Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 03, 1904, Image 4

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    (ok GfcuntB Cxir.utttct
PhlUhd Every Thursday
Minnk Itulldlng
One Inch
Two Inrhon . . .
Tlu city council mot In regular
tOnt Year,... 7. i .... .$2.00 m-nnlon Tuc-mlny nlnlit. lint very
J Six Months. 1 -?9 i IIttK but tlio rvnular routine of
(Three Month SO:
v . -L.v...- buHlmw wtt trun8aottl. I no jrrlnt
!Wit"l"rt.'TVi w of MIIh wim nlloxvo.l, after piirliiK
AU IWllWI !' , ., ,
Ounrtor eolumn.
Halt Column
One Column . . .
!! 22 . .:: i : x. ..m. of tiHm .i..w.
I swl t l.M .vi" uw
l..rtl .M JllOOi TlMHI !
';: 1)tllo.l collector of Hivtrlo
Kocorilcr W. H. Snlilor wa up-
LAKEVIEW, OKEQON, ilARCH 3. IM4. j hU lit 1 Miliary of $l." H'I month 111
j itiMitlon to liU prcucnt Miliary of f.,.
1 W. M. Ilnrvcy xvn.x re-uppoliiteil
city innrMluil for tin present month.
The President to the Rescue.
A recent Washington dispatch to'
... 1 t.. 1
President Koosovelt I111 promised Tin tlinv Iouk delayed traiiMfor
to reappoint Joseph T. HrldnvM j mors for tlio city electric Unlit h,v.
Register and James M. llooth as tern arrived last week upon .1. t
Itm'ivi-r of tin Honoliur LnndOtlice, Nyscwancr'M toiim. lpon thorn .1.
mul tlio nomination of lioth mon a. Antliony, tin Now I'lno (reck
will Ih wnt to tho Sonato within tin' electrician wn waiting to Install his
next few davs. liirli t m In Lnkcvlew on a, contract'
This is tlio result of ii conference ! with tho town. Noxv polo liaxo
that took place at tlu White llotiw, , Uhmi erected at tho corner of
t which tho rrosl.loiit hoard tho Reynolds Jfc WliiKtioMs store ami tho
two Oregon Senators, Nocrvtary j transformers hunir hot with t liom In
Hitchcock ami Assistant Secretary ; ,x roxv. Mr. Anthony was to tout
Kyan. On tho adverse recomnionda-; tho lights last iiifiht, ami If satisfac
tion a.f lu Secretary tho President tore, will without delay slun tho
has horotoforo rofuwil to appoint . cunt rait with tho town ami Install!
either llooth or I. ridjiVM. bnt tit tlio j ,u lights. If Anthony's system ofj
solicitation of tho Senators ho wont , furnishing lights to tho town ooiiioh'
to tho bottom of the taw ami up-; up to oxpottatlonn, tho town xxlllj
parontly fouml no untHoiont roason mko iv gn-ixt vinyr. ami Mr. An-
for nfusin to reappoint oithor man. I thony mill Mso u nainor. 1 m- i-.x-
Infiuv of tho l'rosi.lonfs attitu.lo. j '""" orythln will work
1 satisfactory.
Seervtary IlitchciKk will Intorpowi
110 further objection to tlio reappoint
inent if r.riily:es ami Uooth.
A Treaty of Sympathy.
The little k noxv 11 fact is revcaleil
County Clerk Smith. of Crook conn-j by Mr. .1. Shmt Tasset In the Kovloxv
ty, Htates that consiilerable timber ( of Hex iexxs. that tin lnilo.1 Statis
laml in the I K-sehutos valley Ischanji-j l urn lor treaty obligations to re
injrhamls. A law numluT of pri- spoml to Korea "h call for aiil shoulil
vate holilinKi have loeii solil to tin j that natioirscomiuest bo threatem il.
