Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 14, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 15.
1 w
Mrs. Sherlock Ilntcrtains Lndy
Irlenda-Needle Club Re
ception by rtr. Shirk.
'I'll" first H'x lal event follow big tlu
lciitcu season ixciircd Saturday af
ternoon, April !ttli. when Mrs. Charles
Nhcrhxk cntcrlnl I Iht friend nt
wIiImI. The i(lt ii m 1hiiiii wn
b 'alltlfull.V decorated for till" occa
sion; wild flower, hniblllgcr of tln
sprlnntliiic, appearing In profusion.
The II rt prize, u Ix-uutiful souvenir
cup and saucer, wax won liy Mr. It.
K. I.. Stclltcr, and Mix Jessie Sand
h iccecded lii currying itwiy tin- boo.
by prize.
Tin' delightful nflcn ii mid gru-
clou lMiltall(.v of Mr Shell. irk
will long Ik remembered by tin'
l idti M of I,uke lew.
Thoxc present Writ' Mix .lesxlc
Sand. Mlsx I '.all Hail, Mis I l.i Hull,
Mrs. C. A. Knox. Mrs. f. It. Anderson,
M ex. I in i. .1 1 Iiiim hi, Mr. Will Steel,
.lrn. It. K. I.. Stl.-mr, Mr. J. F.
orln. Mix. le I'.i-iiII. Mix. Ihii Mil
b.y, Mrs. W. II. Shirk. Mrs. W. A.
Wllshlre, Mrs. I.cstlc Vnnderpool,
.Mrs. Win. Harvey, Mih. II, r. Whlt-
or lli n nd (ir.nmlmu llnmmcrsley.
Till' dllllltll'Ht Of ltlllcllCOlIX W IIMHiTVI'll
ill tele li tctc tables at tin flow of
'I'lif Fnstcrn Star Needle ( bib were
vntcrt Mined Friday afternoon. April
the eighth, by Mrs. Shirk. In Hit par
lorn of Hotel Lakevlew. A cry
pleasant and profitable afternoon
was HH'iit, Mi. Shirk fully sustain
ing I it reputation a- a grnclou
hoxtexx. Icecream and cake wen
Mi-rvt'd alid Hii'iiit'd the moxt appro
prlati' ri'frcHhiiifiit on (IiIh warm
spring day. Tin' club adjourned to
IIKTt two weeks liclHV at tilt llollie
of Mrx, It. K. I., stclner.
To tha Patrons of the Lakevlew
' By observation thlx year ami by
looking over the records for tho past
years, 1 find that a custom of taking
or allowing children to drop out of
school u mout h or two before tin
clow of tlit' term, hnx prevailed In
this district.
I wish to call the intension of par
ent to certain fact and ivsult of
Hindi condli lonx.
If the child b permitted to stop,
or go one day ami stity out the next
they miixt, of course, fall behind their
class mates. The next year they re
turn and expert to n with their
i grade. You can readily nee that
they are not prepared to no on; yet
It Iri too easy for them In their form
er grade, and If compelled to go over
It they loose Interest. If they are ul-
" lowed to go on they Ih-coiho a nui
sance to the rent of their grado ou
account f the work they liavo iiiIhh
ed and do t'ot underxtand. llenee,
i they are weak pupil and are In all
j llkclyhood to remain ho the rent of
t heir dayw.
No boy or nlrl, however brltfht.can
j ever expect to be a thorough student,
who In permitted to attend hcIiooI
In thin iiianner, each year they are
IoohIiik tho very bent part of tho
xehool year and Hklpplnt; ono or two
i montliM work.
Tho flrxt nnd luxt duyn of sehuol
are tho most eHHentlal In all tho year
1 It Id Important to get started right
and with the rest of tho grade, ami
the cloning days aro the ouch lii
which we clinch, im It were, all tho
fartK that have txi'ti taught during
the year, and the time when th cx
amlmitloiiH for promotion are held
and no pupil, however much he may
dextre, should lx allowed to mlxx
t ln'xe texlx of alilllty. A dcxlrn oil
the part of a pupil to avoid hiicIi
textH al wny hIiown h weaknexx In
their work.
I U-llevi' that no parent knowlugty
would allow or H'i uilt anytliliiK to
take plaee that would In any way
likely xpoll or forever ruin the pron-
jx et of their chlldii-n gettlngthe very
bext education their whoolM afford,
yet tlielx xt rexiiltMcau only lx' ob
tained by whirling the child toHchoo
the lllxt day and keoplng them then'
until the laxt lexxmi hax Ix-en nn-lted
and the laxt text given,
In no other matter but school
work, which hIioiiM Im the moxt Im
portant of all affairx concerning the
future life of the child, would such
eondlt Ion lx permitted to arlw.
