Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 09, 1904, Image 4

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gate Count o x ultiff
MaMnk BullJIni
(One Year, $2.00
JSU Months. 1.00
(Three Atom h, 50
C. B. Parktr Returns.
C. 11. Parker arrived In lnkevlew
hint Thursday evening from Sun
Prnnelseo. t'hes. U remain In
. . , Lake county a few weeks, possibly ii
month, looking after his sheep In
terests here. This t lus firt trip
here since he left here last October to
open up the wholesale slaughter
houes In Sun PraucWco, In which lie
A. Sherlock at. interested.
tit ha some pictures of the nIiiiiIi
! trr house taken while tin men were
i at work, and 4 -' dressed unit (on
, hanging. Mr. I'arkcr say their
BEST TiriH TO AOVERf lE. I "'!''' h Increased rapidly since
, , , ; tht'V opened hop.
1 his Is tin timt' whencvcry 1 1
line Inch
Two Im-lii'
ThriH Inrlif .. . .
jaort' T Column
H Kl r " olumn. ..
Juo Coin mil .- . .
Card of 1 h.nk. ! QTSSilSiS
V. u'Lh l.. II, ...,L l... .......1 Him. ilt.
pit of Lakevlew, who were ho kliiil'LJ jfitv flllf1ll
II w k l mo m 1 vr
l t-$s no K'"" !
I t'i ft T I"' I' ",: ' '
I sv. tv loot li i'! i.u ..,,,1 v
i son i ii .h mi in
. . . f 1 IV I' ' l! Til 'U
, . .SUV AKI I.M; fiStn.l.Vm
LAKLVIlW.l M ifN, Jl H 9. IOO4.
merchant should increase hi udvcr- j
tising space. If In Is not prolitinu'j
ly hi advertising In should attend j
more closely to It It pays tomlvcr- j
tise, ninl because a linn does not mt '
the returns he thinks he oucht to!
have is no proof it docs not
pay t o advertise; he should jolver-'
tise till the more. We notice in all I
the pnpvrs nil over Oregon anil the
northern part of California mer
chants are enlarging their ad vert is
ments. It pays them to ilo It ami
they have proven it to themselves.
When one merchant cuts his adver
tising down it makes it. U'tter for
the one that increases his. It is just
like a farmer whose train is ilyinjr
ami he thinks it is "cettinir too much
water; when he shuts of the water
it continues to die, ami lie shuts off a
little more, giving It to his neighbor.
who uses water more freely ami
profits ly It. He laughs at the
neighbor, but says not a wonl. The
first farmer's crop continues to lie.
and heiloes not know why It is that
his crop !es not grow like his neigh
bor's crop, and the neighbor won't
tell him, for he wants the water.
What would a community be like if
it had no newspaper? It would lie
like the merchant who dees not ad
vertise. The trade is in the country
all right, and if the merchants that
are in the country won't advertise
and get it, non-resident merchants
will. The newspapers do more ad
vertising for the merchants for noth
ing two to one, than they ever get
paid for; they are continually urging
the people to quit sending away for
things, and are constantly working
for the interests of the merchants,
inducing more people to come to the
country, urging people to buy. and
never fail to put in a word for the
merchant that costs the merchant!
not a cent. A man had as well sav
that he could save more if he did not
have to eat or wear clothes, or pay
rent, as to say he could save more if
he did not have to advertise,
It makes no difference how old add
thoroughly established a business Is.
If Its advertising is let go down. Its
business goes down with It. The
trade sizes up any business by the
way it advertises.
in tin month of j
May they butchered .Viiht innttoii. 1
They arc killing on cum mission, ami j
have all thev can do. Their charges !
a iv . cents per lieal for million
and ell for beef. Mr. Parker ex-j
plains how they can help the sheep- j
men of this country by killing their!
sheep on commission, it will not lie
necessary for any shivp man to sellj
mutton to buyers at the buyer's 1
ovu price. He can drive his unit ton 1
to Madeline; ami nay he has pHM)
head, he can ship ."M one day and.'n)
the next. The company at San I
Francisco takes the sheep from the
cars to their corrals and kill them
as ordered. Of course it will Is
liiuch cheaper for the sheep man to
stay at this end of the road with
his sheep and put them on th. mar
ket through these commissioners
than it would to ship to the city and
f tt d there till he found a buyer, and
they can realize more er heim for
their mutton also.
and thoughtful at thedenthund bur
ial of "tirnudma" Miller. To the
ladles who furnished the sliijjlug and
others who mi kindly assisted In the
funeral and burial I am Imlee.l
thankful. and 1 feel that tln ycau hni'l
ly be paid III words of apprerlat ion.
They will ever be ivineinbcii d bv
me and blessed by the spirit of I lit
dear '" iramliua" that has passed
to a world of rest and cnee.
W. Y. Mm i i n.
I .Igtitli tirade l;ximinntloii.
The .In tie l-'.lghth Unnte Pinal ex
amination will lie In M at the i ouvt
House !n Lake, lew, beginnlnii- nl II
o'clock .. M., i.f June la, l'M. Ap
plicants will please nvelll them
selves aecorilin y.
I. i- Wll I IT. ( ", Sii).1!.
A O. I! W. Notice
All me nliers nl l.iki si le ..). ,.
Ill, A. I. P W , me iesieciii!l le
tplesled In Is- m -e,t ut lIn-lii-M leiil.u
llieelil if. 1 m u ihiiI lutxi lie I'cf'Ot
the did e.
