clover Flat. 2 IUO Krward ailtMl Tho readera d thia paier will lie ,.l..u.ut 1,1 Lurn that llir iaatleaatOtie dicMiled ilineHae that atience baa been al'lu to cure in all I a ataxe ami mat ia Caiarrh. .lall'a Catarrh Cure ia the oily positive cure now- known to the HIM. lii-al fraii-rnit v. Catarrh teintt a I conaiitutioiuil dineaae, requirea a con 'tilutioiml treatmnnt. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, acting turccuy upon the IiKhm nun iiiticoua futibccb tu the ayateiu. tbernbv doatroyinu the foundation t( the diaeaae, and givinK lliu patient Htrenitlh by builtlintf up the I'oiiHiiiuiion and awMNtinu nature in do intt iia work. The innprielora have ao mm h Inilli in ita enra ive imwera. that ihev ofler one Hundred Hollara for any i h that it faila lo cure, fend lor list uf le I imoniula Adilre-a. F. J. CHENEY Co., Toledo. O. Hold bv lrnggif tn. 75o. Ihdi'a' Family rilla are the best. The Smart Set A Magazine of Cleverness Magastnea nhould have u well-4ofincd purpose. Geuuino entertulntuent, amusement nml menttil recreatiou niv the IllOtlVCH Of TllK K.MAIIT SET, tho MOST SUCCESSFUL OF MAGAZINES 1U novels (a complete ono In each number) art by tho moat brilliant authora of both heinlnpliercH. Hh short atories are matehleait clean and full of hunian Interest. Ita poetry covering tho entlro ilcld of verwv-pathos, love, humor, teudenu-rts Ik by tho moat popular poetn, nteu and women, of the tiny. Its Jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., aro admittedly the tuotit mlrth- 160 PAGESCDELIOHTFUL READING No iagea are wasted on cheap illustrations, editorial vuporings or wearying eaanya and Idle dlscunBlous. livery page will Interest, charm and refresh you. Subscribe now $2.50 per year. Remit la cheque, F. or Express order, or registered letUr to THE SflART SOT, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York. i . N. BSAHPLU COPIES SONTFREB ON-APPLICATION.- Soma liarly lltatory, Tlie tiunt terly r the OreRtm HIh 1 -! I Hot U ty, for Mil n h, lion lieen bibl ti'iiii our t i I de. Mr. ( Inreniu Ii. Unuley, nil Oregon plntieer nf 1M.".2, .. i... ii ti.. u ...i county up to ftlMiut but who, for moot of tho 1 1 nn alnee then Ima Ufti li'eiit llled with the I'llget Kound pn'aa, glvea n hli-ltiry of the "MercprlinnilKratloir' t WO CirgiM'a of glrl4 t O lllilke hllppv the Uvea of I'nget Hound bi.cbeloM Ill H(J."i. Mr. Tllolllll4 Y, I'roMch, nnother pioneer I'nget Houml JoitriiMllMt, glvt-N the evolution of Htevena and Whitman coui.tleo, ' Vnhlngtin. T. W. Davenport, : father of "our Homer." the cartoon ' lat, given it chapter on hla "Ibfollee jtlotiH iim an Indian Igeut." The ; atal wart, old pioneer of 1HI, John I Mlnfo, glvcM a piiN T of atrlklng Inten-wt on the "AnteccdentH of the Oregon I'ioiieer, and the Light Them? Throw upon Their Motive." Th:s I ..I . 1.... . I 4 I... .......!., ..I , I IOPi iif;i-n it l iiu- xititi i-i i nr li portion of the "recollectloua nml Opluloiia of tin Old I'ioiieer," by I'eter II. Iluriiett. an Oregon pioneer of W. and In 1N.10 the firat govertmr , 4 I If. ifli 1 1, In ftuilkUMKln.lit num. la-ra of the tiunrU-rly till of Oov. I nAl.ruoy Ilurnett'a "Kecollectlona" of Ida cx-i I"'' Offie nt Iakeview, Oregon, , .... A June 10, Nutn ia hereby la-rlenwa In the "Oregon ( ountry" , en thaMh. f.,llowii.t-nmed rrttlr hat wIIIIki publlahtHl, thua tnnklntf iu.