General Information WMIR TMIN05 TO INTI.hl!3T ALL OLK RCAI)I;R9 :l Itiilli-V & Mam-limHI have receive! I a . Kentucky Favorite WhUk) uiihlont lot of liili'Ht Mylo nlih't m-hInIn. I, I ... I I ..... 111. ' I 1 St Kil l. tf. Itopul.llcaiw nro unit llloil to lourn ! ' j The Orison Wpthty journm, U mo- (lint II.'.iiX will remain In t ho Homo- j clnUl! ,.,,,,,., , ,,,.,,, ,u l)f ,, cru tli' inirlv. I oil of lit fl yi'iir lo any aiMr. Tha i . .. ... ... . . ,, Iff! ""run, J - I IIIIIJIIIUi - I ur fU'K I ! Ill I M- I II IKKI-I lilllliiH-ilulll SIi.iiiiii Ii hii I I.ler Tnl'N'in ninl h ipilck nil' in iiiiiiiii. l-nr pulu ly I .on lliull. K U now Hun' fur Iii'I'im-h to not Iiiih.v; Mr. ,nriH';l'"H "..(MHi.iKMi fiitnl l In I In luttulM iif t I f coiiiiiiIm-hIoii. 'Ill' lllll COIMph'to Ji'li Mtook off I if the mUroml Im lo In found nt 'I lie lIxaitiliKT oflleo. ''lrN(-cliiM4 work j ill Aii.VH, ill ri'iiNoiHilil prlrcH, if,. Von ran w n IIhIiIii' wit li a Nllok, a miliar ami a iilu: lmt If yon want to Many .IcinoernU oppimo I,' ''-1 UmIi ami catrli (Uli, not your taoklo l..ouii they ilo not know IiIm vIowm j (mI j ,, i,,.,.,,,,,., & S()l(i m oa pulillc iiih mIIoiim; iiioii of them . , . 11 I I ulifiiriilii lurlii for fcul.i Ml fl l!i Imf- iillli. l'l iirri-M It'lill"! Mini tii. n-IH C'l, I ('t p,ctclit owner flOiiiO hut u.1.1 lu oiiom llcarw! Im'ciiiihi IiIm an- too will known. V. . Woi.ihocUi. ivehlclioc f'T naif, price 1.MMI. Will accept, all ciihIi down, or part oiih, lialanco on enny term. Tor fin llTarllriilaM, ikIiIivkh V. H. Voo.lcoi'k. 2Jl Sierra at root, Ki'iio, Nevada. If Wo liavi a couple of talM-o-k I'lre KxtlnKiiUlii-rM that arc hran new. never having Imoii unpacked, that wo will wll. 'I'hey art at Parley ami wo will deliver out at whorl notice for $10. Durlnx tin lnwt forty-throe year the democratic party linn lial com pleto control of tho (jovoriiiiH'iit for thelirlcf jhtIoiI of two year. Ite. tiipniU'r tlio date ly rcenlllnK tlio pan!. of IMI.S. Tho Oregon (tally Journal ami tlio Lake County Kxanilner lioth one yoar for Tin Weekly .Journal ami Liitmlnor ono yoar for (2.7. Tlii Semi-Weekly Journal ami Kx aiiiltior ono yoar for '!. tf Tin KmiiiiIimt liai for walo ono of tin Im'M xtiM-k nun Ih kIii Lakocounty on vi ry roaHonaldi torni Wl iwitk, all fonrod. ami wi ll watoro. TliU Ih u groat 1 hi run In ami will not iviiialn loii iiiihoIiI. Wo alxo liavo a down itlior ram lioH and farniH to oImjiow of. If you liavo any land tirproHr .rty to w ll. llMt It with tho Kxani Inor. Solid In dowrlptlon mid wo will oll It (or you. a-Mf Iti'tvrn To lrpr-llin. Living ill nil nut (( tlio uiiv plino, ri" niolo from oivilixntinn. a lumilv in olton ilrivoii toilccpiTHtinii in oh-o of Hi'ridont, ri'clillinii in I'.iiriiN, I'tite, WihiimIm rirorn, oio. I.ny in iii'ilv of Hiifk ln' pinion ShIvo. Ii'h l o onrth. I'.'n:, lit Ia-h IU'iiU'k Ii im Sluro. Tli" l-'xainliior Iiiim for n!o a lilnok Miiltll and wagon nliop In a Hiuall thriving town, ami ono and ono-lialf aoroH ni t in alfalfa, fair lailldlng. A good Miiall ilwolllrg liousf on lot ami lumber on ground for a now, largo hoiMo. Uwolllng will Im toni ploto In July. Tho ImihIuohh payn :MKni por yoar. TIiIm Im a, liargalii at f"H. I'or furt hor pnrtlt ulaiH write or call at IIiIh olllw. -t-tf At'iKN'I'S WANTKD fl'O ami up jht month to ouorgotlo roproHonta tlvoH In ovory city ami town In Ore gon, Washington and Idaho; dlgnl tlod, honorable, porinntn