Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 07, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 14.
Good County Ticket Nominated
Resolutions Favorable to
Roosevelt and nitchcll.
The Republican roiinty convention
tmt at the court house lut Satur
day at 10 o'clock ii. in., ml the fol
lowing temporary oltlcer wereclcct
.'.I: A II Hamiuendcy. chairman; I' 1'
I rake, secretary; and W K MrCor
innt k, assistant secretary.
Tli following committee were up
Mlnt'l: Order of Buslne Paul
Itrattalu, Cha Huerlock,I L' Clclaud.
Credentials A L Ho well, John No
Me, Fred Fisher.
Permanent orgnnlxatloii: Ueo S
Mckerson, W A Masslnglll, Eugene
Resolution anil r.lutform: O A
Itrhart, W I) Tracer, J 11 Bull, J M
Hnmmersley, Ira Moshlwr.
Tlio convention then adjourned un
til 1:30 p. in., at which time the con
ventloii convened. Fpon motion the
temporary orguulxatlou wan made
IMTiimiH'iit. The chair then called
for report of committees. Commit
lee on Credential reported the fob
lowing delegates entltleil to sent III
tlx convention:
Drew Valley Fred Finder, Walter
Traeey, W It II a in rsley.
North Warner 1 1' Cleland. Harry
Robert. Wade Snyder. Snyiler ami
Robert proxies liy Ch in ml.
ThoiiiiiM Creek S J Hull on, W P
Jiykemau, J M I lumiiieridey, X Art
uer. Amier proxy liy Clm I'ni
liicli. North Lakevlew .1 McF.lhlnney,
proxy by L F Conn: L I. !iillllaiii.
lieo Nli-kcrson. J H Hull, T U Hast
inu. F M Jreen, C A I'.ehnrt, Chun
I'mlmcd, S F AhUtrom.
South Lakevlew C F. Sherlock, K
M Itrattalu, A H llammcrslcy, W A
.Massliiglll. C Henkle. J S Field. J E
Norln. A L Howell. J W Mlkel.
I'alHley 1' J Itrattalu, proxy ly J
W Tucker; John Scott. S S Ilannls
ler, A A Farrow. C W WltherM, prox
Icm by PJ Itrattaln;W It McCorniack;
A A Wlthain, proxy liy .MK'ormack.
Siiiuiuer Lake Thou Sherlock, J
Prnder, R (I Adam, proxlcn by E
New l'lne t'reek A M Cullughcr,
proxy by F.d Hart r. g; Walter Bar
barlck, KH Fade. F.d llnrtxog.
Silver Lake C 1 Rulck.SK I'.iihIcIc,
.1 M Martin. It V. Ward. proxleM by
l.utz; E 1 LuU, Win Hough.
Crooked Creek W E Itamuin,
proxy by A L Howell; S It Chandler,
Thou Connor, proxies by 1 .1 Wilcox;
C D llardesty.
(loose I.rfike Jam McCrary, Rolairt
Morris, Ira Moshicr, John Morris;
U W Noble, prtixy by John Noble.
South Warner S E Sloan, 1) V
Foskett, J K Dunnevau. proxies by
Frakes; L D Frakes.
lleport by Committee on Resolu
tions and 1'latforni read and unanl
inotiHly adopted.
Report of committee on Resolu
tions and Platform
We, your committee on Resolu
t loan and l'latfonu beg leave to re
port an follown:
"FlrHt; Resolved that we heartily
endorse the able and suocesHfal ad
ministration of President Theodore
UooHevelt, commend hi untiring eff
orU lu behalf of nu hoiient and ca
pable conduct of the neve ml depart
ment of the government, and Hup
port the action of theadnilnlNtrfttlon
In mo wucceMofully carrying out the
plans of the Panama Canal. AImo
that we are uuanlmoiiHly In favor of
the nomination of Theodore Hoom
evelt for the next caudldate for I'renl
dent. "Second; IdKolved, that having
the utmoNt confidence In the ability
and Integrity of Senator John H.
Mitchell, he having deuioimtrnteil hU
gnnt value mi Oregon'i champion In
congrewM, we do hereby iiiKjiuilinedly
en lorno him iu preeinlneiitly the
bent man to nuccced lilniHetf im I'nlt
ed State Senator from our Mate.
"Third; UeMolved, that thin con
vention be deliberate and cant Ioiih
In Km choice of candhlaten for the
Chan rmbach; South Iaklew A
II Haiutucmtcy; I'alnley ff. K Mc
Cormaek; Summer Inke T II SUer
lock; New Tine Creek A if Smith;
Summer Iike ii H Ward well .'rook
el Creek S II Chandler; (looms lyike
f 1 W Noble; South Warner I I)
The following delegate to the
utate convention were elected: W A
MaMluglll, K I) Lute, L I) Frakew,
J W Tucker.
C U Andemoii, K It Ithluehart and
II It Iliudap were placed In noiulmv
tlon for tdicrlff, Ithlnehart receiving
a majority wan nominated.
12 N Jaguhth wax nominated for
clerk by acclamatlou.