-,MA notieo of hi intention to cm ..... , route in aupport of bit claim, and feasible a luoat valuable chapU-r In thai aaid proof will be made la-lore the early hlatorr of our common-1 Oeorge T. Baldwin, o. Jiulge f Klam , , ath County. Oregow, at Klamath Falla, weitlth. ! Oretcon, on Weliieadar, Aoituat 10, 1!K)4, For further Information about the 'eore Erick-en of IHr. Orr.. Hd . ,.t-, . ,.w, -N. 2WWforthe W; .f SEi fEjf of Quarterly, aJdrenat i EO. H. H1MLS. 8V 21 and fr E?" of Ntt' Sec. Aaat. Secy., On'goti Hlatorlcal 25 To 80 M.. R. 15 E. W. M. He namea . . , 1 the fuIloaitiK wiineafea to prove hiacon- Hoclety, City Hall, Portland, Oregon, tinuons reaidence ufw.i anrt cultivation m ol aaid land, viz: John Mclnald, 4'bamlM-rlHla'M Hlomarb and l.lvrr Henry Klopke, Ed Caapbeer and K. I. Tttblritt liritrr thaw n INx-tor'a M ay. all of lily. Orevon. , frpftpripdwH. j jimp I '.M J. N. Wathon. Beginter. Mra. J. W. Turner, of Truhart, Va. aay Hint ChauiherlHina Htouinch and: l.iver Tableta have done him more good 1 t Iih n mii thing he could net from the. doctur. If any phyaiciau in lliia conn- j try wa able lo coiiimiiii a inedicitie i that would produce fucli uratifying re-' anlia in .aHea of atoimtch truublea, bil-1 iuii-nei-n or convtipatiou. bia Almle time would ! iifed in preparing thia one med icine. For ale by l-e i'.euj. j final 1'roor. j f Land XlMkJtala4t;view'l Ori'pon, June j , J'2 Po4. N uii M 4 lierpnrmven Tnar j the follow iiiKiiflini'.l c.'illiT Inii tiled' 'not in- of Inn inii iiiion to make linul pr.H f in HiipMtrt i'f l.i" cliiiin. and that j hi. I tiroof will be nuele tieforp lieninter t .mid Ileiviver at teleview, Ortjzuii, on; Sep'Pllilier U. J!KM, I'll! HUlllUei I Idrka. ild., Entry No. 2010, (r the NW',' SW'f, E NWi-, SW4 NEU, :t T. :7 K.. It IS f' V. M. He namea Hie following witneaaea to prove lii continuona reHidepce upon and culti vaiimi of aaid land, vis. James Mc IeriuiU. of Ikeview, Oreiton, J. K , Kelay, W. K. McCormirk and B. W Karmw.of Painlev, Oreirn. joneaoao J. IV Watho.v, Uemster. CATARRH THE CIEANHINO AN HEALING C'lTltB run CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Kwy and pltvnnt to nm C'oniau no In -juriona ilri.n. li t iiilrkly iitinrtw.t. :!2wrarin t II IV, IfcVlH I Ml ''. It ii." ami I'kaiihca COLD lH HEAD lliu innMi rww A I ..... Hi..... lli-itla and Crti-ci tha Memhraiia. ltrstorrt th ti.-iw of Tama ami hmrll. Inje Sir.., 60 ct-nta at Uruiftfluta or hy mull; Trial Riae, lOc-iita by mall. tL V BKOTUMUtd. fro Waxrcu Sunt, w .a ork. nrrM MI. IiIIIMTOBV. ciiTrijifrTt. Pieit"tit ...Thi'O'Iore Kwwflt VlOP-I'mMrnl Hcrlarr of atatp Jubn Mar ft'ctplanr f Trfanurt lnlV M. Khaw aarrrtary Inf-rlor K. Illu hrork tvrrwarr of War Wm. Il.Taft mfrrtarjr of JCaf . Hrcralarji of Coinrni-rra ai-'rilarf of AurU'iiliurt ... I'oatmaatrr iftcral ...Wm. It. Moody (iio. It. or n-lfoii . .. . Janx-a Wtlann ...Iftrnry C. f'ayna I'.C. Knot Attorney Univral Oorernor " " tacrctarjr olHiate i:. . Mnpt. I'uMhs InatrunlloD. Uo. K, Cbamlxrlaia r. I Punbar ..... ... ..'. a. Miiora A. M. Crawford J. II. Arkerman i. R. Wbitm-y J. W. Balt-y i. If. Mlt h-ll ' ) W. Fulion fl:;;;;. V, 8. Rena'ora. C'ongrt'Mnirn JBinai-r Hrmn J. K.WIIUamaun K. oln rion K. M. It n f. A. Mnr Kuprpinc Judra. HUTU JIMMAI. Mr!CT. H. I.. Hrnmm . l f. Conn JuiIko ... Attorney I jr. cot TT. Joint Hi'naior . . . Ri-prciH'tilativi-a !i. X. Hiirr- Ii. A. hmmltt ,S. W li. nl. ion H. "aly A. W. Mnrln Jiuk HhiTlff II. K. Putilap Tr. aur r ... Ie B,-alt auM-Mor Hi hoot Kupt Hurrryor ( oronrr Block ln-rtor. .John B. Iilair .. J ii. Wllllta .. C E. Moore .. V. .. Marrta J. F. Clarkwin P. J. Pnm W. A. Currirr commtMiou'ri ' The Leading Paper of the Pacific Coast Th San Francisco Chronicle - r The Weekly Chronicle The very best eik!y Newspaper published in tha enure West. $1.50 a Year I rif-lm Finar m Lucre to any art of tha Imul Ctat., C'auada ana ilsiico It is best because, - besides printing all the news of the world eacn ve:k in an interesting way and ' ully Illustrating many articles, it has special depart ments devoted to AGRICULTURE H ;rti CULTURE POULTRY LIV: STOCK M.N1NC LITERATURE FASHIONS and SrOKTS These are presided over by editors having a thorough knowl edge of their specialties. The pages devoted to Agr culture. t'ire. Poultry and Live S'.ock ar: well i.lustrated and fi.led with matter ot the greatest Interest to all engaged in these industries, every line being written by those who are tn close touch wit" conditions prevailing on thU Coast. