Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 24, 1904, Image 8

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    j " " " NliW OH TtlC WliCK Z
8 " I !? 2 Local Happenings P,CMD lp I
YU Vt nbAKU iUtllN SAY
they are willing to pay for
what they let if they set It.'
That's the kind of trade we cater to.
Your cash entitles you to the best.
Our aim is to place in your hands the
best quality goods at a price you are
willing to pay.
We know all about our goodsthe
goods we advise you to buy here. We
know the goods so well that we w ill
cheerfully agree to make good" if the
goods don't turn out to be as good as
we claim.
Every article we sell is full of Merit
and every sale makes a SATISFIED
The Ayres & Whitworth Stock
of General Herchandise is selling
at prices lower than the lowest.
Store Fixtures for sale cheap: Safe, Reming
ton Typewriter Xo. G, Xew National Cash
Register, Show Cases, Etc.
Tobacco, Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Crockery,
Tinware, Agateware, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hate, Caps,
Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc.
A. II. Ilammersly, Manager
Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies in
CC addition to the attractions of St Louis.
This can only be done by going or returning
ltubberti Ht Halley A Malngtir.
County Court wa In "etwhm Tues
day on HcUI call.
Mm. Hon Andemon litis lieen quite
sick for nevera! day.
Why don't Homebody ulng, "In the
(Una? old Summer Time?"
Mr. Dr. It. K. lee Stelner Ik Miild
to have lieen 111 t ! pat wk,
' Geo. Porter brought Home drum
mem In from tlu went Sunday.
Den Shluklc, tht drummer came In
town from the Went hint Sunday.
S. H. Voltaire of Alturo nR-nt a
few day In I.nkevlew and vicinity.
J. II. Newell wan In town Satur
day from hi ranch In Drew valley.
Ml Hattle Peter of Coggwcll
Creek I In town under the doctor'
E. Keller, the New Pine Creek mill
er wm doing buslne In lakevlew
lloru At New Pine Creek, Oregon,
March 21, 1904, to the wife of M. P.
Barry, a girl.
W. H. Whitehead was registered
at Hotel Iikevlew lat week from
Wm. Iteneflel watt In town neverul
day the pant week Interviewing
business men.
Local pugilist are doing all In
their Hue to force spring upon uh,
but to uo avail.
Frauk Tetreau, of Han FrauclHco,
wiw reglntered at Hotel Lakevlew
flnt of the week.
Mm. A. Weber, who won reported
Hick In hint weck'ri Examiner 1 nblu
to be up again.
Joe Ambrose, a prominent wool
grower of Lake county, wan In town
Friday on business.
Walter Duke of DuvIb Creek wan
here ilurlng the lat IIIiicmh uud
death of hi father.
A new lot of rubber jnwt arrived
at ISailey & MaHlnglH'H the only
rubljcrn in Lake view. 1J
Two fine young Pcrcheron Htnlllon
for nale. AddreHnMyer-IUIllngH Stock
Farm, Ashland, Oregon. l0-rt
Prof. A. C. Hampton ban cloned
hU term of hcIiooI at Adel, and came
over from there Monday.
I j. A. Caruker wax In town from
the West Side liwt Saturday making
Home neiX'HHary purchase.
C. H. Keith, a llrt cIohh printer,
arrived here Inst night to accept a
poHitlon on The Examiner.
F. W. StepheiiH, "Shilling' Itcst"
man, wan Interviewing Lakevlew
merchant first of the week.
E. Iiliimlln, of the S. & W. com-'
pnuy, wiw doing business with our
merchant llrst of the week.
The clement arc putting it down
in "black and white." One day It in
mud ami the next day hiiow.
It Ih Htaled that General NcIhoii A.
Mi lew will bo a candidate for pre
ident on the prohibition ticket.
(J. W. Morlne, proprietor of the
Bonanza Hotel, brought a load of
drummer to Lakevlew Sunduy.
Very little mail reached Lukcvlew
thette day. However the HtageH
come in occaHiotially to change
JanieH Doyle, who In In Jail In lleno
for vagrancy, recently net lire to the
door and miceceded In burning hi
way out.
A. M. Smith, the New Pine Creckcr
wn doing business In our city Inst
Sat unlay. Ho drove a Hpan of
black flyer up.
If you want a full blooded Scotch
collie pup of, edlgrecd ntock, ap
ply to W. A. IUnnik. It. It. No. 1..
Frecmont, Nebr. 1 1 -4 1
Dr. IlauiMby returned to Klamath
Fall hiHt Thurmlny after spending
tlire da.VH among hU old friend
about Ijikevlew.
Harry ItoUTtM, foreman on the 7t
ranch In Warner after t'iuling a
few day In Iakevlew returned to
Warner lat Sat unlay.
AugUHt .attlla of Iowa and
EnrncHt Norllng of Chicago arrived
here lat wi-k, ami will t inl the
HUinnier In Iake county.
According to the Pont a new chan
nel I Udng opened for the water of
the Chewaucan river, and the big
bridge Ih Mug n-pa I red.
Iter. J. It. Stark accompanied by
ProfeHHor Vallandlgham, went to
New Pine tYeek lnt Saturday to
hold Hervlce at that place.
