Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 10, 1904, Image 8

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New Spring Styles
This year the Royal Tail
ors of Chicago arc . . .
To .
Your chance is as good
as the next man's. Call
and see us about it.
25 Per cent-
Bieber's Cash Store
Pay Less & Dress Better
The Ayres & Whitworth Stock
of General rierchandise is selling:
at prices lower than the lowest.
Store Fixtures for sale cheap: Safe, Reming
ton Typewriter Xo. G, New National Cash
Register, Show Cases, Ftc.
Tobacco, Groceries, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Crockery,
Tinware, Agateware, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hate, Caps,
Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc.
A. II. Ilammersly, Manager
W. ,. Mom returned hint wvk
from Ft. Illdwcll, coming via War
ner Valley. While nt tlu California
town h purchncd n iiiiiiiImt of
home which It Ih rciioi-tcd are tor
Movements o( Townspeople and n,j,,Hi
Net-ret nry of War Tuft linn iimIo
Visitors Who Come and
(Jo For the Week.
Dashes of New from Here and There
Occurrences of Hoth Orave and
Gay Import Which Will
Prove Interesting
For n change It nnowed yenterdny.
Jn Young n'0t Saturday In
Congrvn for nn appropriation of
fiki.000 fur new ntahlc for th Willi..
Hoiinc, the old nlnhlcn being declared
damp and unhealthy for tin home
of tin' President.
Ml Ada Woodcock wtm a passen
ger on tln Southern Stage Mon
day morning hound for Iteno to Join
her father who is ttuw In tmslm .
She will keep house for hint until the
Iwikevtew from his West Side ranch, i family move over In the spring.
Some New Ihu t 'reek note from j lid yon tot ' u cream. HC-i-ntor
i Klondike Joe, came too Into for our. work? Well, you'll have a chance
I last Issue, to see one take the cream from the
i Two Hneyotmg Percheron stallion ",llk "'' Saturday nt I o'clm-k If
: for mile, Address M.verlillllngsStock J'"11 lu" "round nt the Minmumiii.
j Farm, Ashland. Oregon. lo-.1t I'on't cost you tin thing to sec It. la
I Wallace Taylor and wife panned ; A report co from Altura that
! through Inkevlew Saturday curoutc a large hand of sheep were slntigh-
to Chcwum-an from Iteno. nereu in mg alley, Modoc cuiiut.v.
Walter Sherlock and wife have re- HU H"M lntrntor rut the
turned to Lakevlow after several tUntnt t,f l Hwt SiNM head of sheep.
month Hojouru In San Francisco. . T,H n'l",rt ,"w "ot ,MN,, continued
The creek Unit flown thromrli the Win. Ilohler, editor of t heClicwati-
cemetery did considerable damage to nu ,,,,Mtt h,M " t"""''! t Paisley
the graves during the high water.
AH the store closed TueBdny, and
everybody wiui out on the firing
line, trying to persuade the water to
stay In the flume.
Stock Inspector Clnrkson went to
Silver Lake hut Friday to look after
a few bauds of sheep that were re
ported to !. itcabby.
The spring run of "nut-kern" are
from 1'rluevllle, where he went to
visit hi family who were nick. C. M
Sain and ('. 11. Keith got out the
Pont last week. They re both old
The Hotel Paisley has on e.vhlbl
tiitn. photonipliH of the Hlaughter-
ed Nheep near Chrlnt mm lake wivh
the I'oMt.' The pa nth of the utato
very geuernlly eondemn the pcrH lra-
torx of thU outraire innl ! Ill Jk iwt
again on me move.n i.o river over tMr (unlHh(l()t
In Klamath county. In Iakecounty ;
are on the move all the "H,rM-v urlv,"r ,",
.Htag line, wan compelled to take
(hiiow kIiock with him Friday In onler
; to get through Warner Can von and
Mm. John j'eacock and children,
who have lieen lvlng at ISonmua
for Home time returned home hint
week. Mr. Peacock Ih a barler at
Some of the paper that were cou-
('auwiM Prairie. He report the now
eight feet deep and too Hoft to travel
over In any other way.
AhlHtrom lirother will operate a
civam Heix-rator at tlu-ir i..n. n..t
tlnually"roatlng" the late Senator .Saturday afternoon t 1 oYlock.
Hanna are now engaged In ulnglng
hi pralrte. After all, edlttti an1
not bad "feller."
A Miipply of fivh milk will be on
hand to demon! rate the working
of the machine. Kvcrvhodv Invited
'I'k.L t 1 II..II It... t
i nt- iMuieuu: i iiici I'.ugineer to come and ee It. work. Jo
ii. i .. .i... ...i i ... .
iiiiji.,iii.i ,71 nit' uiuiii uiii .-Mini ihtii Metzker
railroad, nay coutructlon of the'
extension from Shauiko will Im-
gun about March 15.
Andy JIammerly, manager of the
eld Ayre & Whitworth Htore, hn
leen confined to hi l-d for the pnt
week. Geo. Xlckeron ha had
charge during hi af)ence.
The city put In a new utreet cro
Hlng lnt we-k Iwtweni Cheney'
cjrner and J. W. Howard'. Half a
dozen other were torn out, how
ever, during the Hood Monday night.
The ground hog evidently knew
hi biiHiiien. He came out Feb. LM
and A. A. Moon
came down from PaUley Saturday.
