Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 09, 1904, Image 7

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    Weekly Crop Keport. (Uvea I 'net a About Advirtlslng.
f V) ir, fiH wnitit.r, JuMfivr n, Every iiwui ir vvciiiiui who In now
Stitrit. In.v infMli'i'itfl.v wirin: iulvertliiir Intii1liitc to nrtver
lil(ihn cool Willi hoiih.1 front, I. ut not 1 Ihi, mIioiiM win! leu rent for n c opy
wvpriMMioimli totlo liiimur: n full of WIiIIo'n Kitylnjr piiMIhImmI nt Heat-
niMif plwrrlt'i (iHHiin-il, iiimI pro. lli, Wimli., lit f I.Wl jmt yi-r.
ImtIn Koodfor ol her fruit- fvritltu Till- iimt ulvc- pniPtlctil hint-pi-iir-;
nil Kiiiln iiml Krn-w-Ki-owInK tihout advert IhIiik yU'iii, ikIvitIIm.
well; MmwlM-rrli'- will not Im- ripe ln llliiHtnitloiiH, wrlllnic ndvertlw
for ai'VPrnl week yH. . merit" itml hiiiwnI" iiitliol- to K't
ttkiwClt. lliihir county, It', more ImimIih-h- nt Ii-m- xmiin.
Mrfluhirsx.Sn ilniiuitff from IiIrIi It Hive" tlm wIvcr-tlMiiH rnto- of nil!
wind iiml front; I lu nlKlit- Iimvi'Imimi I ! Ii'iwIIhk pnl.ll atloiiMainl In niiin.v j
rool. but owlntr to liluh wind iio'otli. r way- I- worth the fl.00 wr!
Mivcrw front ociurriMl; pit-t uniut year.
Kool; whi'iit, potut H. fruit ntul , , A paid up milicrllHr mny imk nil
vi-Kt'tiilili'-In kooiI roiiilllloii: iiiikIi tl' pi--tloit- he iIc-Ii-ph ulioiit. liiiH-j
new Kroiiinl hftiitf plowed mi'l tli.Tf
Ill I... I, .....I la i if Ili'I'l-M NOW II till-
yi-itr Unit heretofore wore In huri'
lriiMli. '
m.i '. Miilhrur nmnty. .. M.
Ilnrrls. Weather wry fiivornMe;
uruln iifiirl.v nil nown; w Inter own
look extra jtoimI; iiltulfu cxielleiit
iMwtrhi'H anil pruui-H thin on trM--;
,.th..r fruit full; Htr.ns l--i rl. - -' ;
nu'iK-liitf to rlpiMi; piiiatM'H nio-tly
. ..i l n..... ,,,.r.l..i. ;
plauti-l; thoneup o..k fine, nar.lei,-
iiitf well advaneeil; yran- liet t"T t lian
iiHiial; -toek ilolutf well
uiueh milk
iiml lint ter.
I , f'ooA minify, I'. I'.
Stt-WHrt. Light front- killed Home
. . . i i i. . nun- . e -
... makea o.,d emp If .... further ,
IroMt- oeiMir.
l.nkf nmnty, II'. .'. j
i. , i... i... .. i, ..i- i. nt
'' -
plenty of uiolHture ho far; jita and
mala looking fairly well; plenty of i
feed on ratiK' and mIih k coiuuifiicliij; '
in pick up; fruit tn-- In full
I'l-oHpeet-K I fur average crop,
. f f..ll . ..I 1 a.l 4 . v . 1 ! a 1 1 111 luf I
I fairy, Klmiuitli nmiit. .1. S.
Xliimk. Weather fair, with -omo
liliih wind; cool nlk'ht-. but no fro-t;
fruit tree- In full bloom; grain of all
kind-doing well; hay never looked
l-'ttcr; all vegetation urowlng rapid
ly; -lock Improving wonderfully.
Ilotiuntn, Kliuniith nmnty, I ran
vis. I. ItviMif. Heavy north wlnd
the pat wii'k, w Ith cooler weather
and Home fro-t-; no damage dune;
all crop- growing rapidly.
Section IMi-ector, Portland, Oreg.
U orator. 4 II ('aprrlrnrrat.
Can iinylliiiiK l-i viorw llian to feel
that every luuiuto wilt t- your hi-t?
