Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 21, 1904, Image 8

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    ' news oi Tan wm:k 2
3 I juZ Local Happenings lv ;
This Store's Popularity
is the Result of the Sat
Isfaction Which Comes
With Exch Individual Pur
chasethe satisfaction that
must follow where only the
BEST QOODS are sold at the
smallest possible cost.
All we ask is a fair trial.
Our Policy istofurnish goods
and prices that will make
competition go to pieces- We
are doing it in a legitimate
way with legitimate goods.
We have the goods and meth
ods and the prices that will
give satisfaction.
.To The Public.
of Lakeview and Vicinity
The Stock Formerly Belonging: to the Firm of AYROS
& WHIT WORTH Recently Purchased from the Boaid of
Trade by Us, and consisting: of:
flust Be Disposed of in as Short
a Time as Possible.
ale is now on and Prices
are Cheaper than Before.
S. WOLFF, Manager.
ill ndKK3 !
Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies In
UWW addition to the attractions of St Louis.
This can only be done by going or returning
Mm. V. A. Wllnhlre wan quite nick
hint witl,
Ml Motrin v tv In town Saturday
(rum the Wont Side.
(Jon. Lynch v'ilown from tho
wftod camp Saturday.
A hand of X L cattle panned
through town Sunday.
Jim Turpin on me in from tho den
ort t lit tlmt of tlio week.
Woo. Kolnay of t ho .1 J ranch In
Warner wan horo Monday.
Woorge Itaclu-ldcr in nnnlntlnln the
Halloy A Mannlnglll ntore.
Tom Watnon who han lieen nick
for no me tlmo In recovering.
Kverythlng you ncod to catch tlnh
! with at J. V.. Hornurd & Soti'n. W
Mr. ami Mm. Win. Sienecr wen
trading In town lant Saturday.
Klnlo Itunnlll and lick Klngnlcy
woro over from Drown crook Satur
day. John Noble and Mm. (1. W. Nohlo
woro In town from Drown crook Sat
urday. A. V. Ilamptou ntartod for bin
home at Monmouth, Oregon, lant
L. W. Thoman, the Crooked crock
nhoep man, wan In town tho flrnt of
the weok,
A. Dickn rotiirnod from Situ I ran
clnoo lant wook, when lie wont In
Hilly Ilartman returned lant week
from San Franclnco where ho han
Ixi-n nlnee lant July.
J. McKlhlnney, who han In-on norl
ounly 111 for Home woekn In recovering
and will Ik? out nhortl.v.
"Wrnudpa" Tonningnen wan taken
rierioimly 111 lant Sunday. Dr. Smith
wan called to attend him.
J. S. Field'n nhoep came In from tho
desert, arriving hero 'I'ueMday. They
will not nhear till after lambing.
Mm. Mulkey, the milliner, went to
I'alnley lant Sunday wit h a ntock of
hatn. l'-vu Clark accoinpanied her.
Frank Mamhall came to town lant
weok from camp. He han not Im-cii
feeling well and came to rocuiH-rate,
Graham' Concert Hand decorated
the band ntaud lant Sunday, where a
large crowd wan attracted by the
W. J. Sherlock commenced Hhcar
lng hin ilicep flrnt of the wook at
Johnnon creek. Silver Iike Ore
gonian. Harry Kolwrtn, foreman of the 7 T
cattle company of Warner, npent a
few dayn In Lakeview during the
pant week.
Font Smith returned the flrnt of
the week from hin trip to Warner
where he went to nnnint In branding
a loi oi came.
Tom Lynch, a former renidcut and
nhcepman of Iwike county, after
HIK-ndlng never! yearn In the old
country han returned.
W. B. Hamen came lu from Klam
ath murnh lant Thurnduy to vlnlt
with hin family, ayn the Oregonlaa
of Silver Lake. He report hiiow
about ull gone on the inareh, but
nayn the valley In covered with water.
Lohh among cattle will not exceed
five per cent.
And then it nnow.
WrIU lor lllaUM looklt Colorado'i Fnmou. SltfhU nd Retort!
JY. C. ncBRIDG, General Agent
124 Third Strea PORTLAND, OREGON
Scevn doom at Halley Jc MumnIii
glll'n. 11
iahtcn collar foundation at AhlJ
ntrom Hron. Hi
Jih AmbroHO, the nhoep minor, wan
' In town Tuonday.
It. Smith wont to Hid well Monday
on a bunluenn trip.
J Tuonday wan a cold day, no good
at all for tee croam.
Four dayn mall arrived from the
; Went Tuonday night.
! John L. Smith In at Hotel l.ak
vlew from lied Hlnff.
S. V. Kchurt ivluriied Tuonday
from San Franclnco.
Mm. John SlmmoiiH of I'alnley In
roported quite nick.
Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds
at Hlebers.
Morrln T. MendleHhon In In Iakc
view thin week from San Francln
co. Some men arc getting huny up
town theno dayn. Houne cleaning at
Fly time In near and you will want
ncroen doom get thom at Halley &
MaHMlnglirn. U
Have Ahlntroia Hron, take your
i meaniire for a null of clotlien. They
can fit you rlht. M
J. J. Sulllvau ami Fred Ijchmntin
are roglntoriMl at Hotel Lakeview
from San Franclneo.
1 H. Monn brought hin dry nhoep
lu from tho doncrt thin week. lie
will lamb on tho dencrt.
Mm. C. O. McUker wont to I'alnley
on Tuenday'n wtage. She exix-otn to
In- abHent four or live dayn.