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. It will be aent tree. Do you wart the Chronicle Reversible Map? Showing tha United States, Do minion ol Canada and Northern Mexico on one aide, MAP OF THE WORLD, presenting to view In trie contlnuoua map, with all areas In true proportion, tha en tire aurtace of tha Earth on tha other aide. Send $2 and get tha Map and "'Weekly Chronicle" for one year, postaga prepaid on Map and Paper. The Daily and Map Ut mall, poetage paid Only $3.75 a Year Address M. H. do YOUNG, Proprietor "fan Frauriaco C'tironlela," San Francisco, Cat. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Tlio Oregon Dully Journal nml the Lake County Kxamlucr both 0110 year for $6. TUo Weekly Journal and Kxamlucr one year tor $2.75. The Semi-Weekly Journal niul Ex amlner one year for f 3. tf Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever urpas it Dr. King's Nov Discovery Forrs; Vwi ivarMPTiOi 'rtra IM OIII mm McAll-M A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Iung Troubles. Manaybacblf Itraila. Trial Bottlaa tr. Land Notice. JOHN MULLAN, Attorney and Coonalc at Law. i3io Connrtlcut Avenue Waahintcton, I. C. All pcraona ht have berclnfnrc made FINAL PliOOP In any kind of I and. Mineral orTliw bar limrka. which baa been accepted by tba Reglater or blver of any U. 5. Land Oftita, can bav tha ieauance of their I'. 9. Patent lor aald Land promptly atle ded to by aendlnf me their Duplicate Kcceiat. or Certlllcatee of Entry, and an arreement t pay me 1 10 when ever aaid Patenta aball laawe. JOHN Ml'LLAN, Orefon, California and Nevada SUto Acnt BO YEARS EXPERIENCE ArataMMto A nrnoa aan4tn a abetra and flaaulpttoa aiaf ajalnkir aarartain oar opinion fra wbfhr aa, tnvenlltn ia probably valc-ntabta. rcnmantra. tWrnaMnrtlfcmadmitUl. Handbflok on V alalia aant fraa. Idea aewner for acennnf patanta. Patenta taken tbnwb Muna t Co. raoatva aaartul nutU, wMhoot chanre, In tua Scientific JImerlcana A feamlaonietr tlttnl wlr. rtr colauon of any antenuae tournat Termfc. li a Ttr: foor nontoa, L BuM brail nawaiteaJara. fcUNJI & Co.3S,BNew York Jraocfc OBV. 6St V 8L. WaablaatOH. IX C. The Harnpy County Live htork.Aiuorla tion. of a hieb I am a miniher,'pajrf750 rrarard tor eriilenca I.'a.llliK ta'tlkircoo riiimii of partiee airaliiiK (Vm k be- lii.iui.i.. ti im mt.m faS .J ''- adititton i. fj1t-r foOu reward. I Hr brun t liorae- r , . ur i.itli twa IkK ' oor.ltxi ln'roDnii" Ranee, Harirv. Lake and t'niok loiiutiea. Il.irx tc ntrd whi'ii aidd ltoro sold to para through tliia -ciinn alii br ri-xried in thia lavr. It nut ao r.'porivd, l-ae arite or t.'le iitioneTbeTimva llemld. Main Si4, Biiim. Ore gon W W Biuwk, iife, Ore. X" OK. SSA.XaX3. rtaeWhrrp Raa-h lai-Naitttfl Oaiatjr Tbe Examiner baa (or aale one ol the fineat sheep rancbea In Modoc county, which 'ou trola tbe beat ranee in California It eonaiata o( bfiu acre all under fence. It Ilea along; Pitt river for S miles. B.-td i otber building (here are two houeea !'. miles apart. Ilia an Ideal abeep ranc'i. H taken quick It will be aold for fouuu. HIIKF.P IIKAMia lamoc Rarrw Brurt tnswaiiowf-ora in JalilCd DdllJ right, ear for ewea ; revere for wethers. Boinevwea Kjuare Crop and Bin in right ear. Tar Brand til. Range, Crane Lake. BostntBce addrvaa. Lakeview. Oregon Zac Whitworth Br&rds witb Crop off left ear. Half L'udercrop off right tor ewes; reverse for wethers Tar Brand W. Range. FUb Creek. I'osioSoe addresa Lakeview. OreoD Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEVV-PAISLEY. A.W. BRYAN, Proprietor. Ijeaves Lakeview at 6 a. bq. every day but Sunday. Returning, leaves Paisley at 6 :0 a. m. every day but Sunday. PaaseaEra' ara $3. Round trip ft OFFICE- Reynolds & WiuaBeld'a. Lnkerlsw 'S?f .... v. -2 ,T 1 ' -( J aa 1 '