Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 14, 1904, Image 2

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    ak Count u x a nine
Published Evenr Thursday
MaftMiC BalMtHf
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V Six Month I .uu
(Three Months, 90
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Quft-r Column..
Htif Column
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Use Printer' Ink.
It I about time for candidates to
got their uauies In print. Use print-
!. Ink If von tviMH-t iritiul rvmilt
from the convention's choice. If n
man deiionds on his own tongue to
relate hid pood qualities, voter will
think lu Is Immodest; If he dejends j
tipou his friends to tell t lit voters of
Iiis merits, his friends may bo busy I
with their own affairs ami have lit
tle time to devote to other eople,
and you may not lie satisfied with
the result; if he depends upon his
home paper to put forward his In
terests he is sure that the word
have beeu said, aud to all the voters,
for he has it in black and white, Lut
?on'tespeet too much voluntary as
Jstance from the newspaper, whose
apace is the proprietor's only source
of revenue, and from which he must
ilelve a few dollars with which to
pay his printers. Printers, type
fonnders, paper houses and ink deal
ers are queer fellows; they will fur
lleh you ink, paper, type ami do
your work.but not becnuse they love
the publisher.
An attorney of Chicago uauied
Wilson has brought suit to prevent
the construction of the Panama ca
nal. He declares that in asking for
an injunction he is representing no
one but himself. This is a remark
able case where one man can le so
werlousiy injured as to undertake to !
block the work of a nation, even 1
after nearly a hundred years of ne- j
gotiations. What will puzzle the
lieople of the United States is, if Mr. !
Wilson's actions are purely jH-rsonal j
who he had to represent him near-,
I IT a h II tif I tl4l WtJ irt T I i too 1
bad, indeed, that the eighty million
lieople of the United States should , day bv day. Three physicians had iv
lie so stubborn as to oppose Mr.'en nie up. Then I was advised to use
Wilson's interests iu a matter like j Klectrie Litters ; to my great joy, the
huilding the Panama canal,
man, he ought to go some
p ace '
where the people would not bother
The trial and conviction of Senator
Burton of Kansas for accepting
bribes and uniug the Influence of his
office' for the benefit of swindlers and
to the detriment of the govenni'Mit
marks the beginning of the downfall -M"-'' I'Hh, Is-glnning at 1) A.
of treacherous high officials wlmjM-'UMl continuing I" the evening,
may lie seeking to use the honor u.t-; T,1 It'i'le interested in this great
tached to a United States Senator j ''"lu-fy are earnestly requested to
for a breastwork to protect them ! ,Kf l,rt N'nt- ,,M ,",Jts will U dis
rom the law. j cusseil of the greatest importance to
. ! all cattlemen. The meeting will be
The coal Larons of the east have
liecome verv miiiirticent. havinir U-en ;
, , ...
.touched by the wrechedness of the
oqr consumers, and on the first of
April lowered the price of coal wlth
jn the reach of all. The waillngs of
old, hungry women and children
.through the winter months have
Just reached the ears of the coal deal
ers. The price will lie raised again
on September 1st.
Wall Street rich meu are upagalnst
Andrew Carnegie, the millionaire
philanthropist in their attempt to
ilefeat Loose velt with money. Car
negie says he will put up a million
dollar iu defense of the common peo
ple' Interests against Wall Street's
conspiracy to defeat Koosevelt.
Wm. II. Hearst will give 11,500.000
to be elected president. Lid up Wil
lie, tbut is not enough. That Is less
than four bits a vote.
! California democrat lire confctiiig
with Oregon democrat fr a HenrM
combination In the Pacific ("mint
State. Oregon demon at mil lit'
i il ovcrnor Chamberlain of m'diiil
place on the National ticket, n pbwc
w lik li Uu" governor has lieen widely
spoken of to till l.v OrvgonUn. It
would Ix. tnit of tlio ajucstlon tor Cal
ifornia and Oregon to capture both
places. Any how, ! wholo thing I
only a Mint b-r of formality: J nut to
fill up tin demoixitt ticket. Hearst
can't le elected, even It ho get t lit
; atari ('mi Me i mrr
'cannot reai h the scat of tlio disease.
I Catarrh is a blood or conxliluliliHl dis
I ease, and in order t cine it you must
i take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
. Cure , taken interna'ly, and acts di-
reetly on the blood and mucous surface.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack med
icine. It was prescriUd by one f the
U'st physician.? in this country for year
and it a regular prescription. It is com
posed of thebett tonics know n, combin
ed with the best blood pminers, siting
directly 011 the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingred
ients is what produces such wonderful
results in curing Catarrh. Send fur lea
timonial free.
F. J. CHKNEY 1 CO, Props, Toledo. U.
Sold by druggists, price 5o.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The Fair Route
Via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
I'wls, Is the one that gives you the
most for your money, and the fact
that the ILLINOIS CENT II A I. offers
Unsiiuwsskh skkvm'k via throe
points to the WOLLDS 1A1K. and
in this connection to all points Isv
yond, makes it to your nd vantage. In
case you contemplate a trip to any
point east, to write us ln-fore mak
ing filial arrangements.
We can offer the choice of at least a
dozen different routes
I!. H. Tin Mitri.i..
Com men-la 1 Agent,
142 Third Street, Portland Oregon.
T. F. & I. A.,
1.".-' Thrd Street, Portland Oregon.
T. li. TiioMi-wix,
F. & P. A..
Ko 1. Column Lldg.. Seattle, Wash.
Nobbed thr Uravr.
A etartlinit inciJent, i narrated by
I John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows:
"I was in an awful condition My
It-kin was almoet yellow, eves sunken.
tongue coated, pain continually in back
1 and eidef, no appetite, urowimt weaker
nrst iKittle made a decided improve-
uient. I continued Jheir use for three
tt-,,l.fl ami am nnu fl u 11 1 tnnn f lrrw.lL'
they robWd the grave of another vic
tim." No one should fait to try them.
Only 5U cents, guaranteed, at Lead's
Drug Store.
Cattle Grower's Convention.
There will be a Convention of Cat-tlo-Hrowen
of Oregon held in Port-
at the Auditorium, Ik-t ween
Taylor and Salmon on Third
tiiiANT Mays, Secretary.
A tiremt Mrasatlon.
There was a biii sensation at Lees
ville, Ind. when W. II. Brown of that
place, who was expected to die, had his
life laved by Ir. King's New Discovery
for consumption. He writes: "I en
dured insufferable agonies from Asthma
but your New Discovery uave me immed
iate relief and soou thereafter effected a
complete cure." Similar cures of Con
sumption, Pneumonia, Lroricliitis and
Grip are numerous. It's the peerless
remedy for all throat and lung troubles.
Price f0c, and fl-00. Guaranteed by
Lee Lcall. DruggiM. Trial bottles free.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
There will be "Some
thing Doing" 'ere long
Your Properly
With the
II Don! Mailer If II U
Not Worth
' CfS
WtCan 5cll It fur You.
If You Contemplate
Buying or 5clllnf
..A HOME..
Consult Us At Once
If You Want a Bar
gain in Either Case.
I isten!!