Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 12, 1904, Image 4

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    gab Cautttii xautnet
Pahlltid Every Thursday
Manonlc (lutMIng
At the termination of hi career a
county Judgv no one even misieeteil
that he would lioM otllelul position
; again, but lie braced up for awhile
(One Year $2.00
TERMS: ' Six Months 1 .00
(Three Months, 50
in Inch
Two lnr lii's ...
riw liichrt. . . .
.Jimrt. r r.ii ii inn
dull Column
ue Colli in ii. .. .
and his old time friends nought tu
help him to his feet once more iiml
HiicntiliMl In getting Mm iiioluli'il
as register of tlu 1'. S. laud otllee nt
l.akcvlew, which position ln 1 1 -1 1 for
about live years, ami until President
IJooscvelt notlllt'il tlu Oregon con.
grcssioiinl delegut Ion t lint If It illil
not iroiiinl.v nvomniciul someone
i i.i... i... .... ..i.i. .... i,i...u..if
t hi iui i n ti mm. i in i ii nun in i 1 1 1 :-t i
I let nwM ni mi I rr
II m 1 1 i A i" t-H i" I''- W
I mil Am 7 ill II ('! Is on
, -Jml, li 10 ll tntVj li.'.OO
! hw Sim anvi m
W ' IS IV '.'A IM 40 ll ?ll HI
SOHViMlO UrtlMW l.VWI i .. ,.,,1.1 ,,,L.. .1... ,,,....- ,U
and appoint his successor. 'I'lii' spe.
----- . . . .
- ;i
The Republican Ticket.
.1 ustice of Supreme Court
F A Moore
For State Kooil ami Diary CiMitnis
J W Bailey
I'rvMblentijil l.lectors
J N Hart
J fl Fee
O D Dimick
A C Hough
For Congress First District
Binder Hermann
For Joint Senator
J A Laycock
Joint Representatives
R E Steincr
J 5 Shook
Circuit Judge
H L Benson
H K Hanna
District Attorney
E ft Brattain
Llmer E. kinehart.
E. N. Jaquish
Fred O. Ahlstrom.
Charles Urn bach
C. W. Dent.
FOK school SIVT.
J.Q. VNillits.
fok si i:vi:vok
P. H. Curry.
In our last Nsue uc announced that
e could not support K. M. lb-attain
for district attorney.
'I'll is taper as before stated is strict
ly a republican oraii. We were ac
cused by a certain republican if hav
ingsoldout to a ileuiocrat. Our
frieml is mistaken. 'I' his pner p.
poses Urattain not for hire, for we
were asked tu naiue our price .to
mipport him, but we declined by tell
ing his friend that we would not sup
port 1 1 i i ii for any price.
i Pic reasons why the president so,
promptly inpiesied t lie dclcgat Ion to!
name his successor, we do not us- '
siinie to be al'le to ilctall. but It is;
generally nndcistood that tiny vtcrc
of a most ui'.i ve ami serious nature'
and mv still under Investigation by ' fc
the Interior ilcpartineiit. Sullice It
i to say that his administration u p
register was characterised by t he I
grossest neglect, ilia t tent Ion and
cai eli'ssuess, hicli has worked In
jury and Inconvenience totheputrons
oftheotlice. In fact it will be many
uiout lis , et before all these inudilles
are disentangled.
To now fni-t this man upon the
Hi'ple of t his dist rict and place him
in such an important otlicial position
would be a direct Insult to our presi
dent, who has iceii vigorous In weed
ing out from public service such men.
If Itrattau is worthy of an election
then l'resldent Roosevelt lias lieeii in
the wrong. Why should we. In effect. ! e
May to the pivshleut that he has tak-; i
en the wrong course in these matters
Would it not be a slap in the face of
the president to elect this time".'
Again we say that this a republi-1
can paier, but we know of no better
service wo can give the republican
party than by opposing F. .M. I'.rut
taiu's election. It is safe to say that
fifty in-r cent of t lie republican in
Lake county will vote for his oppon
ent. Our brother at Silver lake says he
is an able lawyer. Mow ilocs lie
know this? It is an actual fact that
itrutlain has never tried a case lu the
circuit court of this or any other
county. Itj the taxpayers of the
district want a man with his lack o(
liialiticatious in this Important of
fice? Think for a moment uluit Useless
expense would lie in; ui red lu cases
where wituesses are frequently called
from the distant parts of tlisse laijie
counties. Suppose the Imliclliielit Is
defiftive, or the state fails topropi-r-
ly prewnt tlie rnm: The criminal !
tiiM-s unpunished and the county
foots the bill. j
His opponent, W. .I.Moore, Is an I
upright gentleman, and has Ijeen act-!
ually elijiaued in the practice of j
his profession at this place for the!
past eight years. He was deputy
under A. K. Keaines for aliout three j
years. Mr. Moore is an industrious ;
! student in his profession and has ae-1
piired the li'iest law l;liiar.v in thisi
ilfstrict. lie is a conservative iimli
safe colllicelor, and if elected, t lie peo
ple's interests will lie protected.
Like everything else there are two kliuls of
(iroceries on the market. There Is a big difference
In the quality. Our customers tell us the quality
of our (Iroceries I very much better than any they
ever had. They also say to us I hat they save money
when they place their orders for groceries with us.