Thin nloppy weather you have to
wear rtibl'r. Italley & MaHluglll
have juHt retvlved n new lot. Hurry
up before they are all gone. Y
A large contract van Meets red by a
Portland Una nn-ently to furnlxh
Uutso tosi ot oat to the goverunient
for Mhlpment to the Philippine
It wa reported here hit Saturday
that the I'ailey bridge aero the
Chewaucan river wa about to go
out, but 1'alnley ople denied the
Pete Follet wa here from Pisa
Creek hiMt Friday for tnetllcil treat
ment. He wa quite nick, but re
covered HUlllclentl.v to n-turn home
The "Hard Time P.all" at Harry'
Hall osi the I'.'tth I going to ) the
bct dance of the Meaon. Come
early and tay late or you'll not Ih
In the Hlm. 1'
Perry Striplin lcanvaMing for a
book callel "Triumph of Our Era."
It Ih a good book and It I to Ite
hoped Perry will snake a huccch an
Mr. Heryford'H buggy hore took
a little plu over town lat Sunday,
of hi own accord. He ran amuck
near the l'aptit church. No criou
damage reunited.
M. K. Hart, who returned from
Point Iiiclimond lat week where he
went a couple of month ago to
iit 111 family, tell u that he built
a new house while there.
F. P. Eight, HIManrlng, I-e lU all
and ltee Hawkln went to I'aliley
hint Friday to Institute the siew
Oild Fellow' lodge at that place.
They returned home Tueday.
"Vou'ro In." Ornhum' Cotscert
Hand will give a "Hard Tisne Hall"
on Friday evening March i'5th. All
perHons wearing any article of Jewel
ry or other fluery will le fined !"0 ct.
or more. Ticket (Huppcrnotlnclud
ed) fl. ."(), Hpectator 2 ct. Orand
parade at 2 o'clock P. M. U
Writ for Illustrated Booklet of Colorado'! Pamoua Slchti and Retorti
M. C. flcBRlDE, General Agent
124 Third Street PORTLAND, OREGON.
vm .
Honey the Root of All I'.vll.
The city treaurer of Han Joe I
f kIioi I In hi account. Thl I
another eae of a oung man living
beyond hi mean: ho Intention at
II r I to default, but the dlxpoMltloii
to Hud grow and at lat detection
and dlKgraee. That the)oe of mon
ey I the root of all evil I it fact !
youd any doubt ami the womhlp of
the dollar I growing Mtrouger each
day In America until It i the aland
dard by which all men and women
are measured The man who ha the
hltttfet bank account ami the woiu
an who dlbi.v the moat allk am
dlaiui.inU, are the leader la bimlnc
and Hoclety, toadied to by three
fourth of the -ople. Their Intellec
tual Mtaadlng or moral worth I not
coiishh red at thl date. No wonder
the young men iuci'llle' all to make
the how and keep pace w Hit the o.
called soc iety of today. The nation
must get hack to the good, old day
of hoiiies, farm, honesty In public
affair, the worship of the true Uod,
else It must mtIhIi from the earth.
Willow Journal.
John Duckworth' delivery horse
know a good thing when he can
think of It. Thcls st thing he could
think of last Friday evening, whn
ass aNMlgniaetit of merchandise had
Isi-n loadeil on the wagon, wa to
go to the barn. And no doubt !
Ilevlng that a moment' delay would
prove disastrous to hi purpose he
acted upon the spur of the moment
while Mr. Duckworth' thought
were otherwise engaged, and pre
lug the go-ahead button he pi eed
cd down the street, delivering got!
on every corner. He had a hurry-up-there
look on wiien Mr. Duckworth
reaclH-d hi barn where stM. hi
horseshlp In waiting.
Michael llartery, a former n--Ident
of Klamath county, and a
wealthy stiskiiiaii of that section,
wa found dead at hi home near
Hayward. Cal., where he went
about a year ago, after selling hi
Interest In Klamath county, for
which It I said he received the neat
sum of tlH,(NMi. HI wife ha for
some time lvn In ii hoNpltal In San
Francisco, ami It I Is-lleved that, the
fact of her continued Illness with
little ho for recovery caused Mr.
llartery to commit suicide, a
evidence wa strong that he had
taken a large doe of strychnine.
The promoter of the new bank In
Eakevlew departed from here hist
Sunday morning, Mr. Met 'alien
going to Ashland, Mr. Whiteiaore to
San Francisco iu, .r. Crc!cr to
Cedarvllle, where he will remain
until a charter for the bank ha been
Issued. W. H. Shirk I to be pre,
blent and S. O. Cressler cashier, t he
are the only olllcer yet decided
upon. The company houuht the lot
on which once stood the llopkiu
hotel and contemplate erect ln a line
bank building thl suniiii.-r.
Thomas Cloud will move hi soda
water plant from the old HopkliiM
corner opposite the Italley Ac.Massln
glllMtoro to the corner where once
Htood the Odd Fellow' hall,
opposite Ahlstrom' hurnc shop
(n Main Htnta. Tom will move the
building to the new location a soon
a the weather will permit.
District Attorney L. F. Conn ha
returned from a week at Silver Lake
where he, with hi brother Virgil
and (icorge, of Paisley arranged for
a continued Hearch for the body of
their brother J. C. Conn. Frank
Payne will conduct the hulncH for
a time until more dellnlto arrange
ment can be made.
Senator John II. Mitchell' daugh
ter, Mr. Fraud u. (irtlllu of New
York died recently a the reulc of
an operation. Mr. Urltlln wa well
known In thl utate n the wife of
Itobcrt Humboldt, her first husband
who died Mcveral year ago.