tinitMT i-ymlicates ilurin- tho past j In the treaty neot intoil in 1-' the
nix xveeVsiiml us a result tho clerk Cniteil States uml Korea aKni-.l that
Mini his ilemitv are kept busy ri-conl-, if. at any time, either of them xven
in ilit'il"- The highest price paiil
for lamlii in the vicinity of the Ma-
wt upon by a foreign power, anil Its 1 1
soil or inteyrrity tlireuteneil. tlienther j ,
tolos river when 15mh) has len j xvoul.l K to the assistance ami use
paiil. Other claims have Ih-oii sellin-' Its best emleavors to xvunl off injury
for prices ranin from $MK to ?l.o j fn,m t. ally. .lust xx hat Ailmirnl
nccoriliiiK to locution anil iinality. Ischufelilt hail in miml xx hen ho ih i
On tho evening of February 2tth. J tiateil such tin extraordinary con
Earl Wilshile celebratoil his wcond I ventinn Is not clear. Apparently
birthday, by giving a party to. his 1 thin provision xvus Inserted for
younjj; friends. Although Karl xvas politeness' sake. Korea, has. never
attempted to take ml vantage of tho
treaty, und probably never will wek
A met lean aid. Doubt lesa it under
stands that tho only support the
I'nited States bus to offer is that
lnexensivtcoinniodity 11s sympathy.
12 years old on that date, he has
never had but two birthdays. This
leculiar state of affaire was caused
by the makeru of oar present method
of counting the days of the year,
which includes an extra day once in
every four years, and occasionally
once In eight years, which xvas the
case during the past decade. Very
few people are born on the l!t)th day
of February, familiarly known as
leap year.
The republican county central
committee met at the caurt house
3'enterday afternoon, appointed the
delegates from the different precincts,
and set the dates for the primaries
on Saturday, Murch i'fith, and the
convention. Saturday, April 2d. The
meeting was called to order by the
chairman V. A. Massingill, and K.
M. Uroxvn was appointed secretary.
C. C. Cannon, of Xew Pine Creek,
Cieo. Xoble of Goose Iake and Elmer
Ilhlnehart of Crooked Creek were the
only outside delegateH present. E.
F. Conn atteuded by proxy from
Silver Lake.
City Itecorder Snider went out Into
the cold Htorm one day last week
with the city electric light book
under his arm and proceeded to col
lect what was due the town. He
won quite successful, and had about
flOOlnasack when something hap
pened that made him prespire des
pite the cold weather. His sack had
mysterously disappeared; he had
lieen robbed. He quickly retraced
his steps to the different pluces he
had been, until he reached Ayres &
Schlagel's resort, and ut each place
was told that the sack had not been
seen. Earge drops of presplration
fell profusely from his feverish broxv
until he oliwerved a smile on the face
of (Jeo. Ayres, and the end of the
coveted sack sticking out of his
pijcket. The recorder now keeps
the sack on his inside pocket.
Big Odds on the Favorite.
A correspondent of tho Klamath
Republican In commenting on the
urohahilitioH of several Klamath
county candidates has this to say:
"The big race, distance six years,
purse $ls,000 donated by Eako, Jack
son, Klamath andJowphlne. Klam
ath county enters the American
thoroughbred, Judge II. E. Jienson.
Here is a hard nag to ts-at. He has
won out three big handicaps, and is
easily handled at the post and has
never flew the track. He can dis
cuss the ethics of international law
with Wes. Hamakar; medicine with
Dr. Hargus; finance with Alex. Mar
tin and the drama with Harry
(Jalarneau. As an after dinner
speaker, outside of Chauncy lh'ew,
he has no equal, and comes nearly
up to Mark Twain as it capital
storyteller. He Is a llttla undersiz
ed but as he has staying qualities of
a high order, and will probably
have the liest trainer In Oregon, 1
look for him to carry tiff the big
purse. At least I will bo willing to
place any where from Jf.K W to f 2,000 at
odds of 5 to 1 that he Is a winner."
Advertised Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaim
ed In tho Postofflce at Lakex'lew,
Oregon, Wednesday Feb. 2th PJ04.
