Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 14, 1904, Image 3

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    General Information
norm thinos to
Hhcep Hhcarlug IwtM commenced In
Summer Lake valley, according to
the Parley I'ohI.
Kfittiuky Favorite WliUUy in tll-t
mid bent. Physicians reecoinend l.
I'oat A Kitiu. tf-
Editor Holder of the Tal-ley l'mt
departed for I'l lnevlllebiM SjM unlny.
lie cxpectn to Im absent from I'aUley
nlioiit I linn weeka.
Uncle IM. t'hontc inn) K. 'l'oi li ft
here IhkI Monday for Ijimwii Creek
where they'll hjm'ihI n few dny lull
ing any tin New Em.
I have 7."i yard of llOIIM' WOVell lilt
or iiiIhh ciirH't for Male In yard
plccca. Write to Mr, Frank liar
t lx, Hummer Lake, Oregon. 11
M rn. Charley t ampln-ll Iihh ret urncd
front llnni. vt Ik-it ahc Iiiih Ihi ii
vlaltlng frli-nU for nevcra! inontliM
pant, hivh tlic I'ohI.
C'ri"' IiiohI complete Joli HtiH'k off of
the railroad Ih lo Im foiiml at The
Examiner olllce. I'lrat-clnHH work
nlwajM. al reasonable- price, tf.
Tln Itlchiuond .Vw-Ieadcr aug
gent a torlolMi tin a running inato
for HeuiHt. Tortoise or jackrahhlt
tllt n-HllIt WOllhl Ih til" KUIIie.
Cyrus Noble Whiiiky the oM chain
plon anl Mill 4-liHiiiilon uf them nit.
(Wl la nil (ln-l-clans places. Auk for
Cryus Noble case god when you want
a cliop at home, tf.
Span' originally alloted to KiimmIii
for a national pavllllon ban Imm-ii
awarded to Holland upon tin re
fluent of t'niiimlHcldiicr i iriicrnl 1. II.
Culifornia fiirin for fulu nt a bin bar
Kain. 1'4) acres fenced and croaa fenced.
Cost prrneiit owner $10,WK) but wl.l bo
old for tMXK) ; i down ami balauceon
racy payments. Inquire at this of
fice. -17-tf
There will Ik a cotillion party at
the Silver House, Wednesday even
In K'. Octola-r 1st. flood musfc will U
lit attendance. Oregon City, Sept.
J'J, Salem Statesman.
Several copies uf tbo Northwestern
Stock directory, complied by SIom A
Lightly, printers of Alturas, have U-en
left al this oflice for distribution. It is
a valuable hook lor Mock men and worth
the price. tf
Maya Mulkey finished his acbool
111 goose lake valley last Friday and
was In Alturas on Sunday. Ho In
formed ns that ho him Urn engaged
to teach a siiinincrschool. Now Era
"I have used t'liaiiilwrluiiH Stomach
and Liver Tut. lets with iiiohI satisfactory
results," says Mm. F. L. Phelps, Hous
ton Tcxuh. 1'or inili''H(i(in, hilloUM)cn
aix' coiihlt nt ion these tablets are moi
excellent. Sold by Leo lleall.
A. t. ami Elide Smith returned ln-l
Sunday from Madeline with ((.",( HH)
pound of freight for our ImihIim-m
men. They report th roads la had
mIiIh', lait midt the trip without
Mishap. New la.
Tim Oregon Dally Journal and tbo
Lake County Kximlricr both otu
year for fU. The Weekly Jonrnal
and F.xamlner ono year for f-.".".
The Heml-Wnkly Journal and Kx
(Mulncr me year for f .1. tf
V, II. Woodcick'n reKilellfC U.V
nii le, price 91.VM). Will accept all
ciimIi down, or part canti, balance on
eaMy.tcruiri. For fin t her pari leiilarx,
addrcMM W. i. Woodcock. .'1 Sierra
alreet, Iteno, Nevada. tf
Tin Itecord Hfiya thit AIm Adliin
toii of Cedarvllle Iiiih received a pat
ent on an Invention, of bin own, of a
cinch buckle that can h ho applied
that the elm hint; or uni liu hlnjf of a
M iddle can Ih- applied without dh
niouiitliitf I'oor borne.
