Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 30, 1904, Image 6

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    Some dedl.v ninsle wtw dlKeourHcd
hy n thentrlt nl bpi" (mm! In Jiu-k-on,
MIhh. To ndveitNe the aliow,
the Itntui intruded the Ntrcets. A
Polk county hn nnother nttni-k of When .Inmen (lordoii Heutictt'H
oil lever. A new well U to Ih mink i ym-ht nrrlvcd from Kurope recently
on the Hen Whltenkep farm. Ut ween j the pt-raona ho went nhonrd were
PuHn nnd Monnionih. There ran natonlahed to mv t worown. "Whnt
mule atluVm'd It en u It heard the Imrdl.v lie nn.v ttieHtlon it limit nn hi the world doe Mr. llcunctl have
wall from the lirnw Imnd. dioiH-d ntmndntiec of oil underlylna; Oregon cow on hi yneht for?" h vhdtor In
to the eiirthnnd gave np th" ulumt. Hiiihice, the formation on thin conat quired, "lie doe I'ot HkecondciiMcd
The then tilenl mnnnep willed it ( IIiik altnlhir to that In Nun Joniuln ' milk, replied one of the otllcer, "no
... . . . ... ' I . . i ... . .. ill I.. -..I.I.
claim made ly the owner of the. lend ; valley, California, in Tttinre noenrric ui iiiiik nuppiy won mm
and adjolnim? countle. whereoll ha when he goe to en. When he
la-en extruded by the hundred of ivm-he port Hie cow arc taken
carina.). aHliore and put out to urn. hen
wc anil e carry ' enough fodder to
Vt -( of III "apr-rlmee.
Cm Kiivtliiiii: le wr-e llioi to feel
that t-vcrv iniMtiif I vi-iir 1 1' ?
Such i lilt" r X t-i ti-in-- ol Mr, S. H.
Newf-tu, Ife-camr. Alii. -'For three
vearn" rite. "1 endured inauffer-
able pain trout iimIu'i-hihiii. "I ach and county where they w ill probably give an abundance of milk.
bowel tr ...t.l-. iVuih "cciiied i..ev. , , f , ,
ahle hen do -tor. and all rettu ilie la I-
ed. At leiitfih I induced in Irv luanv friend In thl county who Mud hy hl hfip.
Klect.M b.Mer- K...I ll.e result ". J((, , , , .,,,,, . ,, ,r,mJ "A dm-jor here hint ailed me for fl'J.M)
mirac'dmi I improvi-d at om-e aetl ' Inch 1 claimed wan cxce-nive fr a ca--
now I'm i-om'!eiely recovered " K r jH'l'lty and happlue In their new , of clmleia nun Imf," aaya It. W hite, n(
Liver. Ki'bit-v. S oinach and How el , .,.!. i,,. -,,i.i.,.i i i Coacheda. Cal. "At the ttial he prais-
trouble I'.e liic Hitter I the on y e hi iiieilical nklll Ml d uifitlrlne. 1
medicine. Onlv .W
by ('.call, I'truiciM.
Koncy l'otiard and wife left here supply the cow for a long voyage.
rcieiitly for I'klah. Mendoelno The cow aix of t he tlucHt grade and
home. They have resided In
It' Biiarrtnie1!! .ifki Valley for a number tf year n"ked him if ii a imt ('haiiiN'rlaiii'ii
ProfctMor NhlmoMs Inventor of the
powder which bear hi name, I a
tnenilKT of the .Inpiiiiew corp and a
chemUtt by education. Nome year
ngo heanalyxed melliniteand lyibllte Ml.)(. r n,ey ni iy be reni-.veil etilindy ;
. i: . . i I I.: i. . ii I.. I...