Mich wax tlm cxperieiici. of Mr. S. II.
Ni'Whoiii, Itecatur. Ala. "Kor three
years" "lie wmIch, "I endured iiiHufler
iihlu piiin from i ml i ift-t ion, Momitch and
ImiwcI trouble. IVath i-eemi'd inevit
it lilt uhen iliH'turM and all reinelie lail
ml. At Iciitftli 1 wiih induced to try
Kluctlic Itinera and the remilt wan j
iniraculoii.. I iiiiprovvd nt once tool ,
now I'm completely recovered." Fur
Liver. Kidney. Sioiinich and Itowel I
troubles Klei'triu Litter i tlm on'y I
medicine. Only ftiki. Ii'h irnuriintced
by 1-e J'.eall, J rnggiKt. I
A New draft.
A new n'l'uft Ih iM'Iny; wm Ued about
t he cntuitry by u Holli ltur who taken
ordera for uroeerleM.
The Htory Ih to the effect that a
man repreMeiitlng lilniHelf u tho
utfent of Homo "MUjiply hotiHt" In
now koIiijj throiiKli the country tnk
liirf ordern for tt'oodn which he HendH
on Inter, lie kIvch hiicIi ridiculous
low prices on Htnple piodn that ho
noon petH tho unwary for an order.
In the order, naturally am muni!
oodn that art not staple and on
which ho niaken a handHoine protlt.
Tho Htranner KetH bin order nenln It
In but deltveiH only the kooiIh In
which Ilea bin protlt. The ntupleo on
which heKhcH I'utesHOiuetlmeH lower
than wholeHuloho doeH not deliver.
The ivmilt Ih that the purchaHer
Ki ts rooiIh for which he pays a high
er price than ho would have to give
tho homo merchant. Led I Huff
A Chance (or Speculators.
bCIIOOL LAND. 2S0 ncres of level
unimproved agricultural land for sale
theap. Piscription: KV4, S)j of
NKVj'and NW'i of SK4'i Action 10,
Tp.,30 8., K. 19 E. W. M. This ia a
tleelrablo piece of land, located in Goobo
Iake valley and will make somo man a
good ranch,
Iiicm - hihI ml vert Miitf method and
ri - eelveroiifl.leiitlnl repllen. tllll" I.'.
pfiilineiit, for ImimIIitm. tell- you how
to Htnrt Iii IhimIih'mi lor yoiir-i'lf mid
Ihtoiih' liiili M-nl-nt .
Thrown fram n Hiion,
Mr. i'or K. MuIh'im k wn thrown
, : from hi WHrf ui hiiI (ii'vi-rciv lrin'il.
'.Ill n i i l 1 . 'I i h to Iht In i on'- J'hiii I'hIiii
ri lv Mini uy it tlin U-i-t liuimciit
,,,1(,WM rMu.n ( N((r, pUilli r,.
iiicru U notliinif tipiiil to 1'niii JUlm for
KtirMina hihI hruixfu. 1 1 ill (fleet n cunt
.1 (I(i)1iir li(fiM riIII,w, l)V nv
older trrnlnieut. l-'or mili hy ! Th-hII.
Word reiudien u- from Likevlew
that -everal endlet meiit- havt; l-i-l.
found ly the tinind Jury of Lake Co.
naliiHt t he nheep killer-. It I- nl-o
,.,,, llllt ,,. r(.W(ir,, ..f,,.,! ,,v ,,,
(.OV(.nir ))f . win ,K. niK.,j
Lake eoiiiit.v and her citizen- to
If the-. n-port- of ladli-t-
iljj reward- are correct
our nelKhbor- aero the lino will ex-
perleaee Home of the III- Modoc jiiihh-
i ed throuuh a few year- niro. Lake.
,,w,.V(.r ,,ilK (im. llllvnn((lKl. over
M(1) (lJ(t tl() SM. mHI,.t ai
cKn-Klou-a- on the l--ncl..-IMaln
Thai ThrlllMK llra.larhr
Would cpiiekly leave you, if you Deed
Ir. KIuk'm New Life 1'iiU. TliouaiuU
af milffrer Iibvb provd their inatchlena
merit for hick mid Nervoun llemlachtK.