Frank Itlggx, conntable; Cognwell
Creek J C Baaey, 3 V; A E Follett,
eomitable; Summer Jvike 8 O
Peaae, J V; Frank Harrl, conntable:
Silver Ivike J S Martin, J V; K I)
Lut, constable; PaUley Wm Hold
er, J P; (ieo Cooley, constable.
. On motion the Central committee
wan empowered to fill any vacancy
on the ticket.
It 1m an ohl aaylng that if it rains
on Easter Sunday It will rain every
Sunday for seven weeks. As It rain
ed last Sunday, It Is to tie hoped that
the author of the saying has been
Roundly thrashed and made to count
ermand his order.
v r -
7 A... St'
in I r- l
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M J Hi 1
5unday School Entertains Lare
House Song;s and Recita
tions Well Received.
A few years ago It was quite un
usual for Easter to be observed, ex
cept liy one or two Protestant de
nominations. Nov, it I rare if thin
occasion Is allowed to pass without
some notice being given to the great
est event in the history of the Christ
Ian religion.
The Sunday School of the Method
hit church In Lakevlew commemor
ated Easter by giving a concert In
the evening. The church was deco
rated for the occasion with potted
planta, and In the center of the pul
pit was a cros wreathed with East
er lllltes.
The music was appropriate, con
sisting of selections by the choir and
by the different classes of the Sunday
School. Every number was a mark
ed success but Among the most pleas
ing selections was the motion song
by little girls from the primary class
and a duet rendered by Miss Ruth
Nickerson and Mr. Phelps.
'The program was interspersed
with recitations, all of which were
much appreciated, little Floret t a
Graham fairly captivating the audl
ance. Short addresses were made by Mr. ,
ValandLngham.suiierintendent of the
Suuday School and by Rev. Stark,
pastor of the church. At the close
of the program the audiance waa
called upon for a donation toward
Sunday School supplies, and a col
lection was taken amounting to four
The Sunday School will no doubt
! feel encouraged at the Interest shown
by so large an audience, vas the
church was crowded to overflowing.
The concert, as well as the decora
tions, was under the charge of Mrs.
Chrisman who deserves great credit
for her faithful work.
In the cut Minn Cmnmnn. who In private life 1b Mrs. Maurice Campbell, 11
shown in character nn Jonn o' the Shonls.
several county olllces, to the end
that such men be choseu as will In
spire harmony and unison of action
In the Republican party of this couu
ty and will lie entitled to our unani
mous and hearty support, knowing
full well that unity of action on the
part of the Republicans of Lake
county will elect every nominee of
this convention.
"HeHicctfully submitted,
('. A. Rkiiaiit,
The following Central committees
were selected:
John McElhlnney .chairman; Drews
Valley Walter Tracey; North War
tier Daniel lloono; Thomas Creek
J M Hnmmersley; North Lakevlew
J It Blair and C Umbacu were put
up for assessor and U in bach receiv
ing a majority was nominated.
C W Dent won out over S J Prose
for nomination for commissioner.
F () Ahlstrom was nominated for
county treasurer.
J Q Wllllts and Prof. Vallandlg
ham were named for school superin
tendent and Wllllts was nominated.
I M Curry was nominated by ac
clamatlou for surveyor.
E Luke was nominated by accla
matlou for coroner.
The following precinct officers
were named by the several delegat
es: . ,
South Warner Frauk Lemberger,
J P; North Warner Ed Bond, J P;
Monthly Weather Report.
What Is a pretty good showing
for a seml-arld section like Lake has
been considered, Is the precipitation
during the months of February and
March. For the two mouths D.'-'S
Inches of water foil in Lakevlew ac
cording to the government's weather
bureau at this place. February,
with 4.75 Inches leads with the great
est amount of water for the corres
ponding month since the weather
bureau has been established here,
and March is a close fol'ower with
4.53 Inches.
These figures are of great import
ance In preparing reports on irriga
tion projects to be considered by the
Almost A Fatality.
In clearing of the lot where Tom.
Cloud's soda woksare to be located
J. M. 11 and ley's engine was removed
to the street in front of The Exam
iner ottlce, and several accidents
narrowly averted as a result.
Teams passing it would become
frightened, and In some cases It look
ed as If something serious would
hnpiH'ii, till last Friday afternoon
something did happen and two
women, Mrs. A. H. Hammersly aud
Mrs. T. C. Handley, miraculously es
caped being killed, or seriously hurt.
They were driving along Mala
street when their horee became '
frightened and unmanageable, whirl
ed around breaking the ehalves and
one front wheel of the buggy, and
turning the rig corapletly over on"
top of both women. The top of the
buggy was smashed and it looked
much like a tragedy, but luckily the
horee broke loose and ran away,""
and the ladles, when taken from the
wreck were found to be only slightly
hurt. Recorder Snider of the town
council Immediately ordered the en- "
glue removed.
It was learned here first of the
week that Mrs, J. E. McUarrey, for
merly of Lakevlew, was married
tu Oakland on the 20 th of March
to Mr. Wangenhciin. The Examiner
wishes her the good fortune to
share in all the happiness in tho
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