anil coin Uuleii iii wi'K pa til re new . ' , . . . ,
' lined a I had iiihmI reamni to U-llve It
and tlehl moi gii-en New Kra. h, and be would na nav umler naih
. i dial a wan nut," Nod.-lor could una
Trtm.h rMurnry. ' a lK-lter reined., I lull, ihi in a H-e of
' cholera lion lm, it never laili. bold bv
Wonderful thin i are done for tne Im- jH,
nan btdy hy iiiuery. Oriiana ar tnk- '
en out and Hrra-l and iolilied and put
41 III, at.liijuliiltiMlilllnllV.ltlilll
ami devised the new compoaition ' M'efi. t"l-e take . ne piaee vn.,.v .w.o.ilv Ih.vl.l II lllll
of ilieaei aecMoim ol veinf; nti-ei-j held III Alhany txt-ent l l'a hi II. lllll
now ued by the Japanese a an cX- ,ie dre-ina are .plied M wound, j wa llUHV t.vt.rv innm,.nt of ,,. ,,IIV.
liloKive for Mhell brui-.e-, luiiti R.u! like injurie llor)
" intlaiiiatiori oeu in, w liich canie them T)ward evening he t bought he w ould
Th.... rr. a '? 'J, niaiiirrt ion and in one-1 H)Vlm ft ,vW ,niei,t- r.plte and a
Tkitv.rriwinuw. third the time required bv the nld 1
Mr.'Oenrxc K. Dim a k wa thrown treatment. ChamUrlaiiii. Pain Palm j little rent while la-lug xhaved. Ah he
from hi? wait-Mi and evere.v brui-eil. acts on the me ptinciile. It i an an t.(lnjH., Into (In- harhcr'a chair he
He applied t'hamtierlainii'H Pain IJalui tifepticflnd when applied to Mich in-
freely and av it in the het liniment juries, can fen them to heal ve j- quick- haiuleil the tonorlal artlt aqiiarter
hecverued. Mr. ISaN'ock is a well ly. It alo allaya the pain anfl oreiie. (j J( ,j0jjtP "1 till H tip, air?" lu-
known citizen of North Plain. Conn. Keep a bottle of Tain Ilalm in your
There i noiliinif equal to Pain Palm for home and it will oave Vou lime and quired the knight of the ahcar.
sprain and hrnifen It will effect a cure money, tint to men ion li.e inennven- .-0 o r,-iilUl Mr lllll "that' hllah
in one third the lime required by any ience and giifTerinit that audi injurie ' '
other treatment. For aale bv Ix-a Beall. entail. For ate bv Lee Hcall. money. Now, not a word!"
The Republican party of Oregon, in convention aeinlled. congratulate the Mtate and Nation
upon the continued nscein'eney of Republican principle and pollcle in our National Government and
the unprecedented prosjH'rlty that ha followed the maintenance of those principle and the enforce
ment of those policies.
The honor of the Nation ha la-en fearlessly mid sagaciously maintained at home and abroad,
whether in the enforcement of law against defiant corporation. In vlgoroti protest agalut outrage
on American in Syria, Jewish Massacres in Russia and unfavorable machination of Kiiroiienn pow.
ers in Asia.
President Roosevelt ha redeemed hi pledge to curry out the pollcle of the party a formulated
by that great statesman and revered martyred President, William McKlnlcy.
He ha shown himself the foe of cot motion In public life, the ardent champion and wUaJrUsiulol
Tile Arniy and Nuvy. and tlk-firin Isliever in i-pial rights Is fort the law to employer and employe,
rich or poor, black or white.
Under hi energetic leadership the Isthmian Canal, frustrated for a time by a Iniocrntlc Pres
ident, ht soon to be realized and to distinguish hi Administration by one of the grandest -engineering
triumplis known to man.
We recognise the profound obligation under which Oregon retita to Prtident Koose velt for hi
active and determined effort on In-half of the Lewla and Clark Centennial, and we pledge ourselves to
testify the tdneerity of thin appreciation by a rousing majority for the Republican ticket In June and
again In November.
In this connection we especially indorse the tireless labor of Senators Mitchell ami Fulton and
KepreseiitarlveH Hermann and Williamson.
We instruct the delegate for this convention to the Republican National Convention at Chicago
to vote first and last for Theodore Roosevelt for President, and to use all honorable mean for bring
ing his nomination to pass.
For the first time in year the Ntate of Oregon i represented in both house of Congress by a
strong, harmoulous, united and effective delegation, inferior to noiietrom the West.
