gob Count u CSxor utnrv PahlUhad Brv Thrdy C. O. METZKER. MMonle Balldlnt TERMS: i One Year, J Six Months (Three Months,. .$2.00 ..1.00 ...50 SI'ACK On Inch Two Inched Thrwi Inchon. l wk'l mvS m inn' I yr f w in . w w f I i 1 i Jnartrr t'olmnu S 6 111 TOO on 10 tt oi! too i.smi aiw imw woo IK 00 2A 7l u6 O UftllCnliimn HI One Column 8tnwi;uo 4A w i00lAii ir 7 LAKEVIEW, OREGON. HARCH 1 7. IW, SALUTATORY. Having purchnsed and. wirh this Issue, assumed control f Tin I'ike County Examiner, wo shall briefly 8tate tin principles Unit shall govern Its future management. y We chilli advocate the principles of the Republican party liecause of Its fostering care ami progressive policy this country has gwn to be one of the greatest inl most proserous nations hi the world. Weshnl' work tor the nomination and election to the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, the staunch de fender of American Institutions, under whose successful leadership will soon commence theconatructlon of the isthmian canal that shall lie built, owned, controlled aud protect ed by the United State Government, and when completed. It will not only connect the Atlautic and Pacific oceans, but its completion will le the crowning glory of the century. We shall advocate clean, decent methods hi local politics, and expose to public gaze all corrupt factional combinations formed for the purpose of securiug public offices, and un sparingly criticize all political schemes which are 80 repugnent to those high ideals of American citizen ship, and so detrimental to public liouesty. We shall use every effort In our power for the development of the re sources of Lake county by empha sizing the fact that there are thous ands of acres of rich farming and pasture lands, open to settlement, which are capable of making hund reds of prosperous homes for thrifty settlers. e shall have recorded In the news columns of The Examiner each week every event of public Interest, so accurately reported that when you see it lu The Examiner It will be ho. In conclusion we would request that all readers and friends of The Examiner who believe In the princi ples hereinbefore enumerated give us, not only their approval, but their active support. '. (. Metzkkk. OP INTEREST TO VOTERS. Invlewof the fact that the pri maries unv approaching we deem It Importaut that the voters of Iake countv know Just the sentiment that pre wills, and that each and every Inlvldual taxpayer U thoroughly atiiialnted with the Interests of his rot her taxpayer In the matter of sending a delegation to the state convention who will mipport. our friend Hon. It. A. Knunltt. Mr. Lnnnltt's nomination and election to the state senate means a stick added to the bundle ami strengthens President Roosevelt's support, and a vote for the return to the I'nited States Senate of lion. John II. Mit chell, and Mitchell Is the man we want In the 1. S. Senate. If Knunltt is elected to the state senate the eopIe are assured of their wishes lielng supported in thej most vigorous manner. Mr. Km mitt's strong personality amiability in the states' parliamentary body Is recognized by all his colleagues as well as his constituents, as his record hi the last session of Oregon, as well as his ability as a legislator, he is recognized as one of the liest farmer legislators In the state of Oregon. Do not forget that In electing del egates to the county convention that such delegates will elect a del egation to the state convention aud a state delegation must lie chosen who are unquestionably for Roose velt. The election of Simon del egates means a jeopardy of Roose velt's cause In Oregon, for ,foe Simon is well knowu to 1k no friend to our President. S3 SUOTB BSOT TOILB Senator Thos. C. Piatt of Xew York, gives It as his opinion that the Panama Canal Co., cannot give a title to their proerty, and says the United States will be giving $40,000,000 for the right to construct the canal and retain from the pro ceeds 40 per cent after exicnses are paid, the other 00 per cent going to the old Canal company according to the contract between the new canal company and the original promot ers. Piatt is an ex-politician, while Attorney General Knox is a lawyer. Knox has notified the president that an absolute title can l secured and will Is forthcoming In .'10 days. Mr. Knox has given the matter a thorough investigation with every opportunity at his disposal for get ting at the facts, and his opinion Is what the president will Is governed b.V. The voters of Lake county should have a more thorough knowledge of the unscrupulous methods of Joe Simon's campaigning than that stalwart politician intends to ac quaint them with. Since he finds, j to his displeasure, that the Roose- ! t velt baud wagon Is the only one in j the 1 r j u t 1 i i - t n parade he secures a ticket I. ut don't intend t' ride. It is not congruous to the sagacious' disport inn of J ne Silami, after his alleged humiliation by t In.1 art ion.