Miss Anna Cook, 1; Mack Andrexvs,
1; Lorenzo Miller, 2; Wellam Stovnl,
1; 11. E. Chapl, 2; J. JI. l.'nderwood,
1; Ed. Whldby, 1; John Olbson, 1;
Lewi Walker, 1; Curl Istad, 2;
Kollle C. IJruce, 1.
Persons claiming the above will
please say advertised and give date
of list.
I). J. Wiu ox, P. M.
'T'he first yenr In 8
years sees this
store head and shoul
tiers above all others
in this city. As an
evidence that we In
tend keeping that
position, you are In
vited to walk in and
see what we are of
fering to benefit you
and your purc.
itotiitEssivE mi:tiioisam HON-
est dealing these are the cardinal
points nf Niu'ccssful mcrchumllMlng.
Ily alxvays maintaining tho position of lead
ers In the community tho public has learned
to iiiTpel t he merchandise at I Hi I ley A. Mas
slnHI'" as xx hat Is ileluamlod by usage, ami
rightly, for m article of merit cmcuics oar
notice, but Is lli-st to In' shown oxer our
counters. Then again honest dealing and
perfect fraukiii-Ns win us friends mul hold
them all as put ions. Wo lull her deceive you
In our adx'ect Islng nor alloxv our siilcHpeople
to do no at t ho counter. Wo give yoil full
value for .x our money, and though other
me rc h ants
may have
lines of merchandise It Is one of the Incontro
vertible maxims of our store that
What Others Advertise, We Sell fur l.esn"
which Tin: I! c.
; cells. We have nil the late
Vjpy st vies in type ami keep in
stock a larjje assortment of hijjh
jjrculc stationery so that there is
no tlelay in exeentiti"; a lare ortler.
Our prices will he found to com pa re
favorably with other prices.
Beer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place in Town
Drying: preparations Imply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the eecretioui,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing ft fur more eerioua trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Aroid all dry
ing inhalanta, fumea, smokes and snuffs
and use that which cleanaea, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is auch a remedy
sod will cure catarrh or cold in the head
eauily and pleaiantly. A trial ei.e will be
mailed for 10 cents. AH drugRiuta sell the
60o. eize. Elyllrothera, 50 Warren St., KY.
The Italia cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an Irritated and angry, relief.
Inrr mrnArl IrIaW tho Dainf ul inflammation.
with Kly'i Cream Jalm you aro armed (
If you art jjolnir caMt a -artful wlii tlon of .vuiir
niute Im fHM'iitlal to tin' uJoy iih-ii t of jour
trip. If It In a lniHiiiiHM trfp tlini In t lit nwiiii
t'oiiHliliratlon; If a pli'iisuro trip, mi-in-ry mul (In
cotivt'iili'iici: ami ctunfortM of a inoiifrn rullroiul.
Wliv not t'oinliliii all liy uhIhk tho ILLINOIS
CKNTKAL, tho Hp-To-Dato Koail, runnln-jr two
traiiiH ilally from St. l'aul ami MIiiiicmpoIIm ami
from Omaha to Chicago. Froo Iti-clliiln Cliilr
Ciitm, the famoiiH Jiuffft-Llhrary-HinokliiK Cars,
all traiiiH vi'Mtlbulinl. Tickets reatliiifr via tin
IIIIiioIh tVntral will lio lionoreii on t hi-m trnliiM
and no txtra faro eliarKiil. Our rati'M am the
Huinu an tlioHo of Inferior roailn why not (fi't
your iuouiy'M worth. Wrlto for particularn.
It. JI. TUILMItULL, Com. Agt. 1L', Ilil ut Port land Or
J. Limihkv, T. & V. A. r. II. Tiio.Mi'Mox. '. &. .
1 12 Tlilnl Strci-t, Kooiii 1, Colciimn IIi,
I'ortlanil, Or. Kcattlo WiihIi. .