Mr. Met.ker came down to complete
a deal w hereby he will today take
complete charge and control of the
Lake County Examiner, having pur
chaed till pajicr Monday.
We undertand that H. E. Me
.Vaughtou came near In-lng drowned
one day lat week, by the ntage 'ov
ertnmlng In the cm-k at Tuledad.
Luckily he clung to the line and
thereby enabled to eca with a
good wetting. Codarvllle Itecord
Weilnediy night of Iat week
Suliue Circle W. (). W.. eiitel taliicd
and aw hi nhndow ami crawled I Woodmen with game, a dan,,.
etc., and laHt night the Woodmen
back into hi hole and pulled the ruin
throttle. Nearly ever Hlnce it ha
George Wood, who now hold a
poHltiou in Win. I:iihh111'h livery
Btable at Iukevlew', itent lat week
vlwiting old friend and relative In
Altura, who wen- glad to aeo hlni.-
New Era.
Wm. lalglih waa awarded the
contract to fix the Deep Creek bridge
at Adel, and at lat report It wa
nearly completed. 1 1 had to lie near
ly made over, requiring coiiHiilerable
new lumber.
entertained the circle after taking
Hoveral candidate over the rocky
road. A lunch wa nerved In each
Albany will oon have a third
dally paper, the Evonlng New,
which wa to lie launched March 7.
The News Publlwhlng Company will
be the owner with F. K. Churchill
buMlneH manager and J . A. Finch,
editor. The paper will lie Repub
lican In politic and will probably
be supplied with the afternoon preH
Her vice.
A numlier of the lady member of
the Eaterii Star Lodge early In the
winter organhu'd a "mi'dle club,"
the meeting place to Ih at the home
of the memlMTM on each Friday after
noon which were Helectcd from their
name la alphalx'tlenl order. The
club wa not orgaulned eNelally
for the4mrpoe of newlug ami go.
iiiug. but t.i member wh ex j met
ed to pot thcuiMelvf on one of
KhnVeeiire'M play which had Ixtm
previously decided Upon, for tllm-u.
wloii, nml alo to reeat iuotatlou.
The Secretary prepare her minute
In a way Mnt an very eutertalnlug
and rend like a chapter In an up.
to-dato Dove).
The HiH-lal editor (not the lighting
editor) wa nhown a unliue Invita
tion front MU Hull to the mt-mber
to meet lat Friday evening at. her
home, which wa written In the the
nt.vle of a 7-year old whool girl, with
thi ipiotatlon added?
"Imckward. turn back want
oh time In your flight.
Make me u child again
Jnt for ( Friday) night."
In true child!!! manner and drew
theiuemlM'r niijH'nred at th ynrd
gate and in very high (iltcheil voice
they plaintively piped out: "Oh.
Pearly, Oh. Iwiurle, wrcna't get the
gate open." After being UKuuird by
the afurenald. who appeaFti nt the
loop, that all they ueed do wa to
puh nml the gate would ojicn. the
nine little girl were received with
open arm by the hoMteM (lH
royally eutertnlmsl in child faxhlon.
Each meiulier carried a little doll
or Nome plaything, ami a they
were nipieMted to m-lte a Mother
Goonk rhyme, and to lllutrat the
aine by a .drawing. It would cer
tainly put their own children to
uliaine, for ruddle In manner and
cuiiMtruet Ion.
Laurie won flrt prl.e a haml-
Mome A. It. C. book, for l't lraw
lug and Itelle got a "nigger" baby
for gucHMlug the moMt iiotatloiiM.
The donkey wa In need of a tall.
and Lilly captured the prize a
Hipieaklng doll, for pinning the tall
where they are usually worn, but
Minnie got over on the wrong end
of the d .nkey and had to U content
with the "booby" prlxe, a colored
AlfoiiMoand GiiMton hamlkerchlef.
Afler hy little Emma wa initial,
ed Into the club, Home recitation
were rendered, but all effort were
frulllfM to MTMiiadu the timid little
Ida, ltoy, Maye ami the dlgnlJIe.l
Marye and Ivlla to lng.
Hellclou "goody-goodie" were
nerved by the hoHteM after pinning
bib on the girl and Inviting them
to nit on the Moor "no' f " not Hplll
mi vthlng.
At a late hour the girl deiarled
to the home of their ma' haying
voted I'eurlie an able. IiohIch and
anklng If they might come again.
Planning R. R. Extension.
Civil Engineer J. A. McCnll left nt
noon for Yreku, where he ha Imu
called by the iiianagemenc ot the
Klamath Elver Itallroad for coiinul
tatlon In regard to the propowed ex
U'IihIoii of that road from Pokegama
to Klamath Fall, nay the Tiding.
Mr. McCnll I thoroughly familiar
with the topography of the ground
U-tweon the two place, n lie made
the original nurvey for the Oregon
Midland Co. Ill numnioim toYreka
I believed to be nlgnlllcnnt. a look
lug toward the Immediate begin
ning of work on the extenion.
floody Out Por Congress Again.
The Oregonlan Hay Malcolm A.
Moody I and anplrant for congre.
nlonal honor, expecting to nucceed
J. N. Wllllamnon In the H-coiid IU
trlct. It ulo asBerts, with appar
ently Homo degree of authority, that
Mr. Moody U likely to enrry off the