No form or kind of buxluexx could
puxxlbly exlxt and become Hiiceexxful
under xiodi condition, and the xiiinc
1 true of education.
We are aware of the fact that at
thlx Hcaxon of I he year many children
are needed b their parent. lint
think alxo of the future of your boy
or girl. In the ye.-irx to come, the few
day Hx'iit In the hcIiooI. juxt at the
time when all Important fact of the
eiitlrv yearn work an' Ix-liig llxed 111
the mind of the pupil by reviews
and examlnatloiiH, will Im mon Im
portant to them than the few dollar
they may earn or nave In those few
day. . . .
I'areiitx, from the year 1V.I to VAX
there were about 2.mK) more foreign
ers came Into the l iiited States than
then an K'0de in Oregon, Washing
ton, Idaho, Nevada. Montana, Wyo
ming, l'tah, New Mexico and Arizo
na, and the majority of them Ignor
ant and uiixkllled In any trade. They
an-the ones with whom our boys
and girl that an' uneducated and
untrained will have to couin-to for a
livelihood. Will your boy or girl
have to enter this competition?
There are only four weok more
of schot.l, Including the pn-sent one,
and In the Inteivxt of education. In
the Inten-st and xvellfaro of your
children, for which you strive and
toll, I ak you to think over this mut
ter run-fully and seriously, and If
possible keep your boy or girl In
school tllf the close.
Yours for consideration,
W. N. VAI.I.AMlKillAM,
That K. I-;. Burke Is a mechanic of
great ability there Is no doubt. Mr.
Ibirke has been employed In tho tele
graph and telephone office for two
years, ami scnt Ids spare time In
equipping uu electrician's shop
He first secured tho frame of
an old harness sowing machine, from
S. F. Ahlstrom and from the rude
frame has made a screw fitting lathe
with all Its attachments. Tho wcrk
Is as smooth a piece of mechanical
art as we ever saw. Kvery piece Is
as perfect as If made In a machine
shop where all tho necessary tools
are used. Mr. Ibirko used only a file
to shape such parts, as was neces
sar to put tho lathe in uso for mak
ing the other parts, and now has
his lathe so near complete that ho
Is ablo to manufacture any pleco of
machinery Imaginable. An Kxamln
er reporter visited his shop a few
days ago and was surprised when
Mr. Uurko displayed the pieces of
machinery he had manufactured.
Names Good Ticket-Two Offices
Place U Vacant.
The democratic convention was
held In Luke view last Saturday, com
posed of .V. delegates from the var
I Ion precincts of the county.
The convention was very ijulet.
moxt of the delegate having left
their Hx-eclie at home. H. C. Hem
ming, however, made n very appro
priate address, followed by a sub
scription Is-lug taken up.
The report of the different com
mittees were uiianlmoiiHly adopted.
and nomination for delegates to the Hotkln ended In Kan Francisco last generally Is-lieved that someone so
state convention were immediately week, ami Mrs. ISotkln was convict-; drunk that he could not find his l?d
made in order. Wm. lemons wax ed of murder In the first degree with had saunU-nvl Into the barn and
chosen 'secretary and It. A. llawklnx, the (x'nalty fixed at life Imprison- piled down In the hay and slept until
assistant. W. .1. Moon and Corded meat. The ISotkln case Is a familiar ' daj light and on leaving probably
Thurston were appointed tellers.
I'.. Daly, T. I'.. Bernard and S.
Moss were titiniiiniotirdy elected
attend thestate convention.
it. A. Hawkins was elected chu'r
man of the county ceiitralcommitt e
and W, It. Steele, secretary.
The following gentlemen were
nominated by acclamation for the
various county olllces. For sheriff,
Frank Duke: for Clerk, A. W. Man-
ring; for tn-asnrer, T. VI. P.ernard;
for surveyor, C. K. Moore.
The only places on the ticket con-
tested for were those of commission-
er and assessor. J. C. Dodson de-
fen ted W. P. Hertford for the com -
mlssloiierslilp, and W. D. West de
feated Isaac F.ecleston for assessor.
Then was no nominee for school
superintendent; a the only candi
date, II. 1 Jackson of Silver Lake,
w as not quulitlfd. There was no one
who would accept the nomination
for coroner, consequently these two
places were left vacant, and the
county central committee empower
ed to fill such vacancies.
.i ' i" ' -. .
v :; V, v - . t
'ill new statue of General W. T. Sherman unveiled in Wushlincioii I'.v l r!
tdent Roosevelt, Oct 15, Is nearly seventeen feet hitch sml weighs H.msi ioiitrti.