Their efforts in behalf of the Nation, their party and their state have been crowned with slgnul suc
cess, and we hereby express to them our confidence and esteem and pledge them our support In their
further efforts to advance the Interests of Oregon and the Pacific Coist.
Thank to the courage ami wisdom of two Republican Administration and four Republican
Congresses, the money of the Nation ha been securely established upon the gold standard, the stand
ard of the enlightened nations of the world.
The per capita circulation Is the largest in our history, and every dollar of paper and coin I a
good as gold.
We commend the measure now pending In Congress, at the Instance of Republican memU-rs,
further amending the currency and banking laws In the direction of safety and elasticity.
We renew our allegiance to the principle of protection to Amei-icau industries.
The merits of the Dingley law are attested by the unprecedented proserity of the Nation since Its
. passage In 17.
Schedules must lie changed from time to time, as new condition arise, but when the tariff Is n:
Ised It must ! by the friends, and not by the fia-s, of American industry.
We heartily commend the fearless and determined course pursued by President Uoosevelt and
Attorney-General Kimx toward the trusts, and we point with pride to the hostility aroused against
the Administration among the sH-culators of Wall street and corporation that defy the law.
Obedience to the law against monopoly I nil lets no hardship on any honest Industry, and the
action of. the President in the Northern NecuWtieH merger and other case has only served to check
dangerous sM-culation and encourage every legitimate entcrpriHe.
We Indorse the policy enunciated by President McKlnley and followed by Secretary Taft of "the
Philippines for the Filipino," and we especially commend the earnest and insistent efforts made by
Senator Mitchell for lower tariffs tietween the Philippines and the United States.
We hold that the Philippines must las retained by the United States for their own good as well as
for a base of American influence In the Far East, btnj that Justice requires the least possible burden
upon their commerce with the United States, that they, may U cemented to us by tie of n$t Intercut
and affection. ' V- v ' ' ' '
In the Interest of Pacific develoyment, we demand for the Philippines the utne liberal and IteneU
cent treatment that ha been accorded to Hawaii and Porto Rico.
Proud of the history and achievements of our party, and especially of the present Administra
tion and the lieneflcent result that our nation Is receiving therefrom, and particularly our old Oregon
Country, we confidently submit our cause to the patriotic citizens of our state, for indorsement and
earnestly appeal to them to show their gratitude and appreciation to President Roosevelt and our
Republican leaders In Congress for honoring our history and aiding In the development of our match
less resources.
.,1.1 uu
v w'iu;i;f.,ixf:uf:i;t'i'iit:
To lake effivt, Tuendny, Apr,. 1 ,IHI'I.
No. I f
:. in, .r . . . Metio A I .Vi p.
47 a. hi. I.v ...Si'iiiiml Ar 4:.'i i. m
l:irt a. in, (...., at Ar 4:." n
H;:Hi a. m. I.v ., IrnnrU .... Ar 1:1" i. m
ll:U a. in. I., .. l-or.l v. Ar i fn
II M a. in. I.v ... I'liiinn . Ar '.':lA c in
l'.'iMi. in. I.v.,, CIimI Ar '.':lii , in
I'J IKu. in. I.v.. . I mm-r.iii , , i v':lii . in
l.'::l ,i. in. I.v. .. Hil IIih'I .. ..Ar t:" . i"
I J:'( i. in, Lv,., CiiiiiiiiiiiMm .Ar t:'i in
1 : 1.-k ii, in. I.v ., I'iivIk Ar i n i. in
l:4H p. Hi. I.v I Ii'Kkii ...Ar l'i:M m, in
i.'iO I in. I.v . . Ami-il-a . . Ar l.':li'( . in
:ii(.m. I,v . Aim-itri-. .. Ar II : ml iin
V'J. (i in. I.v Hoi i rlni!.. U iritl i. in
9 ! .. in I.v . Mnrrn.v ..Ar li' lT .. in
4:vn p. m. I.v . Knrln .. r l '.ii v. in
VM . m, i.v . l .ln .Ar a ai i. in
ft Vi i. nt. Iv Wm. rl) .4r :' i. m
::! i. in. I.v ., Ii-rin.i r t. m
J:l'ia. in. I.v .. lira ill uiKimAr. '7:M p. In
7:10 p. n.. A r M,Ii-IIih I.v I 7 ;:m . in
3lT U K AVA Ml- V"t V
a. . i.. -.Tiism, s. n. m. umioi, .l
I KMtTII A 1r lkVH
l'h iil'laiiK a nil Biuraeona.
