Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 09, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 23.
litiow t give n few paragraphs
from tlii I ircgouitiu regarding 1 1t
lleryford. Mcfnrl.v trial. . All the
evidence Would lll tliin Hit mil
JIHT, MO tt'l' flipped lllll.V HlC III OK (
1 in it t a n t Item-:
A si ory of love a m.I a broken lieurl,
of iiiIhiiiim1 couiblcnce iiinl tin1 x-r
lll,V of iiinii, Im Im-Iiiu unfolded In nil
Its harrowing details before a l"cd
ml jury Ii. the rehearing of tint Mo.
fnrty-llcryford biemii of promlHt
milt. It Im it tulc of love Is-tween u
school teacher ami a cattleman, of
temptation and downfall, of broken
tows and the suffering of a wrong
ed wonwiii. The laMt chapter Im a
U innud for redress cash redress.
Miss Mm'ahtv's Talk ok Lovk.
Thu morning wu cM-cuplisI In
ocurlfig a Jury and making a state
ment of the. case. Judge O'Day. In
presenting w hat the prosecution In
tended to prove, stated that ho
would show that Hereford undiT
protestation f oi won Miss Me
'arty's affect Ioiih, promised to
marry her tiud unli tlilH promise
accomplished Iut downfall; that ho
then Jilted her and left her to Is-nr
Iut disgrace alone.
Tin defense admit td tin engage
ini'iit and ii temporary breaking of
It. but maintained that J I cry ford
made a second offer of marriage and
it wan refused by Ml MeCarty. It
alleged that this refusal released him
from uny liability In tin breach of
Miss MeCarty wan the first witness
called. She told her story ulmost In
a whlsT. A laee handkerchief went
lo her eyen frequently, and herthroat
xeetne to i hoke up with every sen
tence. Hut the rent rail led smile of
amusement wan allowed to play at
will around her mouth during the
reading of Hereford's effusion of;
affection In the form of love let tern.
In brief, the story she told was
ltd: She hud come to Oregon with
her sister and willed In Klamath
utility witii the Intention of taking
up timber claims. She tried to get a
Hi hool to teueli In that county, hut
fulled. Securing one In Lake futility j
near the lleryford ranch, who wentj
to the latter' place to board. I
There the met .lame 1). lleryford.
Tho latter tdiowcd marked attention
to her from thu first, accompanied
her to and from school, Hat up with
her In tho parlor lata In tho evening
and otherwise paid hi addresses to
her. Miss McCnrty coyly admitted
that who liked Iteryford tho first time
he met him and, though her heart
strings had never before felt the
magic touch of Cupid's fingers, she
Hoon began to realize that Bho lovotl
him. lleryford, she Bald, first men
tioned t ho subject of lovo to her on
l he ulght of December 14, 1900, when
they had returned from a party.
That night he had proposed to her,
prefacing IiIh proposal by a kiss and
scaling It with another. In a whis
per she admitted that she loved him
enough to marry him, but said she
told htm that his proposal wan so
sudden she would havo to have a
little time to think It over. Within
the next few days lleryford
pressed his unit ardently, kissing her
us many as two times on two or
t hree occasions. Ho had asked for
nn answer thrice and tho third time
she promised to accept him. Ho hud
promised to h t her live In Michigan
part of the time, and the wedding
whs set for Hit-ember 25, 1901.
Miss MeCarty text Med that, after
their engagement, lleryford made
Improper advances to her. She hail
objected and remonstrated with him,
but he came to her room on several
occmmIoiih, and under t he promise of
marriage Induced her to submit to
his wImIic.
Mr. tieuilu took the witness tor
croHS-cxiimliintlou. He wanted to
know if any other man hnd ever
klswd her except lleryford. The
witness wan silent and her attorney
objected to the question. The .Judge
decided that It was Immaterial
whether she had lsen ktsncd ls-fore
or not. The witness didn't know
why she had watted until lleryford
proposed three times before she gave
him tin answer. She loved him
enough the first time to accept him;
but well, fcho didn't know exactly
why she kept him guessing.
lit reply to questions, the witness
admitted that while she had pro
tested against tho defendant's Im
proper advances, her protests had
not been very strenuous. Yes, her
door had a lock on It she thought,
but she had not taken the precau
tion to use It after the first time
lleryford came to her ruutii.
pwi.ctiitu ON I'aijk Kivr.J
Woodmen Memorial Day.