We deliver promptly and are courteous in every
transaction--what more do you want of your
which Till-: Jaaminkn cx
eells. We have .'ill the late
stvles in type and Keep ifi
large assortment of hiL'h
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
Our prices will lie found to compare
favorably with other prices.
stock a
Whatever merits the I'rimary law
lua have to reccommeiid It to the!
voter, or whatever complicalioiis !
discredit the law, there is one phae
of the proposi'd new primary law
that appeals strongly to the com
mon voter. It docs away with boss
ism. It gives the H'ople a say In
win will U; their nominees, and no i
chance for political jobbery. This Is .
a feature of the la w thut coininendsj
itself fa vorably to the voter, and Is
ilV "Clv
Our reasons for oiinosiiiir a c
late upon the republican ticket are j WOrthy of his consideration.
numerous and weighty such when
well understood we believe will
cause all substantial am fair-minded
republicans, who have the welfare of
our party at heart, to refuse to sup
port Mr. Krattuin.
He not only failed to announce his
candidacy before the prininric but
he and his political allies steadfastly
avern d that he was not a candidate
for any oflive. lie could noi have ! guilt v.
carrieii more iiiau one or two pre.
cincts in the county if lie had an
Plead tiuilty In Federal Court I
When the cases of Charles Cunning- j ,
ham, Asa Keyburu, Dallas O'llarra, '
(i. II. Sailing, Shelly Jones and Mark j
Shakclford were brought up for hear- I 4
iug in the Federal court in I'ortl iml , )
on May 'iih. all but Shakelford plead 1
l'licse men were indicted by : )
thegrau-l jury for defrauding tli.;)
grove rumen! out
AkES6: 5CHLA0EL. Prop.
Beer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place In Town
.... i .i i.. i .... i .
.mil I 1.1a i: 1 1 1 1 1 i i Li ( i' L-.f-.;.,. i''i tn.i wi M..M..:
.... . . . Ii ....... !.....! A-'Ukli ...,,1
primaries ami it isconee.ien i,y sou.- ' - ' t- '--usai Catarrh quiuklj yield to trout-
oi ins partisans unit lie coiiM not ! ot n.'i s vviio pieml guilty Were lined iueut bv Klv Cream iiulm, wliicUls nKn.
hare been nominated on it si ra In. i i,.,. i. mm ..t.... i...i i.. ; uhlv rouiutio. Jt iH recoivod throueU tho
(lllf (.(11(.Kf -.-.r.... -"..... illOhirii1,ei0Wll,eHM.llieidaUia whole ur-
Hill UMIKNl. i ... i t . i. i i t i . . i;i : i ,i:r. l L,id
I lie reasons why are many. He; 1 Hell the 60o. si.o: 'Irial wa by laiul, 10 )
was county judge of Lala- , , , '"te.,ce suspended ill the Tfcfct it uml 'you urU bure to c.mtmue
from Js!i4 to lsits and for many ' O'llarra and Shelly Jones, as they j tlio treatment. I
months at a lime he was out of I he ' had been of servlre to the govrn- , AinHiiiic'in'iit. j
i To accoiiibiOiluto tlioiiu who aro jmrti'd
COUIlty UIKl the state following the i ,.,, I,, Oi.c lneell...ill,.ii ,,t Ii ml l . I , t ,.f .,. iynr lii i.otJviorr li. nil.lK ,
If you are going east a careful m Ji cilou of your
route is essential to the enjoyment of your
trip. If it Is a business trfp lime i- tl.e main
consideration; if a pleasure trip, seem r. and the
convenience and comforis oi a luoilei n railronl.
Why not combine all by uiiu; the ILLINOIS
( FNTItAL. the I'p-To-Dale Ito.ol rni.nliig two
trains dally from St. I 'a id and Mini,, apolis ami
from Omaha to Chicago, l ice Lcclihing Chair
Cars, the famous Ibifrct-I.ll.raiy-Saioklng Cars,
all trains vest Ibulcd. Tickets ' reading via the
Illinois Central will be honored on i In se rains
and no extra 'are charged. (iur rates are the
same as I hose of Inferior ii. Mils why not get
your money's worth. Write for a i lieu la is.
)!. II. TIII'Mm'LL. Com. Agl. I I.'. si I'ortlaiid Or
race circuit with a race horse in Moil- '
tana, Texas, California, Maryland,
and elsewhere III'.' county being with
out a judge all these mouths and on
account of this sporting tour failed
to at tend the board of eijuali.ation.
fraud cases.
! into tho uohdl i aniiecH for cibtrrhl Iruu.
f ii.. ii r. it..i... i.
i int9t Old Ti
i liipiid form
'tu, tho propi'ii' ira paro Cream Puhn in
rm, wlach "'ill lo known J Jy h
M. k hea-lui-ht) remlis froia n dimirdei i-i'l1"! Crem IMm. i'M' iii iuilui mo
stoma -h. and is uuicklv cured bv ( ha n- l'r,;'i" t,1,,e 7,5 l"ui'i- UniKBiiiU or bv
bediiia s SiomHch ami Liver h"?'1'. il10 ll'id form embodiea the med
I'm ude by Lee Meal I. lcmal jiropertien of iLe Bolid pri-jmroUou. .
.1. C
Limihi:v, T. &. I'
I IJ Third Street,
I'oi I laud. l.r.
A. I'. I.. 1'ii .Mi f.oN, I". A I', A.
Ibiolil I, I oleiuau LI'lg,
S- al lie Wash.