It Is tha work of the Mate Carl Hohl Sniltli und wm esxt In bnmre by th
Oorbam Manufacturing company. The generul U repnsi iitcd us t;ulctlj s!t
ttnf his horse, as If watching a distant conflict i ' in :i. -ue mot in
ths great gam of war.
The following committeemen and
precinct otllcers were nominated for
the different precincts:
Paisley ,f I Karra, committeeman
and justice of the ,s-hcc; 8tcve ay-
lord, constable. Hummer Lake H O '
, , ... ,
reuse, Com nnd .1 P; trunk Harris,;
( on. North Wamcr-.eff Parrlsh, j
Com; W P Moulder, J 1; Js? Jones,
,. .. ... ... ....,
i.imi. nifiivil "mill li i .ifaij.iii,
Com; V 11 Houston, Con. Silver
pl.ake CC Jackson, Com. Cogswell
Cnek .1 P Kuke, Com. Crooked
Creek S P Dicks, Com. tJoose LukcJ
Kd Tutro, Com. South Iikevfew
Tom IlculJ, Cjiii. Thomas Cnvk
A T Cllpplnger. Cm.
A N Lupham, (."om.
Drews Valley !
Mrs. Bof kin is Convicted.
The second trial of Mrs. Cordelia '
one to all n'aderx. In iyS she sent
pi lx hum I candy to t lie wife of John
I Dunning of Dover, Ivlaware; Mrs.
Dunning and liyr sister, Mrs. Iean,
both ate of the candy and died. In
IS'M she wax convicted of murder,
The trial cost San Francisco $50,W0.
In 1:m4 she was given another trial
which cost about the same and has
again lx-en convicted. Had she tieen
acquitted, the husband of the other
dead woman would have had her
urrested on a eecond charge of mur-
der. Mrx. Hotkln, for the first time,
broke completely down and wept
A. B. Schroder won here last week
us a delegate to the democratic con-
vent Ion from Silver Luke. Mr.
Schroder was not n candidate
office. He says he will not play ball
this summer, as he'ls now a sheep
man and hasn't the time for politics
j or sport. tJus will surely succeed in
the sheep business, us he Is a good
rustler and docs not do things by
. . t
Tw) Flfeg 5unday Jrn Qut Jhe
Fire Department Drunks
5hould be Watched.
Homeone, It Is not known who,
whose habits put him In the vagrant
class, must have lscn responsible for
the loss by fire last Sunday morning
about :'.V) o'clock, of the barn back
of Mrs. Klinxey's resilience, and a
calf that was shut up In the tmrn.
; The origin of the fire Is not known,
but there could hare Ix-en no motive
! that could possibly exist to Induce
even the lowest of humanity to set
the barn on fire purposely. Itl
lit u pipe and threw the match In the
hay. It was through gnat diillculty
several oiler building were saved.
. About 12 oclK-k Sunday night the
jK'ople were again aroused by the
j tire alarm, and this time the city
jail was discovered to 1st on fire.
j Hilly O'Farrell had been locked in the
j Jail for the night and had become
I tired of his quarters and sought to
j burn his way out. IJilly was nearly
. suffocated with smoke when releas-
ed, uud denieil having set the fire
but investigation showed that the
' jail had been fired by a candle from
j the Inside, and Billy was the sole oc-
These two fires started by drunks,
though resulting In small loss, should
Is a warning to every citizen of
l.akeview to Institute a close watch
for drunks, and when they are found
prowling around at night they
should be dealt with lu a manner
that would lessen the anxiety of the
property owners. The jail fire
would have resultetl In a disastrous
conflagration had it not been dis
covered In time.
Loren Bayley received a letter from
Sol Itehatt last week stating that
Mr. Kehart had purchased 10,000 feet
of water main, and would ship it to
Lakevlew to finish the work of pip
ing the water from fur up thecanyon
begun last summer, and he will re
place old mains In town where new
ones are needed. Lakevlew can de
pend upon a more efficient water
system this summer than the town
has ever had ls.fore. It is to be hop
ed that by putting In the new pipe
better water nnd more of It can Isj
had. '
Bailey & Mussiugill nave received
a letter.from Ilardlng&Caverly Bos
ton Wool buyers, who will be repre
sented in Lake county as soon as
tho buying season Is open. Prices
quoted for this year's wool are about
of a cent lower than the opeuing
prices last year, ranging from 12
cents to 13.
Nearly every man in town was
working along the flume Monday
keeping the water under control. No
damage was douo to speak of out
side of washlug away of tho banks
on the north side of Ahlstrotn's har
ness shop. Yesterday a crew or men
worked all day to prevent tho wash
ing of tho bank next to tho building.
Eil Baruum was exhibiting on tho
street yesterday an elk's horn that
he found at Benjamin lake that it it
had been Intact, would have measur
ed over four feet In length.
i; r-i