T. A. Ilendcraon, the San I'ranctM
co cattle buyer wan In thin hccIIoii
laat week looking for Hteera. Wcun
liTKtnnd that there an; neveral t-at-tie
buyera In thin Hoctloii which fact
would lead one to believe that cattle
are on the ralne, New ICrA.
A San IMcko, Cal., woman will ex
hibit al thcWorld'H fair a roll of but
ter made In 1Vh. Tbo butter wan
placed In a pprlnif bonne la that year
and It dlHMppeared In theulck Hand
and wan recently rohtoreil. and found
to Im- In a remarkably K"d condi
tion. Harry Itlnehart, foreman of the
X I, ranch, hiMt Sunday brought
over cattle that have Imcii fcedim; In
SurprlMo valley the pant winter.
They got through In K"od nhape.
The boyH had a bard time Retting
them over the moiintaln aayn the
Near Kra.
TUIC DIDrD lo k'pt on aitR.o,
Inlo rArtn aitiuui Aatw u fun-
mtu Hirci, fun Fmni lwn, ('!., rnU-r
contrm lii lor flrrlllog op t fiil lf It.
n. n. church dircctorv.
Lakkvikw I'rem IiIiik aervlcea at
11 o'cbM-k A. M., and 7 Mi V. M., every
wctjfid nt"l fourt h Sunday.
Hundny S liod every Mtinday nt 10
A.M. 1'rnyer Mwtlnu every Thurs
day at 7:.'S0 I. M.
Skw Vtn Ciikkk I'n'achlnjf Her
vlcea at 11 Vlo k A. M., ami l.
M., evvry firnt Sunday.
Kiinday School every Sunday at 10
A.M. 1'rayer Mii-tlnjf every Thur
ila.v at 7:'M V. M.
Hk i uki. I'rwn hliijc Si-rvlcea at 11
o'ebx-k A. M., nnd 7:.'M I'. M.. every
third Sunday.
.1. It. Stakk, I'aHtor.
MakrM m flraa nrrp.
Thero'a nothintt like doing a thing
thoroughly. Of all the Salve you ever
beard of, Iluckleyn'a Arnica Salve is the
bent. It sweeps away and cures Iturnp,
Sores, llruines, Cuts, Hoils, Ulcers, Skin
Kruptions and Tiles. It's only 25c, and
guaranteed to give aticfai tion by Lee
Ileal I, Irut!gitt.
Uo4 4TrtlalBar la
miwl which aIla trade.
Yoa may bare Just na good
values as tbo other fellow, but
If bo tells tbo public about bla
ability to do better for tuem than
any one else and you do not bo
will get tbo trade.
TU propla why tt Is to their
advantage to trade with you.
Tell them convincingly and
keep telling them.
Chicago Dry Coods Reporter.
The drawlac power of an
ail. la a-auarrd by lla circula
tion. If yoa to reach
the people. thla paper.
J- c
l Proprietor , X
The Best Vaquero Saddle on the flarriet
AIho a complete line of wagon and lut?i?y harneHH, wblpi, roln-a 4
rlatftH, bltH, Hpurn, qtilrtM, rowtten. In fact everything in the line of
carrlnife and horm' fiirnlHlilnM. Itepalriug by comK.tent men.
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Hereford Stock Farm
Drews Valley, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
Largest herd of registered
Hereford in Oregon
Young Cattle for Sale
IAID0R ALAMO head of herd
Notice of the Sale of Unsurveyed
Swamp Lands.
Notice is hereby given that the State
Land Hoard will receive sealed bidl un
lil 2 o'clm:k 1. M. on June 14. 1!H)4 for
the purchaxe of the following dtiHcrihed
uiiMirveyed Swamp Landa, to-wit:
All of the unhtirveyeil Swamp land in
Townahin 'M S. K. 24 K of W. M on
Warner Luke more particularly decern
ed nn fiillovvs :
What would ba the S of SeMion 11 ;
S ;u ol Section 15 j all of fractional Sec-
Announces a Clubbing Arrangement With
1 1 , . 1 1 ?j 01 rtcfiiiiu i.j: nil u iraciniiiiii
mime.,, m.....hK i " j H,,,, 14: all of fractional Section all
1ixv iiiiiiim' club. Their jdace of nl fractional Section if tbo United
. . . 1 1 .. 1 'Stale mrveva adjacent thereto were
iiiii-t lug In wherever they happen to . (xll.n,(., '
lie on the htreet. W hat we can mii.v All hid unlet be accompanied bv nu!