nt and Im inoiiHoly prolltalile ouiployinont. at homo or on tho roadxnnothlug now; Horn! Ntamp or call at oiftu for tie talU. Nipmro Deal Itrokorago Com pany. l-H. 7th St, Portland. Ore gou. YMt 'I'ho lender of till" iiiht M'ill 1)0 plHHeil tn li'Mrn ihnt tlioro in nl IohhI "lie ilreaili'd ili-eilM' thilt f( ielii e Iiiih In en Hlile In ( uie in nil ilc Hiiivef m il ihxi ii (.'atari 1 1 . .IiiD'h (IhIiu i Ii Cur!, in I lit onlv Hihitivo euro now kit""" i the mo'lieiil fiHternity, Cuiitn U'ln u coiiHtilul ioniil ilinoMHO, loni.i' x u eon Htiliiliiuiiil lO'iiiinitiil. H i!1 Cure in tHieu iniei iihIIv, h - i iipini the liloi'il ninl miu'o'i tho Kyx'oiu, tlioii'hy ile fillllllltiliilll llf till' lliM-ll-r tho imiii nt tii'iit:th hy I-'' ' coiihl It ill inn Hlnl HH.-iM. inw . jnn iin win k . Tho mo!" . illicit fnii li hi itH ouni ive thoyiiuor huh liliulrel ioll.i cco I hut i' f"il" to oure. .k e o( to I iniiiiiiiiU A(1iIioh. F. J. fill NKY A t'o., Tdloil.i. ( Sold hy PruiuiHtN, 75e. , llnll''Fiiniily I'iIIh Bro the lin-t. ('ma rili c ('iioeth llllli'l'M n vi' it tin .ml uiviuu 11. kT lli the lie iii ilii . luive en I'.H I lllll - 1'nr ti ii y :. Inr list old for f .MmO; il'iun Hinl IihIiiih o "n eio-y .hv inenlH. IiiiiifH Ml thU of tleo. 47-tf SovithI foi)oi of tho North ttiti'rn (took liiroctory, coinplioil hy Hon" V l.ilihllr, ii!iit-ra of A I In run, Imvo Itemi left mi thi ollloo for dimrihiitioii. It la a vuIiimIiIo lok lor clock men ami north tho price. tf I'iicI A Kinu art now Meclvti tiiit in- voii'tafur their inter trade. All the fluent hramlM of liquoiira and ( it'll i a are kept there. I'oiit A KIiik lurninh the home lih the item hrand for modiein al purport. 42-lf Another war han foiiinieneod and ("allfornla ami Now Jerwoy are array ed In lint tie agaliiHt the inoMijulto. livery year thin annual war conn on, and every yoar tho enemy re treat, only to conn back tho next yoar In ImroaHod iiiiuiImtm. with nioro IiIIIh to prem-ut. "I' vo coino to kill a printer." nald tho Utile man. "Any particular printer," nuked the foreman. "No, any ono will do, though I prefer a niiiall one. I have got to mncoiuc kind of a nhow of tight or leave home hIiico your paper call"il lay wife" tea parly a 'hwIII affair.'" Ollieer Moweie, of ItillliigM. Ih hero to take hack the limn who wan ar routed Wediionday night on MUNplcloti of U-Ing the rohlM-r of the Killing; HrowoiM Mafi. (nan which $MHK) In diamomlM and cauli were Mtolon. An erfort to make tho fellow illngorgo hi wealth liy moaiiM of an emetic hypodermleally ailuiinUtered roNiilt od In nothing more than ii nevere hh'II of naiiKoa, Imt tin otlleorM le. lievo they will vet Ih' ahlo to liml the gem. When the ollieei'M grald led the Hiixpoct, In h wallowed it largo illniiiiiinl ho wan trying to Kill. Spot-In I to tin Kveidng Telegram from MIIoh City, Montana, May i'l. On July fl. 1110 1, tli reptihllenn par ty will Im .i0 yearn old. U I'lrlli place Im JackMou, WiiMhlngoi;, where tlioflt'Mt rcpiihllcaii convention wan hold on l ho il h of July, ' ' llwrt I Mini I'rtMf. I'liiloil Hate I, and Oflice, Itkoview, OlOKon, May IH l'). Motion In heie hy jf i ven tliMt Warreti '. Laird of I'hixh. t iri'icon, Iink filod tiotieeof Intention to make proof on hiti rlex-rt land claim No. 402. for the NW4' NK!4', K',. NW"4'. nk1,' nw.'4. Hi-o't, fp:i.i ft., it. w, v.. W, .M. holorn KoKicler and lleeeivor nt I.Hkevicw, Orcion on the '-'Hth a? of July, 11HII. Ile nHinei tlio fnlloHinti v, HneKped lo prove tin i'uil'io iriixn linn hihI reelaniHiioN o rnui hind : N. I' In, ol I'IuhIi, Oregon, W in. Viiietard, of A lei. Oretfoii, Win. Mofo, of I.sike view, Oregon, Harry Iliv, ol I'IikIi, Ori'iton. May L'll 2'1 J. N. Wat con, lltiler. ruse ti HEALTH l don't think wa eonld Vwp tiniioi without Thuilford'a Hliu-k-lriirlu. Wa have mad it In tha Iiiim '.r l.irnvr two yaara with I ha l'i t ' reoult. I tin? not had a dooloi In iha hnnm for that Icliftn nt i mi- 14 la it doctor In ilarll a4id iv J'- r ilv lo malra a prraon well anil net y .''JAM KS JiAlX, Jaea auut.llo, i.l. lUcau thin preat medicln relieve! Ktoinucli iiaiim, frees the con:iiated howeU and inviifor iitex I ho torpid liver ud weak oeU kidueya llo Doctor I reeegfiary in the home where Tbedford a Mack-Draught it kr'rt. Fumihet living in the countrj-, niiloi from any phyai cian, Imve hcn kept in health for yeura with thin medicine ns their only doctor. Thedford'a lUack-Diaiipht cnrei hilious lieHS, dyM'pnia, colda, chills and (ever, hud hlood, lieuducheg, iliunha'a, constipation, colic nnd almost every other ailment hiMHiise tho utonuuh, iiowel liver und kidneyi io nearly con trol the health. ' THEDFORD?S WTHiaiia ii i. miwumiiiimiiiij n m I'a imii " a Trtiaiar amcat which IU ra. You may bare just as cood values a a tbe other fellow, but If be tells tbe public about bis ability to do better for them than any one else and you do cot be will get tbe trade. Tell peopta whr It la to their advantage to trad with you. Tell them convincingly and keep telling- them. Chicago Dry Goods Ileporter. Th drawing; power of aa ad. la aaag-ed by Urn circula tion. If yoo want to reach t S. F. AMLSTR0VI 1 Proprietor t V - 9 c W 42 2 LAKE VIEW 5ADDLERY1 M A M'KAfTt.'KKItM Of The Best Vaquero Saddle on the flarket C . 3 AIho a eomplctolliio of wa?on and laigtry h;iruiHM, wtilH, rolion rj V rlatiM, IdtM. MpurM, qnlrtM, rowtfon, la fact everythint? in the lino of carriage and hore furalihliigM. Ci-palrlng hy competent tiin. &&&&&& 666 AA6Att6C LAKEVIEW PLANING MILL Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture of all kinds made to order. Write for estimates on contract work & material handley & clendenen Hereford Stock Farm I?" ::: Drews Valley, Oregon. F. O. Bunting:, Owner ... -V- . i.-:V :v:;. It &2X--&:t:? Largest herd of registered Herefords in Oregon Young Cattle for Sale MJDOtt AUMO of htr. '07. I s,. V I I YOU VE GOT AN OPPORTUNITY THE LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER Announce a t'lu'd'iii' Arrangement With "FARM LIFE" The handsome Illustrated Magazine published by the old reliable firm of Kami, McNally& Company, Chicago, the largest publishing house in the world. "Farm Life" is the leading publication for the farm "home. Printed in colors and beautifully illustrated throughout. Each is contains special articles relating to successful farming, also special departments for women, boys and girls, and the little folks. The Lake County Kxanilner, one year $2.09 Farm Life, one year M Iloth papers, one year for t-'.W Tbe yearly price o( Tho Examiner. New subscriptions or renewals, Subscribe or renew to-day and doii't forget to mention that you want both papers for only $2.00, the price of The Lake Countv Examiner. i ! ! This icr is for onlv a limited time; take advantage of It nile 3 j, r.jJty. j,jr. jKsrjrjjvt YOUVE GOT AN OPPORTUNITY