Mttt L VOL. XXV. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1901. NO. 1G. me HERHAN AND WILUAHSON Republican 5tate Convention at Portland on Mth Indorse President Roosevelt. At till CollgH'lollll COUClltloll (r tin- first iIImi rlcL 1 In Suit-in April I I, linn, Dinner Ih-rinnuu was IIIIIIIiIiIKHIhI.V cIlOM'll ( MlCClvd llllll- M'l( III (lie I'nltcd State coligiv. llcfore tin convention several run-lliiiti-M wcrt In tlx1 field, it it I fr it while Itlooked iiM If Mr. Hermann" candidacy was tn Im i-ImmcI,v contest d. Hut at tin lost hourothcraopliiuit for tin place tM-gan to realize the mu nition and no opposition to Mr. Her mann wn offered lit tlit convention. In Portland tilt second dlMl'Ict con veutlon wan doing polities on the innjorlty rule plan at the Maim time, atio! Hon. J. N. Williamson wan nom inated to succeed himself lnciigre; lie too Winn nominated ly occlnma tlou. The DrHt district In strongly repiilillean, and It Is conceded that t he republican nominee will have an niMy rare. At the state coil vent loll held III Portland on the day following tho lonureMMlotial convention, the fol lowing men were nominated for tin different oIIIccm In tlil dlMtrlct ami ntate; Supreme J udgc, 1'. A. Moore; Food t'ominlHhloiicr, I'.alley; Joint Senator Jltli Senatorial DlMtrlct, l.aycot U of (irant C 'utility. Kor Rep-it-MMitut Ivt'tt Dr. Stelner of Lake- lew and John S. Shook of Klamath roiii.ty. For DlMrlcl Jtidgc.4-Hamia and r.iiixon. 1 Im1 rift Attorney Neshcry of JjukMoii county and r.nittnlii of Lake county, The convention elected lour dele natc to the National convention at Chicago and liiHtructed them to sup port Rooev-lt for president. Res ohitloiiH wen pned Indorsing the preHeiit administration. The delegate to the National con ventloii are, Harvey W. Scott and W. II. Ayer, of Potlnnd; S. L. Kline, of CorvalllM, and I. S. Smith of Mal heur. The nominee for presidential electors are, J. M. Hart, Dallas; JameM A. Fee, I'rndleton: (irant II. Dlmmlck, Oregon City, and A. C. Hough, Corvnlll. The convention indorsed 1'reHident Roosevelt and hi pollcleH. TI.e Klainiit h Fulls Republican In rpeiiklug of the ticket put out by the state convention Mart out with the headline "Klamath Shut Out." What Klamath wanted we do not know, uulcHH it wax ahuih wire fence around the district. Klamath got a circuit Judge, and a representative, nil they liad lcfore. (Irant got a Joint Hcnntor am Crook nothing. Lake a representative and dlHtrlct attorney. The Klamath papers put up a light agaulHt Kmmitt, the only man in the county who could have been nominated for Joint senator, ami In j view of thin fact Klamath county was very fortunate In getting what! t hey did. A more appropriate head ing for the Klamath paper would havo been "Hamaknr Shut Out." Land Fraud and Bigamy John A. IleiiHon of laud fraud fume ha other trouble which go to mako life Interesting to him after many, many year of high-handed fraud. It would aoein that Mr, Ben mou from year of crime would be come calloused to the trilling charge of bigamy. The following a print ed In the San Francisco Chronicle of April Mth: "Then I no doubt that John A. HeiiNon, the Indicted land-gmblier, I married to the diiMhlng young woman who wax formerly the wife 'Swlftwater It III Gate. Then In CoiiNldcrnble doubt whether he In not married to the woman who ha borne hi name for the past thirty seven year ami Mill bear It. lien sou May he wan divorced from and never remarried to Mr, IIcuhuii No. 1. Mr. Jlciirton dcnlcH absolutely that there ha ever Iteen a divorce. IteiiMoti dicllueM absolutely to dl cu the why, when or when of the divorce which he allege. The mar riage of IleiiMon to the former Mr. 'Sw ift water ISf II took place nearly a year ago In the remotet corner of California. Tim for Train Wreck. The time of year for railroad wtc-efe" ha arrived, and new of the wni'ki are not lacking in tin- make up of the dally paper. The spring freshets when the ground I Hoaked w ith water cause the roadld to give way, and scarcely n day pasc without It wreck, At Roscburg lat week seven freight car were smashed to Milliliter In a wreck canned by the giving away of the roadltcd. No one wi(K Injured. A Great Northern paenger train wa wncked on the l.'lth. near Ix-aven-worth, Washington, and Engineer Jack (Vook and Fireman J. M. Wll on were killed, by an embankment giving away. The engine, mall and baggage car left the track and roll ed down tin embankment, but the paHHeuger car clung to the track. A big laud slide occured on the bit h on the Southern Pacific at the north cut crencc of tunnel l.'l, near Ahltne which held up traffic 20 hour. Democratic State Convention. The following telegram wa receiv ed yeterday: Portland, nr., April 20, l'.HM. Tho following delegate were elected to the National democratic convention: W. F. Butcher of linker, C. Redford of Morrow, 1'. II. Holman and