I ukrtli'H.Ur,
oKKH'tC-. Ilill' lrua SI'ir all iinr0
iruiii'lly lin) or mjhi
lilt T X II Al l.
I' h .!-1 an "tnaioM
ni l U K - Ni'W IniililinK.
Hit w y in moiii r
I ak
HUH K I -Hi Hull. II, IK.
. H'M , nrrioii
I, K I1l
,lli t.i f at I. an
l.nki lira, 4rrrana
HITH'K- Kl) liniUiiitf.
ii ii.ii m !.:
-al !.
l.aUet leu. , Or.
I'ltH K ll Hull. In.
S.(inn to :'am.l.v .. I'ltiinaa. I .l.tmiit . hit
& .- inn ll '.iiim I.v.. Vltiion Aril. 1 . m i in i ic
d.mpin mn I.v H. rka Mli.Ar i.wipn 7 Mara
7Jiln Ii Main I.v I Uirvlllf Vr I 4nt 7 l a
Ti rnin, hir I aVi-vli-a , l'll. y ami I
ami Ki. i.lfll. lain- t'liy. (
Altnran ami lUi'lx-r, l alll.
, tire.
ami Ki. i.lfll. I I'Hy
Altnran ami itii'iii-r, i am.
Hoi .-oriliira. Inr Mmiillli mi'l Hunalivlllr
Ihiviv - fnr Mlltnro, 'aiii-vlllf nt lluiiiiit
villi-. Calif.
Vliitnit, Inr jiyl(ini. iiinlfUI- Hint ('and
U ll i Hot H.rlnv ( allf.
lliK kwIih.- for to'tii-we. T lurt 1 1 1 ainKirrrti
I'lalrvllli-.-MnliaM k ami tjulnrr, t'atll.
Kcitii.-coiiiin-'.liia alili mi. I'm-. Co. for all
J liooitiv
.tllrur)al-jiM .
I.alart lew , Or
OKI ll-K -lnl.t llnlMiiiK.
! AMnrir
jnri Mall-r Hperlally
lllll' Ill) llllll.llliK,
V mi
miii No. tM
. . . TIME TABLE ...
In Kffect June '.'Mil, 1UD.I.
attrr nniiy rT
1 No. a 1-a.M'niK-r A Kfi luhl No. 4 No
a. tit,
ii : 1.4
p. m
,p. in 1 1. m.
) Mi-flu on tin- J'l and 4(h w,..iirvly of (
) earlt netnlli In MkmiIiIi-Hall, at a p. ro, i
K K t losrv. i i i-inniiiili r. r
K. .N. Uyl imi. t '''fJ
I. O. O. K. in !( Ill" lt aiel l Thnra.
itay avriiinanof rarh liomlh Hi Oit'l Ki'l- S
t:Mt '
8 Mfi
JuiM ilnn )ltliiii
in in It
t'pM'' kw't-ti li'i'k Hpur
llnl Hprln siallon I l :
Fall't rt-i-li Spur I
Mr-I Hrtiln
! ii:""
A in
S :.V.
4 4.1
H. E. Raiikn, I'rop'r.
Office in Ulebcr'A 5tore
Staxe leaves Ijikeview daily, ei
crpt Funday at Hi, n, Arrivei
t Alniraa at tl p. ni.
Iuven A It lira for Lakeview a
tl o'clock a. in. or on tlia arriva
of the ataye from Madeline. Ar
rivea in Lakeview in 12 hour al
ter leaviiitf Altura.
Freight - Matters Given
Strict Attention
first - Class Accomodations.