K. K. ll Aiaas Mu.ter in knian.
General Merchandise
I II I ' HU 'I I I II I Ml
Baile' & Massinill
A siK-lallst fanatic is killing all fat.
prosierons looking men III Chicago.
When arrested and searched, t lie
names of Mayor Harrison and many
ot Iter prominent men civ found In
his pockets.
General Merchandise.
It is authoritatively stated that
the Warner forest reserve will Is
thrown open to settlement again.
This is good news for lnke county.
Nearly every man In the county
wants to see t lie eople have a
chance to develop the country, but
with a government reserve spread
all over the country tying up every
foot of vacant land, development
would be very ulow. Nothing could
be done to benefit the county more
than to throw open the reserve and
give settlers a chance to locate
homes, and those who already have
homes a chance to secure a piece of
timber for use on their farms and for
fuel. Modoc county wanted a re
serve, and they got it; La'e county ,
wants the reserve thrown open soj
the county ill grow in wealth, an l
It is to be 1iom1 we will get It.
which Tin: Ivxaminp.x cx
cclls. Wc have all the late
styles in type and keep in
stock xi lare assortment of high
jjratle stationery so that there is
no tlelay in executing a larjje onler.
Our prices will he found tocoinpare
favorably with other prices.
The election Is over, and The Ex
aminer has no complaint to make
on account of the peoples' choice.
But we do wish to call attention to
the actions of one L. N. Kelsay,
who made such a howl about The
Examiner "bolting Its party." The
Examiner came out openly and said
Just what It thought, and did what
it said. We did not depend upon
some one else covering up our tracks
as did the Silver Lake Oregonian,
who got left In which Mr. Kelsay
Bald he would support the entire
ticket. Kelsay took the men's
money and said lie would support
them, but Mr. Umbach did not get a
vote lu Kelsay 's precinct. He de
pended upon some one else voting
for him so he could claim It was him.
self that voted a straight ticket.
Where In the paper that is run "for
revenue only.?"
Mr. Lvnns, the Government en
gineer reports that Goose Lake Is
more thau five aud-a-half feet higher
t ban-last fail. The lake has spread
over large tracts of meadow land
that must remain under water until
evaporation causes the lake to re
cede, and this will require perhaps
two or three years. How much U't
ter would It lie to dig a canal that
would regulate the stage of water lu
the lake? It would en rich the arid
lands lielow, but at present Is a det
riment instead of a lienefit. Alturns
riaindealer. (That's an old song
Ilro. Thompson, been dead a long
time; we hardly think you can re
suscitate It.)
Tho rain Monday morning damp
ened down the order of some of our
local politicians and they were able
to takt the result of tho election
iih e ouletly.
The I'rluevllle papers are Involved
iu a rather peculiar newspaper war.
Their differences are not political
but of a hymeneal nature. Both
editors are young ami good looking,
and are single. Mr. Itailey says Mr.
Kennedy is soon to lie married, and
Mr. Kennedy denies the charge ant)
say that liailey will soon lieeome a (
benedict. Who will win the fight Is
not known, but the matter will be
watched with deep Interest by two
TOWNI.OTB, Improved n.
unimproved void un etny In-nullmt-ntn.
Ijind Tltlm Kjumlued.
Ixikiii Nricuilalfl,
Tie lKiki-( .MlcT,
Ki'tlH. Note, un
Atutouni Culleclfd.
Fire Iiimirani-e,
General BuiIdi'M Aifrntn.
y tiling ladles.
A woman receutly died at San
Jose from eating strawlierrlcs on
which, It Is supposed, some arsnecal
solution hod been sprayed to destroy
Insects. Farmers and gardners can
not be too careful In the use of
patent Insect destroyers. Ex.
-ptn eir) oipoqoia nun; pnu em, Tl"
q m 0i88ua t)ui) 5i tni Xaytnjd
q 8a;pu3U Ail wWD Pinlyi
tijfqA 'uxio; pjnD'i
vpnibij SapCdd n wiuoy jo m qt 0
uj uj(B(j 1119.13 Mvd.ud 4 vudoid qt 'njq
lPd M oq oM)qt '0)vpoanaoo ox
naiiaoo o jni or pot pn n x ruo
01'pvai ! pJiJX '! ,09 lt II9
ia8tu(i 'Itl ryjrP I! q3? J
ns 'foqA qi iq fat uj 'nooa
qi nsnaiqi pmiwm n II 'ouvatoi ll
-KtjM qq 'airj ciiD 1 u !
If you are going east a careful selection of 1 our
route is essential lo the enjoyment of vour
trip. If It Is a business trfp time Is the main
consideration; If a pleasure trip, scenery and tbe
convenience ami comforts of a modern railroad.
Why not combine all by using the ILLINOIS
CENTHAL, the IJp-To-I)ate Koad, running two
trains dully from SI. Paul and Mlnnenpoi:- and
from Omaha to Chicago. Kne Kccllnlng t Jutlr
Cars, tho famous Jluffet-Llbrary.Nmoklng t ars,
alt trains vestlbuled. Tickets reading 1 In-t he
Illinois V-n tral will bo honored on these train
and no extra mre charged. Our rates aw the
same as those of Inferior roods why not get
your money's worth. Write for particulars.
II. 11. TUUM BULL, Com. Agt. 112, 3d ut Portland Or
.1. Limiskv. T. F. 6c V. A. P. II. Thompson. K. & P. A.
1 t'J Third Ktreet, Boom 1, Coleman KLIg,
Portland, Or. Seattle Wash.