They make pure blooil and built up
your health. Only "') eeiiln, money
back if not cured. Sold by I-e ISeall,
HoIh-iI Mil wnie, Mayor of I'.alti
more, Md., -hot and killed hliu-clf In
hi-room on the evening of May 'M.
The mayor had Imtii marrliil but
two week-, and hi- bride wa- In an
adjoining room. No cau-e for the
lift nil It I ail lltiulfrltiafl I tllat ttaJtltl I Wth
. . wi .i
of Mr. McLane - family. Since the
lire of la-t February the Mayor ha-
been kept bu-y, and It I- thought
that over work, together with crlt-IcI-iii-
by hi- political opponent-,
cau-ed a temporary aberration of
tlie mind.
K,.e.t by bl. l.or..r .
A doctor hero Iihm sued my for f 1 . 0 I
which 1 claimed wan exec-ive for a cune
of cholera morbuH." nays K. White, of:
Coaeliellit, fill. "At ttie trial ho nrais-
en his medical skill and medicine. I
nuked t t in if it was not Chaiulierlain's
Colic, Cholera and Liiarrhu-a Keuiedy he
lined n 1 hud od rt'iiaon to bolive it
was, and lie would not say under oath
that it was not." No doctor could use
a tM'lter remedy than tins in a
cholera morbus, it never tails.
Leo ileal).
ruse of
Sold by
The Smart Set
A Magazine of Cleverness
Magazines slufuld hare a well-defined purpose.
Cenulno entertainment, amusement and mental recreation are the
motives of Tiik Smaiit Skt, tho
Its novels (a complete one In each number) are by the most brilliant
authors of both hemispheres.
Its abort stories are matchless clean and full of human interest.
Its poetry covering tho entire field of verse pathos, love, humor,
tenderness Is by tho most popular poets, men and women, of the day.
Its Jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most mirth
No pages aro wasted on cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or
wearying essays and Idle discussions.
Every page will Interest, charm and refresh you.
Subscrlbo now $2.50 per year. Remit iu cheque, 1'. O. or Express
order, or registered letter to THE SHART SET, 452 Fifth Avenue, New
First National Bank
Of Lake view, Oregon.
Capital Stoch $50,000
V. It HIIIHK. lnwauieMT,
1 1. A. lilt A'lTA! N vh wiiw.
I. KK HKAI..I a f.CAwinicii.
w. . mm
. O. miOBOUT
Lmm ma all
a tor M'O'Uf
o. 0-mmnr
monmim wimofimlo
m. r. cmULin
h. A. mm att Aim
a. p. Moii
A few Points for Depositors
The Flint National Lank of Lake
view I- temporarily located In the C.
V. Snider -tore building. Tin? now
bank building will already to Ik?
occupied tld- Niiininer.
We call your attention to a few of
the Important feature- of the law
which I- required of National Lank-.
National Bank- urv required to
have at nil time-on band an avail
able lawful money rc-erve. Another
Important feature of tin; law I- the
requirement that detailed report- of
the condition of each National lta.nk,
verllled by the oath of It- pre-ldent
orca-hler, and irttr-tcd by not le
Minn thru of it- dim-tor-, -hall, not
Ich- than live time- In each year, Ik?
made to the Comptroller, and -hall
nl-o Ik- ptibll-hed III a new-pa-T
publl-lied in the place where the
Lank i- e-tabli-hed.
Another additional requirement,
and an Invaluable one, I- that a
Lank Lxamlner appointed by the
Comptroller, examine- i-Tlodlcnlly
the National Lank-, In-ped-thc account-,
-ecurltle-, iiM-etH and liabll
ItleH and have power to examine the
officer- and director- under oath.
National Lank- are prohibited
from loaning to any iht-oii. corpor
ation or firm, nn n mount exceeding
one-tenth of their capital utock.
They are further prohibited from
innkltig uny loan or dl-count on the
wcurlty of the.-hnre- of their owu
tap ta -took, al-o from liecomlng
, . ,A , , .. ,,,.
I Indebted or In any way liable to an
amount exceeding that of their cap
Ital Ht- k actually paid in.
If the directors of any national
banking a oeiation knowingly vio
late or knowingly i-'rinlt any of the
otllcer-, agent- or Hcrvant- to vlo
1 1,.,.. ,,t .ii, nrovlHioii- of the Nil-
tional ibmk net. all the right-, prlv-
.( (raa.,llHlH t( tlle ftHHOCla-
, . .. . ,..,,. i
tUm bifoine thelcbj toifeited.
