Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 03, 1904, Image 2

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    golf County Cva ulncf
Published Evtt Thureilejr
Masonic Building
(One Year. $2.00
TERMS: 1 Six Months 1.00
(Three Months 50
One Inch
Two lnch
roree Inchoe.
OMrlT Column
. biJl Column
Omte Column. ...
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The Austrian who rem'tail Liver
pool with IS pounds of dyimmltc In
his trunk may have lutenK'; to give
a blow-out to celebrate his arrival.
President An'll of the Cniverslty
of Michigun. In his iinnuiil report to
the board of regents, asserts bin
loyalty to the cause of coeducation.
Witl. the recent death of the duke
of Richmond passed away the last of
Wellington's able do camps. He had
the unique distinction of llng four
times a duke.
A San Jose widow has just married
the man who sued her for breach of
promise. Perhaps this dear lady
merely waited to satisfy herself that
he was In earnest.
A Mississippi mule gave up the
ghost when he heard the brnylng of
a theatrical brass band. Something
must have told him that opposition
.would !e hoieless.
The Russians admit that they fired
the first shot at Chemulpo, but in
sist that it was an accident. Of
course It was an accident. The aim
was bad, and they failed to hit any
thing. The fact that within the last few
months two United States senators
have been Indicted by grand Juries
ought to strengthen the contention
that senators should be elected by a
direct vote of the people.
King Alfonso of Spain is about to
start on a tour of Europe, visiting
all the principal courts on the con
tinent. It is said the itinerary is
undertaken with t he purpose of find
ing a wife to adorn his palace.
It is said that the widow of ttie
late Mas O'Rell will return to the
stage. She was once well known in
comic opera as Reatrice Ereshatn.
She is now preparing in Paris for her
John llazeltiue, known through
out central New York as an philan
thropist, has announced plans to
tnke a colony of 1000 .Syracuse people
to Montana for the purpose of estab
lishing a town.
A recent letter from Abyssinia de
scribes King Mcuefek as a man of
about (Ml years of age, dark in com
plexion, his face m ilked with small
pox and his chin covered with a
slight gray In-urd. He has a keen,
thoughtful face, brilliant dark eyes
and through an interpreterconverses
intelligently with bin guests.
Russell Sage has finally given up
his lifelong habit of visiting his office
every day and Is now seen there at
irregular intervals only. He drops
In during the forenoon, loos over
his mail and returns home early,
seldom attending meetings of direc
tors of the corporation In which he
Is interested. His office work, mak
ing of loans, etc., m being attended
to by Ills cashier and chief clerk.
Ir. John Madden of .Milwaukee
hits requested the assistance of the
police department and the district
attorney In prosecuting Mrs. Kettle
Oaten of Minneapolis, through whose
promises, he declares he has ht a
lucrative practice. Dr. Madden says
he was to have been engaged to at
tend Mrs. Dates oa ICuropciin travels
at a salary of f 25,000 a year, a pro
Ject which fell through.
Ceotge S. King, who built the llrst
steel furnace at Johnstown. Pa.,
which eventually grew Into the
plant of the Cambria Steel company,
celebrated hisiMth birthday recently.
The colonial treasurer of the
Transvaal has sent to England for
$.",(MH worth of iHMiules, with the
view of aiding in the reduction of the
cost of living In the Hand. Owing
to the dearth of penso, matches are
at present used as a portion of the
currency of the Kami.
laltaoimatary KkrawalUn Cured.
William Shaffer, a brakoman of iVn
nison, Ohio, wax confined to his 11 U r
several week with intlamatory rheuma
tism. "1 used many iciuedies," he
says. "Finally I cent 'to McCaw'a drug
store (or a bolt If of Chamls-rUin's Tain
Ralm, at which tune 1 h.- unable tii
use liMinl or foot, and in one week's lime
was able to go li work ns happy hs a
ilaui." For mle by Lea Rcall.
liishop Anderson stated at a meet
ing held in I'.rooklyn recently that
1HKH) of the young men In the colleges
have volunteered for foreign mission
work, of whom olMH) are now in the
field, 4000 are preparing for the work
and the others were ready if the
churches wound send tliein out.
The practice of eating arsenic Is
prevalent among the peasantry of
the mountainous districts of Austria
Hungary and France. They declare
that this poison enables them to
ascend with ease heights which they
could only otherwise climb with
great distress to the lungs.
A t'averlt) Hrme4y tmr Bbi-.
Its nlmunl laatH and nrnmnt cam
k.i-u tmiliiClt.intiurlain'a f '.klltrll R-ni
lin tL .11.. V.VJ V"""' ..--- v - - -
edy a favorite w ith the mothers of small
children. It quickly cures meir cougn
and colds and prevents any danger of
pneumonia or other serious consequen
ces. It not only cures croup, but w hen
given as soon as the croupy cough ao
pears will prevent the attack. For sale
by Lea Beall.
Recently experiments with a view
to preserving the calorific proiH-rtles
of hard coal by immersion in salt
water were made and It was demon
strated that a loss of but 1 ht cent
occurred. Stored In the ordinary
way coal loses about "0 ier cent of
its calorific power. Kaln sodden
coal is said to cause bunker fires, but
the effect of coal soaked in sea water
yet remains to le seen.
Itev. Charles E. Loche, for five
years pastor of the Delaware A venue
Methodist church of Iluffalo, has ac
cepted a call to the pastorate of the
Hansou Place' Methodist church of
Brooklyn, the largest congregation
in the denomination in the 1' nlted
States. Dr. Loche preached Pres
ident McKinley's funeral sermon at
the burial at Canton.
Tr-1y Avern-d.
"Just in the ruck of time our little
Ikjv was saved" writes Mrs. W. Wt
kii'is of I'leasant City, Ohio. "Pneu
monia had played fad havoc witli him
and a terrible cough set in besides.
Doctors treated him, but be grew
worse every day. At lengtli we tried Dr
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and our darling was saved. He's now
sound and well." Everybody ought to
know, its the cure for Coughs, Colds
and all Lung disease, Guaranteed by
Lee Reall, Druggist. Prices ouo and
fl.00. Trial bottles free.
Senator Quay of Pennsylvania, re
cently called at the White House.
He was with the president hulf an
hour. "What was It about, sen
ator?" he was asked. "Neither ap
pointments nor politics," Quay re
plied. "Probably religion?" "Xow
that you remind me that was what
we talked," said the senator, "how
did you happen to guess It?"
FrOicr Trent uirut or Pneumonia.
Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease
for anyone to attempt to doctor himself
although lie may have tiie proper rem
edies at baud. A physician should al
ways be.called. It should be borne in
mind, however, that pneumonia always
results from a cold or Irom an attack of
the grip, and that by giving Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, the threatened
attack of pneumonia may be warded off.
This remedy is also used by physicians
with the best results. Dr. W. J. Smith
of Sanders, Ala., who is also a druggist,
says of it: "I have been selling Cham
berlains Cough Remedy and perscribing
in my practice for the past six years. I
use it in cases of pneumonia anil have
always gotten the best results." Sold
by Lea lieall.
$ 15
(!) Listen!!
Place to
Your groceries and Family Supplies Is at
The Lakeview Mercantile Company's
Store. I he Winter 5tock Is being rap-
idly closed out to make room for our im
mense Spring Stock which will be here
in a very short time.
Our line of "PEPPERED WARE" is the
Latest. Call and see for yourself.
Lakeview flercantile Company
I iste
Your property
With th
It Dont Matter II It U
Net Worth
We Can Sell It lor Vou.
II Vou Contemplate
buying or Selling
Consult Us At Once
If You Want a liar
gain in Either Case.