-of . the President tocoiidniie tin- offense, . Which he perfunctorily a.-s'l hum I, ill so short a time. Mr. Simon has churned the President wit h violating i his word; this alone, regardless of' his personal offense would place Mr. j Roosevelt beneath the dignity of I such a man (politician) as.Mr.Joseph j Simon. Simon says he is not a can-1 didate for the United States Senate! to succeed John Mitchell, well, may be not, and certainly not if his motives for gaining control of Ore gon's politics could be thoroughly foreseen by the voters. Like everything else there nrc two kinds of Groceries on the market. There is n big difference in the quality. Our customers tell us the quality of our Qroccries is very much better than any they ever had. They also say to us (hat they save money when they place their orders for groceries with us. We deliver promptly and are courteous in every transaction--what more do you want of your Grocer. BAILEY & MASSINGILL 9i llllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllilllillllllllll!llll!IIIIIIIIKf V- &T THE LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER KINTINV. IS AX ART IN which Tin-: Kxaminkk cx cclls. Wc have all the late "-jqpj- styles in type and keep in stock a larjje assortment of hijjh grade stationery so that there is no delay in executing a large order. Our prices will he found tocotnpare favorably with other prices. Some democratic papers are pre maturely criticizing President Roose velt on his diplomacy hi regard to bringing about an amicable solution of the Santo Domingo trouble. They evidently fear the president will put another feather in his rap. it is the president's policy to avert u clash in these island which would involve several other nations that are mi thecr., side of the lei Iyer, and in M'liliiii'' out his police it is the piirpo-i' of Koo-evelt to arrange; w it 1 1 oi her po'Acrs so t hat t lie islands j eau pay t heir debts", w it limit making j sarriiices i.f t heir only means of ful- lilimejit of t heir obiiv.nl ions. j LATEST LAND AND STOCK NEWS EIGHT PA0ES LOCAL AND COUNTY NEWS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. ESTAIILISHEIJ IN I8K0. ike view The Mitchell forces in M ult imiuah county were successful over the Siuionites. It begins to look a little like another Odell-Platt episode. Si non may conclude he is "too old." Odell and J'kitt have had it out and Odell won. One more of the underground anti-Roosevelt men dow n 'and out. Jf you are not a subscriber to The Examiner and get a copy, it is an I invitation to become a subscriber.! Give us a lift, and see what we can1 do. : The Russian fleets at Port Arthur and Vladivostok are said to be bottled. The Japs will How proceed to break the bott les. grewery AYUES& 5CIILA0EL, Prop. SALOON IN CONNECTION Ueer sold Wholesale & Retail Delivered any place in Town A BUSINESS PROPOSITION Ref ore you vote for a delegate tu the state convention In; sure he is j for Kluiuilt for the state senate. I A vole for an Knimit t delegate to the state convention Is a vote cast for Mitchell and Roosevelt. Roosevelt and l''airbauksforstand- ard bearers. Iryin preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the necretioim, which ail hero to the ineinbruno and docom pobe, caiiHing a f;tr wore Horioux trouble than the ordiuury form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalant, funics, umokoa anil umiUH and uo that which cluaiineH, Boot hen and hi:aln. Kly'B Cream lialm ih hiicIi n remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily arid iileaxautly. A trial wizo will be mailed for 10 cants. All drneihtK sell the DOo. iz). Kly brothers, 5li Warren St., N. Y. The JJahn cures without paiu, doeg tint irritate or cuuho Hueeziug. It thread itself over an irritated and aii(,'ry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Kly'B Cream Raltn you are armed agaiust Kauai Catarrh and Ray l ever. If you are going east a careful selection of your route is essential to the enjoyment of your trip. If it is a business trfp time Is t lie main consideration; if u pleasure trip, scenery ami the convenience and comforts of a modern railroad. Why not combine all by using the ILLINOIS ( KNTKAL, the ('p-To-I)ate Road, running two trains dally from St. Paul and Mlnnen polls and from Omaha to Chicago. Free Reclining ( hair Cars, the famous Huffct-Llbrnry-Sinoklng Cars, all trains vest Ihtilcd. Tickets reading via the Illinois Central will be honored on t liese t rains ami no extra, mre charged. Our ra tes are the same as those of Inferior road why not get your money's worth. Write for particulars. R. 11. TRC.M lil'LL, Com. Agl. II-', lid si Portland Or J. C. Lixiisky, T. I', .fc P. A. 1'. 15. TiioMi sov. V. P. A. 1 12 Third Street, I; I, Coleman Pldg, Portland, (Jr.' Seattle Wash. ?3