We I ue draft-In any -uin de-lred
on New York City, San FranciHCO,
Tort land and other points; cash
commercial paper, buy county nud
school warrants, loan money and
receive money on deposit, and do a
i ,,.,, ,.nl,i.. ,1-IUwa
. , ' " .
A snare oi your paii-owiu m in:
I vnirr.o wrrm.
I'jrsldent Th'-odore Roosevelt
aecreterr of Mate John Hejr
Hecretarf of Treasury., Lesl'e M. Hhaw
j Vi retary Interior X. A. Hltrhiv-ili
I arcri-urr of War Wm. H.Tft
I HrcfUrj of ff Wm. M, MoKly
' Hcrlrjr of Comrmrre 0o. B. Corlftlyoo
l Hwrlctrjr of Aflrultur Jtmv Wllnon
!'otmatr Oenrral Ileurf 0 Vjn
AIUirnr UenrrBl I'. C. Kno
i flovernor
' fcrcretary of Hialr,
, Treaaiircr
. .Oo. T Chkmlwrlaln
1. 1. Dnnlr
CP. Moore
Attorney fpnfrl A. M.Criwfurd
Kupt. I'ubllo liinlructlnn ,.t. II. Ackfrmn
I I'rlntcr J. H. Wbltni-y
I Iialry nl Too Com i. W. Bl'y
I t . . H.-n'n c. W. Kulion
I Coiir!ni-n ...
Kuprcinc ls..,
)flifir"f Ffermn
J. llllmn.n
SC. . Wolrln
K. H, m-an
F. A. Moore
, 11. 1. BiTiton
I Atlnrni y.'. I- f. Conn
! i.kbo-jctt.
Joint Bunator
i J. X. Biirni'Mi
hproa-ntatlv-ii K. A. Ktnmltt
' S. WheaMon
ft-hoot Hupt
Hureyor ...
Hiock Ini'tir..
t'omrolMlonri .
B. Ialy
. II. K. Dunlap
U-e lu-ali
..John B. Blair
... J. Q. Wlllltj
. .. C. K. Moore
... F. K. Harrla
.J. F. Clarkaon
H.J. Pre
W. A. Currlr
Final rroof.
Land OlFn at Lakeview, Oregon, May
?4, L0t. Notice is hereby fiven that
tne following named settler ha filed
notice 'f his intention to make final
proof in siipixirt of his claim, wnd that
said prwf will Ij mado before Ilegieter
and JtiTeiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
July 8th, 191)4. viz: George E. lMvis of
Olete. Ore , lid., No., 2094 for the Sa'
of SK'i ea. 10 and N SK Sec. l i
Tp.'W K., II. 19 K. W. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his :oiit,in
uotis reHideuce iifion and cultivation of
said land, viz: Kugene Wilkeraon and
W. It. Campbell, of Iorelia. Oregon.
Wm. Ileal, of Langell Vallev, Ore., and
Fred ISarlley, f I-ikeview, Oregon.
J. N. Watson, Ki'gifter.
The Leading Paper of the
Pacific Coast
TrV San Frapcisco
The Weekly Chronicle
The very best weekly Newspaper
published In the entire West.
$1.50 a Year
Inrliiilinc taft to any a-t of the
Loitd bLaUu, Canada and Mexico
It Is best because, besides
printing all the news of the world
each wes'it H an interesting way
and iu My Illustrating many
articles, it has special depart
ments devoted to
and S.-ORTS
These are presided over by
ed tors having a thorough knowl
edge -of their specialties. The
paes devoted to Agriculture,
Hoiticu ture. Poultry and Live
Stoc arj well Illustrated and
(i.led with matter of the greatest
interest to all engaged In these
Industries, every line being
written by those who are in close
touch with conditions prevailing
on thU Coast.
It will be sent free.
Do you wart the Chronicle
Reversible Map?
Shewing the United States, Do
minion of Canada and Northern
Mexico on one aide, MAP OF
THE WORLD, preienting to view
In one continuous map, with all
areaa in true proportion, the en
tire surface of the Earth on the
other side.
