Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 03, 1904, Image 1

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    i : "
NO. 9.
-rv -
IVocauM lortland has Nut Looked
Out for Ha stern Oregon Trnde
It Is Turning 5outhward.
A linker City railroad man who
Iocs nut rho'iNi- Id reveal IiIm l.leiil It.v
give n loliK Inter lew In Hit Kuntcril
Oregon uiter relative to railroad i
eolidltloli In tll'll itectlou of tlx1
wlHte, miy tl.e Uvyronluii. lie take
OCCtlhloll III Make It III I'orlllllMl
for explaining the fm t Hint the ex
lellHloii of the Klntuntll Ijlke It 1 1 1
Nevada. California and Oregon
loads, will undoubtedly tend to
divert tlie triiUli: of that district
from Portland to Sun Ernnclscfi.
)l assert Hint 1'ortluuil linn neg
lected Um Interest In thceustern part
d the state, and now has no rltit
to protest, IxM'iiUM she U ulioiit to
ku a ilutn. Here 1 what he says:
"Portland ha ts-en too' hIow In
I lie matter of tlie development of
Eastern nml Southeastern Oregon,
jiud when n short time ugo she uw
1m trnde of Unit territory U-glnnlng
tosllpnwny from her, she set tip a
Mg ronr and blamed the railroad
-om m i ile for not protecting 1st
Interests. Regard less of liny of tlie
act. It In undoubtedly true tlmt It
U Jtixt mm hliort or shorter distance
from Sun Francisco to this territory
in iueMtloii iim from Portland nml
Unit country through which a road
must tie built In nn cutler one for
construction ur(oHCH than that
through which any line that might
lie liullt from Portland via any f
the wtni dialled run ten. It. 1 ap
parent that ciiltal, ut leant, linn
approved of I lie linen building nortl -ward
front Nevada ami California
iiikI someUidy has puslied those In
terests successfully.
'What has I'ortlund done any
way to eurry any sclal favor with
Eastern Unni or Southeastern
Oregon? She Ikim always looked
ujMin thin territory mt belonging to
her liy the grace of (iol and hnsdone
little If anything to assist In It do
vclopmcnt. When It mine to ques
tion if Irrigation, exploiting of
mines, the establishment of i'nlted
States assay ollire, the building of
.inciters r nny of these thing Port
land wan conspicuous liy It absence
from t he Meat of act Ion except In tht
line of a few long-ls'iided patriotic
business men. All uiRtlerti of legisla
tion for the Interests of this section
of Oregon have Iwen opposed by
Western Oregon. Now that out
ldcr have discovered the wealth
that can lie acquired by the develop
ment of thU wet Ion of the state
Portland. Ih making a roar over
what slie has lout by Ikt own negli
gence," Continuing in relation to tls pro
poned railroad construction In Idaho
n nd Eustcru Oregon, tin same
ollklal HtateH that he Ih authentical
ly advlrtod that the Numpter Valley
road will punh Un coiiMtructlon to
lUiniH, Or., thence to a connection
with the Nevada road, giving Baker
City a dlirct outlet to Sacramento
and Kan FranclMco vlathenewOould
lino being built from VUih. lie- bo
lleven that thU road Will hIno Ik)
tapped by the Ccluinbla Kouthern,
He staten ulao that V. J.. VltiHon,
who has beeu In the KaHt tloatliiR
liondH to build a road from linker
City Into the Seven Devlin dlatrlct,
hiiM becu Mucci'HHful, and he thlnkH
the road will be built.
IT' '
The underpaid fanatic who nxlit Utr tlw miltan of Tnrkry show little quar
ter to tl fo, and auionff them the nwnt cnirl are nahl to Im the fitree Aiba
ulaoa, who appaivntly liellere that the only "iieiny la a ilad euemy.
Wbcu a rvbellUiu province la to be "pai-IAttl" tlM Alliauian lire turned looae,
n nd men. women and children alike are inawMcred. The Alttanlana, who live
In Kurufean Ttirkcy. are niUM'ulnr, active and erect and are the beat flicbtrra
lit Abdul llamld'a army. Their aiu-etor were never conuuemj by tiie tireeka
and Unman, and It wild that the Mlrdlte trttie. In northern A I ban In, today
acknowledge no aubJe-tloii to the mrte except In MUpplytuK a couthigent Ut
lUt army In tluica of war.
Asked to Make Fxhibit at Lewis
and Clark Fair to be Held at
Portland, Cr Next Year.
United Ktatea Senate today ratified,
without amendment, the treaty
w ith Pannmn for a canal acrcmn the
iHthintiM of that inline by a vo.te of Gil
to U, Tim remit t wan a foregone
coucIunIoii, the Intercut In the matter
1m'Iii only In the dlvUloti of the vote
on the Democratic tilde, which wm
not known definitely until the roll
wuh called, all the Hepubllcnna tielng
for ratification. Fourteen Demo
cratM voted for rntltlcatlon apd 1-1
Itoth the War and State Depart
ment have made preparations for
the next step, the former by tlio dis
patch of troops to the Isthmus, of
I'aunma ami the latter by arrang
ing for the exchange of ratifications
of the treaty.
men are Implicated In the killing: ofjTO KNOCK OUT
thefte sheep for any action to ever lie
taken. And even If there should lie
no conviction could be had. Such a
state of affairs Is deplorable, but
what Is the remedy.