; (i j 1 l it-tit ion and nlliilavit to piuchiieo in ;
1 ai'i-iirilance w illi Section 'X.W.Y2 of ltellin-J
I gerund t'otion'rt Coile and survey audi
: 1 ti-.-l 11 nil ii 01 iiri lil'ov lil.-il liv N.-i-lion !t.ULt
!..: I.: . :.. . . . 1 . . . ... !
1 om ec itiiiK aie no iei 1-0 ink :-. Hni ly cilch or check tor lull amount
voices for their winter trade. All the i olfered.
fluent brands of liqueur and cipws Hre j IS" lor Ichh than fl.UU per aero
will IK' I imniiu'iru
t he el ud lm a i nail lied nfi of olllc-ei-H.
kept there. Pout At Kin (iirni-li the
home with the la-nt hraiidn for medicin
al purpoHcH. 42-tf
All IHIiioIh editor Hpeaklng of an
Individual, naya he ban broken every
bauk, Jail and Sabbath that they
havu had in that city for the punt
five yea rn. Salem StateMinan, March
y), X'2.
Hud Currier Iiiih pure bawd from
Mra. Trumbo, her reHldenee property
In I'nlHley, comddcrntloii 12U). ThU
In a very deulrablo plin'e of property,
ami will mako Mr. Currier a pleasant
home. I'nlHley I'oHt.
Spkciai. Hki'iikhkntati vb 111 this county
and adjoininx turritorie-1, to represent
and advertise anol lent iiialied business
house of solid financial Htandiny;. Sal
ary (21 weekly, with K.xi-ei.iiei advanced
each Monday by clerk ill ect from head
quarters, llorse and I mny furnished
when necessary: puniti n permanent.
Address Blew llios. & Co., Monon
ItUltf., (JhicuKO, III. 15Ct
The richt to reject any and all bids is
The Hoard will hear any objections
that may he offered by interested parlies
to the mile of this laud.
Applications and bids sln.uld bo ad
dreHHed to O. ti. llrown, Clerk State
Land Itonrd, Salem, Oregon, and mark
ed "Application and Bid to Purchase
UiiBiirvtyed Swamp Lands."
U. U. Hkown,
Clerk State Land Hoard.
Dated this Otii day of March, 11MI4.
Mar. 17-13t.
lu all 1U stage.
Ely's Cream Balm
plowing, tootliM and heala
tlis dlMuuud membrane.
It curui oatarrh and drives
way a cold In the Uuad
Cream Ilolm U j.laced Into tlia nustrils, spread
over tli niBiiilirane and U aliaurbed. lUllef U Im
mediate and a cure follow. It Is not drying due
nut produce sneeaiiig. Larue Hlae, 60 oent at Drug
glU or by mall; Trial blae, 10 cent.
KLT BltOTlLEKS, It Warren Street, New York
The handsome Illustrated Magazine published by the
old reliable firm of Rand, McNally& Company, Chicago,
the largest publishing house in the world. "Farm Life"
is the leading publication for the farm home. Printed in
colors and beautifully illustrated throughout. Each is-
contains special articles relating to successful farming,
also special departments for women, bo3's and girls, and
the little folks.
The Lake County Examiner, one year $2.00
Farm Life, one year 50
ltoth pnpcrH, one year for fi.OO
Tue yearly price of The Examiucr.
New subscriptions or renewals.
Subscribe or renew to-day and don't forget to mention
that you want bqtli papers for only $2.00, the price of
The Lake County Examiner.
y. t
This offer is for only a limited time; take advantage of it while
mm ios oss oo ooo c"oeMMieetopooo
ft ttmtmmr tt-ftttttttf "ffmttf Atftttftt -t t t'ttrti tt ntTTtttit init iiiimimiiiii