Jan. (ileaMon of Multnomah and J. 1. Matlock of Eugene. iH'inocrntU: Presidential elector: J A Jeffry and T II Crawford of Mar lon, V BPIIIcn of Columbia, Johh II Smith of ClatHop. Nominee for congn', first district: R M Veach of Lane. Supreme Judge: Tho. O'Dny of Multnomah. Circuit Judge: Win S Crowell and J It Nell. DUtrlct Attorney: A E Ueame of Jackon and W J Moore of Lake. The telegram contained no nomi nee for stato senator or representa tive. Hearst Down la Oregon. By the narrow margin of three votes the nntl-llearst democrats won out against the supporter of tho Journalist politician in tho Mult nomah democratic county convention In Portland ou the 14th. Stato Senator Alex Sweek headed tho Ilea est faction agaluat L. T. Perry In one of tho hottest phlitlcal battles Oregon democrat have ever experienced. Crook county democrat Instructed their stato delegate for W. R. Hearst tor prosldcut. Some of the most prominent democrat la the county refused to attend the convention un der such Instruction. "niSSOURI" DISASTER Thirty-Two Officers and flen are Killed By Accidental Powder Explosion. The moht appalling dlxiMcr In the hltor3" of the American navy since the blowing up of the Maine In the Havana harbor In IsiiH occiiTcd on board the nmt-clax battlcxhlp Ml Moitrl at PeiiHiicola, Florida, on April l-'lth, when 2M)0 pound of MtiiokclcM powder exphnled, killing twenty-nine otllcer and men out right and Injuring five more, two of whom will dk. The accident hapned about noon while the MIourl, Captain William H. CowIch commanding, wa going through It first target practice on the range about fifteen mile distant from the naval station. She wa accompanied by the Texa and the Hrooklyn. A only one man of the twenty five who composed the crew of the turret and handling room survives, the exact cause of the disaster can only Isj conjectured. It I believed tliat the gun pointer accidentally fired the fourth shot of hi string from the starboard gun In the after turn-t Is-fore the breach wa locked, In his anxiety to make a record in quick firing. This was blown open by the explosion, tilling the turret with llamlng gasses and hurllug the blazing powder into the handling room Is'low, where fourothcr charg es, weighing nearly 4m pounds each, also Ignited. In less than five second twti streams of water were Is-lng played In the rooms, am.' when voluuteers were called for every man responded eager to go to the rescue of their comrades. The twenty-five men of the turret were found lying lu a heap. They had started for the exit when the first explosion occured, and had Just reached then?, when the mora terrl- ' ble explosion In the uaodliug room burned and strangled them to death. The bodies were hardly recogniz able, the terrible and quick fire hav ing burned the clothes from their bodies, and the flesh hung from them In shreds. The Missouri Is the very latest of the big battle ship to go Into com mission. The flag was hoisted on her on December last at Norfolk by Captain Cowles, a brother-lu-lav of President Roosevelt. Ofliclals of the navy department for more than a week, while nJo!c ing in the world breaking records in target practice on our war ship, have feared Just such an accident as this. Later Three more men died a a result of their Injuries. Cxpreanlon of Sympathy. Tho President ha contributed f 100 nnd the Secretary of .the Navy n like sum a the nucleus of a fund tor tho relelef of tho dependent next of kin of tho enlisted men who lost their live In the disaster on the Missouri, Paymaster-Oeneral Harris, U. S. N., has been authorized to receive any other contributions that may be made for this purpose. Tho President accompauied his check for $100 with tho following letter to Secretary Moody: 'My Dear Mr. Secretary May I send through you this contribution, to be used for tho benlftt of tho de- endent klnfotk of the men who have Just lsH-n killed on board the Mis sourl? I'nderthe condition of mod ern warfare. In order efficiently to prepare for war, risk must Isj run slmulnr In kind, though not to the degree, to the risk run In battle, and these men have died for their coun try as much as if the ship had lieen in action against the enemy. Sin cerely yours, "THcODOKK IIOOSKVKI.T." Another Railroad Merger. K. J. Atherton, a railroad man of Chicago, passed through Reno recent ly nnd gave out the Information that a merger has ls?en effected between the Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany and the Western Pacific people. He would not give the source of his Information, but stated that the Southern Pacific, now that it Is In possession of the valuable right of way through Beck with pass, intend to Improve the opportunity and build o line from this city through the pass, connecting with the road again at C'hlco. The above statement was printed In th- San Francisco Chronicle of the 15th. J. Dallzcll Brown