Western . Stage . Line
J. L. VADIN, Proprietor.
Office In Llnkvllle Hotel
KUaialh fall.
Daily from Por(renia hy Keno, Kiau
at h Falla, Dairy, bonanza, and Uly it
Daily from I.akeview by Rly, lionanr.i
Dairy, Klamath Kalla, Keno, to IV
From Kin math FhIIh to Keno by
tea mer and from Keno to Pokeem
overthe Siwinet Four-Homo Hlaye Line
Good Stock
Easy Coaches
8. L. McNauohton, Prop.
Iowa' Hall, lakrtl.n. " I'. A HlartttiiM. I
' f. P.. W. i. Moir. Hirii" j.
... .. f
knees Commence on Wednesday,
June Twenty-nine.
Tim Lake County .Ann. iiltural Ao
elation will irlve live d.iya' racinit on.
their track in' I-akcviem , coiuntsiicinit
June Wlh. and emliiirf J.ily 2l, ISOV.
The euui ff l' will U' diMtrlhiited U
pnrMM folloviai
Ut lUce )a'iiiile tlaah Iree for a'. I fl'.'
2d Hare .Vj furloitiia tlaah frea all UiO
It ace ?iiillo daah frv for all $150
Kan 'uniilo heal lre for all 100
Office at Mercantile Store
fltaKe leave Lakeview Monduyr, Wet
nesdayi and Fridnyn at a. in., arrivi
at Pluth at 9 p. in. Leave PIuhIi Tu.
daye, Thuradays and Saturdays, at
a. rn., arrives at I.akeview at 9 p. in.
Paaaengor fare $3 one way or 5 I
round trip. Freight ratot from Ma
lt to Nov. lat .75 por hundred; froi
Nov. lHtto .May lat 11.00 per liundreo
1st Itace J4 mile ilanh (re for nil fl.'ai
2d Pace 'inile heat Irt e for all l.Vi
I'Ot'ltTH DaV-JVLV a
tut Kat e 5Mtnile ilnh fre for all flfr)
2d liace I mile iliihh free for alt 2tH
5niilu Kelav race for lluccanvi Itora-
ea, 5 liorm-n to each entry, each
horae to mil 1 mile, Iree for all 'f 17"5
NflTi: The rider in the FU-lay race to
1m- u liiccurH. Ukl.-r munt change
Ida saddle eitcli relny.
( F. M. lireeu
i Ale. Kiupatrick
Judaea Harry Itotmrta
Willa'rtt Ihincan
Jtfl Parrifh
All of the Hoove mc ;rj free fur all,
(our to enter and ihrei t.u tnrtlul ihi1
Aawa iatioit reaervea tin- rinht In hold
l Ii'hn ituiiilier t'uiii ftir hy reducing
the purae in proiHirtiou 10 the iiuiuhet
( hoi hvh entered '
Pmriea to clofe the eveuiiiit U-fore
die race. Tint I'aciil,- t'mut ltloo.1 horiu
Acmh iHiimi rulea in ttmein all ruunimt
i-aen. iMilraitce lee ten ia-r emit i.l
pure. Motiv v to lat divided hh follow :
'0 I"'' it I" the timl horat) and ;10 per
ent to the i-ciind htirie.
The AfNtii inliiui rettenea llio riht to
:hunn any of the tthovti ruceu, in the
ivent of not tlllinif. or to chaniru il.a
lain ol the lnit iluvV event to thu foN
oinK day in ciih any other ainumi
neiil ia aiiiiouiii.iMl for that datit, No
onyy paid without a eonti-m. .
Hoard of Dirertorai W. P. Herytunf;
V. I.iuhl, W. A. UlUhiro, V. M..
Vlillvr, J. In iiim, V. U Snelliu and II.
Secretary. Presldunt..
Oicit'in luf, a Pernucratlo
ally ni w )Hn r, clidif to i'O puuta, i u
ear: 12 for mix niontha. Tha Journal It
ncwMpniibi'. Bend In your auUacrlptlori.
nten-Ht your nelwltitor in The Journal.
.IddieM The Joiiinnl Mux Hit,. Portland