Last Sunday was made memorable
by the Woodmen of the World lodge
of likevlew. MeinlsTs of the order
gathered at their hull and the uni
formed team, conducted by Captain
K, X. Ja'julsh, marched to the street
where they fell In Hue wit h tiraliaiu's
Itaiid, followed by incmlsTs of the
order. The bund struck up a march,
and the procesMloii leu relied uorthto
Walters si rift, thence cast to Water,
thence south to the court hotine
sqnaii'. Here the Woodmen and
baud were met by Dr. A. A. Witham
of the I'alsley W. O. W. Lodge, who
had come to Iakevlew to deliver an
address upon the occasion, and the
committee appointed to meet thu
IKukcr, who mounted . tho band
stand In the court hotiseyard. Dr.
Wit Im in delivered an appropriate
address and wu often cheered by
the ineiulHTs. Ills remarks were
listened to with rapt attention by u
lurge crowd that bad gathered to
hear the address, and much praise Is
duo the Dr. for the eloquent manner
In which he handk-d tho subject of
Woodcraft, made no familiar to him
from a long and close study. At the
close of the address tho band played
a tune, and again a line of march
was formed and all proceeded to the
I. O. (). I. Cemetery where exercises
were held, after which tho graves of
deceased Woodmen were decoruted.
The band and tnemln-rs of tho order
then marched back to tho hall.
The whole proc(f dings wen; car
ried out with preclsslon, and to
those who witnessed tlte is'ene will
long ts rememlsTed. The Wood
men of Iwikevicw are progressing
rapidly. They now havo nlsmt l.'JO
memlN-rs, and fair prospects of stilt
greater InereuMcs In mcmlsTship.
W. H. Unrr last week sold his farm
Just across the line In California to
Mr. iSussy, father-in-law of M. Wing
field, for r.aOO. All the machinery,
wagons, horses, hogs, and about
1.1 head of cattle were Included In the
sale. This Is one of the het ranches
In oose Iake valley. Last year
Mr. Ilarr sold over f 1700 worth of
produce from his farm. Mr. IJarr
and his wife will spend a year in Cal
Ifornla looking for a homo where
they can live without so much work
as both are growing old.
Big posters for the July race meet
ing to be held here during Fourth
of July week were printed at The
Examiner office Inst Saturday. From
all Indications, the races will Is
well attended. Men that are posted
say they look for some fine runners
here for the meet. Tho big celebra
tion will be a drawing card, and al
together It Is thought by everyone
that Lakerlew will have the biggest
time ever had here.
Unofficial Count For Lake County, Election June 6th, 1904,
.Xtnn'H it('utnlltlntt'H iiml iHIU'fH
i v ) : i .v ; i; kssma a'
If. a nuhl Pro
lllnircr Ilermnim Kepi
IS. '. II Hill n a
. .V. Yt'Hi h Item
('. J. Jlrlfirht Pro
('. t'. Mikkelsen Sue
'. .-t. Mtmre Hep
Tints. 0'l:iy ej
i 'nit ikuiiy ash rnon com.
.. W. liiilhy
. II'. lU'rry Pro
S. M. Ihmhis Ih'in
X. I:.-isiii ussen .S'oc
inn enter it jcih.i:
II. I.. ISensnu
I. '. II. Ihitur ewj
II. K. HniiH Hep
J. li. Sell Item
. M. llrnttiiin Hep
ir, J. Moore item
W. A. Ilooth Ih tn
J. A. Lnyeoek Hep
J. P. Griffith I)em
J. iS. Shook Hep
It. '. L. Stelaer. Hep
J. A. Taylor. ei
F. M. Puke Ati
E. E. Hinehart , Hep
E. X. Juiuisli Hep
A. W. Minrlnpr Item
F. O. A hist row Rep
T. E. licriuinl m
C. Umhtu-h Rep
W. IK West Dvm
J. Q. YIIllta Hep j
C. E.Moore ;..Ihm
C. IV. Dent : Rep
J. C. Ihnlson Pent
. a C 5 . .3 S ? . .