or San Francisco denies all klowledge of such a merger, and futher new can not lie gained. Will Loose Their Crops. The continued warm weather of the past two week has caused an almost unprecedented rise In the Truckee river, and hundreds of acres of farm nnd garden lands along the river Is Hooded. This is the second flood along the Truckee, and as it is so late In the season there Is no pos sible chance for farmers to replant with the assurance of getting a crop. Workmen started on the 14th on the new block system between Truckee and Reno. The Southern Pacific has been figuring on this im provement for some time. The great numlsT of curves and steep grades between these two points makes the danger of collision great. With the block system a, collision will be almost an Impossibility. Should not be Pardoned Governor Chamberlain ha been asked to cuncur In a petition from the General Assembly of Evangelist of Chicago to the Governor of Ken tucky In behalf of Caleb Powers, who has been convicted and sentenced to death for the brutal murder of Wm. Goebel, governor of Keutucky. Tho letltIon asks for the pardou of Pow ers, and every governor In tho Unit states ha been asked to Join in ask ing for executive clemency. Govern or Chamberlain absolutely refuses to Join in this request, nnd protests against such action on the part of the Kentucky governor, claiming that both Power and Taylor are guilty and should pay the penalty with their lives. Withdrawal of Desert Lands. A telegram wa received at tho Lakevlow Land office last Saturduy from the general laud office at Wash ington, ordering tho wlthdrawl from entry except mineral entries,- 09 sec tions iu townships 24, 25 nnd 20, in range 71, all east ami south. Tho above discrllied lauds He in the vicinity of Christmas Lake, about 15 miles cast uud from 10 to U0 miles north of Silver Lake, ou tho desert. What such u wlthdrawl could be made tor 1 a puzzle to those ac quainted with the character of that portion of the desert. A FIRE CO. ORGANIZED Committee Report Fire Appara tus to be in a Very Bad Condition. At the citizens meeting held last Thursday evening a fire company was organized with Dr. It. E. Iee Stlener ns chief. Committees were appointed to report at the next meeting, held Tuesday evening of this week, when the committee re ported a form of resolutions which were adopted. Warner Snider wa elected secretary, and A. Bteber, treasurer. Member signed the roll to the number of twenty-two. The fire company will meet annual ly or upon special coll of the Aire chief, who I elected by the eouncllto serve one year. It ho heretofore been the rule to exempt firemen from road tax, but under the new rule this clause is stricken out. The Tolue of a fireman' service at a fire Is Inestimable, and he cannot be repaid with the paltry sum ot f 3 o year. A fireman who I not worth more than that Is not wanted. In the opinion of The Examiner thi matter was wisely handled. The committee appointed to re port on what the department had on hand reported the following; One monkey wrench, some rotten hose, hose cart, one delapldated fire engine not worth a . More time was allowed for a re port on a new council room, jail, etc. Showed His Pluck in a Runaway An exciting runaway occurred last Sunday afternoon In the streets of Lakevlew, but luckily no one wa hurt. A. S. Down drove his team up to the postofllee and stepped inside , for his mail. His team ls?came frightened and dashed down the 6treet toward home. F. Campbell, horse breaker for the X L firm ran and grabbed one ot the animals by the bridle and swung on for three blocks, the horses rearing and run ning their best. Mr. Campbell ex hibited some of the nerve that quail fled him for a broncho buster In swinging onto the animals while tearing down the street at break neck speed, sometimes being flung In to the air and only striking the grouud every 10 or 20 feet, until his hold gave way and he was thrown to the grouud. He fortunately land ed far enough from the wagou not to 13 run over. This teat, too, was accomplished with great presence of mind, lie only received a bloody nose, which he has probably become accustomed to by this time in hand ling wild hoeses. The runaway team kept the road a far as the bridge across Deadman, where they stopped. Mr. Down say the damage amounted to f 1.50. Henry Heryford poisoned one of his best horse Inst Monday with poisoned wheat which ho waa put ting out for squirrels. W. II. Shirk went out to tho Heryford ranch af ter his team, and he and Mr. Hery ford went out into the field to catch the animals. Henry carried along a bucket of poisoned wheat, ' and whllo driving the horses sat the bucket down to head off a horse, leaving the bucket about three min utes. The three minute proved fat al to one of Henry's best work ani mal. The horso took one bite ot the wheat and died In a very few minute. SI I'