Send $2 and get the Map and
"Weekly Chronicle" for one year,
postage prepaid on Map and
The Daily and Map
By mail, poster paid
Only $3.;5 a Year
M. H. de YOUNG,
"ban Fraueiaco Chronicle,"
San Francisco, Cal.
Tho Oregon Dally Journal and tuo
Lake County Examiner both ono
year for $0. Tho Weekly Journal
and Kxanilner ono year for 2.73,
Tho Semi-Weekly Journal and Ex
aminer one year tor $3. tf
Nothing h ever equalled it
Nothing can ever urpasiH.
Dr. King's
How Discovery
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Money back If It faiia. Trial Bottles free.
Land Notice.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
iJio Conneticut Avenue
Washington, O. C.
All peraona rbe have heretofore made FINAL
PROOF In any kind el Land. Mineral or Tim
ber Entries, which has hrcn accepted by the
Ref titer or Receiver ef any U. 5. Ind Office,
can have the laanance of tbeir I . S. Patent lor
(aid Land promptly atterded to by acndlnt;
me their Duplicate Kecclst. or Certiflcales of
Entrv, and an azreement to pay me f 10 when
ever said Patents ahall Issue.
Oregon, California
and Nevada
5tate Agent
1 Tnaor MARK3
rfflU Copyrights &c
Anron eni1!nf a keteh and daer(ptton mar
qnl'-fclr aacertnln onr oiwnwin free arnethr an
liiTfMitlrwi la probably patentable. Cowiiniinlca
llonimiietlronBdentlal. llandljookoo -iu:
aent free. OMm agency for aemnna patents.
I'atenta taken throorh ilunn Co. recelT
tpertai nathc, without charge, in the
Scientific JUtiericati.
A bandaomelr fllonHld weekly. Ijiraent elr
ralaUon of any urtentulc Jonrnal. Ternm. 13 a
jw. four montba, IL Gold by ail newadeaJsra.
Itranch Ofnoa. CS T Bt Waabloctou, IX U
The HarneyCounty
-TJWk tion.ofwhii
.; ?::t ':.l'Jf - rewardfore
V ' i i! I ' ' W leading lo 1
.Isfl'" Tin ion of
ft'i r-Cy -u
I X 1 .fit, . toiifiuv lo :
v V iV. .11 l1'' In ad
l ive Btoca Aei
tion, of which I am
a member, para 1750
reward loreviarnce
the con-
part tea
kUH'k be
lts mem
Horae brand borse-
ahoe bar nn either
or both )awa. Re
corded in 8 counties
Range, Harney, Lake aud Crook Counties.
Honrs vented when aold Horw aold lo pans
through this aectioa will be rt'txirted in thi
paper. If not ao Tr (jorted, jiU-ase write or tele
phone The Time Herald. Main 4. Burns, Ore
gon W W Bkows, Fife, Ore.
fS A Ta3Z3.
Fiae Mhprp Raw -h la Hodae Couat
The Examiner baa for aale one of the Snest
heep ranches in Modoc county, which rn
(rols tbe beat lauge in CaMlornia It consist
of fioU ai-res ail under d'ni r. It lies along I'llt
river lor 2 mllt-a. B'sid other buildings
there are two houses VI unit apart. It ia an
idt-al shi-ep raoc'i. Ii'takcn quick it will be
aold for liJ0.
Kllr'l.r It II AX DM.
lamoc Rarr Bru'u 'ilh 6wallow Fork ln
J IllCd DullJ right ear for ewes; reverse
for wethers. Some ewe Square Crop and Bill
in right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range. Crane
Lake. t'ostofllce address, Lakeview, Oregon
Zac Whitworth E" Half Undercrop 09
right for ewea; reverse fur wethcra Tar Brand
W. Range, Fish Creek, t'ostofflue address
Lakeview, Oregon
TLMP DIDCD is kept on Bleat K.C. DAat'i
Inla rAl til Advertising Agency 124 San-
aouieMret'l. tan r raucisco, vat., wuo
coutrauta for advertising can be made for it.
nersons in each state to travel for house
established eleven years and with a
large capital, to call upon merchants
and agents for successful and profitable
line, rermanent engagement. Week
ly cash salary of t24 and all travelling
expenses and hotel bills advanced in
cash each. week, experience noi essen
tial. Mention reference and enclose
self addressed enveloe. THE NA
TIONAL, 332 Dearborn St Chicago. 18-4