3013 050020
97 6 24 IS IkJ C!t 02 19 112 23 .'ifi 24
300 5 040 0 310
20 14 12 40 2.1 38 IS 3 3S 9 10 12
3 0 0 4 3 6 0 0 3 2
2 0 2 Ii 6 7 0 0 3 2
95 6 2.") 4(5 : (S2 33 20 32 20 22 20
24 14 11 40 22 3T) 1 3 30 13 19 12
1!) C, 27 50 G3 (Ml 32 19 35 20 23 20
3 0 0 5 2 0 1 1 3 0
24 14 12 39 23 39 10 3 4 13 22 12
109 0 2S 47 04 79 32 20 40 IS 3S 25
13 11 8 37 22 27 12 2 34 15 8 11
82 6 20 42 50 54 30 17 32 15 IS IS
25 14 12 37 24 42 15 4 41 18 19 IS
7 3 10 ftS (52 56 21 10 29 16 3S
3 17 21 24 31 58 27 12 53 17 10
32 10 15 55 45 45 17 4 43 15 23 5
85 4 20 37 45 55 30 IS 43 20 20 Si
25 13 9 35 25 35 14 ft 46 16 15 8
72 6 24 37 55 55 31 15 27 20 20 ?
101 7 31 64 65 87 34 19 3S 20 24 5
29 12 6 31 17 29 9 5 31 13 15
27 17 9 47 30 50 20 5 52 24
101 4 30 50 55 04 28 IS 29 24
5s 15 21 31 35 44 40 19 51 12
09 6 IS 00 57 73 9 4 29 28
03 5 2S 44 52 (50 31 21 21 22 20
31 11 11 49 40 43 IS 2 38 11 29
79 1 15 0 21 77 32 19 23 14
40 20 23 9S 73 39 20 4 55 30
111 20 35 90 81 95 43 22 75 37
87 20 27 90 75 81 3(5 16 73 34
95 11 26 45 60 OS 34 19 41 22
23 11 10 43 25 84 14 3 30 27
Iot Saturday evening about 10
o'clock the citizens of Alturas were
thrown Into a panic by the start
ling news that Ice Johnson had
killed his former wife and then com
mitted suicide. Fortunately, how
ever, the cns was not severe as was
first thought, as the woman revived
and hojs-s were entertained for her
The clrc 11 instances surrounding the
tragedy are about as follows:
fjce Johnson and his wife have
been separated about a year, tho
wife securing the divorce last fait up
on the grounds of non-support.
Since the dlrorce was granted John
son has made several attempts to
get his wife to live with him and
has reieatedly threatened to kill her
If she refused. She paid co atten
tion to hlin and refused to live with
the man, as she was compelled to
make her own living when they did
live together. On Saturday evening
Johnson went to her home to carry
out his threat.
Mrs. Johnson was working at a
hotel in Alturas and was not at her
home when he went there, but he re
mained until she came with her two
little children. When she entered
the house she was startled to find
Jonsou there watting for her. She
asked htm what he was doing there,
to which he replied it was none pt 4 s
cr busIness.'"He" then took' the two
children by the hand and started
Into the kitchen. Mir. Johnson fol
lowed, thinking, ho would take the -children
out of her sight and kill
them. The man turned and grabbed
the woman and commenced to cut
her throat. A little girl who was
staying with her liecaine frightened
and ran to Sheriff Street's house, a
short distauce away. When John
son heard the gate shut, he thought
he was observed, and fled. Mrs.
Johnson bound a towel about her
throat, which was badly slashed,
the windpipe being cut, and went to
Dr. Itisdon's. She ttvekoued the Dr.
and then returned to her own home,
fainting when she reached the house.
The uews was soon spread and
the town was out in arms in pur
suit of the would-be murderer. He
rushed to a place about a half-mile
from there and secured a shot gun,
and, removing bis hat, vest and
shoes, remarked to a boy that
some men were hunting him and he
was going to kill himself. He then
placed the gun to his forehead and
pulled the trigger, blowing the whole
top of his head off, killing him
instantly. Mrs. Johnson is resting
easily and it is thought that she will
She Is a sister of Mrs. Will Kussill
of Lakevlew; her maiden namo was
Grace Ford, daughter of Steve Ford,
nn old resident of Modoc county.
Mr. and Mrs. Itussill went to Alturas
Immediately on receipt of the news,
returning Monday night.
The State Land Hoard spent
several days in tho Uend country
looking over the tracts of land ap
propriated under tho Carey act.
Geveruor Chamberlain, Secretary
Dunbar and Treasurer Moore were
all spoko very highly of that section
of Oregon. They believe tho Des
chutes river will furnish water
enough to irrigate all the arid land
lu Crook county.