One thing our noplc can nay, that
wo had a beautiful numnier It wan
nhort, but wo may have more.
K. Burke did a neat piece of work
on noino extra for the big pre in
The F.xauilner otllce thin week.
1 have about a hundred fruit trccn
for nale thin week. Inquire at the
butcher nhop of John Wendell. 1!
S. Wolff manager of the Ayorn &
Whltwortli Htock of goodn, han a
new advertisement lu thin Innue of
The Fxainlner.
Minn Minnie Holder, daughter of
Win. Holder of the I'alnk-y Font, an 1
I'rof. Henry of Moro, were married
recently In Moro.
You can go a flnhlu' with a ntlck, a
ntrlng ami a pin; but If you want to
llnli ami catch lnh, get your tackle
from J. K. Horimrd & Son. 1
11 ay oh Mulky came up from Dayln
Crook lant week where he flninhed a
term of nchool, and Monday began a
term of nchool at Crane Creek.
Mm. Weorge M. Jonen of I'alnley,
arrived In Iakcvlew lant Saturday
fur a vlnlt with her Hon, Woo. John
non, ami h.a daughter, Mm. W. H.
J. W. Mlkel ha charge of the road
work south of town where grading
and graveling han been going on a
week. That ha lieen a inont un
deulrablo piece of road to travel over
all winter, but when tho work that
In now lielng done In completed that
ntretcli of road will Imj lu excellent
Lant Woduonday evening I ho com
edy drama "Hlck'ry Farm" wnnpro
dined by local talent at the otcra
bonne an announced.
A largo h nine united tho player
and only for a hitch In the electric
. Ilghtn, which wan unavoidable, ami
, no fault of the maiiigoiiiont, every
' thing would have ntartod off on
j nchcdiilo time. However, tho delay
wan noon forgotten when tho audi
once wan favored by a w in linn by
tho orchentra, after which theciirtaln
rained ami Mrn. Walter Dyer wan
(inhered to the ntngc and naug one of
her lieautlful nolon In her iinual en
chanting manner. Win ii Mrn. Dyer
wan allowed toililt tho Huifc I'rof.
Wraham rendered a cornet nolo In
which Mr. Wraham did hlunelf honor.
The duet by Mrn. Dyer and Mr.
l'hclphn wan highly appreciated by
tho audience. '
The play wan produced lu a mini -
tier inont pleanlug to all. each player
In-lug cnHH-ally nultod to hin or her
particular part.
To dwell upon each chare lor and
the part they m i formed no clllcleiitly
ami give them t ho pralno they denorvo
would require a great deal of npaco,
and would only ln to reiterate tho
many romarkn of tho hlntrlonlc
jabllltj exhibited by each player lant
Wodnenilay evening.
In looking back over tho pleanetit
event memory dwelln for a happy
moment upon the iiiunlc furnlnhod by
tho orchentra which provided tn
nharc of entertainment.
Fzeklel Fortune, a Now F.iiKlaud
farmer W. M. Vallaiidluham.
'Frlah Skinner, a mlm-r Clarence
Wllln-rt Dark wooil.haudnoiuoauil uu
ncruiu)oun Mr. A. C. Hampton.
Jack Nelnoii. Fortuno'n adopted noil
Mr. W. Wagner.
Lawrence Mc Kecgnu, an alderman
I from the city M. A. I'lu lpn.
Iietectlvo Jtri nk I n Kalpli Kimxer.
Two countable.
Jennie I'm t inn-, pretty ami unnophlH-
tleal Minn Mie Snider.
I Mm. I'rlncllla Dodge, a nilncept llile
I widow Mm. J. F. Noiln.
ACT. I. WllU-rt Dark wood, black
leg from city dincovcrn that a rail
road compaify Intends ontablinhlng
antatiouou Hickory Farm. They
will pay a laro mini of money for
thin liH'iitlon. Dark wood plotn with
Skinner to ntoal the dcdn from For
tune which Skinner agn-en toon ac
count of an old grudge ngalnnt For
tune. Darkwood dlncovern that the
girl he mot In city preceding winter
to be Fortuno'n daughter and Indue
on her to elope with him. Darkwood
obtalnn deed and robn bank contain
ing Fortune' money and layn nun
plciou on Nelnoii.
ACT -. Dark wood nold Fortune'
hoiKc and demand rent due him.
Skinner repent hlnactloa and threat
en tocxpono Darkwood. Detective
arrive and Skinner aid lilin in con
victing Dark wood. Jennie retlll'lin.
Nelnoii I cleared and Fortune' deed
rcHtored. Darkwood In killed.
John Kelloy, the Hummer Laker,
who traveled over California looking
for a location all winter and return
ed here neveral dayn ago, we under
ntand, han come back toIakecounty
with the Intention of buying lilnSutn
mer Lake ranch back from W. A.
Currier to whom he Hold It toabout
a year ago. They will como back.
John nayn he expect bin wife bore lu
a couple of weekn. Think he wan
Jollying about the wife.
Carnontern are flirurlnir on the c.ut.
of a now city building ilx3. on the
lot belonging to tho town buck of
tho HoyiioldH & Wlngfleld ntoro on
Hear ntroct, to bo uned for a city hall,
Jail and tiro department room. Tho
quarters now unod for tho recorder
olllco ami city hull are not con
venient, and the ftro department's
quarters and Jail arts not In keeping
with tho progreBB of the twn.