Will It Be Done?
The Iiko county authorities will,
and should leave no stone unturned
to apprehend the parties guilty of
the killing of tiny McCune's sheep In
the northern end of that county
some weeks ago. The deed was so
cruel, so utterly wanton and das
tardly that every effort should be
made to bring the guilty scoundrels
to Justice. There can be no posslblo
excuse for such acts. Cattle men
sometimes become so exanperutod as
to drive sheep oft the range. But
the butchery of 2,ri00 Innocent
animals Is without precedent.
A 1 turns rialndcaler.
It Is said that too many prominent
At a meeting of the Hepubllenn
County Central Committee, In lake-
view, March 2d, tlie following ap
portionment was made for delegates
to the county convention:
Silver Lake
Summer Lake
Crooked Preek
North Warner
South Warner
tt North Lakevlew 0
:t South Iakeview 0
7 Drews Valky 3
4 Ooose Lake ft
3 Cogswell Creek 4
4 Thomas Creek 4
The date for the holding of print
arlee In the several precincts will be
Saturday March 20th, at the usual
voting places, and the convention
will bo held at the Court house In
Lakevlew on Saturday, April 2d.
Work on Klamath R. R.
llervey Llndley Is employing all
the men tie can get this week to work
on the Klamath ltlver It. K., any at lie
Ashland Tribune. The washouts
and slides on the Hue aro not serious,
but they Interfere with traffic. It
seems that notwithstanding the
newness of the road and the difficul
ties of some of the country It trav
erses, the heavy storms did less
damage, relatively, to this line than
was suffered by the Southern Pacific
line In the same reglou.
Senator Hansbrough, chairman of
the public lands committee, intro
duced a bill Feb. 20th, amending the
lieu land law in a way to rob It of
Its objectionable features. In view
of the fact that Hansbrough backs
the measure, It is sure to receive con
sideration. Ills bill provides that
wherever lauds covered by patients
or nupcrfected claims are Included in
forest reserve, hereafter created, the
owner of such lands may, upon re
linquishing title to the Government,
hare his lands and improvements
appraised and lie paid by the Secre
tary of the Interior the full appraised
value of the same, but ho shall not
hare the right to select other land in
lieu of that relinquished.
A second section provides that "no
forest reservation shall hereafter be
created covering any lands within
the limits of any railroad grant."
The last section provides that ar
sons owning lands within exlstlug
reserves may surrender their hold
ings and select In lieu thereof tracts
of equal area, but of approximately
the same value as ttie tract surrendered.
Pete Kuquest returned Sunday
from his sheep camp near Abert
Lake, where he went in compauy
with Jonas Norln, whose camp is
80 miles farther north. Pete says ho
didn't And everything to his liking,
but that he will pull through the
winter, however.
15 ii. Kxaminick: An officlul Invita
tion Is hereby extended to theCounty
of Iake, to make a special exhibit,
either In its own behalf or in connec
tion with some other body, munici
pal or otherwise, at the lewls and
(lark Centennial Exposition to tie
held in Portland In 1905. It is the
purpose of the Exposition to encour
age comprehensive exhibits by coun
ties and by chamtiers of commerce,
boards of trade and othercommerclal
organizations. For exhibits of this
character, Illustrating the resources,
industries and progress of commun
ities, the following regulations have
been provided:
First: The preparing and Install
ing of exhibits by counties or organ
izations will tie left to the counties
or organizations In whose name or
ander whose authority the exhibits
are made. Counties or organiza
tion may erect separate buildings,
or may Install their exhibits in the
state building of the state in which
I the county or organization is located.
Space will tie provided on the Expo
sition grounds for all buildings erect
ed by counties and organizations
and no charge will be made therefor.
Plans and specifications for such
buildings shall be submitted to the
Director-General for his approval.
Second: All collective exhibits
made by counties and trade organ
izations will be permitted to par
ticipate in the general competition;
that is, tie both collective and com
petitive. I desire to enlist your co-operation
and support In this movement, and
respectfully to urge early considera
tion of this Invitation so that, if
favorable action be taken, we may
allot the necessary space and give
you ample time to proceed with
' preparations for your exhibit.
Whatever may be the decision upon
our invitation, I am satisfied we can
shaiie our plans so as to harmonize
all efforts to the end that your ex
hibit may lie highly creditable, not
only to your progressive community
and state, but to the Exposition as
We feel confident that the arrange
ment we propose will offer to coun
ties an exceptional opportunity of
demonstrating their potentialities
at the Lewis and Clark Exposition
of 1905, and that the result of ex
hibits made' in this way will be
beneficial to all.
Very respectfully,
Henry E. Rkkii,
IHreetor of Exploitation.
Portland, Feb. 23, 1SW4.
T. E, Bernard and Mr. Wilbur, hav
ing henrd that the J aps and Russians
were going to invade America and
that Ooose Lake would lie the base
of supplies for one of those countries,
have on the ways a first-class bat
tleship, which will be launched on
Uoose Iwike In a very short time.
They don't hesitate to say that they
will blow any fleet out of the water
that approaches wlthiu 15 miles."
The gentlemen are making a row
and sail boat, out of galvanized
iron, which will lie used on Goose
Iake for hunting and fishing wheu
the season opeus. An air tight com
partment will be fitted in each end
to prevent the boat from sinking if
it should tie upset.